Monday, 22 August 2011

Blessed to be a Blessing

Dear Saints,

I think often about how God sees and cares about the little things we do. Just think of the blessings we miss out when we fail to do even the smallest things for others. In mans sight, when we simply show kindness to others, man sees this as insignificant, but in Gods sight, it is very significant. How would man even think that giving a cup of cold water in His Name would be rewarding at all? Some men would some times not even say "thank-you". Yet, God tells us that not only will we be rewarded, but will be richly rewarded when we give a cup of cold water to another in His Name. I think we often compare God to man and think that He does and sees things the same way man does. We often think that when we do great things, that is only when the Lord is really pleased, which is nothing but a lie. Every time you smile at someone or give a warm greeting, you will be blessed for all eternity. When you say a sweet simple prayer from the heart for someone, you will be blessed. When you encourage someone, you will be blessed. Or give a small portion of your time to someone who is lonely, you will be greatly rewarded. The smallest of blessings you receive from God is far greater than the greatest reward man receives from other men because they only last momentarily. The rewards God gives are eternal which no reward on earth can ever compare to. That is why we should never get discouraged when we feel we do not get the recognition or be rewarded when we feel we deserve it. If you know God to the measure of knowing how much He loves you and sees what you do, we will know without a shadow of doubt that He will reward you, unless you are trying to receive mans reward. It should cause us to just want to do the best we can and be the best we can be even when man does not reward us, because we serve a God who loves to reward His people. When we do anything to receive the applause of men, we will end up being ashamed to realize that we have forsaken being greatly rewarded for all eternity from God simply because we sought the rewards from man instead of doing good to others out of love (Matt 6:2-5). In fact, knowing this, By His Grace, I want to do and be the very best I can be for Gods Kingdom and will not trouble my spirit to ever be rewarded because we serve the One who is JUST and our labour done in love is never in vain. It is encouraging to know that we don't have to have a big ministry or do great things to be rewarded by God. Just think how many times we may have missed out being blessed and storing for us treasures in Heaven simply because we did not share a smile, did not greet our Brethren, did not make that phone call to simply say hi. When we realize that there are so many "little" things we can do for one another, we should always be finding ways to be a blessing to one another in any way, whether small or great. I don't want anyone to regret missing out on Gods blessings and His rich rewards simply because we failed to do the little things that truly can brighten someones day. By His Grace, we can be a rich blessing to someone each day and not only be rewarded in Heaven, but be rewarded even today inheriting His Joy and Peace simply because we first receive His love for us that compels us to do things out of love for others.

It is my prayer that when we are tried by fire, that we will not suffer from our works being like wood, hay or stubble that burns to ash, (because we have failed to seek to be a blessing to others), but the results of gold, silver and priceless stones as our great eternal rewards (1 Cor 3:10-15) simply because we ask Him to use us to bless others. May we allow God to compel us and be determined to see how we can be a richer blessing in little ways to many souls and be more blessed because of it.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

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