Friday, 23 December 2011

To Follow God or not

Good Day Dear Saints

I don't know about you, but I sense that this coming year is going to be a year that is critical. I have known too many Christians that say they are one, but live as though it is really questionable. I believe it is a time when we say who we are, we need to live it out, whether we feel like it or not. To truly follow the Lord is to follow His loving ways by loving one another without making any conditions. Especially, to first and foremost love the Lord with all our heart, mind, body, soul and spirit. How many times do we become bitter and not realize we may have been bitter towards the Lord Himself? Before Christ was committed to His ministry, He was prayed up in advance. If He needed to be prayed up, how much more do we need this? We need to be prayed up in advance and make up our minds to love the Lord and trust Him no matter what, before events come that we find ourselves going through that would otherwise cause us to fail to love Him or love others. I believe this is the time many of us have to decide to follow Him regardless or not. Too many Christians say one thing who they believe they are, but live entirely another way. Our greatest witness is not what we say, but how we live out what we say. When many pray the Lords prayer, they pray for God to forgive them as they have forgiven those who have trespassed against them, yet they continue to treat others with contempt, which is nothing but hypocrisy. That to me does not identify those who are true followers of Christ. The measure we love the least amongst our Brethren is the measure we love the Lord. To sing to the Lord with open arms while at the same time, we harbour contempt or bitterness towards others in our hearts is dispicable. I would hate to see one day that the Lord would ever question any of us "Why did you show contempt towards Me?" all because we showed contempt towards others (Matt 25:40,45). When we lack love towards our Brothers or Sisters in the Lord, we lack that same measure of love towards Christ. When we speak evil or slander one another, we do it as unto the Lord. When we speak well of others, visit the sick, clothe the naked, meet the needs of others and are mindful and respectful to others, we are showing the same respect to our Lord. Just imagine how irritating it must be to the Lord, when we play "Church" and put on our "church face", sing in the choir and are active in many ways, but we fail to do what is most critical... and that is to show true genuine Godly love. To God, He says that is like a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal (1 Cor 13:1), which to me, would be most irritating. Christ mentions to His Disciples that it is better to have a plate of herbs and peace than to have a fattened calf and strife in the house (Prov 15:17). When that is the case, we have failed to deal with a critical matter at hand that matters the most. It's also like swallowing a camel and yet straining a gnat (Matt 23:24) by making a big issue over petty agendas and making light from promoting peace and unity. I believe as we enter in to 2012, this is going to be a time where we need to make a decision in advance and purpose in our hearts to fulfill the law and the Prophets (Matt 22:36-40) and live by the rule of love in every detail as found in 1 Cor 13:4-8.
Too many people are sitting idly on the fencepost who need to make a decision to either follow the Lord regardless, or allow ourselves to decide to follow our own fickle feelings that often opposes following the Laws of love which is following the Lord. In other words, when He tells us to forgive, we cannot be making excuses. We need to purpose in our hearts to divorce ourselves from all gossip, slander, all ungodly behaviour, that is unbecoming and anything that would promote strife, factions, divisions or that fails to promote love, peace and unity. That with His help, Gods Spirit will arise within us when we understand that His Love, His Power and Wisdom far exceeds our own and we gladly yield ourselves to His loving ways. I declared that 2011 was a year of restitution and bring unity in to the body. I now believe if those who refuse to allow love and unity to rule their spirit, they need to make a decision that we are going to follow the Lord or not. Follow in His loving ways to love others, or we are not and stop making excuses. We are going to promote peace and harmony, or we are not. I believe it is time to make this coming year, to make a critical decision to follow the Lord and allow the fruit of the Spirit to be evident, or we are not.

My prayer is that all will be most blessed to Choose His loving ways in all His ways and make 2012 the most blessed year for you and see the increase of Christ within, His love and His power be exalted in each of our lives and be part of a wonderful revival in our midst.

Be blessed to browse my updated blog and both websites. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

Now thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ and who maketh manifest through us the savor of His knowledge in every place.
(2 Cor 2:14) NKJV

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