Sunday, 21 August 2011

Attaining Knowledge of His Word - Part 1

Dear Saints,

When we are able to learn much about any agenda, it is because we understand the value of its purpose for ourselves. People who don't learn about an issue is simply because they don't value or see any purpose for their own benefit. Sadly, this is the case why many people are ignorant of God because they don't value Him and how our very lives are truly in His care. When we want to get the most of Gods Word to make it a vital part of our lives, we need to understand the important purpose that this is the key to benefitting our very lives here in our present existence and life eternal. We need to see the value of who God is and go back to the basics and never lose sight of His Great Character, His awesome attributes in many ways and the greatness of His Love for us.

One of the first things I find important to allow His Word to have the greatest impact in our lives is to identify how much He loves us. This begins by seeing how Great He is and how our lives are truly dependant on His care for us every second of our lives. We need to see the magnitude of His awesome love for us when we see how He left His Throne of Glory to come to earth in a form of man and not only become man, but a lowly servant. He chose to be born in a lowly village called Bethlehem and even humbled to the point in a manger, right at the beginning of birth, He chose to enter this world in the most lowly state (Micah 5:2). Can you imagine the son of the Prince of Wales choosing to live in a most humble abode in a third world country? Yet Christ Himself did this from one extreme to the other more-so that any stately habitation on earth. To think that He endured so much ridicule, opposition, rejection and punishment to willingly gave His all for us at the death on the cross on our behalf, which He bore the curse of mankind (Phil 2:8). To realize He knew that these events were to come, yet He came in obedience to the Fathers will. This should always be the center theme in our thoughts when we choose to read His Word. Knowing that when we read the Bible, He is the fulfillment of the greatest love letter in all history to which it all comes down to. When we position ourselves to be mindful of Who He is, What He has done for us and to the extent that He went to deliver us from sin, hell and the grave, should cause us to love His Word, when we realize that He is the Word (John 1:1,14). When we love to do something (a vocation of our choice), we become truly knowledgeable about it because we see the value in it. When we see the value of who Christ is in a greater way and what He has accomplished for us, His awesome attributes and how He continually sustains us, we love Him above everything else because we are mindful of the value of who He is to our very life. We need to understand that our eternal destiny is determined by how we handle His Word and how we value His instructions by living by them.

Therefore these are the first things to reflect on, and when we do, we will retain the wisdom of His Word because we will see the value He has upon our very lives and know the magnitude of His love for us. I find it very important how we can admire His awesome greatness is to study the sovereignty of God and His awesome attributes in many ways. I do this by meditating on the astronomical size of our universe, the 80+ billion galaxies, the multitude of stars (that make the sun look like a pinhead) and God is the creator of all, who fills all heavens and earth (Jer 23:24; Eph 4:10). Some of the attributes of His sovereign power I like to constantly remind myself are:

His unsearchable Knowledge that exceeds the grains of sands of this earth (Ps 139:17,18)
He has accomplished more than all the volumes of the millions of books ever written (John 21:25)
Knows every one who has ever lived, are living now and yet to live (Rom 11:2)
Knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7);
Knows every word we have uttered, or before we utter them (Psalm 139:4). Yet He chooses to forgive when we repent having uttered any profanity or unprofitable word (1 John 1:9)
Forms life in every womb (Job 31:15)
There is never a time where God was not present (Psalm 139:7-10);
His foolishness far exceeds the greatest wisdom of man (1 Cor 1:25);
His foreknowledge of all events by reading all the prophesies and realizing how Christ Himself knew many events yet to come (Jer 1:5)
There is nothing that God cannot do (Luke 1:37) ... and on and on we can go. We should be encouraged to continue making a list and reviewing His awesomeness so we don't lose that awe of Him, which is why He was angry with a particular nation who did lose that reverential fear of Him (Jer 2:19).

Comparing the greatness of His Knowledge, Power, Wisdom, Omni-presence and comparing His love equally beyond our capability in all attributes allows us to develop the truth of having reverential fear of God that we should have. When we meditate on these principles over and over in our minds, this is when we start to develop a stronghold of good and Godly qualities He tells us to have. Even though I have been a Christian for over 20 years, I find it’s good for me to go back to these principles and meditate on this. This gives me great comfort to know who He is and what He means to me in my life, how much He loves me and sustains me in the palm of His hands. When I consider all of this, He compels me to want to get to know Him more and more and being able to develop that knowledge and relationship with Him in a far greater way then ever before. Let us never lose value and purpose to the degree we need to retain by having a healthy reverential fear of our dear Lord and put this into practice rather than just reading about this and losing sight on it. Blessings to you in the Lord.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

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