Sunday, 31 January 2016


Dearest Saints, I often refer to Galatians 6:2 to answering many prayer requests that comes through. It talks about carrying and bearing one another's burdens so we can fulfill the law of Christ. I often think of how we can effectively bear one another's burdens, especially when we often-times live on the other side of the continent or the opposite side of the globe. Ecclesiastes Chapter 3:1-8 tells us that there is a time for doing things and a time for refraining, a time to do and a time not to do. I would like to share something in the latter part of vs 7 where it mentions that there is a time to keep silent and a time to speak. When we learn to share one another's burdens, we have to understand that what others go through is often tough and it is real and the worse part about it is when we think we have to have a Word for them which often discourages them rather then bring encouragement. I believe often times it's not the words people often want to hear, but that people simply want others to understand what they go through. When you think of Jobs friends who sat with him for 7 days mourning with Job, they were effectively carrying his burdens just by being by his side (Job 2:11-13). The problem began when his friends started to talk and making presumptions of why he was suffering the way he was. When I went with a Missionary couple to a small home in Zambia where a mother was grieving over the death of her 12 year old daughter, we joined in and just sat with her and several other people and said nothing, but were there just to show support. When we have a need and people to come alongside to pray and just be there, no one should ever feel that this is due to any sin in ones life or having a lack of faith. If we automatically make that assumption, we are no better then Jobs friends whom God was most displeased with (Job 42:7). It's hard to imagine sometimes, but saying nothing, but being there often speaks louder then having the need to always say something or write words of advise. A simple gesture of love and understanding often goes a lot further then words. I heard it a couple of times that the best counselors are the ones who say the least, but listen the best. I have never forgotten, when one of our ladies who is a partner of our Answers2Prayer Ministry was going through a tremendous trial and I couldn't think of saying/typing any words to comfort her. So I was honest and simply mentioned that I didn't know what to say, but only mentioned that if I could just reach through this computer and hold your hand, I would do so right now. A year or so later, when this same person corresponded back to me, she happened to mention this instance about reaching through this computer to hold her hand. She never forgot this. It taught me something that of all the words I have given to her, she remembered this act above all else. This reminds me that when we need to help carry the burdens of other people, sometimes it's giving our hand to hold, it's offering our shoulder to shed tears. It's walking with them and just spending time with them to walk the mile through the valley, etc. Sometimes it is a Word, but there are times that we need to just be silent (Eccl 3:7) and demonstrate our love and understanding. To me in my experience of going through trials and difficulty, the greatest examples of when others understand what one goes through are people who just reach out and don't need to say a word. Taking ones hand, sharing tears, (even sharing laughter together) rejoicing with those who rejoice, weeping with those who weep, shows much caring and understanding of what the others may be going through. They understand when people go through trials because they have gone through trials. It makes me understand that our past trials can be a rich blessing to others when they may be going through similar trials. Therefore, don't ever see your past trials as some past negative misfortune. But with Gods help, believe that He can use our past to be a richer blessing to other people who need to know we understand. It's equally amazing that when I have rejoiced and share a great testimony of Gods goodness, some people say things that would have been better off had they kept silent! No wonder God tells us to be slow to speak and quick to hear (James 1:19). They fail Gods Word to learn to rejoice with those who rejoice. If we can't weep when others weep and rejoice when others rejoice (Rom 12:15), we have failed in doing His will and we have failed in fulfilling the Law of Christ when we don't learn to carry the burdens of others. Gods Word is not a "suggestion" but is a "Commandment". His Word is Spirit and is Life (John 6:63). Let's ask Him to teach us to effectively carry one another's burdens so that we will fulfill the Law of Christ. When we fulfill this Law, we bring out Gods best for others through us because people who go through genuine trials need it the most. Please email to the undersigned should you wish to unsubscribe from receiving my Blogs. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

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