Friday, 23 December 2011

To Follow God or not

Good Day Dear Saints

I don't know about you, but I sense that this coming year is going to be a year that is critical. I have known too many Christians that say they are one, but live as though it is really questionable. I believe it is a time when we say who we are, we need to live it out, whether we feel like it or not. To truly follow the Lord is to follow His loving ways by loving one another without making any conditions. Especially, to first and foremost love the Lord with all our heart, mind, body, soul and spirit. How many times do we become bitter and not realize we may have been bitter towards the Lord Himself? Before Christ was committed to His ministry, He was prayed up in advance. If He needed to be prayed up, how much more do we need this? We need to be prayed up in advance and make up our minds to love the Lord and trust Him no matter what, before events come that we find ourselves going through that would otherwise cause us to fail to love Him or love others. I believe this is the time many of us have to decide to follow Him regardless or not. Too many Christians say one thing who they believe they are, but live entirely another way. Our greatest witness is not what we say, but how we live out what we say. When many pray the Lords prayer, they pray for God to forgive them as they have forgiven those who have trespassed against them, yet they continue to treat others with contempt, which is nothing but hypocrisy. That to me does not identify those who are true followers of Christ. The measure we love the least amongst our Brethren is the measure we love the Lord. To sing to the Lord with open arms while at the same time, we harbour contempt or bitterness towards others in our hearts is dispicable. I would hate to see one day that the Lord would ever question any of us "Why did you show contempt towards Me?" all because we showed contempt towards others (Matt 25:40,45). When we lack love towards our Brothers or Sisters in the Lord, we lack that same measure of love towards Christ. When we speak evil or slander one another, we do it as unto the Lord. When we speak well of others, visit the sick, clothe the naked, meet the needs of others and are mindful and respectful to others, we are showing the same respect to our Lord. Just imagine how irritating it must be to the Lord, when we play "Church" and put on our "church face", sing in the choir and are active in many ways, but we fail to do what is most critical... and that is to show true genuine Godly love. To God, He says that is like a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal (1 Cor 13:1), which to me, would be most irritating. Christ mentions to His Disciples that it is better to have a plate of herbs and peace than to have a fattened calf and strife in the house (Prov 15:17). When that is the case, we have failed to deal with a critical matter at hand that matters the most. It's also like swallowing a camel and yet straining a gnat (Matt 23:24) by making a big issue over petty agendas and making light from promoting peace and unity. I believe as we enter in to 2012, this is going to be a time where we need to make a decision in advance and purpose in our hearts to fulfill the law and the Prophets (Matt 22:36-40) and live by the rule of love in every detail as found in 1 Cor 13:4-8.
Too many people are sitting idly on the fencepost who need to make a decision to either follow the Lord regardless, or allow ourselves to decide to follow our own fickle feelings that often opposes following the Laws of love which is following the Lord. In other words, when He tells us to forgive, we cannot be making excuses. We need to purpose in our hearts to divorce ourselves from all gossip, slander, all ungodly behaviour, that is unbecoming and anything that would promote strife, factions, divisions or that fails to promote love, peace and unity. That with His help, Gods Spirit will arise within us when we understand that His Love, His Power and Wisdom far exceeds our own and we gladly yield ourselves to His loving ways. I declared that 2011 was a year of restitution and bring unity in to the body. I now believe if those who refuse to allow love and unity to rule their spirit, they need to make a decision that we are going to follow the Lord or not. Follow in His loving ways to love others, or we are not and stop making excuses. We are going to promote peace and harmony, or we are not. I believe it is time to make this coming year, to make a critical decision to follow the Lord and allow the fruit of the Spirit to be evident, or we are not.

My prayer is that all will be most blessed to Choose His loving ways in all His ways and make 2012 the most blessed year for you and see the increase of Christ within, His love and His power be exalted in each of our lives and be part of a wonderful revival in our midst.

Be blessed to browse my updated blog and both websites. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Now thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ and who maketh manifest through us the savor of His knowledge in every place.
(2 Cor 2:14) NKJV

Friday, 2 December 2011

Priceless Gift of Understanding - Part 2

Dearest Saints,

When God offers us gifts, like wisdom and understanding, I often have to admit from my past that I don't appreciate the wonderful value of this and possibly many other of His Gifts including the gifts of the Spirit. I believe many of the Churches are not as strong in the Lord as they should be. And one of these attributes missing is the Church members lacking in understanding. What I believe gaining this valuable gift will allow us to remain strong in the Lord when circumstances around us would cause us to get upset, moody or even depressed. When I have either travelled much in poorer nations or gone through trauma, I am able to share the pain of others because I have learned through experience to understand what is truly important in life and what is needed. When I stopped coveting material things, it was after I had understood the pain that others lack the basic necessities in life to be able to live in a healthy environment. Another strength in gaining understanding is the result of keeping focused on always promoting unconditional love for one another, maintaining peace and unity with one another, just as God wills for us to develop and maintain. Gaining understanding would also allow us to refuse being lead of the evil one who is out to bring division between Brothers and Sisters, we would cease to allow any gossip or strife to have any place within our church when we desire and delight to gain understanding from His Throne on High. When we gain understanding, Gods power moves wonderfully through His Children because this is a gift which allows us to be able to be set free from ever remaining in bondage by harbouring any unforgiveness, bitterness, envy or resentment which is a trap of the enemy and allows him to be effective in our lives. We will have the wisdom and insight to ever refrain from slandering one another that causes chaos which is the result of the enemy who is often able to work through the children of God more times than we care to admit, which is most unfortunate.
Gaining understanding more and more is seeing with our spiritual eyes and heart the wonderful qualities of God and His character increasing in us ever so much. John says in John 3:30, that He must increase and I must decrease. It is like seeing Him and His Word in a whole new dimension that should cause us to love deeply. I also sense that when we desire, ask and receive understanding, we will know the importance to a life of prayer, being able to gain discernment to be able to give Godly counsel and being able to minister as we are called to do. The Church will always be seeking to increase in love, peace and unity within the body when we delight to gain this priceless gift of wisdom and understanding. I believe we will also hate anything that does not promote these attributes and we would hate to ever cease bearing fruit. Therefore, it is not just a matter of refraining from doing evil and hating evil, but equally hating not to grow more in the Lord. I believe gaining understanding will cause us to have integrity to do what is right, even when we may be mocked or receive adversity from others or fail to receive any praise from others including Church members. I believe when we see this wonderful gift of understanding to receive from the Lord, we will be able to defend ourselves and others by being fitted with the armour of God so we can stand against the wiles of the enemy (Eph 6:10-18). Receiving His Understanding will not allow ourselves to be vulnerable to the enemy and will allow His Spirit to grow within us more and more. It will allow us to live by the wisdom of His Word and His instructions, that helps us from getting sidetracked by the deceptive ways of our real enemy. No wonder this gift is worth so much more than all the gold, silver and precious jewels this world could ever offer. When we receive His Grace, it is because we humbly approach His Throne of Grace with confidence in Him (Heb 4:16) and by His Grace, we can stop allowing ourselves to be used of the devil and be used mightily by Him.
I would love to see how powerful the Churches can be if we would only desire by asking to receive His wisdom, knowledge and understanding that will allow His Spirit to move mightily within each of us and within the Churches so that we can be more effective and have more positive influence to reach out within our community and beyond the borders of our nation.

Be blessed to browse my updated blog and both websites. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Friday, 25 November 2011

Priceless Gift of Understanding

Dearest Saints.
Earlier this month, we celebrated by taking time to remember those who fought against enemy forces alongside with our allies so that we may enjoy the democratic freedom we are so blessed with, known as either Remembrance Day as we celebrate each year in Canada and other nations know as Veterans Day. As I continue to serve in the Naval Reserve and served in the Regular force, I have often been away working from home of great distances and in very remote regions, like in the middle of the ocean for weeks or in the high arctic as a couple of examples. When I give time to think of my experience in this, it gives me much greater appreciation to those who were gone much greater period of time than I ever had and to experience a much greater volatile situation, like those who fought in the past world wars. When I take time to think of my experience, I understand the sacrifices much more than others who never experience being away on duty in an operational environment. I sense a greater appreciation to others when we understand others by what we experience. When God tells us to get understanding, I realize that when we do desire understanding, we come to a point where we are able to appreciate others in a much greater way who may not be similar in our own character and our own way of thinking. By understanding more to those who fought for our freedom and are often away fighting terrorism and attempting to rebuild nations far away from home, we have a greater appreciation when we truly understand others when we take the time to reflect and contemplate situations when others may have endured hardships. I find we fail to appreciate when we don't take the time to stop and think of what others may have had to endure and the consequences of being away from the comforts of home and family. When we fail to understand, we don't end up appreciating others for what they have had to endure and sacrifice, even when it is to our own benefit and comfort.
I find the same thing in our own churches. When we fail to understand and desire true knowledge, wisdom and understanding that comes from God, we often see the results of making harsh and rash judgments about others in our own circles and often base our critical views of the actions of other people rather than the intentions of the heart of people. By this, we fall in to the hands of the enemy by doing his destructive will. Sure, people may have made dumb mistakes, but have we not all made some dumb mistakes ourselves? People in our Churches who lack understanding often find fault of others and often fail to see their own faults. When I stop and think, God has been impressing upon me to reflect to understand others in a way that will allow me to cease being rash and becoming critically judgmental and rather, to pray for the individual. When I think of how people have misunderstood me and have failed to forgive me, it is often the case that they have misunderstood my intentions which is the result of lacking understanding. Therefore, I am continuing to learn from my experience of this, that maybe I have misunderstood others and should be mindful to quickly forgive. I believe when we truly desire to gain understanding, we will be able to forgive others rather than being lead to not forgive by the actions of others and not knowing their intentions. We will also desire unity more and be in the will of God by praying more for others when we choose to get understanding. When we gain understanding, we see the big picture because it is only natural that man judges by appearances because the natural man has no understanding when it comes to the things of the Spirit (1 Cor 2:24). Just as David says in Psalm 73:12-19, that when he understood the end of the wicked, he felt sorry for them rather than harboring bitterness towards them. David was envious towards the wicked when he felt they were always prospering until it was when he finally understood by going to God and saw the big picture rather than focusing on the present activity of injustice. I believe besides Jesus, Stephen was a man of understanding, because he was able to feel sorry for those who were stoning him to death because he saw the big picture of the consequences of their ways and how his oppressors were blind to their wicked ways. No wonder God emphasizes for us to gain understanding, because it is a priceless gift to receive in order to truly develop a wonderful character of Christ. Refusing to seek and receive understanding is like letting down our shield when our enemy attacks.
When we learn to get understanding from the One who is able to give to those who hunger and ask, getting this is truly better than all the gold, silver and precious jewels one could ever attain, because this is a real need to develop that wonderful strength and character of Christ. Therefore, let us ask for understanding and believe He gives liberally to those who ask (James 1:5) because of His wonderful ability to work in a heart that is hungry. I believe Churches today would be much better off if we would all choose to get understanding. Good scriptures of this is found in Psalm 119:104; Proverbs 3:13; 4:5; 16:6 and 23:23.

Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is the man who finds skillful and godly Wisdom, and the man who gets understanding [drawing it forth from God's Word and life's experiences], (Prov 3:13) Amplified Version

Be blessed to browse my updated blog and both websites. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Remembering His Goodness

Dearest Saints,

We are coming to one of my favorite times of the year, when we are to take time to remember the sacrifice of those who gave their lives for us to enjoy our freedom. I am glad that as we reflect to remember, we remember the One who gave the greatest sacrifice by what Jesus paid so we can be offered eternal life. It is these times that when we are truly grateful to those whom we should honor, this happens when we choose to remember. When we take communion, Jesus tells us to do this often in remembrance of Him. In other words, we need to be mindful to purposefully remember why we celebrate when otherwise it would become nothing more than a ritual and would lose its deep meaning. However, sometimes when we remember the wrong events in our lives, we can become bitter from the negative actions of others that had its negative effect on us. For myself, I can remember working for a retail outlet (after I have retired from the Regular Forces) and worked hard to do my best. However, I wanted to honor the Lord, so when I had no choice but to go to work 4:00 in the morning on Sunday, I would stop working by 10:00. I was asked to see if I would stay back to work more, and I said I would like to go and attend church service. Nevertheless, several months later, the employers decided to hand out some pink slips to their employees and lay them off for no apparent reason. Of course, I was one of them and others who chose to stay working rather than having to do anything with Church, were granted to remain being employed. So, knowing my flesh, I would be upset and envious and question God "Why this injustice?" This happened about 10 years ago. If I continue by choosing to dwell on this particular scenario about this injustice, I would continue to remain in bondage by harbouring bitterness, which we know would only do us more harm in every way. This is where that "self pity" becomes destructive. As I reflect from this on the other side of the coin, I could have been like the others and chose to not go to the service just to save my job. However, what man had closed the doors on me, the Lord opened wide the doors of much better opportunity because we delight to do His will. I have had the privilege of being employed full time in the Naval Reserve with much better pay, much better working conditions and much better working hours, where I don't have to get up at 3:00am and work different shifts. I have been privileged to travel with my work and be invited to many different units to help them out in their finance section and help train junior members and teach classroom, which I love to do immensely. Had I chosen to do otherwise, I would have missed out so much on the rich blessings by following His ways. So, when I could have remained in bondage to what I had believed to be a great injustice, I choose now to reflect and remember the blessed outcome of my decision because of what the Lord has graciously done for me. In many other instances, I could also dwell on the negative circumstances that occurred in my life from some of the past events that took place. Again, what helps me is when I stop dwelling on the injustice, but how the Lord has opened wide His arms when I reached up to Him. Those who have offended are the ones who still are wandering in spiritual darkness and perhaps I would never have reached out to the Lord in my time of need had I not gone through some of the valleys of life. Perhaps, I would remain like them by trying to be like one of them and remain to this day in spiritual darkness. It reminds me of a scripture that for every trouble, we will receive a double blessing (Isa 61:7) For your shame ye shall have double, and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess the double; everlasting joy shall be unto them.

Therefore, I realize what I need to do is to choose not to dwell on the negative circumstances, but the rejoice in the blessings of the outcome that the Lord has opened up to us. Just to know we are His, is a rich blessing beyond any amount of money anyone on this earth could ever attain. Who knows, maybe we would not have reached out to the Lord if it weren't for our enemies?? When we see Jesus as our common denominator, we can believe that whatever man or the powers of darkness has ever done against us, God is able to do exceedingly if we will simply believe. I can truly testify that when trouble came against me in the past, God made a better way for me. I can now claim the power of the promises of His Word and know that when God is for us, who can stand against Us? (Rom 8:31); and read Deut 20:4.

I encourage you that when you are tempted to dwell on the negative actions that others may have done to you because God is able to do exceedingly for us. We can have victory as we dwell on how good He is to us and the promises we can live according to His Word if we will choose to keep our mind steadfast upon the Lord and His goodness and He promises that we will have perfect peace (Isa 26:3). It is easier for us to remain thankful to Him who is worthy when we remember His goodness to us, because His faithful promises are reserved for those of us who love the Lord.

Be blessed to browse my updated blog and both websites. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Blessing our Enemies?

Dearest Saints,

As I was watching a program recently, I truly learned a message I needed to give serious thought to. I have to admit that I have spoken curses against several ungodly events that often takes place. I compared myself to an individual who was interviewed about doing the same thing. This Christian indicated that each day, as he drove past a certain strip joint, he always spoke curses against it in order to condemn their actions and remove this disgusting night club from continuing to exist. However, as he drove by week after week, month after month and finally year after year, he always spoke curses against it and found that his efforts were seemingly futile! He later approached a mature Christian friend of his and asked why God wasn't answering his prayer to condemn and close up this strip joint? This friend of his mentioned something profound. He mentioned to him that it was not Gods will that we should ever curse, even though these events are most evil in the sight of God. He mentions in James 3:11 that sweet waters and bitter waters should not be flowing out of the same fountain. God even instructs us to bless our enemies!! What?? Why would we dare want to see our enemies prosper in what they were doing? The problem with this question is that this is the wrong mentality thinking in the first place. When this gentleman was giving instruction about blessing those who were obviously doing anything but Gods will, he mentions that when we bless them, we are joining our heart with the heart of God. Also, when we are instructed to bless them, it does not mean that they financially or inheritently prosper in the business they are in and continue to do the things that may be an abomination to God. But when we truly bless them, we are praying that God will in fact change their heart and become the type of people who would long to come to know Christ and in the power of His resurrection, just like the Apostle Paul yearned for (Phil 3:10). So when this particular person realized this, he started to speak blessings upon the people running this night club every time he drove by and no longer speaks curses against it. It was only a week later when he started to speak blessings over this building, that this strip joint was closing up and was already on the market for a new business to replace it.

Therefore, what has happened was the fact that we may have a totally wrong mentality when it comes to speaking a blessing upon the enemies of God and the evil of this world. We are not speaking blessings to cause them to prosper that will cause them to attain further worldly gain, but in fact, the opposite may happen in order to allow the hearts of these people to turn to God and become the person God wants them to be in the first place. Just like the story of Jonah, who wanted this wicked nation of Ninevah to be destroyed because of all the evil which took place in that nation. God didn't want to destroy this nation, but the hearts of this nation to be changed. God wanted to use Jonah to go there and be a blessing to this nation by turning the hearts of these people to God. When we do speak blessings upon our enemies, I know the results will be much better when we do the will of God and bless our enemies and leave the results in His capable hands. What I had learned from the error of my ways is that we often associate blessings with financial prosperity and living with a life of ease and being merry and never encountering any problems or difficulties. However, when we join our heart with God and speak blessings upon our enemies and the enemies of God who are obviously not living according to His will, we actually are allowing God to do whatever He needs to do to turn the hearts of these people to Him. It may result in unfortunate incidents as the world may know, but if our heart is in line with Gods heart, our motive would be that God would do what He knows to do to the exact measure to turn the hearts of people to Him with the hope that destruction would not have to take place in peoples lives. God is gracious to us because He tells us that we don't often receive what our sins deserve (Psalm 103:10). Therefore, His will is obviously that the outsiders would not be penalized to the point of the measure of their sins either. I want to encourage each of us to be like people whom God can say of us that we are people after Gods own heart to go that extra mile to speak blessings to our enemies so that they too can know the goodness of God and become people of God. Just as their is power in agreement of prayers, it is therefore powerful when we get in agreement with God (Matt 18:19) and bless our enemies (Matt 5:44) so we can watch God move on their behalf.

It is especially true when I take time to remember the mercies I always receive from God in an awesome way, it is only then that I am able to give that same measure of mercy to others in their time of need.

Psalm 103:10 He has not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

Be blessed to browse my updated blog and both websites. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Overcoming worldly sorrow

Dearest Saints.

When we considered some of the results of worldly sorrow, we first mentioned about being a victim of someone elses abuse. What I have found helpful is to recognize that the real enemy to all mankind is the devil and his angels, not flesh and blood. I know it is very difficult to get this concept around our minds when I see how I have reacted many times in the past when being confronted from other people. When we focus on flesh and blood as our real enemies, we will see ourselves as a victim from those who would otherwise oppress us or persecute us. When we realize that the ones who oppress others are a victim of the real enemy who is able to use them, we will see the true picture of what is taking place in the spiritual realm. When we consider the grave eternal consequences of their actions, we will understand that they are blind by their actions and they have no concept of the account they may give because of their actions. When we keep our focus on who the real enemy is (satan and his angelic followers), we will be like Jesus and like Stephen. They did not see themselves as a victim, but they saw those who were crucifying Him and stoning Stephen. They both cried out to God with Godly sorrow for those who came against them and said "Father, forgive them for they not know what they do". When we focus on this and have this mindset, it is an awesome liberating truth that sets us free from becoming a slave to the enemy. If our enemies would only have their spiritual eyes opened, they would see the evil of their ways and repent immediately. But, because the enemy has blinded them from knowing this reality, they are truly the ones who are the real victim.
In 2 Cor 4:3-10, we read: But if our Gospel be hid, it is hid to those who are lost, 4whose unbelieving minds the god of this world hath blinded, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 5For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. 6For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 8We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; 10always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
Therefore, when we are troubled and persecuted, we don't have to be a prisoner and feel like a victim when we see the bigger picture, focus on who the real enemy is and stop seeing ourselves as the victim.

Another point we talked about is how a person is deceived by the enemy to think that their sins are bigger than Gods Grace to pardon and forgive us of our past sins when we repent. I liked a story I recently heard during our service from my Senior Pastor. It was about a man who was caught stealing from the US Mail back in the 1800s. During that time, as we thought of this as a petty crime, he was in fact sentenced to be executed. When President Lincoln at the time was granting a full pardon to the man, the man never accepted the pardon that was granted. He then stood before the Judge and he was eventually executed. The pardon that was offered to this man in full was worthless simply because he refused to receive a pardon and ended up being penalized. I wonder how often we have that mindset. As His Children, we can come to Him to receive a full pardon that we would be otherwise convicted. Christs pardon and forgiveness is always available to us, but when we don't accept His pardon because we don't feel worthy, this is the enemy sowing these thoughts in to our minds. We end up punishing ourselves and remaining a prisoner when we can otherwise be set free by receiving Gods Grace and pardon for us. Gods pardon and Grace is valued differently to many people. Some people will see the full value of His Grace and Mercy, while others in different measure will not have its value simply because they are believing a lie from the enemy and not seeing the truth of His Grace and Mercy that has been extended to each of us. His Grace is worth to us to the measure that we believe and receive His Grace and pardon for us. It never has anything to do with the measure of Gods Grace, but it has to do with the measure of how we believe and receive His Grace for us. Don't let us be like that man who was executed. His actions by feeling sorry for himself are never justified. Worldly sorrow lead this convicted man to his eternal death, just like it did for Judas Iscariot!

Think of how God would react if one would not receive His full pardon and the price He was willing to pay by His Son Jesus to offer us His total forgiveness? Do you think for one minute God would be pleased with the man who would not accept His Grace? Friends, let us always believe and receive the Lords Grace, Mercy and pardon when we do repent regardless how big we think our sins are or how many times we commit the same sins over again. God is BIGGER than our sins and His GRACE is mightier than our faults. When we don't receive Gods Grace and Pardon, what a devastation that will be to anyone to refuse such an awesome and priceless gift!!

Be blessed to browse my updated blog and both websites. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Root Causes of Worldly Sorrow

Dearest Saints,
I always like to find out the root of a real problem from allowing the enemy to have gained an initial foothold that has allowed ourselves to be a prisoner of serving "self" that leads to worldly sorrow. I always believe the enemy of our soul does not have any legal entry in to the lives of Christians unless we allow him or give him access. Jesus Himself said that the devil had nothing in Him because He did not allow the devil to have any access in to His life (John 8:49). One of the most devastating and destructive bondages I have dealt with in my life is being "self-ish". So I have to wonder, why is it that I had a problem being selfish and some others whom I had known weren't bothered by it? I always like to find the causes of different reasons why a person becomes selfish and self centered. This doesn't mean that we are not to look after ourselves, but it becomes a problem when we are so fixated on our selves that very little care is ever being considered towards others. The Bible speaks often about having a healthy balance where neither extremes are good. When we do Gods will, it is always for our own benefit. While selfishness is obviously not Gods will for us, we aren't expected to just look after others while we don't ever take a minute for look after ourselves, which is not healthy either. The Bible tells us in two verses in Proverbs:
1. Proverbs 20:10
Differing weights and differing measures--both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.
2. Proverbs 20:23
Differing weights are an abomination unto the LORD, and a false balance is not good.
So when we are talking about being selfish, it is taking it to a level that is completely out of balance when we do need to take care of ourselves at the same time. There may be more than the examples I would like to share, but here is a start. When we see the result of someone being selfish, I believe here are some examples:

a. Someone being hurt so many times in the past by others or badly hurt with deep emotional wounds that results of you not trusting anyone else and the fact that this person doesn't even trust God, which is a great barrier when we fail to put our trust in the One whom we should, which is Christ Jesus.

b. When you fixate your mind on something someone else has and it gets to the point that you want it so bad, you lust after it. This is that covetous spirit that causes a person to think that if they don't have this material possession or other satisfying goal such as travelling the world, or any other ambition that they won't be happy. Especially when we see others doing them or having them and you don't. This comes when we compare ourselves to the others who may have more than us rather than seeing ourselves that are most likely much better off than 90% of the world. When this occurs, a person becomes competitive which leads to a person becoming envious and jealous, which the Bible often warns of its severe consequences, and we forget how blessed we really are.

c. When you don't feel that you measure up to other peoples standards, qualifications or expectations which I believe is also a condition that may cause a person to be consumed with "self", or you don't value yourself as God values you.

d. It may be by being a people pleaser that you value your reputation rather than being a pleaser of God that develops Godly character.

I heard it once said that the difference between when a person values their reputation is when they care about what others think of them. On the other hand, a person who learns to develop Godly character cares about what God knows about them, despite what others may think of them. Valuing our own reputation is another sign that eventually develops worldly sorrow when we are always concerned about valuing ourselves to what people say or think of us. When we can identify some of the root causes, we need to see how to stop feeding our flesh in these areas of our lives that would promote ourselves developing worldly sorrow and see what we need to do to change that as we seek Gods Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us and purposefully allow ourselves to have a teachable spirit within us.

These segments that I write are not simply just any subject that I pull out of a hat and try to study them in order to share, but it is part of my life experience in each case which I have learned from. I now realize more than ever is important to share with one another what we have learned and to pass vital information to others who may desperately need to hear from our experiences. The reason why I think I may have learned much about different issues is not because I have any educational intellect, but because I tend to be one of those people who have to learn the hard way rather than just initially listening to advice and wisdom from others instead. When we can share a real life testimony, this is a powerful tool that shuts the mouth of the accuser (the devil) in Rev 12:11. When we see how we have handled situations that lead us down the wrong path, we can now look at what we can do with Gods help to promote changes in our life that will lead us down the path that leads to life. So when we have our moments of grieve, with Gods help, we can make progress to promote Godly sorrow that really does in fact heal us and brings forth life. Next, we will look at ways of how we can make positive progress from what we have identified some of the root causes.
Associate Director – Answers2Prayer

Friday, 9 September 2011

Destructive Results of Worldly Sorrow

Good Day Saints.

There are so many hurting people including Christians that I want to reach out to, because of the pain I did bear, which has given me a desire to reach out to bless others in their time of need. Most remarkably is what we think is often a curse when we go through trials is something that God can use through us to be a blessing to many others who are in need of comfort. Had I not gone through many of the trials that I would normally would rather had not, God would not be able to use myself as an example to reach out to others who are in need. He often brings us through certain valleys to be a special vessel of Him to reach out to be a blessing to others that are going through similar trials we had once gone through. This lesson by reaching out to others is what builds healthy relationships that is not easily broken.

As I contemplate often of how people have reacted to myself when I was going through deep valleys, I always appreciated those who understood my pain and did not simply give me a bunch of wise counsel all the time, but just to know they understood what I was going through and to just be there in prayer as a friend would. Sometimes, the best thing we can do for someone who is struggling and going through difficult times is to say nothing and hold their hand and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15). I have often heard that the best counselors were not the ones who often gave advice to their clients, but were the ones who simply asked questions, showed interest to the person grieving because they simply listened to them intently. When Job was going through his darkest days, he was most frustrated with his friends because they thought they had all the answers to the problems of his trials with giving advice rather than comforting him at his greatest time of need. No confrontations ever took place when his friends decided to grieve with him for the first 7 days when nothing was said but were there which comforted him (Job 2:11-13). Then the problems all started when Jobs friends tried to counsel and lecture him to make him think it was due to some sort of sin he was being punished for, rather than to console him by sharing his grief and grieving with him. I have found when I went through deep valleys, the best medicine I had received was when people just were interested to listen and understand the grief that one goes through. I have found that when we allow someone to go through a grieving process, an internal cleansing takes place deep within their soul. I also realized that although grieving was healthy, self pity on the other hand can be destructive. In 2 Cor 7:10, Paul tells the Corinthians that Godly sorrow and grief is what heals us and brings forth life, while worldly sorrow brings forth death. The fact that just the difference between grieving (Godly sorrow) and self pity (worldly sorrow) can be the result of such a great magnitude, where one brings life and healing, when the other destroys and leads to death, I think it is worth taking a serious look at. The initial problem I see that leads a person to later developing self-pity is when a person becomes so consumed in their self-interests only. When you care so much for your "self" and often do not give regard to any other, I believe worldly sorrow comes in to effect. Because when things don't go right for you, what you have hoped to satisfy your selfish needs has failed at meeting your needs or your expectations. Often times, when we put too much expectations on people, especially to our husbands or wives, we are in for a rough relationship because they are going to fail us regardless, when we should be putting our expectations on the One who died on the Cross for the entire world (1 John 2:2) Other instances I believe causes worldly sorrow is when a person puts all their hopes in their job, the economy, and/or the government to take care of them or finding security in the things we possess. Sooner or later, these things that are truly unstable are not going to be there for you and when they become a loss, or they have failed you, a person turns inwardly and develops worldly sorrow which does nothing but destroy the person by having self pity. This is that worldly sorrow we read about that brings forth death.

For myself, I believe that the tremendous trials I had gone through and endured was much harder than I needed to go through. Simply because back 15 years or a couple of decades ago, I was so consumed in doing so much for me, accomplishing so much for myself that I had very little time, if any, to have any care or thought for anyone else. I was consumed with self and when things did not go right and all seemed wrong, I was close to being destroyed by the real enemy who used this opportunity for me to be consumed with what I wanted out of life rather than finding fulfillment in what I could do for others. I know as I look back, if I had not been so consumed with living for "self" and fulfilling my self-interests so much, any unfortunate incidents that took place would have been far less devastating for me had I not been so consumed with thinking of taking care of "me". It is always amazing that everyone I have met that has lived more selfishly are the ones who are more bitter about life in general. Even in cartoon characters, when young people looks at them, the greedy and self indulgent characters always have that ugly and upsetting look about themselves. No wonder the Bible (which gives us Life), tells us that it is more blessed to give then to receive (Acts 20:35). As I continue on the part of this series, we will continue with this topic on the great difference between the destructive effects of worldly sorrow and true Godly sorrow that truly does heal ones soul that brings forth life.

Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Use Our Past to Bless Many

Dearest Saints,

This is an encouraging thought the Lord continues to reveal to me. When a person looks back on their life, it may have been a much more troubling past then most others. Many would say "how unfortunate" and, if the person who had this troubling past, they can fall into being a prey of the devil and have a self-pity party and see themselves as "less fortunate". If we understand how God can use our past to be a blessing to others, there are certain people who have the ability to touch many peoples lives in ways because of their past, simply because they refuse to remain having a defeated mentality and know the awesome God whom we serve can make something great of our past to advance His Kingdom. I have seen that people who have gone through many trials are the ones who have made such a positive impact on other peoples lives, because they have developed an understanding heart. A person doesn't realize the importance and the impact of their decision, whether they decide to just remain defeated, or allow God to make something positive from their past to live for His purpose. They can wallow in self-pity and remain in bondage to the lies of the devil who tries to tell us 'nothing can be done about our past". Or these people can decide with the help of God, that no matter how traumatic their past may have been, they can make a decision with the help of God to use their past for the benefit of others. It is amazing, that the people who become bold enough to believe God to use their past to bless and touch the lives of others who are in need, God is able to do amazing things through people who will dare to believe God can use them. The other thing the devil wants us to believe is to feel that no one else goes through what we go through and no one understands. The good news is that Christ understands, because if anyone who has suffered greatly, it was Him. He also tells us that there are many others like us who are experiencing various great trials while to devil tries to lie to us to believe we are the only ones going through this particular trial. Therefore, our past has great value when we turn it over to God, ask and believe that He can use our past and gift us to minister to those beyond your expectation. Our reward will be great in Heaven because nothing from our past is in vain unless we fail to believe He can use our past for His future purposes. When we remain being bitter and wallow in self-pity, that is when we are defeated by the lies of the enemy.
Therefore, I challenge you to dare to believe, ask and be confident in the Lord that You may receive His Grace and Mercy in our time of need (Heb 4:16), and have confidence in Him to be able to use you in special ways as His anointed Ambassador to touch many lives all around. This is proof of my own testimony that I remembered thinking that I was of no value to society, and am now being greatly used of the Lord when I asked Him and wanted Him to now use me and use my past to bless others in their time of need. If the Lord can use me in mighty ways, just think of how much greater the Lord is able to use you as His wonderful anointed. He wants to use us in order to reward us. We serve a God who loves to reward those who believe and want to be used of Him for His good and perfect purposes. My life that was defeated has now been replaced with living a passionate and purposeful life, and He promises that what He can do for one, He can do for you. Praise His wonderful name.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Power of Our Confession

Dear Saints.

I often come across many Christians who remain in various bondages, while at the same time, they confess they are helpless or hopeless. God teaches us in His Word that we are often a product of what we become because of the confession of our mouth. This is not any type of New Age material, because new age only has to do with receiving power from within, where we get these instructions by reading what God has to say about it and applying His Word. His Word is powerful, which is what brought nothing into existence (Gen 1:3;6;9), it brought many healings, deliverances and He teaches us in (Matt 8:7,8) that the power of the tongue either brings forth life or death (Prov 18:21). When God tells us about the power of the tongue that will either do one thing or the other, I think from that, that this is extremely important that we need to take heed to. In (James 3:5-8) it mentions about the unruly tongue that causes the flames of hell itself to rise and how it defiles the body, just because of the words we speak. That is why we need to take this seriously because God tells us also in (Matt 12:36) that we are going to give an account for every idle and unprofitable word we utter (unless we repent). Therefore, if God tells us that He is going to judge our words, that means He takes what we speak seriously!!

When you hear people talk negatively against yourself or someone else, it is like a sharp sword that pierces us and it is like a ton of bricks hit us simply because of the wrong words spoken. Also, when we speak Gods Word which is meant to heal, this is equally powerful because when we speak the Words that line up with what God says in His Word, this is what brings healing to many souls and encourages souls, which we are called to do. Therefore, if words are this powerful, we need to be careful about what we speak about ourselves and to others. We should also then take advantage to speak words of encouragement and healing to others when we realize how powerful the wisdom of our words are when we speak Gods encouraging words over others. I find we are often our own worst enemy because we often speak negatively about ourselves more than anyone else. When we do, we are playing into the tricks of the enemy because it is contrary to what God says. I like what Paul says in Phil 4:13, For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". He spoke positively not because of who he was of himself, but he knew personally what Jesus meant to him, and he knew who he was in Christ. He would have been arrogant if he had left out Christ, but he knew that he could do anything that he was called to do because of Who Christ is. We need to stop speaking negatively towards ourselves and start speaking the positive Word of God instead. Afterall, if God says it, then it is TRUTH and we need to receive His truth by applying this truth and speaking His Word over us. I knew the power of negative words from my past because I became a product of that by living a defeated life by carrying a negative attitude with me and continued to think negatively all the time, which is totally contrary to what God has to say about each of us. Then, later when I understood that I was simply listening to lies of the enemy, I decided (by Gods Grace) to refute every lie and start speaking the truth of His Word over me. I can say as God is my witness that this powerful truth has completely turned my life around. When we catch ourselves speaking negatively towards ourselves, we need to immediately ask for Gods forgiveness, refute and refuse to accept any lies that God does not agree with and write down scriptures and speak it over us. When I often caught myself speaking negatively about losing my mind, I had to repent and declare the promise of His Word that says that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of Power, Love and of a Sound Mind (2 Tim 1:7). However, Gods Word which is TRUTH will benefit us when we not only believe it, but learn to receive it for ourselves and use His Word as a mighty Sword to speak it over ourselves and put it into practice. Scriptures tell us that the demons also believe, yet they tremble (James 2:19). Just like salvation, because it is when we not only believe in our heart, but when we make that confession to invite Christ to be our Lord that brings forth salvation (Rom 10:9,10). When people don't live in victory, it is not because God withholds from us, but because they don't receive His promises and apply it for themselves. We need to apply His Word to us if we expect to get anything out of it, by not only being hearers, but doers of His Word otherwise we are simply being deceived (James 1:22). We need to understand also that what others say that does not line up with Gods Word is nothing but a counterfeit because it is only Gods Word that is the High and ultimate standard of TRUTH, anything else is nothing but a lie. If the Word is a powerful sword of the Spirit, then we need to activate it by speaking it. So when we speak the encouraging Word of God over us, we are speaking a powerful Sword that defeats the enemy in our lives because the enemy cannot stand against Gods people when we declare Gods Word which is TRUTH. May I encourage each of us, to ask God to help us not only entirely believe His Word, but to learn to speak the powerful promises of His Word over us, to cease speaking negatively and ask God to help us live His Word which is what is ultimately the very best instructions for us to live in our entire existence. If spoken words are powerful, then let us use it to speak blessings to others and encourage others while it is called TODAY (Heb 3:13).

Romans 2:13
For it is not merely hearing the Law [read] that makes one righteous before God, but it is the doers of the Law who will be held guiltless and acquitted and justified.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Who will be amongst the Greatest in Gods Kingdom?

Dearest Saints,

I know there are some that agree, yet some disagree with me, but I believe there is the greater condemnation and then, there are those who will receive the greater rewards in Heaven. Jesus spoke harshly against the cities like Chorazin or Bethsaida that it will be more tolerable for Sodom & Gomorrah which means their punishment will be greater (Luke 10:13,14). In particular, Jesus often spoke more harshly against the Pharisees (Matt 23:14;23-29) who mentions about bearing the greater damnation (vs 14). He also mentions about those who have a heart and faith of a Child, that if anyone will become as a child, they will be amongst the greatest in the Kingdom of God (Matt 18:4). I also want to emphasize that when you read 1 Cor 3:10-15, it mentions about many Christians having our works tried by fire and much of our works is going to be burned up. In other words, there will often be little or no rewards, but barely making it in to Heaven by narrowly escaping the flames (1 Cor 3:12-15). Although we are never saved by works, we are saved to do good works and our works are going to be tried by God (1 Cor 3:14,15).

If a Child is expected to receive the best rewards and be amongst the greatest in Heaven, you can surmise that the Lord is most pleased when we become as a Child. That doesn't mean we think like a child and act like a child, but the need to have a heart of a Child. When you think of a Child and his/her earthly father, a child who loves will never question his father’s authority, his integrity, his instructions or expected to debate a matter. But rather, a child will always honor him, trust him and obey, regardless of how it may seem because he loves him and the child knows his father loves him and truly believes his father will care, protect and provide for him no matter what events may be happening. When you think that a child should be so blessed by having this kind of relationship with his earthly father, don't you think we should have this kind of loving relationship with our Heavenly Father that much more? I think we as Adults often miss out so much because we try to reason our way of thinking out of Gods instructions (2 Cor 10:5) when God says simply about something we should learn to follow. As an example, the Lord encourages us to eagerly prophesy so that the church may be edified (1 Cor 14:1,3). However, many don't believe that, but yet the Lord tells us just that in plain simple terms. This is when we are encouraged not to lean on our own understanding, but to trust Him regardless (Prov 3:5) by having that simple Child-like faith whom the Father is most pleased with. When a person has a mind of an adult, but a heart of a child, he/she will follow the Lord in every detail despite whether it makes sense or not because they choose to live by faith of what He says whether we understand it in our minds or not. We are encouraged to be adults in our thinking, but having a heart and faith of a child (1 Cor 14:20). When we have a heart of a Child and can have this relationship as a child has a loving relationship with his/her earthly father, we can be amongst the greatest in the Kingdom of God. When we are amongst the greatest in the Kingdom, we will know that the Lord is most pleased with us and will be greatly rewarded because of it. What a tragedy when many of those who may enter the Kingdom of God will have very little rewards and will suffer great loss because they failed to trust in their Heavenly Father like a Child would (1 Cor 3:15). I like to picture myself running as a little Child to the arms of the Father and calling Him "Abba Father" (Gal 4:6) or Heavenly Daddy. And just like an earthly child would run to his father, that we would do the same to our Heavenly Father who is able to love, protect and provide for us like no other because of His great and matchless love and care for us.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Wonders of His Love & Care

Good Day Saints!!

I keep thinking how amazing it is to realize how powerful doubt and unbelief are. When you consider that all God has created, what God can do from nothing and turn it into something valuable. When no powers of the hosts of the entire spirits of darkness that can have any dominion over God. When there is no sickness or diseases that God cannot heal. That there is no bad situation that God cannot turn it around for our good. However, the only thing that does stop God is our doubt and unbelief. For Jesus could not do any miracles in His own hometown because of unbelief. Even though there is nothing God cannot do, He cannot work on behalf of anyone who chooses to doubt His ability to help us, doubt His Word, doubt His care and love for us or when we choose just to not believe. By not believing, is not simply choosing to out-right say to God...I will not believe, but in a subtle way, we choose not to believe when we doubt His Mercy that relents His punishment for us, doubt His Grace to receive His forgiveness and rich blessings for us. To live in fear is because we doubt His love and care for us. We doubt His love for us because we choose to believe the lies that He will not forget our past sins after we repent. Doubt and unbelief is such a horrible, most powerful and deadly deterrent for God to do any work through us. It is just simply a matter for people to choose Life or death, blessings or curses, because He admonishes us to make that wise choice to CHOOSE LIFE. I am so glad that when I have made big mistakes in the past, He has forgiven me and has chosen to totally forget my past sins. Many times, I have often walked in fear and doubt. Recently, God has impressed upon me to picture Jesus standing right beside me, smiling down on me and wants to bless my life because He is able, willing and always there for me. He knows so much about each of us, that our very hairs are numbered. That although I don't have my prayers answered the way I like them answered, I am stronger than ever... being rich in faith, love and trust in Him knowing that He loves me and is able and willing to care for me. Because with His help, I have made that bold determination to remain focused on the presence of God standing beside me, reaching down to hold my hand, ready to always forgive, care, provide, teach and richly bless me because of the suffering He endured. For all the penalties He endured for our sakes, I am free from any curse and am going to humbly receive all that He has blessed me with. I am amazed at His love for me and how He has transformed my life from believing that I was totally useless in life to now believing He can do a tremendous work through me.

When I picture these wonderful thoughts (by keeping focused of His love and care for me), I am disgusted with myself from my past that I have often been fretful and ever holding on to guilt because I doubted His love and care for me. But now I am greatful that I don't hold any guilt because He lovingly sets me free because of His love for me. It makes me realize more and more how sad it must make God when people will choose not to believe when they want help but refuse to receive any Godly counsel all because they believe their sins exceed the Grace of God and choose not to believe His love and care for them. What else does God need to do to prove His love for us?? When I focus on His love for me over and over, more and more, the thought becomes more despicable to me that we should ever doubt His love or care. No wonder He says that when a person does not believe in Him, He is already condemned (John 3:18). All I can say is....How marvelous, How wonderful is my Saviours Love for me!! Speaking the powerful truth of His Word over me, over and over again to say that God loves me has now become a great stronghold and solid foundation in my life. I have more peace and steady calmness more and more when I speak the powerful truth of His love and word over me. It's amazing how powerful His Word is more and more when we hear ourselves speak His Word boldly over us. It is that Mighty Sword that defeats our enemy and he is no match to the powerful word of God when we continue to speak the power and protection of His Word over us. By keeping focused on His love for me, by speaking His blessings over myself and all of my entire situations in life, it keeps me ever so much stronger in Him. I will ask you to speak the blessings of Numbers 6:23 - 27, When God told Moses to SPEAK His Word over Aaron saying:

23"Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, `In this way ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them: 24The LORD bless thee and keep thee;
25the LORD make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; 26the LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.' 27"And they shall put My name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them."
Rich blessings to all.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)

Power of Corporate Prayer

Dear Saints.

I have been meditating on what I believe God is saying to me. When we see who we are in Christ (John 1:12), and the God of the universe takes residence in our bodies (1 Cor 3:16), then we have the God given power to do and believe He tells us what we can do and what He can do through us. When we need prayer, we should never be too proud to ask for prayer, nor think when we ask for prayer from others, that it is because we lack faith. When we know who we are in Christ and the plans He has for our lives, to richly bless His Saints (Ps 35:27), we should have that steadfast assurance. When we do ask for prayer, let us not with-hold to ever ask for prayer from one another, because we need each others prayer regardless!! When we deny asking for prayer from one another, we end up not giving any value to each other, we deny the value of corporate prayer. We also allow the enemy to rob us and end up robbing others from their blessings to pray for anything specifically we need to pray about, because we need to speak His Word over any of our situation. However, I do appreciate sometimes we need to ask an unspoken request. Let us not with-hold from sending a message or even if it is a short sentence just to bless someone or answering a prayer request. Receiving a short reply is a blessing. Just like giving a cold cup of water in His Name, you will be rewarded (Matt 10:42). We need to see how powerful it is when each one of us collectively prays for one another with that faith filled prayer that is in agreement (Matt 18:19,20). It is like flooding the enemy and seeing him almost drown in a sea of the Blood of the Lamb. For when the prayer of one can cast a thousand, and two...ten-thousand, just imagine the power we have when we pray corporately (Deut 32:30). I was having a vision of the heavens opening and the hosts of angels sounding the trumpets and chasing the enemies away as they were fleeing for their lives. Therefore, there are a couple of things we need to do:

Know who you are in Christ, and when you do, you can pray in faith knowing He hears and answers prayer (1 John 5:14,15) because He wants to prosper His Saints (Ps 35:27);
Let us not be afraid to ever ask for prayer from each other, for by our confessing our faults one to another, our land will be healed (James 5:16);
Whenever we do ask for prayer, please don't perceive that others lack faith, or don't ever think it is because you lack faith, because we need to see and value the power of corporate prayer, and see the value of having each other praying on our behalf. Let us not deprive others to pray specifically for our needs. For we are one body with many members to make a spiritually healthy body.

When we do pray, let us have that bold determination that our God will answer prayer, and when He doesn't answer to our way of thinking, let us have that bold determined expectation that He has something better for us REGARDLESS!

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Monday, 22 August 2011

Freeing Gods People

Dear Saints.

It is always a deep desire for me to encourage each one with a wonderful revelation that God inspires me to share for His glory and to benefit each of us. As I was heading to work, I was thinking about the bondages many of Gods people are in today. This is comparable to the fact that the Isrealites, who were considered Gods chosen people were also in bondage to the Egyptians (who is considered the world), under the rulership of Pharoah, who we can compare to the devil himself, because he is identified as the ruler of the people of this world known as the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). All through the chapters from Exodus 5 to Exodus 12, we see how Moses & Aaron came together as Gods Representatives to tell Pharoah to "Let My People Go" according to the will of God!! We, as Gods Representatives are compared to as Moses and Aaron (as Gods own Representative). When we compare ourselves as His Representative, just like Moses and Aaron were, we are to do the same by telling the devil (who represents Pharoah) to let go of Gods people!! Every time Pharoah hardened his heart and would continue to resist the demands given by Moses & Aaron, different plagues came against him and tormented him and often times the entire nation of Egypt. The plagues would intensify each time he hardened his heart against the commands of Moses & Aaron, being Gods Representative. When we are reminded to not live by Bread alone, but by every Word of God (Matt 4:4), then we too should do like Moses and Aaron and tell the devil to let go of Gods people and stop tormenting them. Otherwise, just like Moses and Aaron did, we too can pronounce a plague that will torment the devil and his angels as the Lord wills. Every time I feel like the devil is holding on and resisting when I speak against him, I continue with Gods authority to bind him under the curse of the Blood of Jesus that is to forever cling to him and not let go that will forever torment him. And every time he continues to harden his heart and resist, just like Pharoah did, that he will be a recipient of greater torment and a double portion of the Blood of Jesus to come against him until he is tormented to the point where he finally relents, just like Pharoah finally did.
As I take more time to ponder His Word more and more, He continues to give me revelation that what we read in His Word is for us to put to use, rather then just reading this as just some form of bedside story and just simply having knowledge of an historic event. He tells us in 2 Tim 3:16 that All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Therefore, what we read about this event is for our profit if we will put it to use. I believe that God had Moses and Aaron continue to do this for many times in order to teach us to be persistent and continue to declare our authority as Gods Representatives. What many Christians may be in torment may relate to financial difficulties, unsaved family, friends and relatives, different types of physical illnesses, unemployment and many other possible causes. We need to be persistent to come together (just like Aaron was with Moses), we need to make our demand to the devil, just like Moses did to Pharoah and tell him to let go of our unsaved loved ones...let go from our brothers and sisters who are fighting illnesses or whatever the case may be and tell him if he resists, that with Gods authority, that he will be a recipient of receiving plagues from God and will intensify every time he resists. By being persistent, we will develop the patience that will have its perfect work completed within us so that we lack nothing (James 1:4). Let us encourage one another to be doers of His Word and not hearers only (James 1:22-25) and live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God because the Bible is His Word and not just know about events we read, but to live by them. May God strengthen us to be persistent and be stronger and stronger in the Lord and boldly declare His Word which is the sword of the Spirit that attacks the enemy. For God tells us that the Righteous are as bold as a lion when we have confidence in the Lord because of who He is and what He should mean to each of us, has accomplished entirely for us and gave us His authority as His Representative (Luke 10:19).

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Our God given Vision

Good Day.

I heard a teaching recently about Gods people having a vision and the importance of keeping our vision in front of us, so we won’t lose focus.
A great scripture regarding this is found in Genesis 30:31-43 (Amplified Version) where Laban was supposed to give Jacob the spotted and speckled sheep. When Laban deceived Jacob, he received the sheep other than what he wanted. So, with the sheep he had that was one colored, he put a spotted and speckled rods in front of the sheep during conception and kept those rods in front of the sheep (vs 39). When it was time for them to give birth, they indeed gave birth to spotted and speckled sheep because they became focused on the speckled rod that was in front of them. The following verses are the Amplified Version of Gen 30:31-43.

[Laban] said, What shall I give you? And Jacob said, You shall not give me anything, if you will do this one thing for me [of which I am about to tell you], and I will again feed and take care of your flock.
Let me pass through all your flock today, removing from it every speckled and spotted animal and every black one among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats; and such shall be my wages.
So later when the matter of my wages is brought before you, my fair dealing will be evident and answer for me. Every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and black among the sheep, if found with me, shall be counted as stolen.
And Laban said, Good; let it be done as you say.
But that same day [Laban] removed the he-goats that were streaked and spotted and all the she-goats that were speckled and spotted, every one that had white on it, and every black lamb, and put them in charge of his sons.
And he set [a distance of] three days' journey between himself and Jacob; and Jacob was then left in care of the rest of Laban's flock.
But Jacob took fresh rods of poplar and almond and plane trees and peeled white streaks in them, exposing the white in the rods.
Then he set the rods which he had peeled in front of the flocks in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink. And since they bred and conceived when they came to drink,
The flocks bred and conceived in sight of the rods and brought forth lambs and kids streaked, speckled, and spotted.
Jacob separated the lambs, and [as he had done with the peeled rods] he also set the faces of the flocks toward the streaked and all the dark in the [new] flock of Laban; and he put his own droves by themselves and did not let them breed with Laban's flock.
And whenever the stronger animals were breeding, Jacob laid the rods in the watering troughs before the eyes of the flock, that they might breed and conceive among the rods.
But when the sheep and goats were feeble, he omitted putting the rods there; so the feebler animals were Laban's and the stronger Jacob's.
Thus the man increased and became exceedingly rich, and had many sheep and goats, and maidservants, menservants, camels, and donkeys.

Our Mission and Vision for us to see, needs to be in front of us continually, so we can envision (in our spirit) by the Grace of God. God doesn't want us to look at our past or circumstances right now, He wants us to see and envision of what we can be and press forward to do radically through us to be a rich blessing to many many souls. Just like Abraham was told by God to get out of the tent (enclosed by looking at his own circumstances) and He told Abraham to get out of the tent and look at the stars and get this vision that he will have descendants as numerous as the stars (Gen 15:1-5). He told Abraham first to Fear Not!! Then got him to take his eyes off his circumstances (from being inside the tent) and get a vision (by looking out) so he could see what God was promising him.

I encourage you to pray and be lead of God to write a vision because He wants each of us to have a vision. For He says that My people perish for lack of vision Prov 29:18. Therefore, everyone has a God given vision, but not every Christian has taken any steps to write down and pursue their God given vision which our dear Lord wants to give.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

"For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment" (Luke 1:37). Amplified Version

Blessed to be a Blessing

Dear Saints,

I think often about how God sees and cares about the little things we do. Just think of the blessings we miss out when we fail to do even the smallest things for others. In mans sight, when we simply show kindness to others, man sees this as insignificant, but in Gods sight, it is very significant. How would man even think that giving a cup of cold water in His Name would be rewarding at all? Some men would some times not even say "thank-you". Yet, God tells us that not only will we be rewarded, but will be richly rewarded when we give a cup of cold water to another in His Name. I think we often compare God to man and think that He does and sees things the same way man does. We often think that when we do great things, that is only when the Lord is really pleased, which is nothing but a lie. Every time you smile at someone or give a warm greeting, you will be blessed for all eternity. When you say a sweet simple prayer from the heart for someone, you will be blessed. When you encourage someone, you will be blessed. Or give a small portion of your time to someone who is lonely, you will be greatly rewarded. The smallest of blessings you receive from God is far greater than the greatest reward man receives from other men because they only last momentarily. The rewards God gives are eternal which no reward on earth can ever compare to. That is why we should never get discouraged when we feel we do not get the recognition or be rewarded when we feel we deserve it. If you know God to the measure of knowing how much He loves you and sees what you do, we will know without a shadow of doubt that He will reward you, unless you are trying to receive mans reward. It should cause us to just want to do the best we can and be the best we can be even when man does not reward us, because we serve a God who loves to reward His people. When we do anything to receive the applause of men, we will end up being ashamed to realize that we have forsaken being greatly rewarded for all eternity from God simply because we sought the rewards from man instead of doing good to others out of love (Matt 6:2-5). In fact, knowing this, By His Grace, I want to do and be the very best I can be for Gods Kingdom and will not trouble my spirit to ever be rewarded because we serve the One who is JUST and our labour done in love is never in vain. It is encouraging to know that we don't have to have a big ministry or do great things to be rewarded by God. Just think how many times we may have missed out being blessed and storing for us treasures in Heaven simply because we did not share a smile, did not greet our Brethren, did not make that phone call to simply say hi. When we realize that there are so many "little" things we can do for one another, we should always be finding ways to be a blessing to one another in any way, whether small or great. I don't want anyone to regret missing out on Gods blessings and His rich rewards simply because we failed to do the little things that truly can brighten someones day. By His Grace, we can be a rich blessing to someone each day and not only be rewarded in Heaven, but be rewarded even today inheriting His Joy and Peace simply because we first receive His love for us that compels us to do things out of love for others.

It is my prayer that when we are tried by fire, that we will not suffer from our works being like wood, hay or stubble that burns to ash, (because we have failed to seek to be a blessing to others), but the results of gold, silver and priceless stones as our great eternal rewards (1 Cor 3:10-15) simply because we ask Him to use us to bless others. May we allow God to compel us and be determined to see how we can be a richer blessing in little ways to many souls and be more blessed because of it.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Judas, The Man who never knew

Dear Saints, A friend of mine sent me this article. It's amazing how a person such as Judas could be with Christ for these several years, and yet not truly know Him. Otherwise, I believe if he really knew Jesus personally, he would not have done the dispicable. It's a very profound article I know you will find interesting.
I’ve wondered at times what kind of man this Judas was. What he looked like, how he acted, who his friends were.
I guess I’ve stereotyped him. I’ve always pictured him as a wiry, beady-eyed, sly, wormy fellow, pointed beard and all. I’ve pictured him as estranged from the other apostles.
Friendless. Distant. Undoubtedly he was a traitor and a quisling. Probably the result of a broken home. A juvenile delinquent in his youth.
Yet I wonder if that is so true. We have no evidence (save Judas’s silence) that would suggest that he was isolated. At the Last Supper, when Jesus said that his betrayer sat at the table, we don’t find the apostles immediately turning to Judas as the logical traitor.
No, I think we’ve got Judas pegged wrong. Perhaps he was just the opposite. Instead of sly and wiry, maybe he was robust and jovial. Rather than quiet and introverted, he could have been outgoing and well-meaning. I don’t know.
But for all the things we don’t know about Judas, there is one thing we know for sure: He had no relationship with the Master. He had seen Jesus, but he did not know him. He had heard Jesus, but he did not understand him. He had a religion but no relationship.
As Satan worked his way around the table in the upper room, he needed a special kind of man to betray our Lord. He needed a man who had seen Jesus but who did not know him. He needed a man who knew the actions of Jesus but had missed out on the mission of Jesus. Judas was this man. He knew the empire but had never known the Man. Judas bore the cloak of religion, but he never knew the heart of Christ.
We learn this timeless lesson from the betrayer. Satan’s best tools of destruction are not from outside the church; they are within the church. A church will never die from the immorality in Hollywood or the corruption in Washington. But it will die from corrosion within—from those who bear the name of Jesus but have never met him and from those who have religion but no relationship. Judas bore the cloak of religion, but he never knew the heart of Christ. Let’s make it our goal to know Him deeply who personally loves each of us.

Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Hidden talents?

Dearest Saints,
Did you ever think God has given you a talent that you may not know of? He doesn't look for qualified people in order to use, but He qualifies people so He can use. In other words, if God had to wait for me to be qualified to use me in any way, He would be waiting a very long time, or probably would have never come about if it meant for me to be "qualified". For someone like me who was probably one of the bottom students in our class in English, who could have thought I could have written two books? When I found myself encouraging many people throughout the weeks, months and years, I would never have thought in my dreams that I could ever qualify doing this, as I was so negative and had low self esteem in my earlier years. I hardly lived each day without saying and thinking so many negative words and thoughts about myself. It was a real revelation to realize how God could have turned my life completely around and use my past to be a blessing to so many. God uses the humble and the abase to shame the wise and prudent (1 Cor 1:20,27). For all the things I felt I would never be qualified to do, God had different plans. He has demonstrated to me many times that He can bring out wonderful talents that I never have imagined of having. I would have never known had I not made the attempt to do what I am now doing. God didn't look to choose highly educated people to be His Disciples to change the world. He purposely picked the most unlikely people that He could use, which most employers would have picked otherwise to represent them and their company.
I realized that had I not made the attempt just to do the things I now see myself doing, I would have not known this hidden talent that is most useful to other people in their distress and in their greatest time of need.
God is not waiting to see if you qualify to do anything in serving Him and serving others, He is looking for a willing heart that wants to be used. After all, He is the One who qualifies us. I wonder for each of us, could there be hidden talents in our lives we have not yet realized we may have? When we ask God to help us, to use us to be a blessing to others in the futherance of His Kingdom, He will truly make a way which may allow you to start using a gift you may have never realized you had. When I know how God has used me in an email ministry over the past decade, it almost scares me to think if I had ended up hiding that talent because I was afraid (Matt 25:25) instead of using a talent He had given me, it is an accountability I would rather not know that I would be accountable before Him, because He dealt harshly towards the Servant who was considered wicked because he hid his talent rather than making good use of it. It makes me want so much to ask God to reveal all talents in my life so I can fully utilize my life to bring the Hope of Christ to all I come in contact with. I know that when you ask Him to help use you for His good and perfect will, we can know that He can reveal to us every hidden talent that is most useful to many people in need whom we come across and are close to.

The message I want to get across is that God has given us wonderful talents that is most precious and beautiful if we would use them to glorify Him and be a blessing to others. Each of us, no matter how insignificant we may consider ourselves, has a wonderful talent that others in our midst needs. Each one of us is truly unique and there is not another in this world exactly the same as you. For we are Gods workmanship, recreated in Christ to do good works (Eph 2:10). We are a unique beautiful original copy and we should stop trying to be a cheap imitator of someone else just you may feel they are more gifted than you. You most likely have a quality they themselves want. If you are willing and obedient, God can use each of us in a very powerful way so we can each richly bless one another in their time of need. You may be the only Jesus many people may see and the only one whom God can and will use for the greatest mandate in all of history. With Your help Lord, may each of us use every wonderful talent God has given us and hear from Him like the one who received 5 talents, and the two talents and hear God say "Well done thy good and faithful Servant" (Matt 25:21,23). Just because the one servant received two talents does not mean God was not equally pleased with the Servant initially receiving 5 talents. I believe God would have been more displeased with the servant who did receive five, but only used four, rather then the one receiving two talents and using both talents. Therefore, it is not the size or the position of a ministry you hold, but whether or not we are making full use of all our talents to work to glorify God and to bless many others in their time of need. I hope this encourages you to know God has gifted each of you with a priceless talent that will make a positive difference in peoples lives.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)

Attaining Knowledge of His Word - Part 1

Dear Saints,

When we are able to learn much about any agenda, it is because we understand the value of its purpose for ourselves. People who don't learn about an issue is simply because they don't value or see any purpose for their own benefit. Sadly, this is the case why many people are ignorant of God because they don't value Him and how our very lives are truly in His care. When we want to get the most of Gods Word to make it a vital part of our lives, we need to understand the important purpose that this is the key to benefitting our very lives here in our present existence and life eternal. We need to see the value of who God is and go back to the basics and never lose sight of His Great Character, His awesome attributes in many ways and the greatness of His Love for us.

One of the first things I find important to allow His Word to have the greatest impact in our lives is to identify how much He loves us. This begins by seeing how Great He is and how our lives are truly dependant on His care for us every second of our lives. We need to see the magnitude of His awesome love for us when we see how He left His Throne of Glory to come to earth in a form of man and not only become man, but a lowly servant. He chose to be born in a lowly village called Bethlehem and even humbled to the point in a manger, right at the beginning of birth, He chose to enter this world in the most lowly state (Micah 5:2). Can you imagine the son of the Prince of Wales choosing to live in a most humble abode in a third world country? Yet Christ Himself did this from one extreme to the other more-so that any stately habitation on earth. To think that He endured so much ridicule, opposition, rejection and punishment to willingly gave His all for us at the death on the cross on our behalf, which He bore the curse of mankind (Phil 2:8). To realize He knew that these events were to come, yet He came in obedience to the Fathers will. This should always be the center theme in our thoughts when we choose to read His Word. Knowing that when we read the Bible, He is the fulfillment of the greatest love letter in all history to which it all comes down to. When we position ourselves to be mindful of Who He is, What He has done for us and to the extent that He went to deliver us from sin, hell and the grave, should cause us to love His Word, when we realize that He is the Word (John 1:1,14). When we love to do something (a vocation of our choice), we become truly knowledgeable about it because we see the value in it. When we see the value of who Christ is in a greater way and what He has accomplished for us, His awesome attributes and how He continually sustains us, we love Him above everything else because we are mindful of the value of who He is to our very life. We need to understand that our eternal destiny is determined by how we handle His Word and how we value His instructions by living by them.

Therefore these are the first things to reflect on, and when we do, we will retain the wisdom of His Word because we will see the value He has upon our very lives and know the magnitude of His love for us. I find it very important how we can admire His awesome greatness is to study the sovereignty of God and His awesome attributes in many ways. I do this by meditating on the astronomical size of our universe, the 80+ billion galaxies, the multitude of stars (that make the sun look like a pinhead) and God is the creator of all, who fills all heavens and earth (Jer 23:24; Eph 4:10). Some of the attributes of His sovereign power I like to constantly remind myself are:

His unsearchable Knowledge that exceeds the grains of sands of this earth (Ps 139:17,18)
He has accomplished more than all the volumes of the millions of books ever written (John 21:25)
Knows every one who has ever lived, are living now and yet to live (Rom 11:2)
Knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7);
Knows every word we have uttered, or before we utter them (Psalm 139:4). Yet He chooses to forgive when we repent having uttered any profanity or unprofitable word (1 John 1:9)
Forms life in every womb (Job 31:15)
There is never a time where God was not present (Psalm 139:7-10);
His foolishness far exceeds the greatest wisdom of man (1 Cor 1:25);
His foreknowledge of all events by reading all the prophesies and realizing how Christ Himself knew many events yet to come (Jer 1:5)
There is nothing that God cannot do (Luke 1:37) ... and on and on we can go. We should be encouraged to continue making a list and reviewing His awesomeness so we don't lose that awe of Him, which is why He was angry with a particular nation who did lose that reverential fear of Him (Jer 2:19).

Comparing the greatness of His Knowledge, Power, Wisdom, Omni-presence and comparing His love equally beyond our capability in all attributes allows us to develop the truth of having reverential fear of God that we should have. When we meditate on these principles over and over in our minds, this is when we start to develop a stronghold of good and Godly qualities He tells us to have. Even though I have been a Christian for over 20 years, I find it’s good for me to go back to these principles and meditate on this. This gives me great comfort to know who He is and what He means to me in my life, how much He loves me and sustains me in the palm of His hands. When I consider all of this, He compels me to want to get to know Him more and more and being able to develop that knowledge and relationship with Him in a far greater way then ever before. Let us never lose value and purpose to the degree we need to retain by having a healthy reverential fear of our dear Lord and put this into practice rather than just reading about this and losing sight on it. Blessings to you in the Lord.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Attaining Knowledge of His Word - Part 2

Dear Saints.

After meditating on the wonderful attributes of God and how He is willing and able to care for us in the most details of life, we need to know what His Word means to us in order to get the most of His Word in a most practical way. Again, when we are able to acquire and benefit ourselves by gaining richer knowledge and wisdom about anything in general, it is because we are delighted about the positive results it has upon our lives. It's not only meditating on Gods Word alone, but reflecting on the positive results that His Word and instruction brings to our lives, not only in the eternal realm, but also in our present lives. When I spend quality time thinking about where I once was, and what I have gone through, it is priceless to think how much I have learned the wisdom of His Word that have lead me to where I am today. I can honestly say that I may not be where I need to be, but thank God for His Grace and Mercy that I am not where I used to be. Regardless of where I am at, I know that He loves me, and we need to know this for each one of us in a deeper sense.

In the past, where my heart was broken and my life was a daily struggle, it was inviting Him and trusting Him to fight my battles week after week, month after month and year after year. Learning to use His Words of instruction and wisdom of being humble healed my broken heart moment by moment. I now live each day with such hope and peace that I hardly knew about. Where I was often tormented by fears, worries, depression....He has changed that for me so I can live in Peace, having that wonderful faith in Him because I know His love for me. I am no longer anxious about anything, because I know when He is at the helm of my life, I am truly content because He cares for me. When negative words were destroying my life, by His Grace and by His instructions, I am no longer under its authority. He has instructed me to live a victorious life by not allowing negative words to dominate me. Because of His Word and instructions, negative words which had dominated my life, I now have dominion over them by learning from His Word to speak the power of the truth of His Word. He has taught me as His Child to use the authority He has given us and becoming a stronger Christian because of the trials I had gone through. When people often bring discouragement to me, I know when I go to Gods Word and declare them over me and refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy who often speaks through people, I am always encouraged. This is why I know that He truly does love me because I have lived this and proven the positiveness of His Word in my life as a testimony to tell you that HIS WORD WORKS!!

To benefit, we sometimes need to reflect on where we were and where we have come. We may not see any advancement each day, but when you compare your life now as it was several years ago, I know for myself how much I have grown in the Lord. When I take my time to reflect, I see the power and the Truth of how His Word has had a very positive affect on my life. It may not be easy to say this when a person is going through trials at the present time, but I can truly say that I am better off having gone through severe trials because I have learned so much and appreciate what trials other people go through, which God has gifted me to be able to effectively counsel and bring encouragement to so many people in the past decade. I know I would never have had the compassion that I do now if I had not gone through many trials. We may not see what God is doing, but DO KNOW and SAY SO...that you believe God is doing something wonderful in your life. It is often hidden from our sight, but I would say to you...NEVER GIVE UP, because that is what the enemy wants you to do and he lies by telling you nothing is going to change. This is where we can give up and give the enemy legal access to have dominion over our lives, or this is the time where we can dig our heals in and become bold in the Lord and tell him "I BELIEVE GOD IS DOING A GREAT WORK IN ME" and this is where we are strengthened in Him is when we refuse to give up and we boldly declare our dependency on the Lord.

The only thing about this that is devastating is when people just Give Up and fail to believe that God is able to deliver you from trials that is meant to build you up and strengthen you to do greater and mightier works that He alone is able to do through you. When you know that His Word can do this for you, it will motivate you and you will be able to benefit more from His Word in order to be a rich blessing to many others who may later benefit from you. When you think of a little tree that is being planted, you will notice that the tree is not growing much at first, but it is doing something vital that is hidden because it is developing roots in order for the tree itself to become strong. Therefore, if you don't see much of a change at first, do know that He is doing something vital in your life that He can use for His glory. When I realize the trials I had to go through, it was often because He had to break the stubborn pride from my heart and give me a spirit of humility, which is when I benefitted the most. So when you are about to read His Word, KNOW and realize that His Word brings Deliverance; Healing; Restoration; Hope and Life that benefits us in every way. When we stop and see how life enhancing His Word is to each of us personally in every detail of life, this should motivate us to be able to get the most of His Word that we benefit from.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director