Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Power of Corporate Prayer

Dear Saints.

I have been meditating on what I believe God is saying to me. When we see who we are in Christ (John 1:12), and the God of the universe takes residence in our bodies (1 Cor 3:16), then we have the God given power to do and believe He tells us what we can do and what He can do through us. When we need prayer, we should never be too proud to ask for prayer, nor think when we ask for prayer from others, that it is because we lack faith. When we know who we are in Christ and the plans He has for our lives, to richly bless His Saints (Ps 35:27), we should have that steadfast assurance. When we do ask for prayer, let us not with-hold to ever ask for prayer from one another, because we need each others prayer regardless!! When we deny asking for prayer from one another, we end up not giving any value to each other, we deny the value of corporate prayer. We also allow the enemy to rob us and end up robbing others from their blessings to pray for anything specifically we need to pray about, because we need to speak His Word over any of our situation. However, I do appreciate sometimes we need to ask an unspoken request. Let us not with-hold from sending a message or even if it is a short sentence just to bless someone or answering a prayer request. Receiving a short reply is a blessing. Just like giving a cold cup of water in His Name, you will be rewarded (Matt 10:42). We need to see how powerful it is when each one of us collectively prays for one another with that faith filled prayer that is in agreement (Matt 18:19,20). It is like flooding the enemy and seeing him almost drown in a sea of the Blood of the Lamb. For when the prayer of one can cast a thousand, and two...ten-thousand, just imagine the power we have when we pray corporately (Deut 32:30). I was having a vision of the heavens opening and the hosts of angels sounding the trumpets and chasing the enemies away as they were fleeing for their lives. Therefore, there are a couple of things we need to do:

Know who you are in Christ, and when you do, you can pray in faith knowing He hears and answers prayer (1 John 5:14,15) because He wants to prosper His Saints (Ps 35:27);
Let us not be afraid to ever ask for prayer from each other, for by our confessing our faults one to another, our land will be healed (James 5:16);
Whenever we do ask for prayer, please don't perceive that others lack faith, or don't ever think it is because you lack faith, because we need to see and value the power of corporate prayer, and see the value of having each other praying on our behalf. Let us not deprive others to pray specifically for our needs. For we are one body with many members to make a spiritually healthy body.

When we do pray, let us have that bold determination that our God will answer prayer, and when He doesn't answer to our way of thinking, let us have that bold determined expectation that He has something better for us REGARDLESS!

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

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