Monday 13 October 2014

THANK YOU - 100th Edition

Dearest Saints, I want to take this time to express how greatful I am to God to say that this is the 100th edition of my list of messages over the past 3 and a half years. I marvel at what He has done through someone like myself because I didn't ever saw myself being able to do anything let alone to bring many messages to encourage many broken hearts and tell them that there really is HOPE for you. I am serious when I say: "if God can use me to do what I do, just think how much greater He can use each of you". I believe God uses me only because I see myself truly as a NOBODY. When I see what the Lord has brought me through, I can't help but be passionate about helping others to see the power of God move in their lives. Whatever you have gone through or may be going through now, if you will receive His Love for you and boldly (having that strong confidence in Him) learn to trust Him (by getting to really know Him in a great way), He will use your past to fulfill the greatest mandate in many peoples lives. He created each of us "ON PURPOSE" for His Divine purpose, which far exceeds any of mans purposes or ambitions in this world. I am passionate to help you be like His Word mentions "Let the weak say I am strong (in Him)" Joel 3:10 and be Spirit filled mighty men and women of God. As the narrative of my Blog indicates, I am want so much to help people who feel like they are a prisoner of some sort in their lives, and admonish you that God can set you free. To know your authority in Him (Luke 10:19) and be liberated by knowing God in a deeper way whom we serve and have that revelation knowledge of how much He loves you and is able to help you and how He wants to use you. If you or anyone is going through any trials or needs encouragement, I ask you to please go to my Blogsite. On the side bar, each year since 2011 indicates titles that I have put together from the experiences I have gone through. To have the greatest testimony of being an encourager, it all begins with sharing our real life story as a testimony and together with the Blood of the Lamb (of the finished work of the Lord Jesus), The Bible tells us that our accuser (satan) has been overcome simply because we have shared our real life experiences (read Revelation 12:11). Every topic I discussed is based from my life experience of what I had gone through and what God has taught me that is now far more valuable then I have ever imagined. When I think of what He has done for me and through me, I understand much more how He truly is longsuffering with what He has had to put up with me over the years. No wonder God tells us that it is far more precious and of greater value to seek wisdom and understanding more than gold or silver (Prov 16:16). I truly hope you will take advantage to going over the many titles to see if you or someone you know could continue to benefit from. There is nothing like investing in ones soul (very life) and seeing how God can change and transform people to become bold and confident which is being Christ-like! We are told to become imitators of Christ (Eph 5:1), which means if Christ was bold and confident, so should we. This is what it is all about. It's very unfortunate when you find a beautifully covered Bible in the homes of many people that never is opened or read, but just sits on tables like some ornament. This "Word of life" literally becomes lifeless when people don't bother to take time to read & study it. I don't want this to happen where my topics that testify what God has done in my life cannot be used to continue to be a blessing when it could, but isn't shared or re-read when it could be most valuable to a soul in need. Link to my Blog is as follows: I want to also take this time in this milestone to acknowledge some people who were extremely instrumental to help me put this together. I want to acknowledge Pastor Grant Freake, from my former church at Evangel Pentecost Church in Quebec City who initially suggested I consider starting a Blog. I would like to also acknowledge a Youth Pastor of mine (Pastor Dusty Crozier) from my local church at Roblin Wesleyan Church located in Roblin, Ontario who has helped me tremendously to get started as I knew nothing about setting up or doing Blogs back in the Spring of 2011 when I started this site. Your help was indeed tremendous. Indirectly, I want to also thank Rob Chaffart who is the President & founder of Answers2Prayer ministries which I have been a part of since 2000, which I include a link below my signature block. He has truly been a blessing to help me over the years pray for and be part of a prayer team that has gathered names to send these messages worldwide. I just wish I had known sooner, I may have gathered over a couple thousand names over the years whom the Lord used me to help send out prayers to others in need and be able to reach more people to help and benefit more and more. I also want to thank those of you who have often encouraged me to continue on. Being encouraged by you really does strengthen me. No wonder the Bible admonishes us to "encourage one another while it is still called Today" Heb 3:13. I am of course mostly greatful to God for using me in ways I could never imagine. I truly hope each of you are blessed in Him, strengthened in Him and will continue to carry the torch to let you know He can do amazing things for you if you will simply step out and believe Him to use you to minister to others that you never thought possible. Ministers are not just those who stand behind a pulpit, because He calls each of us to be ministers of Christ in the first place (Isa 61:6). I hope to continue to be a blessing to each of you and by His Grace, lets allow Him to use each of you mightily and refuse to live a mediocre; average; passive & lukewarm type life and ask Him to help you to fan the flame within (2 Tim 1:6), be on fire for Him and share what He has done for you. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer

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