Dear Saints.
The scriptures found in Deuteronomy 5:9,10 tell us that a father, whether he loves the Lord or he lives rebelliously because he hates the Lord, this has an astronomical affect not only on himself or his direct family members, but it affects several descendants. To me, this is a more serious matter that we should highly consider. What we do directly to one may affect hundreds, if not, thousands and continues to multiply further. When God tells us that by one action of a father who hates God, he not only infects his own children negatively, but it gets passed down to the third and fourth generations. When you think of how fast this alone can multiply, if you take a father with three children and each one has three children and so on. By the time he becomes a Great-Great Grandfather, he may have up to 81 descendants. Therefore, the action of an earthly father can later on get out of control, where the consequences of his actions towards only 3 of his children can infect so many more, of which he/she will bear the responsibility, even though he/she had nothing to do directly to the members of the family further down the generations. On the other hand, God tells us that when an earthly father who loves the Lord and shows his love to his family (because he knows how God loves him), by the deeds of his life to a few people, he can positively affect many of his descendants that will continue to multiply and continue down the generations. I believe we can also use this principle not only to our own families, but to other people. When you continue to be faithful in Him, by not growing weary in well doing unto others, you may only see the very few people you may having a positive effect on. You may think that you aren't doing anything great, but when you see the principle of multiplication and how fast numbers multiply, you may be positively affecting only two people. But when these two people now end up doing the same and so on, so many people worldwide can be affected positively simply because of one persons actions to a very few people. Who would have known had an elderly lady not been faithful, she would not have realized she had a strong impact on one of the worlds leading Evangelists, who in turn affected many thousands of people worldwide. Had she given up, these thousands of people may never have had a chance to live the blessed life of knowing Christ. I believe that by being faithful to one person, she is reaping the rewards of having a positive impact on so many people around the world, even though she had nothing to do with them directly. Just think of how fast multiplication of two works. If you start out by earning a penny on the first day, and it doubles each day for a month (30 day period), that number will become over 5.36 million dollars from a mere penny! Therefore, we should NEVER get discouraged thinking that we have only accomplished very little. Many of the Christians who dedicated their lives to Christ well over a hundred years ago continue to have a great impact on many people simply because they were faithful and never gave up, no matter how insignificant they may have felt or how only a few people they may have impacted. When you think of Abraham & Sarah having two children and ending up having descendants as numerous as the stars, this is a result of how multiplication will have its effect from only a few. When I think that the Lord indicates that an evil mans deeds infect up to the 3rd and 4th generation, and the man who loves the Lord has an effect on the thousand generations, this tells me how the Lords Mercy far exceeds the Judgment of God. For His Mercy triumphs over Judgment (James 2:13). When you consider this, it should be our ambition to have a positive affect on a few people which may result in thousands of people being blessed and being rewarded by it, then living like the one who hates the Lord, that also ends of treating others with contempt and bearing the consequences of ruining multiple lives simply because of an action of one individual. It is a real eye opener to think that that person who infected a couple of peoples lives by their misdeeds may bear the consequences of many hundreds, if not, thousands of ruined lives simply because of a horrible action he/she had on just a few individuals in their own lives, which got passed down to many others. When we choose to live for the Lord, and love the Lord by obeying His Word, this should cause us to do what we can to live to be a blessing, even if it is only a few. You may not realize that the few whom we blessed may turn out to be thousands of blessed lives because of it. I truly believe that when we live a faithful life that directly blesses only a few lives, but indirectly blesses thousands and thousands of lives, I truly believe that the rewards of that individual will be recipients of having Great Rewards, even though you may not have had any direct impact on many of these others. Therefore, we should be encouraged and continue to seek to be a blessing, even if it may only be a few. You never know the rich impact your life could make for many many thousands of other people because of your love for God and faithfulness to Him. The man on the other hand who lives rebelliously from not following God, bears the consequences of his actions to not only directly to a few, but will have a negative impact on many others that he/she did not have any direct contact. This is like a spark of fire that spreads and destroys many many hectares of land, but only started with a small spark, ends up blazing out of control. That is why gossip is a real bait of the enemy that many people are entangled in. The consequences of slanderous gossip of one person may negatively affect thousands of people before you know it and the astronomical consequences of their actions to one may be having to bear the responsibility of many hundreds, if not, more. When we see the rich rewards of small good deeds and the enormous consequences equally of small bad deeds, this should compel us to do what we can do to be a blessing to others, even in small ways, our rewards will be great. God tells us that even when we give a cup of cold water to others in His Name, we will be rewarded (Mark 9:41). May this bless you to be a blessing and be more greatly rewarded because of it.
Please feel free to visit my website below. God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
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