Dear Saints.
It is always a deep desire for me to encourage each one with a wonderful revelation that God inspires me to share for His glory and to benefit each of us. As I was heading to work, I was thinking about the bondages many of Gods people are in today. This is comparable to the fact that the Isrealites, who were considered Gods chosen people were also in bondage to the Egyptians (who is considered the world), under the rulership of Pharoah, who we can compare to the devil himself, because he is identified as the ruler of the people of this world known as the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). All through the chapters from Exodus 5 to Exodus 12, we see how Moses & Aaron came together as Gods Representatives to tell Pharoah to "Let My People Go" according to the will of God!! We, as Gods Representatives are compared to as Moses and Aaron (as Gods own Representative). When we compare ourselves as His Representative, just like Moses and Aaron were, we are to do the same by telling the devil (who represents Pharoah) to let go of Gods people!! Every time Pharoah hardened his heart and would continue to resist the demands given by Moses & Aaron, different plagues came against him and tormented him and often times the entire nation of Egypt. The plagues would intensify each time he hardened his heart against the commands of Moses & Aaron, being Gods Representative. When we are reminded to not live by Bread alone, but by every Word of God (Matt 4:4), then we too should do like Moses and Aaron and tell the devil to let go of Gods people and stop tormenting them. Otherwise, just like Moses and Aaron did, we too can pronounce a plague that will torment the devil and his angels as the Lord wills. Every time I feel like the devil is holding on and resisting when I speak against him, I continue with Gods authority to bind him under the curse of the Blood of Jesus that is to forever cling to him and not let go that will forever torment him. And every time he continues to harden his heart and resist, just like Pharoah did, that he will be a recipient of greater torment and a double portion of the Blood of Jesus to come against him until he is tormented to the point where he finally relents, just like Pharoah finally did.
As I take more time to ponder His Word more and more, He continues to give me revelation that what we read in His Word is for us to put to use, rather then just reading this as just some form of bedside story and just simply having knowledge of an historic event. He tells us in 2 Tim 3:16 that All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Therefore, what we read about this event is for our profit if we will put it to use. I believe that God had Moses and Aaron continue to do this for many times in order to teach us to be persistent and continue to declare our authority as Gods Representatives. What many Christians may be in torment may relate to financial difficulties, unsaved family, friends and relatives, different types of physical illnesses, unemployment and many other possible causes. We need to be persistent to come together (just like Aaron was with Moses), we need to make our demand to the devil, just like Moses did to Pharoah and tell him to let go of our unsaved loved ones...let go from our brothers and sisters who are fighting illnesses or whatever the case may be and tell him if he resists, that with Gods authority, that he will be a recipient of receiving plagues from God and will intensify every time he resists. By being persistent, we will develop the patience that will have its perfect work completed within us so that we lack nothing (James 1:4). Let us encourage one another to be doers of His Word and not hearers only (James 1:22-25) and live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God because the Bible is His Word and not just know about events we read, but to live by them. May God strengthen us to be persistent and be stronger and stronger in the Lord and boldly declare His Word which is the sword of the Spirit that attacks the enemy. For God tells us that the Righteous are as bold as a lion when we have confidence in the Lord because of who He is and what He should mean to each of us, has accomplished entirely for us and gave us His authority as His Representative (Luke 10:19).
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Welcome to my Blog site!! My desire for Christians is to see them be set free from the bondages of the enemy who often rob, kill and destroy Gods people. It is my greatest desire that Christians would be set free, to know their authority in Christ and be liberated by knowing His awesome love for you. I hope and believe this site will help you will be most blessed to be empowered by His Spirit to do exceedingly and abundantly for His Kingdom.
Monday, 22 August 2011
Our God given Vision
Good Day.
I heard a teaching recently about Gods people having a vision and the importance of keeping our vision in front of us, so we won’t lose focus.
A great scripture regarding this is found in Genesis 30:31-43 (Amplified Version) where Laban was supposed to give Jacob the spotted and speckled sheep. When Laban deceived Jacob, he received the sheep other than what he wanted. So, with the sheep he had that was one colored, he put a spotted and speckled rods in front of the sheep during conception and kept those rods in front of the sheep (vs 39). When it was time for them to give birth, they indeed gave birth to spotted and speckled sheep because they became focused on the speckled rod that was in front of them. The following verses are the Amplified Version of Gen 30:31-43.
[Laban] said, What shall I give you? And Jacob said, You shall not give me anything, if you will do this one thing for me [of which I am about to tell you], and I will again feed and take care of your flock.
Let me pass through all your flock today, removing from it every speckled and spotted animal and every black one among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats; and such shall be my wages.
So later when the matter of my wages is brought before you, my fair dealing will be evident and answer for me. Every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and black among the sheep, if found with me, shall be counted as stolen.
And Laban said, Good; let it be done as you say.
But that same day [Laban] removed the he-goats that were streaked and spotted and all the she-goats that were speckled and spotted, every one that had white on it, and every black lamb, and put them in charge of his sons.
And he set [a distance of] three days' journey between himself and Jacob; and Jacob was then left in care of the rest of Laban's flock.
But Jacob took fresh rods of poplar and almond and plane trees and peeled white streaks in them, exposing the white in the rods.
Then he set the rods which he had peeled in front of the flocks in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink. And since they bred and conceived when they came to drink,
The flocks bred and conceived in sight of the rods and brought forth lambs and kids streaked, speckled, and spotted.
Jacob separated the lambs, and [as he had done with the peeled rods] he also set the faces of the flocks toward the streaked and all the dark in the [new] flock of Laban; and he put his own droves by themselves and did not let them breed with Laban's flock.
And whenever the stronger animals were breeding, Jacob laid the rods in the watering troughs before the eyes of the flock, that they might breed and conceive among the rods.
But when the sheep and goats were feeble, he omitted putting the rods there; so the feebler animals were Laban's and the stronger Jacob's.
Thus the man increased and became exceedingly rich, and had many sheep and goats, and maidservants, menservants, camels, and donkeys.
Our Mission and Vision for us to see, needs to be in front of us continually, so we can envision (in our spirit) by the Grace of God. God doesn't want us to look at our past or circumstances right now, He wants us to see and envision of what we can be and press forward to do radically through us to be a rich blessing to many many souls. Just like Abraham was told by God to get out of the tent (enclosed by looking at his own circumstances) and He told Abraham to get out of the tent and look at the stars and get this vision that he will have descendants as numerous as the stars (Gen 15:1-5). He told Abraham first to Fear Not!! Then got him to take his eyes off his circumstances (from being inside the tent) and get a vision (by looking out) so he could see what God was promising him.
I encourage you to pray and be lead of God to write a vision because He wants each of us to have a vision. For He says that My people perish for lack of vision Prov 29:18. Therefore, everyone has a God given vision, but not every Christian has taken any steps to write down and pursue their God given vision which our dear Lord wants to give.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment" (Luke 1:37). Amplified Version
I heard a teaching recently about Gods people having a vision and the importance of keeping our vision in front of us, so we won’t lose focus.
A great scripture regarding this is found in Genesis 30:31-43 (Amplified Version) where Laban was supposed to give Jacob the spotted and speckled sheep. When Laban deceived Jacob, he received the sheep other than what he wanted. So, with the sheep he had that was one colored, he put a spotted and speckled rods in front of the sheep during conception and kept those rods in front of the sheep (vs 39). When it was time for them to give birth, they indeed gave birth to spotted and speckled sheep because they became focused on the speckled rod that was in front of them. The following verses are the Amplified Version of Gen 30:31-43.
[Laban] said, What shall I give you? And Jacob said, You shall not give me anything, if you will do this one thing for me [of which I am about to tell you], and I will again feed and take care of your flock.
Let me pass through all your flock today, removing from it every speckled and spotted animal and every black one among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats; and such shall be my wages.
So later when the matter of my wages is brought before you, my fair dealing will be evident and answer for me. Every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and black among the sheep, if found with me, shall be counted as stolen.
And Laban said, Good; let it be done as you say.
But that same day [Laban] removed the he-goats that were streaked and spotted and all the she-goats that were speckled and spotted, every one that had white on it, and every black lamb, and put them in charge of his sons.
And he set [a distance of] three days' journey between himself and Jacob; and Jacob was then left in care of the rest of Laban's flock.
But Jacob took fresh rods of poplar and almond and plane trees and peeled white streaks in them, exposing the white in the rods.
Then he set the rods which he had peeled in front of the flocks in the watering troughs where the flocks came to drink. And since they bred and conceived when they came to drink,
The flocks bred and conceived in sight of the rods and brought forth lambs and kids streaked, speckled, and spotted.
Jacob separated the lambs, and [as he had done with the peeled rods] he also set the faces of the flocks toward the streaked and all the dark in the [new] flock of Laban; and he put his own droves by themselves and did not let them breed with Laban's flock.
And whenever the stronger animals were breeding, Jacob laid the rods in the watering troughs before the eyes of the flock, that they might breed and conceive among the rods.
But when the sheep and goats were feeble, he omitted putting the rods there; so the feebler animals were Laban's and the stronger Jacob's.
Thus the man increased and became exceedingly rich, and had many sheep and goats, and maidservants, menservants, camels, and donkeys.
Our Mission and Vision for us to see, needs to be in front of us continually, so we can envision (in our spirit) by the Grace of God. God doesn't want us to look at our past or circumstances right now, He wants us to see and envision of what we can be and press forward to do radically through us to be a rich blessing to many many souls. Just like Abraham was told by God to get out of the tent (enclosed by looking at his own circumstances) and He told Abraham to get out of the tent and look at the stars and get this vision that he will have descendants as numerous as the stars (Gen 15:1-5). He told Abraham first to Fear Not!! Then got him to take his eyes off his circumstances (from being inside the tent) and get a vision (by looking out) so he could see what God was promising him.
I encourage you to pray and be lead of God to write a vision because He wants each of us to have a vision. For He says that My people perish for lack of vision Prov 29:18. Therefore, everyone has a God given vision, but not every Christian has taken any steps to write down and pursue their God given vision which our dear Lord wants to give.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment" (Luke 1:37). Amplified Version
Blessed to be a Blessing
Dear Saints,
I think often about how God sees and cares about the little things we do. Just think of the blessings we miss out when we fail to do even the smallest things for others. In mans sight, when we simply show kindness to others, man sees this as insignificant, but in Gods sight, it is very significant. How would man even think that giving a cup of cold water in His Name would be rewarding at all? Some men would some times not even say "thank-you". Yet, God tells us that not only will we be rewarded, but will be richly rewarded when we give a cup of cold water to another in His Name. I think we often compare God to man and think that He does and sees things the same way man does. We often think that when we do great things, that is only when the Lord is really pleased, which is nothing but a lie. Every time you smile at someone or give a warm greeting, you will be blessed for all eternity. When you say a sweet simple prayer from the heart for someone, you will be blessed. When you encourage someone, you will be blessed. Or give a small portion of your time to someone who is lonely, you will be greatly rewarded. The smallest of blessings you receive from God is far greater than the greatest reward man receives from other men because they only last momentarily. The rewards God gives are eternal which no reward on earth can ever compare to. That is why we should never get discouraged when we feel we do not get the recognition or be rewarded when we feel we deserve it. If you know God to the measure of knowing how much He loves you and sees what you do, we will know without a shadow of doubt that He will reward you, unless you are trying to receive mans reward. It should cause us to just want to do the best we can and be the best we can be even when man does not reward us, because we serve a God who loves to reward His people. When we do anything to receive the applause of men, we will end up being ashamed to realize that we have forsaken being greatly rewarded for all eternity from God simply because we sought the rewards from man instead of doing good to others out of love (Matt 6:2-5). In fact, knowing this, By His Grace, I want to do and be the very best I can be for Gods Kingdom and will not trouble my spirit to ever be rewarded because we serve the One who is JUST and our labour done in love is never in vain. It is encouraging to know that we don't have to have a big ministry or do great things to be rewarded by God. Just think how many times we may have missed out being blessed and storing for us treasures in Heaven simply because we did not share a smile, did not greet our Brethren, did not make that phone call to simply say hi. When we realize that there are so many "little" things we can do for one another, we should always be finding ways to be a blessing to one another in any way, whether small or great. I don't want anyone to regret missing out on Gods blessings and His rich rewards simply because we failed to do the little things that truly can brighten someones day. By His Grace, we can be a rich blessing to someone each day and not only be rewarded in Heaven, but be rewarded even today inheriting His Joy and Peace simply because we first receive His love for us that compels us to do things out of love for others.
It is my prayer that when we are tried by fire, that we will not suffer from our works being like wood, hay or stubble that burns to ash, (because we have failed to seek to be a blessing to others), but the results of gold, silver and priceless stones as our great eternal rewards (1 Cor 3:10-15) simply because we ask Him to use us to bless others. May we allow God to compel us and be determined to see how we can be a richer blessing in little ways to many souls and be more blessed because of it.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
I think often about how God sees and cares about the little things we do. Just think of the blessings we miss out when we fail to do even the smallest things for others. In mans sight, when we simply show kindness to others, man sees this as insignificant, but in Gods sight, it is very significant. How would man even think that giving a cup of cold water in His Name would be rewarding at all? Some men would some times not even say "thank-you". Yet, God tells us that not only will we be rewarded, but will be richly rewarded when we give a cup of cold water to another in His Name. I think we often compare God to man and think that He does and sees things the same way man does. We often think that when we do great things, that is only when the Lord is really pleased, which is nothing but a lie. Every time you smile at someone or give a warm greeting, you will be blessed for all eternity. When you say a sweet simple prayer from the heart for someone, you will be blessed. When you encourage someone, you will be blessed. Or give a small portion of your time to someone who is lonely, you will be greatly rewarded. The smallest of blessings you receive from God is far greater than the greatest reward man receives from other men because they only last momentarily. The rewards God gives are eternal which no reward on earth can ever compare to. That is why we should never get discouraged when we feel we do not get the recognition or be rewarded when we feel we deserve it. If you know God to the measure of knowing how much He loves you and sees what you do, we will know without a shadow of doubt that He will reward you, unless you are trying to receive mans reward. It should cause us to just want to do the best we can and be the best we can be even when man does not reward us, because we serve a God who loves to reward His people. When we do anything to receive the applause of men, we will end up being ashamed to realize that we have forsaken being greatly rewarded for all eternity from God simply because we sought the rewards from man instead of doing good to others out of love (Matt 6:2-5). In fact, knowing this, By His Grace, I want to do and be the very best I can be for Gods Kingdom and will not trouble my spirit to ever be rewarded because we serve the One who is JUST and our labour done in love is never in vain. It is encouraging to know that we don't have to have a big ministry or do great things to be rewarded by God. Just think how many times we may have missed out being blessed and storing for us treasures in Heaven simply because we did not share a smile, did not greet our Brethren, did not make that phone call to simply say hi. When we realize that there are so many "little" things we can do for one another, we should always be finding ways to be a blessing to one another in any way, whether small or great. I don't want anyone to regret missing out on Gods blessings and His rich rewards simply because we failed to do the little things that truly can brighten someones day. By His Grace, we can be a rich blessing to someone each day and not only be rewarded in Heaven, but be rewarded even today inheriting His Joy and Peace simply because we first receive His love for us that compels us to do things out of love for others.
It is my prayer that when we are tried by fire, that we will not suffer from our works being like wood, hay or stubble that burns to ash, (because we have failed to seek to be a blessing to others), but the results of gold, silver and priceless stones as our great eternal rewards (1 Cor 3:10-15) simply because we ask Him to use us to bless others. May we allow God to compel us and be determined to see how we can be a richer blessing in little ways to many souls and be more blessed because of it.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Judas, The Man who never knew
Dear Saints, A friend of mine sent me this article. It's amazing how a person such as Judas could be with Christ for these several years, and yet not truly know Him. Otherwise, I believe if he really knew Jesus personally, he would not have done the dispicable. It's a very profound article I know you will find interesting.
I’ve wondered at times what kind of man this Judas was. What he looked like, how he acted, who his friends were.
I guess I’ve stereotyped him. I’ve always pictured him as a wiry, beady-eyed, sly, wormy fellow, pointed beard and all. I’ve pictured him as estranged from the other apostles.
Friendless. Distant. Undoubtedly he was a traitor and a quisling. Probably the result of a broken home. A juvenile delinquent in his youth.
Yet I wonder if that is so true. We have no evidence (save Judas’s silence) that would suggest that he was isolated. At the Last Supper, when Jesus said that his betrayer sat at the table, we don’t find the apostles immediately turning to Judas as the logical traitor.
No, I think we’ve got Judas pegged wrong. Perhaps he was just the opposite. Instead of sly and wiry, maybe he was robust and jovial. Rather than quiet and introverted, he could have been outgoing and well-meaning. I don’t know.
But for all the things we don’t know about Judas, there is one thing we know for sure: He had no relationship with the Master. He had seen Jesus, but he did not know him. He had heard Jesus, but he did not understand him. He had a religion but no relationship.
As Satan worked his way around the table in the upper room, he needed a special kind of man to betray our Lord. He needed a man who had seen Jesus but who did not know him. He needed a man who knew the actions of Jesus but had missed out on the mission of Jesus. Judas was this man. He knew the empire but had never known the Man. Judas bore the cloak of religion, but he never knew the heart of Christ.
We learn this timeless lesson from the betrayer. Satan’s best tools of destruction are not from outside the church; they are within the church. A church will never die from the immorality in Hollywood or the corruption in Washington. But it will die from corrosion within—from those who bear the name of Jesus but have never met him and from those who have religion but no relationship. Judas bore the cloak of religion, but he never knew the heart of Christ. Let’s make it our goal to know Him deeply who personally loves each of us.
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
I’ve wondered at times what kind of man this Judas was. What he looked like, how he acted, who his friends were.
I guess I’ve stereotyped him. I’ve always pictured him as a wiry, beady-eyed, sly, wormy fellow, pointed beard and all. I’ve pictured him as estranged from the other apostles.
Friendless. Distant. Undoubtedly he was a traitor and a quisling. Probably the result of a broken home. A juvenile delinquent in his youth.
Yet I wonder if that is so true. We have no evidence (save Judas’s silence) that would suggest that he was isolated. At the Last Supper, when Jesus said that his betrayer sat at the table, we don’t find the apostles immediately turning to Judas as the logical traitor.
No, I think we’ve got Judas pegged wrong. Perhaps he was just the opposite. Instead of sly and wiry, maybe he was robust and jovial. Rather than quiet and introverted, he could have been outgoing and well-meaning. I don’t know.
But for all the things we don’t know about Judas, there is one thing we know for sure: He had no relationship with the Master. He had seen Jesus, but he did not know him. He had heard Jesus, but he did not understand him. He had a religion but no relationship.
As Satan worked his way around the table in the upper room, he needed a special kind of man to betray our Lord. He needed a man who had seen Jesus but who did not know him. He needed a man who knew the actions of Jesus but had missed out on the mission of Jesus. Judas was this man. He knew the empire but had never known the Man. Judas bore the cloak of religion, but he never knew the heart of Christ.
We learn this timeless lesson from the betrayer. Satan’s best tools of destruction are not from outside the church; they are within the church. A church will never die from the immorality in Hollywood or the corruption in Washington. But it will die from corrosion within—from those who bear the name of Jesus but have never met him and from those who have religion but no relationship. Judas bore the cloak of religion, but he never knew the heart of Christ. Let’s make it our goal to know Him deeply who personally loves each of us.
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Hidden talents?
Dearest Saints,
Did you ever think God has given you a talent that you may not know of? He doesn't look for qualified people in order to use, but He qualifies people so He can use. In other words, if God had to wait for me to be qualified to use me in any way, He would be waiting a very long time, or probably would have never come about if it meant for me to be "qualified". For someone like me who was probably one of the bottom students in our class in English, who could have thought I could have written two books? When I found myself encouraging many people throughout the weeks, months and years, I would never have thought in my dreams that I could ever qualify doing this, as I was so negative and had low self esteem in my earlier years. I hardly lived each day without saying and thinking so many negative words and thoughts about myself. It was a real revelation to realize how God could have turned my life completely around and use my past to be a blessing to so many. God uses the humble and the abase to shame the wise and prudent (1 Cor 1:20,27). For all the things I felt I would never be qualified to do, God had different plans. He has demonstrated to me many times that He can bring out wonderful talents that I never have imagined of having. I would have never known had I not made the attempt to do what I am now doing. God didn't look to choose highly educated people to be His Disciples to change the world. He purposely picked the most unlikely people that He could use, which most employers would have picked otherwise to represent them and their company.
I realized that had I not made the attempt just to do the things I now see myself doing, I would have not known this hidden talent that is most useful to other people in their distress and in their greatest time of need.
God is not waiting to see if you qualify to do anything in serving Him and serving others, He is looking for a willing heart that wants to be used. After all, He is the One who qualifies us. I wonder for each of us, could there be hidden talents in our lives we have not yet realized we may have? When we ask God to help us, to use us to be a blessing to others in the futherance of His Kingdom, He will truly make a way which may allow you to start using a gift you may have never realized you had. When I know how God has used me in an email ministry over the past decade, it almost scares me to think if I had ended up hiding that talent because I was afraid (Matt 25:25) instead of using a talent He had given me, it is an accountability I would rather not know that I would be accountable before Him, because He dealt harshly towards the Servant who was considered wicked because he hid his talent rather than making good use of it. It makes me want so much to ask God to reveal all talents in my life so I can fully utilize my life to bring the Hope of Christ to all I come in contact with. I know that when you ask Him to help use you for His good and perfect will, we can know that He can reveal to us every hidden talent that is most useful to many people in need whom we come across and are close to.
The message I want to get across is that God has given us wonderful talents that is most precious and beautiful if we would use them to glorify Him and be a blessing to others. Each of us, no matter how insignificant we may consider ourselves, has a wonderful talent that others in our midst needs. Each one of us is truly unique and there is not another in this world exactly the same as you. For we are Gods workmanship, recreated in Christ to do good works (Eph 2:10). We are a unique beautiful original copy and we should stop trying to be a cheap imitator of someone else just you may feel they are more gifted than you. You most likely have a quality they themselves want. If you are willing and obedient, God can use each of us in a very powerful way so we can each richly bless one another in their time of need. You may be the only Jesus many people may see and the only one whom God can and will use for the greatest mandate in all of history. With Your help Lord, may each of us use every wonderful talent God has given us and hear from Him like the one who received 5 talents, and the two talents and hear God say "Well done thy good and faithful Servant" (Matt 25:21,23). Just because the one servant received two talents does not mean God was not equally pleased with the Servant initially receiving 5 talents. I believe God would have been more displeased with the servant who did receive five, but only used four, rather then the one receiving two talents and using both talents. Therefore, it is not the size or the position of a ministry you hold, but whether or not we are making full use of all our talents to work to glorify God and to bless many others in their time of need. I hope this encourages you to know God has gifted each of you with a priceless talent that will make a positive difference in peoples lives.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)
Did you ever think God has given you a talent that you may not know of? He doesn't look for qualified people in order to use, but He qualifies people so He can use. In other words, if God had to wait for me to be qualified to use me in any way, He would be waiting a very long time, or probably would have never come about if it meant for me to be "qualified". For someone like me who was probably one of the bottom students in our class in English, who could have thought I could have written two books? When I found myself encouraging many people throughout the weeks, months and years, I would never have thought in my dreams that I could ever qualify doing this, as I was so negative and had low self esteem in my earlier years. I hardly lived each day without saying and thinking so many negative words and thoughts about myself. It was a real revelation to realize how God could have turned my life completely around and use my past to be a blessing to so many. God uses the humble and the abase to shame the wise and prudent (1 Cor 1:20,27). For all the things I felt I would never be qualified to do, God had different plans. He has demonstrated to me many times that He can bring out wonderful talents that I never have imagined of having. I would have never known had I not made the attempt to do what I am now doing. God didn't look to choose highly educated people to be His Disciples to change the world. He purposely picked the most unlikely people that He could use, which most employers would have picked otherwise to represent them and their company.
I realized that had I not made the attempt just to do the things I now see myself doing, I would have not known this hidden talent that is most useful to other people in their distress and in their greatest time of need.
God is not waiting to see if you qualify to do anything in serving Him and serving others, He is looking for a willing heart that wants to be used. After all, He is the One who qualifies us. I wonder for each of us, could there be hidden talents in our lives we have not yet realized we may have? When we ask God to help us, to use us to be a blessing to others in the futherance of His Kingdom, He will truly make a way which may allow you to start using a gift you may have never realized you had. When I know how God has used me in an email ministry over the past decade, it almost scares me to think if I had ended up hiding that talent because I was afraid (Matt 25:25) instead of using a talent He had given me, it is an accountability I would rather not know that I would be accountable before Him, because He dealt harshly towards the Servant who was considered wicked because he hid his talent rather than making good use of it. It makes me want so much to ask God to reveal all talents in my life so I can fully utilize my life to bring the Hope of Christ to all I come in contact with. I know that when you ask Him to help use you for His good and perfect will, we can know that He can reveal to us every hidden talent that is most useful to many people in need whom we come across and are close to.
The message I want to get across is that God has given us wonderful talents that is most precious and beautiful if we would use them to glorify Him and be a blessing to others. Each of us, no matter how insignificant we may consider ourselves, has a wonderful talent that others in our midst needs. Each one of us is truly unique and there is not another in this world exactly the same as you. For we are Gods workmanship, recreated in Christ to do good works (Eph 2:10). We are a unique beautiful original copy and we should stop trying to be a cheap imitator of someone else just you may feel they are more gifted than you. You most likely have a quality they themselves want. If you are willing and obedient, God can use each of us in a very powerful way so we can each richly bless one another in their time of need. You may be the only Jesus many people may see and the only one whom God can and will use for the greatest mandate in all of history. With Your help Lord, may each of us use every wonderful talent God has given us and hear from Him like the one who received 5 talents, and the two talents and hear God say "Well done thy good and faithful Servant" (Matt 25:21,23). Just because the one servant received two talents does not mean God was not equally pleased with the Servant initially receiving 5 talents. I believe God would have been more displeased with the servant who did receive five, but only used four, rather then the one receiving two talents and using both talents. Therefore, it is not the size or the position of a ministry you hold, but whether or not we are making full use of all our talents to work to glorify God and to bless many others in their time of need. I hope this encourages you to know God has gifted each of you with a priceless talent that will make a positive difference in peoples lives.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)
Attaining Knowledge of His Word - Part 1
Dear Saints,
When we are able to learn much about any agenda, it is because we understand the value of its purpose for ourselves. People who don't learn about an issue is simply because they don't value or see any purpose for their own benefit. Sadly, this is the case why many people are ignorant of God because they don't value Him and how our very lives are truly in His care. When we want to get the most of Gods Word to make it a vital part of our lives, we need to understand the important purpose that this is the key to benefitting our very lives here in our present existence and life eternal. We need to see the value of who God is and go back to the basics and never lose sight of His Great Character, His awesome attributes in many ways and the greatness of His Love for us.
One of the first things I find important to allow His Word to have the greatest impact in our lives is to identify how much He loves us. This begins by seeing how Great He is and how our lives are truly dependant on His care for us every second of our lives. We need to see the magnitude of His awesome love for us when we see how He left His Throne of Glory to come to earth in a form of man and not only become man, but a lowly servant. He chose to be born in a lowly village called Bethlehem and even humbled to the point in a manger, right at the beginning of birth, He chose to enter this world in the most lowly state (Micah 5:2). Can you imagine the son of the Prince of Wales choosing to live in a most humble abode in a third world country? Yet Christ Himself did this from one extreme to the other more-so that any stately habitation on earth. To think that He endured so much ridicule, opposition, rejection and punishment to willingly gave His all for us at the death on the cross on our behalf, which He bore the curse of mankind (Phil 2:8). To realize He knew that these events were to come, yet He came in obedience to the Fathers will. This should always be the center theme in our thoughts when we choose to read His Word. Knowing that when we read the Bible, He is the fulfillment of the greatest love letter in all history to which it all comes down to. When we position ourselves to be mindful of Who He is, What He has done for us and to the extent that He went to deliver us from sin, hell and the grave, should cause us to love His Word, when we realize that He is the Word (John 1:1,14). When we love to do something (a vocation of our choice), we become truly knowledgeable about it because we see the value in it. When we see the value of who Christ is in a greater way and what He has accomplished for us, His awesome attributes and how He continually sustains us, we love Him above everything else because we are mindful of the value of who He is to our very life. We need to understand that our eternal destiny is determined by how we handle His Word and how we value His instructions by living by them.
Therefore these are the first things to reflect on, and when we do, we will retain the wisdom of His Word because we will see the value He has upon our very lives and know the magnitude of His love for us. I find it very important how we can admire His awesome greatness is to study the sovereignty of God and His awesome attributes in many ways. I do this by meditating on the astronomical size of our universe, the 80+ billion galaxies, the multitude of stars (that make the sun look like a pinhead) and God is the creator of all, who fills all heavens and earth (Jer 23:24; Eph 4:10). Some of the attributes of His sovereign power I like to constantly remind myself are:
His unsearchable Knowledge that exceeds the grains of sands of this earth (Ps 139:17,18)
He has accomplished more than all the volumes of the millions of books ever written (John 21:25)
Knows every one who has ever lived, are living now and yet to live (Rom 11:2)
Knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7);
Knows every word we have uttered, or before we utter them (Psalm 139:4). Yet He chooses to forgive when we repent having uttered any profanity or unprofitable word (1 John 1:9)
Forms life in every womb (Job 31:15)
There is never a time where God was not present (Psalm 139:7-10);
His foolishness far exceeds the greatest wisdom of man (1 Cor 1:25);
His foreknowledge of all events by reading all the prophesies and realizing how Christ Himself knew many events yet to come (Jer 1:5)
There is nothing that God cannot do (Luke 1:37) ... and on and on we can go. We should be encouraged to continue making a list and reviewing His awesomeness so we don't lose that awe of Him, which is why He was angry with a particular nation who did lose that reverential fear of Him (Jer 2:19).
Comparing the greatness of His Knowledge, Power, Wisdom, Omni-presence and comparing His love equally beyond our capability in all attributes allows us to develop the truth of having reverential fear of God that we should have. When we meditate on these principles over and over in our minds, this is when we start to develop a stronghold of good and Godly qualities He tells us to have. Even though I have been a Christian for over 20 years, I find it’s good for me to go back to these principles and meditate on this. This gives me great comfort to know who He is and what He means to me in my life, how much He loves me and sustains me in the palm of His hands. When I consider all of this, He compels me to want to get to know Him more and more and being able to develop that knowledge and relationship with Him in a far greater way then ever before. Let us never lose value and purpose to the degree we need to retain by having a healthy reverential fear of our dear Lord and put this into practice rather than just reading about this and losing sight on it. Blessings to you in the Lord.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
When we are able to learn much about any agenda, it is because we understand the value of its purpose for ourselves. People who don't learn about an issue is simply because they don't value or see any purpose for their own benefit. Sadly, this is the case why many people are ignorant of God because they don't value Him and how our very lives are truly in His care. When we want to get the most of Gods Word to make it a vital part of our lives, we need to understand the important purpose that this is the key to benefitting our very lives here in our present existence and life eternal. We need to see the value of who God is and go back to the basics and never lose sight of His Great Character, His awesome attributes in many ways and the greatness of His Love for us.
One of the first things I find important to allow His Word to have the greatest impact in our lives is to identify how much He loves us. This begins by seeing how Great He is and how our lives are truly dependant on His care for us every second of our lives. We need to see the magnitude of His awesome love for us when we see how He left His Throne of Glory to come to earth in a form of man and not only become man, but a lowly servant. He chose to be born in a lowly village called Bethlehem and even humbled to the point in a manger, right at the beginning of birth, He chose to enter this world in the most lowly state (Micah 5:2). Can you imagine the son of the Prince of Wales choosing to live in a most humble abode in a third world country? Yet Christ Himself did this from one extreme to the other more-so that any stately habitation on earth. To think that He endured so much ridicule, opposition, rejection and punishment to willingly gave His all for us at the death on the cross on our behalf, which He bore the curse of mankind (Phil 2:8). To realize He knew that these events were to come, yet He came in obedience to the Fathers will. This should always be the center theme in our thoughts when we choose to read His Word. Knowing that when we read the Bible, He is the fulfillment of the greatest love letter in all history to which it all comes down to. When we position ourselves to be mindful of Who He is, What He has done for us and to the extent that He went to deliver us from sin, hell and the grave, should cause us to love His Word, when we realize that He is the Word (John 1:1,14). When we love to do something (a vocation of our choice), we become truly knowledgeable about it because we see the value in it. When we see the value of who Christ is in a greater way and what He has accomplished for us, His awesome attributes and how He continually sustains us, we love Him above everything else because we are mindful of the value of who He is to our very life. We need to understand that our eternal destiny is determined by how we handle His Word and how we value His instructions by living by them.
Therefore these are the first things to reflect on, and when we do, we will retain the wisdom of His Word because we will see the value He has upon our very lives and know the magnitude of His love for us. I find it very important how we can admire His awesome greatness is to study the sovereignty of God and His awesome attributes in many ways. I do this by meditating on the astronomical size of our universe, the 80+ billion galaxies, the multitude of stars (that make the sun look like a pinhead) and God is the creator of all, who fills all heavens and earth (Jer 23:24; Eph 4:10). Some of the attributes of His sovereign power I like to constantly remind myself are:
His unsearchable Knowledge that exceeds the grains of sands of this earth (Ps 139:17,18)
He has accomplished more than all the volumes of the millions of books ever written (John 21:25)
Knows every one who has ever lived, are living now and yet to live (Rom 11:2)
Knows the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7);
Knows every word we have uttered, or before we utter them (Psalm 139:4). Yet He chooses to forgive when we repent having uttered any profanity or unprofitable word (1 John 1:9)
Forms life in every womb (Job 31:15)
There is never a time where God was not present (Psalm 139:7-10);
His foolishness far exceeds the greatest wisdom of man (1 Cor 1:25);
His foreknowledge of all events by reading all the prophesies and realizing how Christ Himself knew many events yet to come (Jer 1:5)
There is nothing that God cannot do (Luke 1:37) ... and on and on we can go. We should be encouraged to continue making a list and reviewing His awesomeness so we don't lose that awe of Him, which is why He was angry with a particular nation who did lose that reverential fear of Him (Jer 2:19).
Comparing the greatness of His Knowledge, Power, Wisdom, Omni-presence and comparing His love equally beyond our capability in all attributes allows us to develop the truth of having reverential fear of God that we should have. When we meditate on these principles over and over in our minds, this is when we start to develop a stronghold of good and Godly qualities He tells us to have. Even though I have been a Christian for over 20 years, I find it’s good for me to go back to these principles and meditate on this. This gives me great comfort to know who He is and what He means to me in my life, how much He loves me and sustains me in the palm of His hands. When I consider all of this, He compels me to want to get to know Him more and more and being able to develop that knowledge and relationship with Him in a far greater way then ever before. Let us never lose value and purpose to the degree we need to retain by having a healthy reverential fear of our dear Lord and put this into practice rather than just reading about this and losing sight on it. Blessings to you in the Lord.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Attaining Knowledge of His Word - Part 2
Dear Saints.
After meditating on the wonderful attributes of God and how He is willing and able to care for us in the most details of life, we need to know what His Word means to us in order to get the most of His Word in a most practical way. Again, when we are able to acquire and benefit ourselves by gaining richer knowledge and wisdom about anything in general, it is because we are delighted about the positive results it has upon our lives. It's not only meditating on Gods Word alone, but reflecting on the positive results that His Word and instruction brings to our lives, not only in the eternal realm, but also in our present lives. When I spend quality time thinking about where I once was, and what I have gone through, it is priceless to think how much I have learned the wisdom of His Word that have lead me to where I am today. I can honestly say that I may not be where I need to be, but thank God for His Grace and Mercy that I am not where I used to be. Regardless of where I am at, I know that He loves me, and we need to know this for each one of us in a deeper sense.
In the past, where my heart was broken and my life was a daily struggle, it was inviting Him and trusting Him to fight my battles week after week, month after month and year after year. Learning to use His Words of instruction and wisdom of being humble healed my broken heart moment by moment. I now live each day with such hope and peace that I hardly knew about. Where I was often tormented by fears, worries, depression....He has changed that for me so I can live in Peace, having that wonderful faith in Him because I know His love for me. I am no longer anxious about anything, because I know when He is at the helm of my life, I am truly content because He cares for me. When negative words were destroying my life, by His Grace and by His instructions, I am no longer under its authority. He has instructed me to live a victorious life by not allowing negative words to dominate me. Because of His Word and instructions, negative words which had dominated my life, I now have dominion over them by learning from His Word to speak the power of the truth of His Word. He has taught me as His Child to use the authority He has given us and becoming a stronger Christian because of the trials I had gone through. When people often bring discouragement to me, I know when I go to Gods Word and declare them over me and refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy who often speaks through people, I am always encouraged. This is why I know that He truly does love me because I have lived this and proven the positiveness of His Word in my life as a testimony to tell you that HIS WORD WORKS!!
To benefit, we sometimes need to reflect on where we were and where we have come. We may not see any advancement each day, but when you compare your life now as it was several years ago, I know for myself how much I have grown in the Lord. When I take my time to reflect, I see the power and the Truth of how His Word has had a very positive affect on my life. It may not be easy to say this when a person is going through trials at the present time, but I can truly say that I am better off having gone through severe trials because I have learned so much and appreciate what trials other people go through, which God has gifted me to be able to effectively counsel and bring encouragement to so many people in the past decade. I know I would never have had the compassion that I do now if I had not gone through many trials. We may not see what God is doing, but DO KNOW and SAY SO...that you believe God is doing something wonderful in your life. It is often hidden from our sight, but I would say to you...NEVER GIVE UP, because that is what the enemy wants you to do and he lies by telling you nothing is going to change. This is where we can give up and give the enemy legal access to have dominion over our lives, or this is the time where we can dig our heals in and become bold in the Lord and tell him "I BELIEVE GOD IS DOING A GREAT WORK IN ME" and this is where we are strengthened in Him is when we refuse to give up and we boldly declare our dependency on the Lord.
The only thing about this that is devastating is when people just Give Up and fail to believe that God is able to deliver you from trials that is meant to build you up and strengthen you to do greater and mightier works that He alone is able to do through you. When you know that His Word can do this for you, it will motivate you and you will be able to benefit more from His Word in order to be a rich blessing to many others who may later benefit from you. When you think of a little tree that is being planted, you will notice that the tree is not growing much at first, but it is doing something vital that is hidden because it is developing roots in order for the tree itself to become strong. Therefore, if you don't see much of a change at first, do know that He is doing something vital in your life that He can use for His glory. When I realize the trials I had to go through, it was often because He had to break the stubborn pride from my heart and give me a spirit of humility, which is when I benefitted the most. So when you are about to read His Word, KNOW and realize that His Word brings Deliverance; Healing; Restoration; Hope and Life that benefits us in every way. When we stop and see how life enhancing His Word is to each of us personally in every detail of life, this should motivate us to be able to get the most of His Word that we benefit from.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
After meditating on the wonderful attributes of God and how He is willing and able to care for us in the most details of life, we need to know what His Word means to us in order to get the most of His Word in a most practical way. Again, when we are able to acquire and benefit ourselves by gaining richer knowledge and wisdom about anything in general, it is because we are delighted about the positive results it has upon our lives. It's not only meditating on Gods Word alone, but reflecting on the positive results that His Word and instruction brings to our lives, not only in the eternal realm, but also in our present lives. When I spend quality time thinking about where I once was, and what I have gone through, it is priceless to think how much I have learned the wisdom of His Word that have lead me to where I am today. I can honestly say that I may not be where I need to be, but thank God for His Grace and Mercy that I am not where I used to be. Regardless of where I am at, I know that He loves me, and we need to know this for each one of us in a deeper sense.
In the past, where my heart was broken and my life was a daily struggle, it was inviting Him and trusting Him to fight my battles week after week, month after month and year after year. Learning to use His Words of instruction and wisdom of being humble healed my broken heart moment by moment. I now live each day with such hope and peace that I hardly knew about. Where I was often tormented by fears, worries, depression....He has changed that for me so I can live in Peace, having that wonderful faith in Him because I know His love for me. I am no longer anxious about anything, because I know when He is at the helm of my life, I am truly content because He cares for me. When negative words were destroying my life, by His Grace and by His instructions, I am no longer under its authority. He has instructed me to live a victorious life by not allowing negative words to dominate me. Because of His Word and instructions, negative words which had dominated my life, I now have dominion over them by learning from His Word to speak the power of the truth of His Word. He has taught me as His Child to use the authority He has given us and becoming a stronger Christian because of the trials I had gone through. When people often bring discouragement to me, I know when I go to Gods Word and declare them over me and refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy who often speaks through people, I am always encouraged. This is why I know that He truly does love me because I have lived this and proven the positiveness of His Word in my life as a testimony to tell you that HIS WORD WORKS!!
To benefit, we sometimes need to reflect on where we were and where we have come. We may not see any advancement each day, but when you compare your life now as it was several years ago, I know for myself how much I have grown in the Lord. When I take my time to reflect, I see the power and the Truth of how His Word has had a very positive affect on my life. It may not be easy to say this when a person is going through trials at the present time, but I can truly say that I am better off having gone through severe trials because I have learned so much and appreciate what trials other people go through, which God has gifted me to be able to effectively counsel and bring encouragement to so many people in the past decade. I know I would never have had the compassion that I do now if I had not gone through many trials. We may not see what God is doing, but DO KNOW and SAY SO...that you believe God is doing something wonderful in your life. It is often hidden from our sight, but I would say to you...NEVER GIVE UP, because that is what the enemy wants you to do and he lies by telling you nothing is going to change. This is where we can give up and give the enemy legal access to have dominion over our lives, or this is the time where we can dig our heals in and become bold in the Lord and tell him "I BELIEVE GOD IS DOING A GREAT WORK IN ME" and this is where we are strengthened in Him is when we refuse to give up and we boldly declare our dependency on the Lord.
The only thing about this that is devastating is when people just Give Up and fail to believe that God is able to deliver you from trials that is meant to build you up and strengthen you to do greater and mightier works that He alone is able to do through you. When you know that His Word can do this for you, it will motivate you and you will be able to benefit more from His Word in order to be a rich blessing to many others who may later benefit from you. When you think of a little tree that is being planted, you will notice that the tree is not growing much at first, but it is doing something vital that is hidden because it is developing roots in order for the tree itself to become strong. Therefore, if you don't see much of a change at first, do know that He is doing something vital in your life that He can use for His glory. When I realize the trials I had to go through, it was often because He had to break the stubborn pride from my heart and give me a spirit of humility, which is when I benefitted the most. So when you are about to read His Word, KNOW and realize that His Word brings Deliverance; Healing; Restoration; Hope and Life that benefits us in every way. When we stop and see how life enhancing His Word is to each of us personally in every detail of life, this should motivate us to be able to get the most of His Word that we benefit from.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Attaining Knowledge of His Word - Part 3
Dear Saints,
After realizing how awesome He is in every attribute, and how He alone is the greatest Deliverer, Comforter,Healer, Restorer, Provider and Builder for your very life, I would like to share what has helped me retain Gods Word and develop greater knowledge of the wisdom and power of His Word in some practical ways. The first thing we need to understand is that apart from God, we can accomplish nothing (John 15:5). Even though we don't often acknowledge Him in our daily tasks, He still very often and graciously gives us the ability to do every agenda we find ourselves doing. This should cause us to realize how gracious He is when He continues to be faithful to help us, even though we may often not acknowledge Him in every single detail in life. For every breath we breathe, it is because He sustains us by the power of His Word. Therefore, what we need to do first and foremost is to pray by asking Him to help you impart His Power, knowledge and wisdom of His Spirit to help you get the most of His Word and help Him to reveal a deeper revelation of what He is saying. For when we are humble (by acknowledging His help for us), He promises to give His Grace to the humble. It is when we simply ask Him (by acknowledging His help) for wisdom, He tells us that He liberally gives wisdom for those who ask ungrudgingly without any reproach or faultfinding (James 1:5 - Amplified Version). For He opposes the proud, all because they think they don't need His help, even in the most menial tasks...we still need His help whether we like to admit it or not. It is vital that we exercise true humility by acknowledging our full dependency on God if we expect to get the most out of His Word.
The next thing I find we need to do before you read His Word is to understand that what you are about to read can apply to each one of us in this present age. As a couple of examples: In 1 Samuel 17, there is a story of David and Goliath (which most people have heard of). But that is where most people stop because they only know this as a history lesson. However, there is a great deal of information from this story alone that we should get out of that will benefit us during our present lives. This story reveals that God can work through anyone (no matter how small or how young you are because David was only a young small lad of 12 years of age) who will stand up against our enemies (whether it be demonic forces or any negative circumstances you are facing). He was strong because he developed a confident spirit of what God could do for him in this circumstance. This is a lesson for us to understand to see how important for us to equally have our confidence in God in our present circumstances. When we understand this principle for ourselves, we will benefit from it much more than just reading this as an historic event. Another one out of an abundance of stories we read is Jonah. The lesson from Jonah and his disobedience to obey God, caused storms to rise within our circumstances and often causes negative circumstances to come upon others simply because of disobedience. This is what we need to understand is that when we disobey God, negative circumstances not only happens to ourselves, but often times includes others as you read about how the other men in the boat had to deal with the storm also, all because of one mans disobedience. Therefore, before we start to read, we need to understand that what we read about the others simply is not just a history lesson to know, but to ask God "How does this apply to me today and what can I learn from their experience?" When I read some of the scriptures that only talk about family history where a father begets a son... who begets a son....who begets a son and so on (Numbers 1), it may seem mundane or of no value. But to get something value out of this, it causes me to see how the Lord inspired the writers to write the lineage of ancestors with such detail of recorded history. This reveals to me how the Lord can also inspire us in ways as the men of old were inspired. Therefore, we need to have the mindset to understand that His Word, no matter where it may be in the Bible, is not only there as an historic event, but is relevant to help us live and benefit in our present life.
When we have read a short chapter, or perhaps part of a long chapter (ie: Psalm 119), it is good to go over in your mind and talk to yourself about what you read and try to put it in to your own words. I find thinking audibly in your mind over and over again is a very good way of gaining greater insight and retaining information about the greatest medicine for our souls of all time (Bible). As you take notes and write down (or type in) about what you have read, this is another great way to be able to retain the wisdom and knowledge of His Word. It is often when I am typing any messages on my computer, that the Lord reveals much greater insight and revelation when I am thinking and pondering about what I am typing in. Just after I read Ruth the other day, I am practicing these principles by making attempts to try to explain to myself of the events which took place and answer a question about how it was that Ruth found more favor with God then her Sister in Law, Orpah. It may seem funny, but if you would go in to a quiet room and speak about the events in the Bible you read to yourself, you will be amazed at how you will be able to use a simple principle to retain the power and knowledge of His Word in a greater dimension which is able to make you strong to abound in every good work (2 Cor 9:8). For the Lord tells us in Proverbs 14:6 that Knowledge comes easily to the discerning. Therefore, its not simply the intellect who are able to gain knowledge, but the knowledge and the power of His wisdom comes to those who will spend time to meditate over of what God is saying through His Word. I believe that is why David was a blessed man of God, because he often pondered His Word in his own heart (Psalm 119:11). That is why when you have children, or a group, it is good to talk about these different events that allows us to retain His Word when we hear ourselves speak. For we build up faith when we hear and hear the Word of God (Rom 10:17). When we come to understand the rich truth that His Word is the best medicine for our souls, why would we not want to take advantage to get the most of His Word in very practical ways that work? May the Lord richly bless you with the wisdom and knowledge He so much wants to impart.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
After realizing how awesome He is in every attribute, and how He alone is the greatest Deliverer, Comforter,Healer, Restorer, Provider and Builder for your very life, I would like to share what has helped me retain Gods Word and develop greater knowledge of the wisdom and power of His Word in some practical ways. The first thing we need to understand is that apart from God, we can accomplish nothing (John 15:5). Even though we don't often acknowledge Him in our daily tasks, He still very often and graciously gives us the ability to do every agenda we find ourselves doing. This should cause us to realize how gracious He is when He continues to be faithful to help us, even though we may often not acknowledge Him in every single detail in life. For every breath we breathe, it is because He sustains us by the power of His Word. Therefore, what we need to do first and foremost is to pray by asking Him to help you impart His Power, knowledge and wisdom of His Spirit to help you get the most of His Word and help Him to reveal a deeper revelation of what He is saying. For when we are humble (by acknowledging His help for us), He promises to give His Grace to the humble. It is when we simply ask Him (by acknowledging His help) for wisdom, He tells us that He liberally gives wisdom for those who ask ungrudgingly without any reproach or faultfinding (James 1:5 - Amplified Version). For He opposes the proud, all because they think they don't need His help, even in the most menial tasks...we still need His help whether we like to admit it or not. It is vital that we exercise true humility by acknowledging our full dependency on God if we expect to get the most out of His Word.
The next thing I find we need to do before you read His Word is to understand that what you are about to read can apply to each one of us in this present age. As a couple of examples: In 1 Samuel 17, there is a story of David and Goliath (which most people have heard of). But that is where most people stop because they only know this as a history lesson. However, there is a great deal of information from this story alone that we should get out of that will benefit us during our present lives. This story reveals that God can work through anyone (no matter how small or how young you are because David was only a young small lad of 12 years of age) who will stand up against our enemies (whether it be demonic forces or any negative circumstances you are facing). He was strong because he developed a confident spirit of what God could do for him in this circumstance. This is a lesson for us to understand to see how important for us to equally have our confidence in God in our present circumstances. When we understand this principle for ourselves, we will benefit from it much more than just reading this as an historic event. Another one out of an abundance of stories we read is Jonah. The lesson from Jonah and his disobedience to obey God, caused storms to rise within our circumstances and often causes negative circumstances to come upon others simply because of disobedience. This is what we need to understand is that when we disobey God, negative circumstances not only happens to ourselves, but often times includes others as you read about how the other men in the boat had to deal with the storm also, all because of one mans disobedience. Therefore, before we start to read, we need to understand that what we read about the others simply is not just a history lesson to know, but to ask God "How does this apply to me today and what can I learn from their experience?" When I read some of the scriptures that only talk about family history where a father begets a son... who begets a son....who begets a son and so on (Numbers 1), it may seem mundane or of no value. But to get something value out of this, it causes me to see how the Lord inspired the writers to write the lineage of ancestors with such detail of recorded history. This reveals to me how the Lord can also inspire us in ways as the men of old were inspired. Therefore, we need to have the mindset to understand that His Word, no matter where it may be in the Bible, is not only there as an historic event, but is relevant to help us live and benefit in our present life.
When we have read a short chapter, or perhaps part of a long chapter (ie: Psalm 119), it is good to go over in your mind and talk to yourself about what you read and try to put it in to your own words. I find thinking audibly in your mind over and over again is a very good way of gaining greater insight and retaining information about the greatest medicine for our souls of all time (Bible). As you take notes and write down (or type in) about what you have read, this is another great way to be able to retain the wisdom and knowledge of His Word. It is often when I am typing any messages on my computer, that the Lord reveals much greater insight and revelation when I am thinking and pondering about what I am typing in. Just after I read Ruth the other day, I am practicing these principles by making attempts to try to explain to myself of the events which took place and answer a question about how it was that Ruth found more favor with God then her Sister in Law, Orpah. It may seem funny, but if you would go in to a quiet room and speak about the events in the Bible you read to yourself, you will be amazed at how you will be able to use a simple principle to retain the power and knowledge of His Word in a greater dimension which is able to make you strong to abound in every good work (2 Cor 9:8). For the Lord tells us in Proverbs 14:6 that Knowledge comes easily to the discerning. Therefore, its not simply the intellect who are able to gain knowledge, but the knowledge and the power of His wisdom comes to those who will spend time to meditate over of what God is saying through His Word. I believe that is why David was a blessed man of God, because he often pondered His Word in his own heart (Psalm 119:11). That is why when you have children, or a group, it is good to talk about these different events that allows us to retain His Word when we hear ourselves speak. For we build up faith when we hear and hear the Word of God (Rom 10:17). When we come to understand the rich truth that His Word is the best medicine for our souls, why would we not want to take advantage to get the most of His Word in very practical ways that work? May the Lord richly bless you with the wisdom and knowledge He so much wants to impart.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Beware of a Bitter Spirit
Dear Saints. Why is it that I often meet Christians who are often in bondage to bitterness? Bitterness is serious because it is the one symptom that causes many Christians to be defiled.
Hebrews 12:15 "looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness spring up to trouble you, and thereby many be defiled".
I looked up a number of definitions describing the word "defiled" and some of those words include: corrupt; pollute; debase; spoil; filthy, marred and even describes sewage, which is hardly anything close to what the Bible tells us that we should be the sweet fragrance and aroma of Christ (2 Cor 2:15). Therefore, we are hardly anything close to being like Christ when we allow ourselves to remain bitter. I never noticed it earlier until now, but when you read the last part of Heb 12:15, it mentions about many becoming defiled. Therefore, when one person is bitter, it often tends to have a rippling effect on many others to be defiled because bad company corrupts good character (1 Cor 15:33), which often infects many Christians especially when we should have the wisdom to know better. That is why the Lord tells us not to associate with a hot tempered man lest you become like him (Prov 22:24). It is important to know that we should have a positive effect on people before we allow them to infect our Godly character that we should maintain.
When I consider and ask why there are those who are either easily embittered or remain in bitterness, I wanted to do some research as to what the root of the problem is. Often times, the result of bitterness starts with anger and when people continue to fester in their thoughts with anger and not quickly deal with it, this is anger gone sour. Anger in itself when being angry against evil is not sin in itself, because Jesus got angry, but yet did not sin. However, He didn't continue to feed on His anger, but allowed his anger to be only manifested at that given point in time for that specific purpose when those who were selling and trading in Gods temple rather than honoring His temple as a place of prayer. He did not allow Himself to continue to further carry this anger within Himself. I believe some of the root causes for Christians to develop bitterness are as follows:
a) Failing to trust in Gods Care for us. When Christians should surrender by knowing that God cares for us and is able to give us a better life, we often fail to see His love and care for us that we feel that we need to be in control. Often times, people with control issues often get angry when things don't go their way because they want to remain in control rather than being controlled by the One who truly does love us and is able to care for us better then we could ever do. We end up becoming our own "gods" rather than surrendering ourselves to the True Living God who does love and care exceedingly for us. When we feel the need to control, we fail to believe in the One to take care of our every needs when He wants to take careful control of our lives.
b) Failing to know who the real enemy is. This is often the result when Christians become offended, of which many remain bitter because they fail to see how the enemy uses people to come against themselves. When we realize that our oppressors are simply a victim of the real enemy himself (satan), we would stop feeling sorry for ourselves and feel sorry for them because of the severe consequences they are going to face because of their evil actions. When our oppressors come against Gods people, they actually come against God Himself who is going to require an account. This is the difference from having worldly sorrow and having Godly sorrow (2 Cor 7:10). One brings forth death, while the other brings forth life. Worldly sorrow stems from having that "woe is me" attitude because we are feeling sorry for ourselves and we carry that hurt rather then seeing our oppressors as the real victim. The result of this also is developing a spirit of unforgiveness which is a real trick of the enemy because we end up seeing other people as our enemies and fail to see satan and his emissaries as the real enemies of mankind.
c) Fail to see that God is a Just God. When people remain bitter and develop that spirit of bitterness, they fail to see that our God is not only a loving God, but He is a God of Justice who demands holiness. For the foundation of His Throne is based on Mercy and Justice (Psalm 89:14). When we see how our God is a Just God, don't you think that He will require an account of people? He also says encourages us to not seek vengeance, because vengeance belongs to God (Rom 12:19). When people remain bitter towards others who have offended us and we allow the offence to fester within us, we are really telling God that He needs our assistance and we end up believing that God is not a God of Justice. If we know the truth of God who will require an account from the actions of anyone, that should cause us to feel sorry for those who come against Gods people rather than being in bondage having bitterness towards them. When we know the Love and Justice of our God, there will never be a reason for anyone to develop bitterness, which does nothing but ruin and defile ourselves.
d) Failing to forgive ourselves. This is a result of failing to believe in the Grace of God for ourselves personally. Failing to believe the magnificent truth of His unmatched love for each of us personally. When we often fail or do wrong, we feel like we have to justify ourselves by feeling condemned which is nothing but a trick of the enemy who wants to keep you in bondage by believing this lie. When we fail to forgive ourselves, we are telling God that we don't believe His loving Grace and mercy. For He says that He is just and faithful to forgive us of our sins when we repent (1 John 1:9). When we don't forgive ourselves, we are also telling God that His Grace is not good enough for us, so we feel we are justified by remaining guilty and condemned. For He tells us that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1)
Everything that God teaches us is always for our ultimate benefit that is the result of being liberated and free from every bondage that will keep us from ever having true peace, joy and fulfillment in life. Believing otherwise is remaining in bondage which the devil wants you to believe by failing to see Gods perfect love, mercy and justice for us. When we realize that developing bitterness is the cause of these symptoms and how we become defiled is a poor representative of Christ, we will want to do all we can to avoid ourselves from becoming defiled and avoid being infected by those who do carry a spirit of bitterness within themselves because this is what ends up defiling many. The verse mentioned before Heb 12:15 is what we need to purse to avoid ourselves becoming defiled.
Heb 12:14-15 - Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord.
Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God's grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it--
With the help of His Spirit, we can know that we are not unaware of the devils schemes.
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Hebrews 12:15 "looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness spring up to trouble you, and thereby many be defiled".
I looked up a number of definitions describing the word "defiled" and some of those words include: corrupt; pollute; debase; spoil; filthy, marred and even describes sewage, which is hardly anything close to what the Bible tells us that we should be the sweet fragrance and aroma of Christ (2 Cor 2:15). Therefore, we are hardly anything close to being like Christ when we allow ourselves to remain bitter. I never noticed it earlier until now, but when you read the last part of Heb 12:15, it mentions about many becoming defiled. Therefore, when one person is bitter, it often tends to have a rippling effect on many others to be defiled because bad company corrupts good character (1 Cor 15:33), which often infects many Christians especially when we should have the wisdom to know better. That is why the Lord tells us not to associate with a hot tempered man lest you become like him (Prov 22:24). It is important to know that we should have a positive effect on people before we allow them to infect our Godly character that we should maintain.
When I consider and ask why there are those who are either easily embittered or remain in bitterness, I wanted to do some research as to what the root of the problem is. Often times, the result of bitterness starts with anger and when people continue to fester in their thoughts with anger and not quickly deal with it, this is anger gone sour. Anger in itself when being angry against evil is not sin in itself, because Jesus got angry, but yet did not sin. However, He didn't continue to feed on His anger, but allowed his anger to be only manifested at that given point in time for that specific purpose when those who were selling and trading in Gods temple rather than honoring His temple as a place of prayer. He did not allow Himself to continue to further carry this anger within Himself. I believe some of the root causes for Christians to develop bitterness are as follows:
a) Failing to trust in Gods Care for us. When Christians should surrender by knowing that God cares for us and is able to give us a better life, we often fail to see His love and care for us that we feel that we need to be in control. Often times, people with control issues often get angry when things don't go their way because they want to remain in control rather than being controlled by the One who truly does love us and is able to care for us better then we could ever do. We end up becoming our own "gods" rather than surrendering ourselves to the True Living God who does love and care exceedingly for us. When we feel the need to control, we fail to believe in the One to take care of our every needs when He wants to take careful control of our lives.
b) Failing to know who the real enemy is. This is often the result when Christians become offended, of which many remain bitter because they fail to see how the enemy uses people to come against themselves. When we realize that our oppressors are simply a victim of the real enemy himself (satan), we would stop feeling sorry for ourselves and feel sorry for them because of the severe consequences they are going to face because of their evil actions. When our oppressors come against Gods people, they actually come against God Himself who is going to require an account. This is the difference from having worldly sorrow and having Godly sorrow (2 Cor 7:10). One brings forth death, while the other brings forth life. Worldly sorrow stems from having that "woe is me" attitude because we are feeling sorry for ourselves and we carry that hurt rather then seeing our oppressors as the real victim. The result of this also is developing a spirit of unforgiveness which is a real trick of the enemy because we end up seeing other people as our enemies and fail to see satan and his emissaries as the real enemies of mankind.
c) Fail to see that God is a Just God. When people remain bitter and develop that spirit of bitterness, they fail to see that our God is not only a loving God, but He is a God of Justice who demands holiness. For the foundation of His Throne is based on Mercy and Justice (Psalm 89:14). When we see how our God is a Just God, don't you think that He will require an account of people? He also says encourages us to not seek vengeance, because vengeance belongs to God (Rom 12:19). When people remain bitter towards others who have offended us and we allow the offence to fester within us, we are really telling God that He needs our assistance and we end up believing that God is not a God of Justice. If we know the truth of God who will require an account from the actions of anyone, that should cause us to feel sorry for those who come against Gods people rather than being in bondage having bitterness towards them. When we know the Love and Justice of our God, there will never be a reason for anyone to develop bitterness, which does nothing but ruin and defile ourselves.
d) Failing to forgive ourselves. This is a result of failing to believe in the Grace of God for ourselves personally. Failing to believe the magnificent truth of His unmatched love for each of us personally. When we often fail or do wrong, we feel like we have to justify ourselves by feeling condemned which is nothing but a trick of the enemy who wants to keep you in bondage by believing this lie. When we fail to forgive ourselves, we are telling God that we don't believe His loving Grace and mercy. For He says that He is just and faithful to forgive us of our sins when we repent (1 John 1:9). When we don't forgive ourselves, we are also telling God that His Grace is not good enough for us, so we feel we are justified by remaining guilty and condemned. For He tells us that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1)
Everything that God teaches us is always for our ultimate benefit that is the result of being liberated and free from every bondage that will keep us from ever having true peace, joy and fulfillment in life. Believing otherwise is remaining in bondage which the devil wants you to believe by failing to see Gods perfect love, mercy and justice for us. When we realize that developing bitterness is the cause of these symptoms and how we become defiled is a poor representative of Christ, we will want to do all we can to avoid ourselves from becoming defiled and avoid being infected by those who do carry a spirit of bitterness within themselves because this is what ends up defiling many. The verse mentioned before Heb 12:15 is what we need to purse to avoid ourselves becoming defiled.
Heb 12:14-15 - Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord.
Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God's grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it--
With the help of His Spirit, we can know that we are not unaware of the devils schemes.
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Victory Over Lust
Good Day Dear Saints.
As you know, much of the worlds population is affected with issues of lust and pornography. I realize that there are so many people more and more that are asking for prayer concerning this serious addiction. As I was meditating on this and asking God about how I can help many people deal with this strong addictive behavior, I know that one thing is for sure, that our bodies can either be full of the Light of Christ, or it can be polluted with the darkness of adultery (lusting after others, possessions, coveting what others have and you want) simply by using our eyes to focus and give our attention to. Just like in the beginning when Eve continued to look at the one fruit that God commanded not to eat thereof. It started with simply looking, which soon after turned in to lust when she continued to focus on it. Had she not allowed herself to focus on the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve were both commanded not to eat, they could have focused on any fruit from any other tree that would not have allowed them to lust which is a form of wanting and coveting something that either does not belong to us, or we are not allowed to partake. You will notice that only the things that we don't own and others may have in any form of tangible items, this is what people lust after simply because they themselves don't have this particular item or they are not legally entitled to it. Lust is something that the humans crave to satisfy the selfish pleasures at the expense of others. More serious pornography of course is child pornography which is ultimately despicable because it ends up simply fulfilling the lust of many at the expense of these vulnerable little children. To begin with, it all starts through the use of our eyes. In Matthew 6:23 and Luke 11:34 they tell us that our bodies become either full of light or darkness simply by allowing our eyes to focus on whether good and pure or evil through lust. One of the three weapons of our enemy uses against us is lusting through the eyes (1 John 2:16). When I contemplate on helping people deal with this, I realize that it is an addiction that is hard to break, but we have a Saviour who is able to set us free, for God tells us in:
Luke 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
One of the things I realize that when we have found ourselves to do evil, it is not enough simply to stop doing evil, but we have to replace that by doing what is right.
In Matt 12:43-45 the Lord tells us: 43"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44Then he saith, `I will return into my house from whence I came out.' And when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation."
Therefore, the problem I see is that when we don't replace our bad habits with good habits, the condition of what a person has been delivered from becomes far worse if nothing is done about it. Therefore, I find it practical when people have developed bad habits through pornography or lust of any sort through the eyes, it is important to not only get rid of the pictures that are evil in Gods sight, but to replace pictures of pornography with other pictures that you may like. For myself, I love to travel, so I truly enjoy seeing pictures of many places I have been to that include mountains, valleys, fields of flowers, rugged coastlines, African villages, waterfalls, wildlife, etc. Others may like looking at different types of hobbies, gardening or whatever may suit your fancy. By replacing pictures of pornography with other suitable pictures, you are focusing your eyes that will no longer fill your body with spiritual darkness because light is what expels darkness. I recently sent an email for someone to pray with concerning pornography and included an attachment of several scenic pictures to give them an idea of what they should get and to start replacing what is evil to what is good and develop to replace bad habits with good habits. Especially when you can include Jesus. One of the pictures I sent was a beach along the pacific coast with the ocean on one side and the huge Douglas firs on the other side taken place on the west coast of Vancouver Island. As I look at that picture, I like to picture myself walking hand in hand with Jesus and imagining seeing one set of footprints as we may have seen in the past about Him carrying us. I truly believe with the Help of our dear Lord, we can take practical steps by not only trying to stop doing evil, but to be certain to replace any form of evil you may be doing, and replace it by doing good. For God tells us in Psalm 34:14 Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Therefore, He is not only telling us to depart evil, but we need to replace that by doing good. When we finally use our eyes that is pleasing to the Lord, and we focus our thoughts on what is right, we are no longer becoming a slave to sin. No wonder God tells us in Phil 4:8 to set our minds on things that are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Perhaps you don't have this problem, but I can guarantee that there are people whom we know that do have this problem and with the Lords help, to be able to be used to minister to those in need. It is vital for people to know deep within that He is merciful, gracious towards us who wants so desperately and is able to deliver people from every evil (Luke 11:4). It is when we doubt that we do not allow the Lord to work most effectively in us (James 1:6-8).
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
As you know, much of the worlds population is affected with issues of lust and pornography. I realize that there are so many people more and more that are asking for prayer concerning this serious addiction. As I was meditating on this and asking God about how I can help many people deal with this strong addictive behavior, I know that one thing is for sure, that our bodies can either be full of the Light of Christ, or it can be polluted with the darkness of adultery (lusting after others, possessions, coveting what others have and you want) simply by using our eyes to focus and give our attention to. Just like in the beginning when Eve continued to look at the one fruit that God commanded not to eat thereof. It started with simply looking, which soon after turned in to lust when she continued to focus on it. Had she not allowed herself to focus on the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve were both commanded not to eat, they could have focused on any fruit from any other tree that would not have allowed them to lust which is a form of wanting and coveting something that either does not belong to us, or we are not allowed to partake. You will notice that only the things that we don't own and others may have in any form of tangible items, this is what people lust after simply because they themselves don't have this particular item or they are not legally entitled to it. Lust is something that the humans crave to satisfy the selfish pleasures at the expense of others. More serious pornography of course is child pornography which is ultimately despicable because it ends up simply fulfilling the lust of many at the expense of these vulnerable little children. To begin with, it all starts through the use of our eyes. In Matthew 6:23 and Luke 11:34 they tell us that our bodies become either full of light or darkness simply by allowing our eyes to focus on whether good and pure or evil through lust. One of the three weapons of our enemy uses against us is lusting through the eyes (1 John 2:16). When I contemplate on helping people deal with this, I realize that it is an addiction that is hard to break, but we have a Saviour who is able to set us free, for God tells us in:
Luke 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
One of the things I realize that when we have found ourselves to do evil, it is not enough simply to stop doing evil, but we have to replace that by doing what is right.
In Matt 12:43-45 the Lord tells us: 43"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44Then he saith, `I will return into my house from whence I came out.' And when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation."
Therefore, the problem I see is that when we don't replace our bad habits with good habits, the condition of what a person has been delivered from becomes far worse if nothing is done about it. Therefore, I find it practical when people have developed bad habits through pornography or lust of any sort through the eyes, it is important to not only get rid of the pictures that are evil in Gods sight, but to replace pictures of pornography with other pictures that you may like. For myself, I love to travel, so I truly enjoy seeing pictures of many places I have been to that include mountains, valleys, fields of flowers, rugged coastlines, African villages, waterfalls, wildlife, etc. Others may like looking at different types of hobbies, gardening or whatever may suit your fancy. By replacing pictures of pornography with other suitable pictures, you are focusing your eyes that will no longer fill your body with spiritual darkness because light is what expels darkness. I recently sent an email for someone to pray with concerning pornography and included an attachment of several scenic pictures to give them an idea of what they should get and to start replacing what is evil to what is good and develop to replace bad habits with good habits. Especially when you can include Jesus. One of the pictures I sent was a beach along the pacific coast with the ocean on one side and the huge Douglas firs on the other side taken place on the west coast of Vancouver Island. As I look at that picture, I like to picture myself walking hand in hand with Jesus and imagining seeing one set of footprints as we may have seen in the past about Him carrying us. I truly believe with the Help of our dear Lord, we can take practical steps by not only trying to stop doing evil, but to be certain to replace any form of evil you may be doing, and replace it by doing good. For God tells us in Psalm 34:14 Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Therefore, He is not only telling us to depart evil, but we need to replace that by doing good. When we finally use our eyes that is pleasing to the Lord, and we focus our thoughts on what is right, we are no longer becoming a slave to sin. No wonder God tells us in Phil 4:8 to set our minds on things that are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Perhaps you don't have this problem, but I can guarantee that there are people whom we know that do have this problem and with the Lords help, to be able to be used to minister to those in need. It is vital for people to know deep within that He is merciful, gracious towards us who wants so desperately and is able to deliver people from every evil (Luke 11:4). It is when we doubt that we do not allow the Lord to work most effectively in us (James 1:6-8).
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Refuting Accusations
Good Day Saints.
Whenever I come across a situation whether it is favorable or not, I always like to not only learn from it, but to ask God to help me bless others with what can be learned from it in order to have any positive impact and blessing upon each one. It's amazing that the power of words have on our lives. I had a discussion earlier the other morning about leaving a situation in Gods hands about a possible scam against me that took place regarding a service I received through insurance claims. A comment was made to myself from a close family member that I have to learn to take responsibility and stop living in a "dream world" all because I put my faith and trust in God and for Him to be my Vindicator (which He Himself has indicated He is to us) Job 19:25.
I would like to explain something very important. When we live by faith in Him, this is NOT some fantasy thinking or dream-world mentality others may say. When we learn who the Lord really is and what He has ever done for us, His un-matched love He continues to give us, continues to do for us and will ever continue to do for us to provide, sustain, preserve, protect and care for every detail of our lives for us, we will develop that wonderful love relationship with Him and know that we can commit every situation in to His loving hands. To mention to someone about living in a dream-world when we put our faith in God, is condemning the care of our dear Father who wants us to come to Him and invite Him to care for us in every detail of life. We need to rebuke and refute every form of lies that does not please our Lord. When the Bible tells us to refute every lie and accusation, we need to speak out against that, cast it away and speak audibly to say that "I will not accept that lie" and replace it with the Wisdom of His Word, which is the result of never allowing any weapons of the enemy that has formed against us to ever prosper (Isaiah 54:17). When they also say we need to take responsibility, we do so when we admit our faults to God, repent as necessary, be certain not to point the finger (Isa 58:9) and commit Him to help this situation, we are doing what is pleasing to Him because He wants to help us in our time of need (Ps 72:12). When someone speaks contrary to Gods Word which never brings edification, it is a counterfeit. When you think of any currency such as a twenty dollar bill, if it is real, then it is worth that value. When it is a counterfeit, it is totally worthless. Therefore, when others speak to you or accuse you that is contrary to Gods Word, we have to treat this as a counterfeit by giving no value to accept this because it is totally worthless. Therefore, if a merchant knows that a $20 bill or any other currency is counterfeit, he/she will not accept it, nor should we ever accept anything that is counterfeit to our lives if it does not agree with Gods Word. Although our loved ones may mean well, we need to speak against any vain philosophies of man that is contrary to His Word and replace it with Gods loving promises and instruction for us. In (Matthew 12:44,45) He mentions that when a person is delivered, his body is like a temple and swept clean, if it is not replaced by filling our vessel with Gods Word and His Spirit, the situation of this person becomes far worse. Therefore, we have our vessels swept clean when we cast out every negative word and refuse to ever accept it in our lives, and then get our vessels filled with His loving Word that brings life and healing to our bones (Prov 3:7,8). I have prayed several times in the past to love what God loves and hate everything that God hates. That means hating every word that does not bring have any value by comparing to His Word. I know from that prayer, God has truly honored me with it many times because I could have just accepted anything what people say which would have lead me in a path of destruction.
Friends, please do not allow any words spoken to you that is contrary to Gods Word to allow it to have any value in your life. Only God knows the Truth because He alone is Truth (Rev 19:11) and consider every counterfeit to be totally worthless in your life. Only His Word, any deeper revelation which He gives you by His Spirit or anyone speaks according to His Word to you, those are the only words that we should ever consider to allow to have any value to our lives. The Lord richly bless each of you.
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"God gave His best for us when He gave up His Son to die for our sins. What are we prepared to do for Him?"
Whenever I come across a situation whether it is favorable or not, I always like to not only learn from it, but to ask God to help me bless others with what can be learned from it in order to have any positive impact and blessing upon each one. It's amazing that the power of words have on our lives. I had a discussion earlier the other morning about leaving a situation in Gods hands about a possible scam against me that took place regarding a service I received through insurance claims. A comment was made to myself from a close family member that I have to learn to take responsibility and stop living in a "dream world" all because I put my faith and trust in God and for Him to be my Vindicator (which He Himself has indicated He is to us) Job 19:25.
I would like to explain something very important. When we live by faith in Him, this is NOT some fantasy thinking or dream-world mentality others may say. When we learn who the Lord really is and what He has ever done for us, His un-matched love He continues to give us, continues to do for us and will ever continue to do for us to provide, sustain, preserve, protect and care for every detail of our lives for us, we will develop that wonderful love relationship with Him and know that we can commit every situation in to His loving hands. To mention to someone about living in a dream-world when we put our faith in God, is condemning the care of our dear Father who wants us to come to Him and invite Him to care for us in every detail of life. We need to rebuke and refute every form of lies that does not please our Lord. When the Bible tells us to refute every lie and accusation, we need to speak out against that, cast it away and speak audibly to say that "I will not accept that lie" and replace it with the Wisdom of His Word, which is the result of never allowing any weapons of the enemy that has formed against us to ever prosper (Isaiah 54:17). When they also say we need to take responsibility, we do so when we admit our faults to God, repent as necessary, be certain not to point the finger (Isa 58:9) and commit Him to help this situation, we are doing what is pleasing to Him because He wants to help us in our time of need (Ps 72:12). When someone speaks contrary to Gods Word which never brings edification, it is a counterfeit. When you think of any currency such as a twenty dollar bill, if it is real, then it is worth that value. When it is a counterfeit, it is totally worthless. Therefore, when others speak to you or accuse you that is contrary to Gods Word, we have to treat this as a counterfeit by giving no value to accept this because it is totally worthless. Therefore, if a merchant knows that a $20 bill or any other currency is counterfeit, he/she will not accept it, nor should we ever accept anything that is counterfeit to our lives if it does not agree with Gods Word. Although our loved ones may mean well, we need to speak against any vain philosophies of man that is contrary to His Word and replace it with Gods loving promises and instruction for us. In (Matthew 12:44,45) He mentions that when a person is delivered, his body is like a temple and swept clean, if it is not replaced by filling our vessel with Gods Word and His Spirit, the situation of this person becomes far worse. Therefore, we have our vessels swept clean when we cast out every negative word and refuse to ever accept it in our lives, and then get our vessels filled with His loving Word that brings life and healing to our bones (Prov 3:7,8). I have prayed several times in the past to love what God loves and hate everything that God hates. That means hating every word that does not bring have any value by comparing to His Word. I know from that prayer, God has truly honored me with it many times because I could have just accepted anything what people say which would have lead me in a path of destruction.
Friends, please do not allow any words spoken to you that is contrary to Gods Word to allow it to have any value in your life. Only God knows the Truth because He alone is Truth (Rev 19:11) and consider every counterfeit to be totally worthless in your life. Only His Word, any deeper revelation which He gives you by His Spirit or anyone speaks according to His Word to you, those are the only words that we should ever consider to allow to have any value to our lives. The Lord richly bless each of you.
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"God gave His best for us when He gave up His Son to die for our sins. What are we prepared to do for Him?"
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