Good Day Saints.
Whenever I come across a situation whether it is favorable or not, I always like to not only learn from it, but to ask God to help me bless others with what can be learned from it in order to have any positive impact and blessing upon each one. It's amazing that the power of words have on our lives. I had a discussion earlier the other morning about leaving a situation in Gods hands about a possible scam against me that took place regarding a service I received through insurance claims. A comment was made to myself from a close family member that I have to learn to take responsibility and stop living in a "dream world" all because I put my faith and trust in God and for Him to be my Vindicator (which He Himself has indicated He is to us) Job 19:25.
I would like to explain something very important. When we live by faith in Him, this is NOT some fantasy thinking or dream-world mentality others may say. When we learn who the Lord really is and what He has ever done for us, His un-matched love He continues to give us, continues to do for us and will ever continue to do for us to provide, sustain, preserve, protect and care for every detail of our lives for us, we will develop that wonderful love relationship with Him and know that we can commit every situation in to His loving hands. To mention to someone about living in a dream-world when we put our faith in God, is condemning the care of our dear Father who wants us to come to Him and invite Him to care for us in every detail of life. We need to rebuke and refute every form of lies that does not please our Lord. When the Bible tells us to refute every lie and accusation, we need to speak out against that, cast it away and speak audibly to say that "I will not accept that lie" and replace it with the Wisdom of His Word, which is the result of never allowing any weapons of the enemy that has formed against us to ever prosper (Isaiah 54:17). When they also say we need to take responsibility, we do so when we admit our faults to God, repent as necessary, be certain not to point the finger (Isa 58:9) and commit Him to help this situation, we are doing what is pleasing to Him because He wants to help us in our time of need (Ps 72:12). When someone speaks contrary to Gods Word which never brings edification, it is a counterfeit. When you think of any currency such as a twenty dollar bill, if it is real, then it is worth that value. When it is a counterfeit, it is totally worthless. Therefore, when others speak to you or accuse you that is contrary to Gods Word, we have to treat this as a counterfeit by giving no value to accept this because it is totally worthless. Therefore, if a merchant knows that a $20 bill or any other currency is counterfeit, he/she will not accept it, nor should we ever accept anything that is counterfeit to our lives if it does not agree with Gods Word. Although our loved ones may mean well, we need to speak against any vain philosophies of man that is contrary to His Word and replace it with Gods loving promises and instruction for us. In (Matthew 12:44,45) He mentions that when a person is delivered, his body is like a temple and swept clean, if it is not replaced by filling our vessel with Gods Word and His Spirit, the situation of this person becomes far worse. Therefore, we have our vessels swept clean when we cast out every negative word and refuse to ever accept it in our lives, and then get our vessels filled with His loving Word that brings life and healing to our bones (Prov 3:7,8). I have prayed several times in the past to love what God loves and hate everything that God hates. That means hating every word that does not bring have any value by comparing to His Word. I know from that prayer, God has truly honored me with it many times because I could have just accepted anything what people say which would have lead me in a path of destruction.
Friends, please do not allow any words spoken to you that is contrary to Gods Word to allow it to have any value in your life. Only God knows the Truth because He alone is Truth (Rev 19:11) and consider every counterfeit to be totally worthless in your life. Only His Word, any deeper revelation which He gives you by His Spirit or anyone speaks according to His Word to you, those are the only words that we should ever consider to allow to have any value to our lives. The Lord richly bless each of you.
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In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"God gave His best for us when He gave up His Son to die for our sins. What are we prepared to do for Him?"
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