Sunday, 10 July 2011

How to Attain Hope from Past Trials

Dearest Saints.
I would like you to know that no matter what trials you are going through, many of us have been through equally bad trials, and perhaps, greater trials. I heard once that when someone was complaining about the cross they had to carry, they asked to change their circumstances with someone else. When this person put their cross in the room, they were asked to go and pick another cross. When this person opened the door, he wanted this small cross (which was by far the smallest cross in a room with big crosses). As this person asked for the smallest cross, the Master told him that this was the cross he wanted to exchange in the first place. Unknowingly, like many of us, we often don't realize that many others had bigger trials in their lives. When we have trials, I must admit that I think I have a bigger cross to carry than most others and they would not simply understand because they do not know my great trials I bear. When I hear testimonies of many others, I quickly realize that many others deal with trials that are often bigger than mine. Trials can be a blessing when we use it when we share our burden with one another and we have that spirit of compassion that helps to heal others because we have been there and understand their pain. I realize that had I not gone through the trials that I had endured, I know I would not have been effectively used to be a blessing to many others in their time of need. I have seen the ones who have gone through the greatest trials are the ones who have had the greatest impact to inspire many others that allows them to have hope. With the help of God, from the trials we have endured, we are able to comfort those with the comfort we ourselves have received (2 Cor 1:3 - 7). During the time of our trials, it does not seem pleasant at all, but when we see how we have become a blessing to others, I now strangely admit that I am glad I went through the trials, now that I know how much of a blessing it has helped many people. I am humbled to admit that God used myself and several others to help stop someone from contemplating to commit suicide. I know this because of an email response I once had from a lady who admitted she was considering taking her life that very night. Had I not gone through my past trials, I don't think I would have had the compassion to help this individual. Although I am greatful to be used by God, I don't take any credit, but give God the glory.

Therefore, trials are not to be an attitude where you say "I guess this is my lot in life" or any similar negative confession. The only time trials are simply a misfortune and have no value is when we fail to use our past trials to be a blessing to others in their time of need, and continue to dwell in that "woe is me" attitude. Again, I have known many times that those who have gone through many adversities are able to reach out and be a blessing and an inspiration to many others because of it. However, they would not have been mightily used, but would be another pitiful life had they just dwelt on the misery of their past and simply felt sorry for themselves like the devil wants to keep people in bondage to. I now understand when (James 1:2 - 4) tells us to rejoice when we go through trials, because it is preparing us to be a special blessing to others if we choose to believe God can use this for His glorious purposes. When we refuse to give up and believe that God can use our past, regardless of how negative it may have been, this can be the greatest mandate of all humanity is to know how much of a blessing we can be to others because of what God has shaped us to be through trials and valleys. When I have been through many trials, I boldly declared in prayer that by the Grace of God and His help, I am going to use my past to be a rich blessing to many others. What He has done for many others, He is faithful to use you if you will choose to believe He can use you for His glorious purposes. One of the greatest tragedies in life is to realize how we have wasted our lives feeling sorry for ourselves and fail to be a blessing to many others whom God could have used. Don't let any of your past trials be in vain, but with the help of God, let it be a rich blessing and be a life giving example and an inspiration to many of those whom God can use to bless many others. Unless you ask God and believe Him to be able to use your past trials to bless many others, you will never know the value your life can bring hope to many others who may receive greater eternal blessings because of it.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

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