Monday, 22 August 2011

Freeing Gods People

Dear Saints.

It is always a deep desire for me to encourage each one with a wonderful revelation that God inspires me to share for His glory and to benefit each of us. As I was heading to work, I was thinking about the bondages many of Gods people are in today. This is comparable to the fact that the Isrealites, who were considered Gods chosen people were also in bondage to the Egyptians (who is considered the world), under the rulership of Pharoah, who we can compare to the devil himself, because he is identified as the ruler of the people of this world known as the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). All through the chapters from Exodus 5 to Exodus 12, we see how Moses & Aaron came together as Gods Representatives to tell Pharoah to "Let My People Go" according to the will of God!! We, as Gods Representatives are compared to as Moses and Aaron (as Gods own Representative). When we compare ourselves as His Representative, just like Moses and Aaron were, we are to do the same by telling the devil (who represents Pharoah) to let go of Gods people!! Every time Pharoah hardened his heart and would continue to resist the demands given by Moses & Aaron, different plagues came against him and tormented him and often times the entire nation of Egypt. The plagues would intensify each time he hardened his heart against the commands of Moses & Aaron, being Gods Representative. When we are reminded to not live by Bread alone, but by every Word of God (Matt 4:4), then we too should do like Moses and Aaron and tell the devil to let go of Gods people and stop tormenting them. Otherwise, just like Moses and Aaron did, we too can pronounce a plague that will torment the devil and his angels as the Lord wills. Every time I feel like the devil is holding on and resisting when I speak against him, I continue with Gods authority to bind him under the curse of the Blood of Jesus that is to forever cling to him and not let go that will forever torment him. And every time he continues to harden his heart and resist, just like Pharoah did, that he will be a recipient of greater torment and a double portion of the Blood of Jesus to come against him until he is tormented to the point where he finally relents, just like Pharoah finally did.
As I take more time to ponder His Word more and more, He continues to give me revelation that what we read in His Word is for us to put to use, rather then just reading this as just some form of bedside story and just simply having knowledge of an historic event. He tells us in 2 Tim 3:16 that All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Therefore, what we read about this event is for our profit if we will put it to use. I believe that God had Moses and Aaron continue to do this for many times in order to teach us to be persistent and continue to declare our authority as Gods Representatives. What many Christians may be in torment may relate to financial difficulties, unsaved family, friends and relatives, different types of physical illnesses, unemployment and many other possible causes. We need to be persistent to come together (just like Aaron was with Moses), we need to make our demand to the devil, just like Moses did to Pharoah and tell him to let go of our unsaved loved ones...let go from our brothers and sisters who are fighting illnesses or whatever the case may be and tell him if he resists, that with Gods authority, that he will be a recipient of receiving plagues from God and will intensify every time he resists. By being persistent, we will develop the patience that will have its perfect work completed within us so that we lack nothing (James 1:4). Let us encourage one another to be doers of His Word and not hearers only (James 1:22-25) and live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God because the Bible is His Word and not just know about events we read, but to live by them. May God strengthen us to be persistent and be stronger and stronger in the Lord and boldly declare His Word which is the sword of the Spirit that attacks the enemy. For God tells us that the Righteous are as bold as a lion when we have confidence in the Lord because of who He is and what He should mean to each of us, has accomplished entirely for us and gave us His authority as His Representative (Luke 10:19).

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director


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