Sunday, 3 July 2011

His Amazing Ways

Dearest Saints,

It's amazing what He can do through anyone and whom He is able to choose to do extra-ordinary works that confounds the wise and prudent (1 Cor 1:20-31). When we want to sow blessings of encouragement to other peoples lives, He will also encourage us because He creates everything in the natural and spiritual law of sowing and then reaping. God doesn't only use the intellect, He can use anyone, so there is NOT one person in this world who has any legitimate excuse to believe that God cannot mightily use them if we would only dare to believe. He chose 12 people to change the course of the world, of which most were not highly educated or scholars by any means. It is when we have that barrier of doubt and unbelief that He is unable to use. If we thought otherwise, we would simply be telling God that we are relying on our own abilities and not His Power. It is by receiving the goodness of the power of His Spirit that we can do amazing things for Him when we believe and allow Him to work through us. It is a dreadful barrier when we choose to doubt His ability to work through us. Just like He was not able to do many miracles in His own hometown because many had unbelief (Matt 13:58). I use myself as a prime example. When I was younger, I considered myself such a failure and because I believed that, I was not able to accomplish much in life and my life was heading in a downward spiral. I even questioned God why did He waste His time creating me? For someone like myself who was never good in school and did not see myself ever accomplishing anything worthwhile in life, it is amazing what God has been doing through me in His ministry and in my employment. Who could have thought that I could ever mentor, teach, minister and bring encouragement to so many broken hearts throughout the world in over a decade, but allowing God to work through me. Or publish two books, when back in High School, I was practically be at the bottom of my English class. Therefore, I can only and honestly say that I could never have accomplished any of this through my own ability, but to encourage you of how God is able to use anyone who will simply BELIEVE that He is willing and capable to work through each of us, no matter how insignificant you may feel. We need to stop listening to the lies of the enemy and be bold to believe the Lord, because it is Him who gives us the ability to do anything in the first place. When you desire to be a real blessing to others and want to encourage others, it is amazing how He can and will work through anyone who will dare to believe he/she can be used to do the works that only a person anointed and empowered by the Spirit could ever do. In the natural, there was no way that a little shepherd boy named David could kill a giant like Goliath. But when he was bold and dared to believe the Goodness and Bigness of God in his life, he was able to do extra-ordinary because he relied on the Lord to do a great work through him (1 Sam 17:45-47). He certainly did not trust in his little stature, but He boldly relied on the One who is able!! We need to stop looking at our own abilities/inabilities and be amazed at what God is able and willing to do through us, when we choose to believe who we are in Christ; what He should mean to us and what He wants to do through us to fulfill the greatest mandate in all of creation. God blesses people who will dare to believe because the Bible tells us that the Righteous are as bold as a lion (Prov 28:1) and when we do not cast away our fearless confidence in Him, He promises that we will be greatly rewarded (Heb 10:35). Although Peter fell many times, the Lord has a special place in His heart for Peter because He saw the boldness and determination of Peter. The Lord never gave up on Peter no matter how many times he fell. The Lord never gave up on David after he committed adultery and murder, and yet, He mentions after the fact that David was a man after Gods own heart. Talk about TOTAL Forgiveness. That is that agape love we should know about our Lord. That is the reason why we can be confident and bold in the Lord, because we first come to know and receive His great love for us and know that He is caring and wants to bless us with His power and use us to do great things for the Lord. Unfortunately, many Christians are believing and giving in to the lies of the enemy whose aim is to rob, kill and destroy any way he can (John 10:10a) and he continues to rob the peace of walking in being totally forgiven (after we repent) and deceiving Gods Children from knowing who we are in Christ (John 1:12) so we can live in the wonderful promises of God in every area of our lives (3 John 2). Let us ask God to give us desires in our heart to do great and mighty works, simply because we know we are greatly loved by Him and He wants to use us to do great and mighty things to advance His Kingdom. We need to BELIEVE this, RECEIVE this and BOLDLY declare like Paul does "I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US (Phil 4:13). This is where our self confidence has to be crucified and be God confident in all we do when we know we do His good and perfect will. I am confident that when we want to do all for the glory of God and desire to be a blessing to others, it is amazing what He is able to do through a person like that.

Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

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