Tuesday 21 October 2014


Dear Blessed Saints, I always find it interesting how Gods ways are much different than what man would normally choose. When God tells us to choose wisdom & understanding over gold and silver, I can tell you that it doesn't sit well with the majority of people in this world (Read Job 28:17 & Prov 16:16). When we think of these two different substances, one is a tangible item (gold/silver/precious jewels of which you can see and touch) and the other is intangible (something you cannot physically see). Just thinking about this now, God tells us that what is seen is only temporal, but what is unseen is eternal (2 cor 4:18). He encourages us to reach higher, by setting our heart to grab hold of what is eternal which is far more important then grasping for something so temporal. So when God tells us to choose one thing over the other, its always because it is beneficial to us for all eternity rather then just being satisfied for a brief moment in existence at the expense of our eternal destiny. Choosing gold only satisfies now, while wisdom is beneficial for all eternity. Another thing about choosing between gold and wisdom is that gold represents ones heart that is selfish and only self-seeking. Why else would anyone choose something like gold if it isn't primarily to satisfy "self". Gold is a representative of looking after one person; "self" and putting "self" above the interests of others. How shallow is life when people tend to live this way! When I think of people who are more selfish then others, I witness time and time again that they are the ones who are most dis-satisfied in life. No wonder God in His wisdom tells us that it is more blessed to give then to receive (Acts 20:35). This is that blessed Word that tells us also that by losing our life (living for self), this is when we actually find that life is worth living (read Matt 10:39). When we choose wisdom (which God tells us to), we choose to invest in our lives to the betterment of others (Phil 2:4). Choosing wisdom is a person who focuses on their eternal destiny and the eternal benefit of others rather then fixating all their hopes on the present. Having wisdom and sharing this wisdom is awesome because no money or education can ever buy wisdom. It's a matter of having a humble heart and a right spirit before God (Ps 51:10). I like to compare someone who would choose gold is like a gambler (who chooses self, but hopes to get away with it). A person who would rather have wisdom is like an investor who sees the long term benefits to bless peoples lives and sets their affections on things above rather than things of this world (Col 3:1-3). Wisdom values people more then all the money in this world. Gold values benefiting self no matter what the expense may be to others. Just look what happened to Judas Iscariot! It will be certain that a gambler will one day lose when it may be too late to turn. Having true Godly wisdom is far richer then all the gold of this world because Gold satisfies one person..."self" while having true Godly wisdom satisfies many needy souls and values other people that changes lives. Can you imagine if Christ chose gold over wisdom by choosing to attain riches more then caring for you? Also, if every preacher and teacher of the Word decided to choose gold over wisdom, we would never receive that "life-giving" word/message(s) we so desperately need that encourages us all because everyone would be seeking their own interest at the expense of many people in need. For myself, I am only very greatful that God changed my heart over the years concerning this. This is why we cannot afford to lean and rely on our own understanding. We need to absolutely TRUST in GOD instead (Prov 3:5,6) and seriously take heed to His counsel. When people don't get wisdom from God, it is often because they don't humble themselves enough to ask Him to give us wisdom (James 4:2,3). If gold is identified separately from wisdom, then we can conclude that asking for "gold" (the treasures of this world) is not wise at all. He tells us He gives wisdom liberally to those who ASK (James 1:5). When we think of Godly wisdom that truly is far greater than all the gold "riches of this world", lets humble ourselves enough to repent having chosen our ways in the past and ask God for wisdom and believe He does give liberally to those who ask and believe. Seek to be wise and you will see the treasures of having Godly wisdom by speaking life and healing to ones soul is priceless because you cannot put a price on a soul. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer http://sites.google.com/site/greatestbuilderforourlife http://www.answers2prayer.org/

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