Dearest Saints.
I would like you to know that no matter what trials you are going through, many of us have been through equally bad trials, and perhaps, greater trials. I heard once that when someone was complaining about the cross they had to carry, they asked to change their circumstances with someone else. When this person put their cross in the room, they were asked to go and pick another cross. When this person opened the door, he wanted this small cross (which was by far the smallest cross in a room with big crosses). As this person asked for the smallest cross, the Master told him that this was the cross he wanted to exchange in the first place. Unknowingly, like many of us, we often don't realize that many others had bigger trials in their lives. When we have trials, I must admit that I think I have a bigger cross to carry than most others and they would not simply understand because they do not know my great trials I bear. When I hear testimonies of many others, I quickly realize that many others deal with trials that are often bigger than mine. Trials can be a blessing when we use it when we share our burden with one another and we have that spirit of compassion that helps to heal others because we have been there and understand their pain. I realize that had I not gone through the trials that I had endured, I know I would not have been effectively used to be a blessing to many others in their time of need. I have seen the ones who have gone through the greatest trials are the ones who have had the greatest impact to inspire many others that allows them to have hope. With the help of God, from the trials we have endured, we are able to comfort those with the comfort we ourselves have received (2 Cor 1:3 - 7). During the time of our trials, it does not seem pleasant at all, but when we see how we have become a blessing to others, I now strangely admit that I am glad I went through the trials, now that I know how much of a blessing it has helped many people. I am humbled to admit that God used myself and several others to help stop someone from contemplating to commit suicide. I know this because of an email response I once had from a lady who admitted she was considering taking her life that very night. Had I not gone through my past trials, I don't think I would have had the compassion to help this individual. Although I am greatful to be used by God, I don't take any credit, but give God the glory.
Therefore, trials are not to be an attitude where you say "I guess this is my lot in life" or any similar negative confession. The only time trials are simply a misfortune and have no value is when we fail to use our past trials to be a blessing to others in their time of need, and continue to dwell in that "woe is me" attitude. Again, I have known many times that those who have gone through many adversities are able to reach out and be a blessing and an inspiration to many others because of it. However, they would not have been mightily used, but would be another pitiful life had they just dwelt on the misery of their past and simply felt sorry for themselves like the devil wants to keep people in bondage to. I now understand when (James 1:2 - 4) tells us to rejoice when we go through trials, because it is preparing us to be a special blessing to others if we choose to believe God can use this for His glorious purposes. When we refuse to give up and believe that God can use our past, regardless of how negative it may have been, this can be the greatest mandate of all humanity is to know how much of a blessing we can be to others because of what God has shaped us to be through trials and valleys. When I have been through many trials, I boldly declared in prayer that by the Grace of God and His help, I am going to use my past to be a rich blessing to many others. What He has done for many others, He is faithful to use you if you will choose to believe He can use you for His glorious purposes. One of the greatest tragedies in life is to realize how we have wasted our lives feeling sorry for ourselves and fail to be a blessing to many others whom God could have used. Don't let any of your past trials be in vain, but with the help of God, let it be a rich blessing and be a life giving example and an inspiration to many of those whom God can use to bless many others. Unless you ask God and believe Him to be able to use your past trials to bless many others, you will never know the value your life can bring hope to many others who may receive greater eternal blessings because of it.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Welcome to my Blog site!! My desire for Christians is to see them be set free from the bondages of the enemy who often rob, kill and destroy Gods people. It is my greatest desire that Christians would be set free, to know their authority in Christ and be liberated by knowing His awesome love for you. I hope and believe this site will help you will be most blessed to be empowered by His Spirit to do exceedingly and abundantly for His Kingdom.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Jesus is a Friend like no Other
Dear Saints.
When I look at my past and see how many times I have failed in life to meet peoples expectations, I am often cast out because I am not talented enough or gifted enough to meet peoples or company’s expectations. When I have made honest mistakes in the past or failed to respond when I should have, people have excluded me out of their lives, even though we may have been friends for many years. When I think of Christ and how I can reverse this situation and how many times have I rebelled against Him, yet He lovingly continues to receive me and is able to make me useful for His Kingdom purposes because He totally forgives me and values me to fulfill the greatest mandate of all time. When we do a thousand things right for earthly friends and one thing wrong, they fail to remember the good things and harbour the one wrong that had occurred. Yet, Christ Himself chooses to forget the thousands of things wrong we have done before Him and yet, lovingly receives us unto Him and chooses to only remember the good. Because we are going to be rewarded by our good works that we allow Him to do through us. The difference between a Saint and a sinner (who has never received Christ) is that the Saint is forgiven when he repents (1 John 1:9). After many times I have come against God, He continues to be faithful and merciful and wants to give me so much of His goodness in abundance, irregardless of my past. Just like when we ask for wisdom and knowledge, He wants to give this to us liberally, without grudgingly. The thing that hinders us from receiving is when we doubt His goodness for us. In James 1:6-8, He admonishes us not to doubt when we ask this, otherwise we are considered unstable and should not think that such a person should receive from Him. When you think that He left the comforts of His Throne of Glory and came down to earth in bodily form and accepted pain, sorrow and suffering to the extent beyond our human imagination, and do this for the world of sinners who rebelled against Him, how can anyone compare the magnitude of His love for us that this world could ever offer? Whenever the world would shut you out of their lives, or reject you, God in His loving mercy is always there to receive you and make you most useful because He values each and every one of us. He tells people to come to Him and invite Him to be Lord of their lives just the way they are.
God has greatly built and restored my life beyond my comprehension. When I thought of my life as a life of ruins, He was able to build and restore my life far greater than I could have imagined. When you think you have nothing or very little to offer or don't value you as God sees you, you are believing the lies of the enemy. Give your life to God and ask Him to rebuild and restore your life to be a blessing to others. But just like James 1:6-8 says, when we ask, don't waver in doubting His love and ability to do good works through you. When I see how God loves to forgive, forget our past sins and build and restore our lives, I can't think of a better friend than Jesus Himself. By going through what He went through to redeem such a worm as I, His gift to us in eternal life and all the eternal glory in all its beauty to be with Him for all eternity far exceeds what this whole world could ever offer for an entire lifetime. Gods love for us is in a far greater dimension than anyone in this world could ever offer. Gods Mercy and Grace far exceeds anything good found that this world could offer. There is no greater Builder, Restorer, Comforter, Healer, Provider and Friend than Jesus Himself. This is the greatest principle we can and need to receive for ourselves. The difference between faith and belief is that faith is a gift from God, but belief is a choice we need to make. The verse in bold at the bottom tells us that we only receive His joy and peace when we choose to believe who He says He is and what His Word tells us. When we believe and learn to receive the love of God for us in such a great dimension, it strengthens us to have that hope (having great expectations). It is when we learn to believe and receive His magnificent love for us, we find strength to serve Him out of love rather than out of duty. When I sing the song titled: "What a Friend we have in Jesus" I sing this song with a renewed joy, peace and rejuvenated spirit within me.
I find when I speak of how much God loves me and how He values me, it is empowering because death and life are in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21). So rather than speaking words that the enemy would have you speak that will bring condemnation, we need to start speaking the truth of Gods Word and claim this for ourselves if we are going to allow His Word to benefit us the most. The most powerful way that His Word will be effective in our lives is when we choose to believe His Word and speak the promises of His loving Word over us.
Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"God gave His best for us when He gave up His Son to die for our sins. What are we prepared to do for Him?"
When I look at my past and see how many times I have failed in life to meet peoples expectations, I am often cast out because I am not talented enough or gifted enough to meet peoples or company’s expectations. When I have made honest mistakes in the past or failed to respond when I should have, people have excluded me out of their lives, even though we may have been friends for many years. When I think of Christ and how I can reverse this situation and how many times have I rebelled against Him, yet He lovingly continues to receive me and is able to make me useful for His Kingdom purposes because He totally forgives me and values me to fulfill the greatest mandate of all time. When we do a thousand things right for earthly friends and one thing wrong, they fail to remember the good things and harbour the one wrong that had occurred. Yet, Christ Himself chooses to forget the thousands of things wrong we have done before Him and yet, lovingly receives us unto Him and chooses to only remember the good. Because we are going to be rewarded by our good works that we allow Him to do through us. The difference between a Saint and a sinner (who has never received Christ) is that the Saint is forgiven when he repents (1 John 1:9). After many times I have come against God, He continues to be faithful and merciful and wants to give me so much of His goodness in abundance, irregardless of my past. Just like when we ask for wisdom and knowledge, He wants to give this to us liberally, without grudgingly. The thing that hinders us from receiving is when we doubt His goodness for us. In James 1:6-8, He admonishes us not to doubt when we ask this, otherwise we are considered unstable and should not think that such a person should receive from Him. When you think that He left the comforts of His Throne of Glory and came down to earth in bodily form and accepted pain, sorrow and suffering to the extent beyond our human imagination, and do this for the world of sinners who rebelled against Him, how can anyone compare the magnitude of His love for us that this world could ever offer? Whenever the world would shut you out of their lives, or reject you, God in His loving mercy is always there to receive you and make you most useful because He values each and every one of us. He tells people to come to Him and invite Him to be Lord of their lives just the way they are.
God has greatly built and restored my life beyond my comprehension. When I thought of my life as a life of ruins, He was able to build and restore my life far greater than I could have imagined. When you think you have nothing or very little to offer or don't value you as God sees you, you are believing the lies of the enemy. Give your life to God and ask Him to rebuild and restore your life to be a blessing to others. But just like James 1:6-8 says, when we ask, don't waver in doubting His love and ability to do good works through you. When I see how God loves to forgive, forget our past sins and build and restore our lives, I can't think of a better friend than Jesus Himself. By going through what He went through to redeem such a worm as I, His gift to us in eternal life and all the eternal glory in all its beauty to be with Him for all eternity far exceeds what this whole world could ever offer for an entire lifetime. Gods love for us is in a far greater dimension than anyone in this world could ever offer. Gods Mercy and Grace far exceeds anything good found that this world could offer. There is no greater Builder, Restorer, Comforter, Healer, Provider and Friend than Jesus Himself. This is the greatest principle we can and need to receive for ourselves. The difference between faith and belief is that faith is a gift from God, but belief is a choice we need to make. The verse in bold at the bottom tells us that we only receive His joy and peace when we choose to believe who He says He is and what His Word tells us. When we believe and learn to receive the love of God for us in such a great dimension, it strengthens us to have that hope (having great expectations). It is when we learn to believe and receive His magnificent love for us, we find strength to serve Him out of love rather than out of duty. When I sing the song titled: "What a Friend we have in Jesus" I sing this song with a renewed joy, peace and rejuvenated spirit within me.
I find when I speak of how much God loves me and how He values me, it is empowering because death and life are in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21). So rather than speaking words that the enemy would have you speak that will bring condemnation, we need to start speaking the truth of Gods Word and claim this for ourselves if we are going to allow His Word to benefit us the most. The most powerful way that His Word will be effective in our lives is when we choose to believe His Word and speak the promises of His loving Word over us.
Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Please feel free to visit my website and Blog address below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"God gave His best for us when He gave up His Son to die for our sins. What are we prepared to do for Him?"
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Declaration of Victory in Jesus
My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight making, small planning, a prayer-less life, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals. I am anointed by God for exploits, blessed by heaven to prosper, whatever I touch flourishes. I live above sickness, poverty, confusion, depression and all oppression from the enemy. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I now live by His presence, lean by faith, love by patience, live by prayer and labor by His power. My face is set, my gate is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.
I love to live and live to love. I am a loving child of a loving God, the love of God is shed abroad in my heart through the holy Ghost. I do not gossip, envy or hate. There is no jealousy in me and I hope everybody’s soul is well in all their endeavors. I sincerely and whole-heartedly rejoice with them that rejoice, mourn with them that mourn. I am a practical Christian. I do not love in words alone. I act my faith in love on a daily basis.
I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, diluted or delayed. With His continued help, I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the name of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let go, or slow down, until I have preached up, prayed up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up for the cause of Jesus Christ. I have no taste of mere religion without change. I live a result oriented purpose driven life, based on the principles of God's word. I am a person of the word, yielded to the spirit and committed to God's purpose for my life. I take my place in God's Supernatural Army and His agenda for the earth and my generation. As sure as God's helps me, I will never give up, cave in, quit or die until my job is done and victory is won.
I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go until He comes, give till I drop all, preach till everyone knows and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me, because my banner will have been clear. I am empowered by Him to make a difference in my generation. By His Grace alone will I fulfill all these declarations. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Sent by Nicholas.
My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight making, small planning, a prayer-less life, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals. I am anointed by God for exploits, blessed by heaven to prosper, whatever I touch flourishes. I live above sickness, poverty, confusion, depression and all oppression from the enemy. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I now live by His presence, lean by faith, love by patience, live by prayer and labor by His power. My face is set, my gate is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.
I love to live and live to love. I am a loving child of a loving God, the love of God is shed abroad in my heart through the holy Ghost. I do not gossip, envy or hate. There is no jealousy in me and I hope everybody’s soul is well in all their endeavors. I sincerely and whole-heartedly rejoice with them that rejoice, mourn with them that mourn. I am a practical Christian. I do not love in words alone. I act my faith in love on a daily basis.
I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, diluted or delayed. With His continued help, I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the name of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let go, or slow down, until I have preached up, prayed up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up for the cause of Jesus Christ. I have no taste of mere religion without change. I live a result oriented purpose driven life, based on the principles of God's word. I am a person of the word, yielded to the spirit and committed to God's purpose for my life. I take my place in God's Supernatural Army and His agenda for the earth and my generation. As sure as God's helps me, I will never give up, cave in, quit or die until my job is done and victory is won.
I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go until He comes, give till I drop all, preach till everyone knows and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me, because my banner will have been clear. I am empowered by Him to make a difference in my generation. By His Grace alone will I fulfill all these declarations. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Sent by Nicholas.
His Amazing Ways
Dearest Saints,
It's amazing what He can do through anyone and whom He is able to choose to do extra-ordinary works that confounds the wise and prudent (1 Cor 1:20-31). When we want to sow blessings of encouragement to other peoples lives, He will also encourage us because He creates everything in the natural and spiritual law of sowing and then reaping. God doesn't only use the intellect, He can use anyone, so there is NOT one person in this world who has any legitimate excuse to believe that God cannot mightily use them if we would only dare to believe. He chose 12 people to change the course of the world, of which most were not highly educated or scholars by any means. It is when we have that barrier of doubt and unbelief that He is unable to use. If we thought otherwise, we would simply be telling God that we are relying on our own abilities and not His Power. It is by receiving the goodness of the power of His Spirit that we can do amazing things for Him when we believe and allow Him to work through us. It is a dreadful barrier when we choose to doubt His ability to work through us. Just like He was not able to do many miracles in His own hometown because many had unbelief (Matt 13:58). I use myself as a prime example. When I was younger, I considered myself such a failure and because I believed that, I was not able to accomplish much in life and my life was heading in a downward spiral. I even questioned God why did He waste His time creating me? For someone like myself who was never good in school and did not see myself ever accomplishing anything worthwhile in life, it is amazing what God has been doing through me in His ministry and in my employment. Who could have thought that I could ever mentor, teach, minister and bring encouragement to so many broken hearts throughout the world in over a decade, but allowing God to work through me. Or publish two books, when back in High School, I was practically be at the bottom of my English class. Therefore, I can only and honestly say that I could never have accomplished any of this through my own ability, but to encourage you of how God is able to use anyone who will simply BELIEVE that He is willing and capable to work through each of us, no matter how insignificant you may feel. We need to stop listening to the lies of the enemy and be bold to believe the Lord, because it is Him who gives us the ability to do anything in the first place. When you desire to be a real blessing to others and want to encourage others, it is amazing how He can and will work through anyone who will dare to believe he/she can be used to do the works that only a person anointed and empowered by the Spirit could ever do. In the natural, there was no way that a little shepherd boy named David could kill a giant like Goliath. But when he was bold and dared to believe the Goodness and Bigness of God in his life, he was able to do extra-ordinary because he relied on the Lord to do a great work through him (1 Sam 17:45-47). He certainly did not trust in his little stature, but He boldly relied on the One who is able!! We need to stop looking at our own abilities/inabilities and be amazed at what God is able and willing to do through us, when we choose to believe who we are in Christ; what He should mean to us and what He wants to do through us to fulfill the greatest mandate in all of creation. God blesses people who will dare to believe because the Bible tells us that the Righteous are as bold as a lion (Prov 28:1) and when we do not cast away our fearless confidence in Him, He promises that we will be greatly rewarded (Heb 10:35). Although Peter fell many times, the Lord has a special place in His heart for Peter because He saw the boldness and determination of Peter. The Lord never gave up on Peter no matter how many times he fell. The Lord never gave up on David after he committed adultery and murder, and yet, He mentions after the fact that David was a man after Gods own heart. Talk about TOTAL Forgiveness. That is that agape love we should know about our Lord. That is the reason why we can be confident and bold in the Lord, because we first come to know and receive His great love for us and know that He is caring and wants to bless us with His power and use us to do great things for the Lord. Unfortunately, many Christians are believing and giving in to the lies of the enemy whose aim is to rob, kill and destroy any way he can (John 10:10a) and he continues to rob the peace of walking in being totally forgiven (after we repent) and deceiving Gods Children from knowing who we are in Christ (John 1:12) so we can live in the wonderful promises of God in every area of our lives (3 John 2). Let us ask God to give us desires in our heart to do great and mighty works, simply because we know we are greatly loved by Him and He wants to use us to do great and mighty things to advance His Kingdom. We need to BELIEVE this, RECEIVE this and BOLDLY declare like Paul does "I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US (Phil 4:13). This is where our self confidence has to be crucified and be God confident in all we do when we know we do His good and perfect will. I am confident that when we want to do all for the glory of God and desire to be a blessing to others, it is amazing what He is able to do through a person like that.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
It's amazing what He can do through anyone and whom He is able to choose to do extra-ordinary works that confounds the wise and prudent (1 Cor 1:20-31). When we want to sow blessings of encouragement to other peoples lives, He will also encourage us because He creates everything in the natural and spiritual law of sowing and then reaping. God doesn't only use the intellect, He can use anyone, so there is NOT one person in this world who has any legitimate excuse to believe that God cannot mightily use them if we would only dare to believe. He chose 12 people to change the course of the world, of which most were not highly educated or scholars by any means. It is when we have that barrier of doubt and unbelief that He is unable to use. If we thought otherwise, we would simply be telling God that we are relying on our own abilities and not His Power. It is by receiving the goodness of the power of His Spirit that we can do amazing things for Him when we believe and allow Him to work through us. It is a dreadful barrier when we choose to doubt His ability to work through us. Just like He was not able to do many miracles in His own hometown because many had unbelief (Matt 13:58). I use myself as a prime example. When I was younger, I considered myself such a failure and because I believed that, I was not able to accomplish much in life and my life was heading in a downward spiral. I even questioned God why did He waste His time creating me? For someone like myself who was never good in school and did not see myself ever accomplishing anything worthwhile in life, it is amazing what God has been doing through me in His ministry and in my employment. Who could have thought that I could ever mentor, teach, minister and bring encouragement to so many broken hearts throughout the world in over a decade, but allowing God to work through me. Or publish two books, when back in High School, I was practically be at the bottom of my English class. Therefore, I can only and honestly say that I could never have accomplished any of this through my own ability, but to encourage you of how God is able to use anyone who will simply BELIEVE that He is willing and capable to work through each of us, no matter how insignificant you may feel. We need to stop listening to the lies of the enemy and be bold to believe the Lord, because it is Him who gives us the ability to do anything in the first place. When you desire to be a real blessing to others and want to encourage others, it is amazing how He can and will work through anyone who will dare to believe he/she can be used to do the works that only a person anointed and empowered by the Spirit could ever do. In the natural, there was no way that a little shepherd boy named David could kill a giant like Goliath. But when he was bold and dared to believe the Goodness and Bigness of God in his life, he was able to do extra-ordinary because he relied on the Lord to do a great work through him (1 Sam 17:45-47). He certainly did not trust in his little stature, but He boldly relied on the One who is able!! We need to stop looking at our own abilities/inabilities and be amazed at what God is able and willing to do through us, when we choose to believe who we are in Christ; what He should mean to us and what He wants to do through us to fulfill the greatest mandate in all of creation. God blesses people who will dare to believe because the Bible tells us that the Righteous are as bold as a lion (Prov 28:1) and when we do not cast away our fearless confidence in Him, He promises that we will be greatly rewarded (Heb 10:35). Although Peter fell many times, the Lord has a special place in His heart for Peter because He saw the boldness and determination of Peter. The Lord never gave up on Peter no matter how many times he fell. The Lord never gave up on David after he committed adultery and murder, and yet, He mentions after the fact that David was a man after Gods own heart. Talk about TOTAL Forgiveness. That is that agape love we should know about our Lord. That is the reason why we can be confident and bold in the Lord, because we first come to know and receive His great love for us and know that He is caring and wants to bless us with His power and use us to do great things for the Lord. Unfortunately, many Christians are believing and giving in to the lies of the enemy whose aim is to rob, kill and destroy any way he can (John 10:10a) and he continues to rob the peace of walking in being totally forgiven (after we repent) and deceiving Gods Children from knowing who we are in Christ (John 1:12) so we can live in the wonderful promises of God in every area of our lives (3 John 2). Let us ask God to give us desires in our heart to do great and mighty works, simply because we know we are greatly loved by Him and He wants to use us to do great and mighty things to advance His Kingdom. We need to BELIEVE this, RECEIVE this and BOLDLY declare like Paul does "I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US (Phil 4:13). This is where our self confidence has to be crucified and be God confident in all we do when we know we do His good and perfect will. I am confident that when we want to do all for the glory of God and desire to be a blessing to others, it is amazing what He is able to do through a person like that.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Saturday, 2 July 2011
The Righteous Rise Up
For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked are overthrown by calamity (Prov 24:16).
Therefore I tell you, her sins, many [as they are], are forgiven her--because she has loved much. But he who is forgiven little loves little (Luke 7:47).
Good Day Saints.
I have been meditating on these two neat scriptures. It was not long ago when the Lord gives us that revelation knowledge and you sometimes wonder why you never thought of that earlier. When I have been thinking earlier about perfect love casting out all fears, it was as though I was using scripture in the wrong context. So, I would "try" to love more and more and try to be perfect in love. But as we know, that will never work. I have learned that knowing Christ is the only One who has fulfilled that law of Love perfectly, so it wasn't the fact that I should try harder, it was a realization that I needed to receive His perfect love for me first of all. I also realize too that I could never give out what I have not first received. Therefore, it was not by trying that I would improve my love, but it was receiving His love for me first and foremost. When I learned to know that Christ fulfills the law of Love perfectly and that Love does not keep a record of wrongs, love always forgives, I need to know and receive the fact that no matter how hard I have fallen, I know He forgives and chooses not to remember any of our faults when we repent. When I read the first scripture in Prov 24:16, it mentions about a Righteous man who falls seven times, rises up again. The reason why a Righteous man is able to rise up again and not stay down is to know and realize in your spirit that God forgives you, God does not keep any record of wrongdoings we have made, God always hopes for the best in everyone. What I have found truly remarkable is reading 1 Cor 13 on the chapter of love in a new way. I like the Amplified version where it expounds on love many times. When a verse comes up in verse 7 (like you see below), I insert Gods name where it says the word Love and then at the end of the verse where God speaks generally, I insert my name. As an example when the verse says: Love is ever ready to believe the best for every person; I would audibly repeat and say "God is ever ready to believe the best for Rick" and I continue through each segment of those 5 verses.
4Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. 5It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]. 6It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail. 7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. 8Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].
So when the Bible mentions about the Righteous rising up seven times, this refers to seven meaning completely. When the righteous are able to get up, it is because we know and believe that God forgives, forgets our mistakes and encourages us to move on. It is when we fail to fully believe and don't receive the fullness of His pardon for us, we are not able to get up because we are weighed down by thinking otherwise. The devil is fulfilling his wicked plans to those who don't accept Gods full pardon and Grace which weighs down in our spirit. The people who are able to get up are considered Righteous because they believe God fully when they know of His genuine love for them. Also, when the woman who has sinned many times, God tells the Pharisees, Sadducees and teachers of the Law that the reason why she loves much and has been forgiven much is not simply because she sinned more, but she has received fully His pardon and Grace for her. When you receive the measure of His love very little, you can only love little. But no matter how many times we have sinned, when we repent and learn to receive His full pardon and Grace in a great measure, we will be able to love equally in that great measure. Therefore, it is learning to receive the fullness of His Pardon, Grace and Love that we will be able to impart that. To the measure we receive from the Lord, we will be able to give in the same measure. So when we go over that Love Chapter in a whole new dimension and see how immeasurable His love is for ourselves personally, we are able to impart that wonderful love simply because we have come to believe and receive that immeasurable love for us. So when I insert the last verse of love and I say "God never fails Rick" (Love never fails), it is a blessing and a real source of strength to say it, to know it and receive it. May the Lord bless you with this time of sharing.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)
Therefore I tell you, her sins, many [as they are], are forgiven her--because she has loved much. But he who is forgiven little loves little (Luke 7:47).
Good Day Saints.
I have been meditating on these two neat scriptures. It was not long ago when the Lord gives us that revelation knowledge and you sometimes wonder why you never thought of that earlier. When I have been thinking earlier about perfect love casting out all fears, it was as though I was using scripture in the wrong context. So, I would "try" to love more and more and try to be perfect in love. But as we know, that will never work. I have learned that knowing Christ is the only One who has fulfilled that law of Love perfectly, so it wasn't the fact that I should try harder, it was a realization that I needed to receive His perfect love for me first of all. I also realize too that I could never give out what I have not first received. Therefore, it was not by trying that I would improve my love, but it was receiving His love for me first and foremost. When I learned to know that Christ fulfills the law of Love perfectly and that Love does not keep a record of wrongs, love always forgives, I need to know and receive the fact that no matter how hard I have fallen, I know He forgives and chooses not to remember any of our faults when we repent. When I read the first scripture in Prov 24:16, it mentions about a Righteous man who falls seven times, rises up again. The reason why a Righteous man is able to rise up again and not stay down is to know and realize in your spirit that God forgives you, God does not keep any record of wrongdoings we have made, God always hopes for the best in everyone. What I have found truly remarkable is reading 1 Cor 13 on the chapter of love in a new way. I like the Amplified version where it expounds on love many times. When a verse comes up in verse 7 (like you see below), I insert Gods name where it says the word Love and then at the end of the verse where God speaks generally, I insert my name. As an example when the verse says: Love is ever ready to believe the best for every person; I would audibly repeat and say "God is ever ready to believe the best for Rick" and I continue through each segment of those 5 verses.
4Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. 5It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]. 6It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail. 7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. 8Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].
So when the Bible mentions about the Righteous rising up seven times, this refers to seven meaning completely. When the righteous are able to get up, it is because we know and believe that God forgives, forgets our mistakes and encourages us to move on. It is when we fail to fully believe and don't receive the fullness of His pardon for us, we are not able to get up because we are weighed down by thinking otherwise. The devil is fulfilling his wicked plans to those who don't accept Gods full pardon and Grace which weighs down in our spirit. The people who are able to get up are considered Righteous because they believe God fully when they know of His genuine love for them. Also, when the woman who has sinned many times, God tells the Pharisees, Sadducees and teachers of the Law that the reason why she loves much and has been forgiven much is not simply because she sinned more, but she has received fully His pardon and Grace for her. When you receive the measure of His love very little, you can only love little. But no matter how many times we have sinned, when we repent and learn to receive His full pardon and Grace in a great measure, we will be able to love equally in that great measure. Therefore, it is learning to receive the fullness of His Pardon, Grace and Love that we will be able to impart that. To the measure we receive from the Lord, we will be able to give in the same measure. So when we go over that Love Chapter in a whole new dimension and see how immeasurable His love is for ourselves personally, we are able to impart that wonderful love simply because we have come to believe and receive that immeasurable love for us. So when I insert the last verse of love and I say "God never fails Rick" (Love never fails), it is a blessing and a real source of strength to say it, to know it and receive it. May the Lord bless you with this time of sharing.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)
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