Dearest Saints.
Earlier this month, we celebrated by taking time to remember those who fought against enemy forces alongside with our allies so that we may enjoy the democratic freedom we are so blessed with, known as either Remembrance Day as we celebrate each year in Canada and other nations know as Veterans Day. As I continue to serve in the Naval Reserve and served in the Regular force, I have often been away working from home of great distances and in very remote regions, like in the middle of the ocean for weeks or in the high arctic as a couple of examples. When I give time to think of my experience in this, it gives me much greater appreciation to those who were gone much greater period of time than I ever had and to experience a much greater volatile situation, like those who fought in the past world wars. When I take time to think of my experience, I understand the sacrifices much more than others who never experience being away on duty in an operational environment. I sense a greater appreciation to others when we understand others by what we experience. When God tells us to get understanding, I realize that when we do desire understanding, we come to a point where we are able to appreciate others in a much greater way who may not be similar in our own character and our own way of thinking. By understanding more to those who fought for our freedom and are often away fighting terrorism and attempting to rebuild nations far away from home, we have a greater appreciation when we truly understand others when we take the time to reflect and contemplate situations when others may have endured hardships. I find we fail to appreciate when we don't take the time to stop and think of what others may have had to endure and the consequences of being away from the comforts of home and family. When we fail to understand, we don't end up appreciating others for what they have had to endure and sacrifice, even when it is to our own benefit and comfort.
I find the same thing in our own churches. When we fail to understand and desire true knowledge, wisdom and understanding that comes from God, we often see the results of making harsh and rash judgments about others in our own circles and often base our critical views of the actions of other people rather than the intentions of the heart of people. By this, we fall in to the hands of the enemy by doing his destructive will. Sure, people may have made dumb mistakes, but have we not all made some dumb mistakes ourselves? People in our Churches who lack understanding often find fault of others and often fail to see their own faults. When I stop and think, God has been impressing upon me to reflect to understand others in a way that will allow me to cease being rash and becoming critically judgmental and rather, to pray for the individual. When I think of how people have misunderstood me and have failed to forgive me, it is often the case that they have misunderstood my intentions which is the result of lacking understanding. Therefore, I am continuing to learn from my experience of this, that maybe I have misunderstood others and should be mindful to quickly forgive. I believe when we truly desire to gain understanding, we will be able to forgive others rather than being lead to not forgive by the actions of others and not knowing their intentions. We will also desire unity more and be in the will of God by praying more for others when we choose to get understanding. When we gain understanding, we see the big picture because it is only natural that man judges by appearances because the natural man has no understanding when it comes to the things of the Spirit (1 Cor 2:24). Just as David says in Psalm 73:12-19, that when he understood the end of the wicked, he felt sorry for them rather than harboring bitterness towards them. David was envious towards the wicked when he felt they were always prospering until it was when he finally understood by going to God and saw the big picture rather than focusing on the present activity of injustice. I believe besides Jesus, Stephen was a man of understanding, because he was able to feel sorry for those who were stoning him to death because he saw the big picture of the consequences of their ways and how his oppressors were blind to their wicked ways. No wonder God emphasizes for us to gain understanding, because it is a priceless gift to receive in order to truly develop a wonderful character of Christ. Refusing to seek and receive understanding is like letting down our shield when our enemy attacks.
When we learn to get understanding from the One who is able to give to those who hunger and ask, getting this is truly better than all the gold, silver and precious jewels one could ever attain, because this is a real need to develop that wonderful strength and character of Christ. Therefore, let us ask for understanding and believe He gives liberally to those who ask (James 1:5) because of His wonderful ability to work in a heart that is hungry. I believe Churches today would be much better off if we would all choose to get understanding. Good scriptures of this is found in Psalm 119:104; Proverbs 3:13; 4:5; 16:6 and 23:23.
Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is the man who finds skillful and godly Wisdom, and the man who gets understanding [drawing it forth from God's Word and life's experiences], (Prov 3:13) Amplified Version
Be blessed to browse my updated blog and both websites. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
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