Sunday, 19 June 2011

Fundamentals of Gods Great Love

I am always encouraged when God directs me back to the fundamentals of always pursuing Love. God impressed upon me to write down the details of His love 1 Cor 13:4-8. I didn't realize the lenghty list that came out of it and often times, that I don't fulfill them. Here they are as follows:

Endures long; Is patient; Is kind; Never envious; Never jealous; Never boastful; Not vainglorious; Never haughty; Never conceited; Not arrogant; Never given to pride; Never rude; Never acts unbecoming; Does not insist its own way; Never self-seeking; Never touchy, fretful or resentful. Does not dwell on evil or wrong-suffering; Does not rejoice at injustice or unrighteousness; But....
Rejoices in truth and when Right prevails; Believes the best for everyone; Hopes under all circumstances; Endures everything (without weakening); LOVE NEVER FAILS.
Boy do I have alot of work to do!! When I made this list, I was surprised at the length of this list! I must confess that I find that believing the best for everyone and hoping in all circumstances, I see myself stumbling alot. Not to mention a few others also!! So I am attempting to recite through this list over and over during the year to really establish a strong sure foundation on His Love and I know I will remain strong in the areas of my strength and increase in His strength in my areas of weakness. It is interesting that the lists (after talking about long-suffering; patience and kindness) as a basis to start, the long lists identifies of what love is not and to be rid of it before any good can dwell and be established. Just like when the demons have left and the house is swept clean (from all unclean-ness), then we need to be certain to fill that back up with the following goodness of His love to prevail within us. The last portion is for us to state a clear determination (with His help) to never give up because real Love does not fail. I pray to have that strong foundation of His love to prevail within each of us. Just think of a mighty fortress we will be as His Church when we have that strong concrete foundation of His entire love within us. We pray dear Lord that Your love will abound within each of us more and more during this year and with Your help, we will fulfill the Law and the Prophets (Matt 22: 37-40). With Your help O Lord, that we will be able to effectively bear each others burdens so as to fulfill the law of Christ (Gal 6:2). The measure of our love for one another is the measure we love the Lord. When we are established in His love, we will never have to fear, for when His perfect love is manifested within us, we will never have to bow down to any fear.

This is where I realized that when I had battled with fears and my anger rose within myself due to this, I realized that I need to have a temperate spirit and needed to go back to recite this over in order to truly overcome any fears I did not recognize. Just recently, I had to go back and realize when I hear that perfect love casts out all fear, I needed to recite again many times to say to myself "God loves me" God loves Rick no matter what. When I realize that I accept His perfect love for me, I truly will walk with no fear because He truly does love me!! This was a revelation, which we know should have been long ago, but I had to confess this because when I fret and become upset, I should not allow this to take place if I truly am established in His love and receive the truth of His love for me. May the Lord richly bless you to allow Him to fill the promises of His unmatched love for you.

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