Sunday, 31 January 2016


Dearest Saints, I often refer to Galatians 6:2 to answering many prayer requests that comes through. It talks about carrying and bearing one another's burdens so we can fulfill the law of Christ. I often think of how we can effectively bear one another's burdens, especially when we often-times live on the other side of the continent or the opposite side of the globe. Ecclesiastes Chapter 3:1-8 tells us that there is a time for doing things and a time for refraining, a time to do and a time not to do. I would like to share something in the latter part of vs 7 where it mentions that there is a time to keep silent and a time to speak. When we learn to share one another's burdens, we have to understand that what others go through is often tough and it is real and the worse part about it is when we think we have to have a Word for them which often discourages them rather then bring encouragement. I believe often times it's not the words people often want to hear, but that people simply want others to understand what they go through. When you think of Jobs friends who sat with him for 7 days mourning with Job, they were effectively carrying his burdens just by being by his side (Job 2:11-13). The problem began when his friends started to talk and making presumptions of why he was suffering the way he was. When I went with a Missionary couple to a small home in Zambia where a mother was grieving over the death of her 12 year old daughter, we joined in and just sat with her and several other people and said nothing, but were there just to show support. When we have a need and people to come alongside to pray and just be there, no one should ever feel that this is due to any sin in ones life or having a lack of faith. If we automatically make that assumption, we are no better then Jobs friends whom God was most displeased with (Job 42:7). It's hard to imagine sometimes, but saying nothing, but being there often speaks louder then having the need to always say something or write words of advise. A simple gesture of love and understanding often goes a lot further then words. I heard it a couple of times that the best counselors are the ones who say the least, but listen the best. I have never forgotten, when one of our ladies who is a partner of our Answers2Prayer Ministry was going through a tremendous trial and I couldn't think of saying/typing any words to comfort her. So I was honest and simply mentioned that I didn't know what to say, but only mentioned that if I could just reach through this computer and hold your hand, I would do so right now. A year or so later, when this same person corresponded back to me, she happened to mention this instance about reaching through this computer to hold her hand. She never forgot this. It taught me something that of all the words I have given to her, she remembered this act above all else. This reminds me that when we need to help carry the burdens of other people, sometimes it's giving our hand to hold, it's offering our shoulder to shed tears. It's walking with them and just spending time with them to walk the mile through the valley, etc. Sometimes it is a Word, but there are times that we need to just be silent (Eccl 3:7) and demonstrate our love and understanding. To me in my experience of going through trials and difficulty, the greatest examples of when others understand what one goes through are people who just reach out and don't need to say a word. Taking ones hand, sharing tears, (even sharing laughter together) rejoicing with those who rejoice, weeping with those who weep, shows much caring and understanding of what the others may be going through. They understand when people go through trials because they have gone through trials. It makes me understand that our past trials can be a rich blessing to others when they may be going through similar trials. Therefore, don't ever see your past trials as some past negative misfortune. But with Gods help, believe that He can use our past to be a richer blessing to other people who need to know we understand. It's equally amazing that when I have rejoiced and share a great testimony of Gods goodness, some people say things that would have been better off had they kept silent! No wonder God tells us to be slow to speak and quick to hear (James 1:19). They fail Gods Word to learn to rejoice with those who rejoice. If we can't weep when others weep and rejoice when others rejoice (Rom 12:15), we have failed in doing His will and we have failed in fulfilling the Law of Christ when we don't learn to carry the burdens of others. Gods Word is not a "suggestion" but is a "Commandment". His Word is Spirit and is Life (John 6:63). Let's ask Him to teach us to effectively carry one another's burdens so that we will fulfill the Law of Christ. When we fulfill this Law, we bring out Gods best for others through us because people who go through genuine trials need it the most. Please email to the undersigned should you wish to unsubscribe from receiving my Blogs. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Monday, 25 January 2016


Dearest Saints When I feel lead to write my experiences based on the Word of God, to give Him the glory and encourage others to receive the best that only He offers, this is what I long to do. Not only do I love to encourage, but to also challenge each of us to go further. We cannot afford to stay in our comfort zone and expect to be blessed of God and used by Him if it is not going to cost us anything. Costing us something doesn't always refer to money, but it may refer to your time invested with the talents God gives you to seek the benefit of others or energy. I can't think of anytime that Jesus didn't want the best for each one which is why He went through the trouble of leaving that awesome Throne Room of Heaven to come down to earth for you and I. I had a few people tell me straight forth to remove them from my Blogs without even a "please" or other reasons about the possibility of having too many emails, etc. It used to offend me, but I am grateful to God that I am no longer in bondage to being offended. I make NO apologies for sharing my heart in what God has taught me in my life experiences in order to benefit others. When any of us are lead of God to minister to others, correct or train others in righteousness (Prov 1:3; 2 Tim 3:16; Heb 12:11), or lead in some other service to others as unto the Lord, we should never apologize or feel guilty whatsoever. Just like the Apostle Paul says: if he were still concerned about being a people pleaser, he would not be a true follower of God (1 Thess 2:4). This reminds me when Jesus had a multitude of Disciples (Luke 10:1; Luke 10:17) who were once His followers and the majority of them went away no longer following Him (John 6:66). This was by no means a small minority of people, but we are talking a large percentage of those people who made a commitment to follow Him, but found His teachings too difficult (John 6:66). So when you add 72 and the other 12 Disciples, there is 84. But after this encounter, Jesus had the remaining 12 Disciples. And even one of those Disciples betrayed Him (John 6:70). So if you take 11 from a total of 84, you are talking 87% of the people who decided to stop following Jesus. Jesus didn't stop His people from departing Him because He doesn't violate our free will, but He encourages us to do what is best for us. These Disciples who turned away from Him are no longer heard of in the Bible. The reason why I believe these Disciples were once committed is the fact that to be considered a Disciple of Jesus, we have to take up our Cross (decide to put Jesus above everything that we value in life) and follow Him (Luke 14:27). When these Disciples left Jesus, He turned to the other 12 Disciples and asked them if they were going to leave Him also. I like what Simon Peter says: "Lord, to whom shall we go? Only You have the words to eternal life" (John 6:67,68). We should say the same thing. It is going to be far more difficult to walk away from following Him which will only lead to living in regret for the rest of our lives and into eternity then to give up on anything that holds us back in this temporal life and choose to follow Him regardless, even in hard times. Even though I love to encourage others, I feel lead to challenge each of us (including myself) to be ever more committed to following Him. The biggest challenge I find is dealing with pride because there is no person in the world who has preached for many years that can't ever listen and learn from a little child or a simple person when they have a Word from the Lord. Remember, God used a donkey to speak to Balaam (Num 22:28). If we have a hard time learning from anyone who may have a Word of exhortation, encouragement, correction, etc., we have a problem with pride! When following God seems far more difficult than it would be to go our own separate ways, think of the eternal consequences. When you think of the Apostle Paul who suffered hardships, hunger, loneliness and other challenges, what he went through is nothing compared to the richness of sharing in the glory with Christ for all these past centuries and for the eternal endless hope he continues to look forward to. No matter how hard the messages you may read or the road you may be travelling on right now, "Hang in there" because this life is very temporal compared to eternity. It's like comparing a little drop of water to the oceans of this world. There is no comparison!! When I think of the trials I go through in this present life, I am encouraged to read and acknowledge this wonderful scripture from Romans 8:18 that truly does strengthen my with hope: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us (Amplified Version)! Knowing this, Jesus asks us: Will we depart also?

Friday, 1 January 2016


Dearest Saints, May Gods richer blessings be yours ever so more in 2016. Many messages I like to give is based on my past to bring hope to many and how God has changed my life. He continues to do that work in me that is needed and to not be silent about this in order to give many others the Hope we should have in Christ. It's always about helping others move forward in Him. It's like God telling us to do "Out-reach" rather then "In-reach". Otherwise, there is no point in sending any messages if it is not about blessing others. The messages I often like to give are Hope and Encouragement from my testimony. But other times, in order for us to move forward, we need to take time to identify if there is anything in our lives that needs to be dealt with and perhaps deal with any character flaws we may have and invite God to help us. I call these types of character flaws "little foxes that spoil the vine". In order to try to move forward in the things of God, we not only need to bring Hope and Encouragement which is what we need, but often-times we need to deal with any flaws by taking inventory of our lives and be open and honest before God. After-all, He already knows what we need. But opening ourselves to Him is what we need to do for ourselves, we don't need to do this because we think God doesn't know because He does. It's like the Psalmist says in Psalm 139:4 that He already knows our need before we petition Him. So it is always to our benefit to open up to Him. I find everything that God encourages us to do is to our benefit. It doesn't benefit or change God, but it changes us so we can benefit from it. I believe we can't move forward like we like to or need to do unless we deal with any possible Character flaws. It's like spraying perfume over the stench in the garbage which is like putting Christian labels on us but never dealing with anything on the inside. Like the saying I often like: "People don't care what you know until they know how much you care". We can talk about many things in particular about "little foxes that spoil the vine" like anger, lust, covetousness, competitive spirit, finger pointing, un-forgiveness, gossip, back-biting, division, strife and the list can go on and on. People know the "real you" by the fruit we bear, not just because we call ourselves Christians (Luke 6:44,45) or just say the sinners prayer and think that is it. As we start a New Year, for myself, I am asking God to help me each day become more and more like Him and move forward in Him and to give me a vision (realistic goals) for this year to overcome some obstacles and be the type of person He would like me to be on the other side (end of 2016). We need to have a realistic and positive vision, because the scriptures tell us that where there is no vision, we lack hope (Ps 29:18). We need to have a vision and that expectant hope that when we give any situation to God, He is going to take care of us and the situation we learn to give Him. By moving forward, we need to take the time to ask God to help us examine ourselves. In Psalm 139:23,24 David confesses to God to search himself and know his heart, to try him and know his thoughts. In the next verse, he says to see if there is any wicked way in me and to lead him into everlasting. As I was just typing these two verses, it just came to mind that David first had to confess to God to open himself before Him to confess any faults and evil way found within him. Next, David was expecting God to give him the answers he petitioned Him. David had to do these two things before He could expect God to lead him into everlasting that is mentioned in the following verse. It reminds me that too many times, we ask God to bless us. But at the same time, we fail to ask God to help us in our character flaws first and to help us so He can do that work within us before He can encourage us to move forward in the path He wants us to go. I would like to encourage each of us as we enter into this New Year, ask like David did to confess any faults we may have or "character flaws" by taking the time to examine ourselves before God. We often don't see any flaws of our own when we are too busy pointing the faults of each other and fail to possibly see a bigger fault of our own. It's like the Pharisees and Sadducees that are busy taking a look at Jesus to find fault in Him while at the same time, they had a much bigger fault within themselves. They didn't see the bigger fault of their own all because they were too busy looking for the fault of someone else. I also like the illustration that when someone points the finger at anyone else, three hidden fingers are pointed back at you and the biggest finger of all (our thumb) is being pointed to God! When we take time to examine ourselves before God, confess our faults to Him (taking ownership/responsibility), we need to HANG ON to the Hope that when you give your situation over to Him, BE STEADFAST and believe He is more then able and willing to help you. Don't believe just because you see anything, believe He is doing that work within us which is what builds our faith in Him that pleases Him. He already knows what help we need, He is just waiting for us to come to Him, confess our faults to Him and give everything over to Him. And with His help, have a God given vision for Him to help you be an overcomer and be changed to be more like Him by the end of 2016. Without having that expectant Hope of Him doing that wonderful work within us, we may as well not expect anything better to come out of us and we will just end another year being the same and never changing for the better. Having Hope in Him fills us with His Joy and Peace which truly does strengthen us (Rom 15:13 and Neh 8:10). Please email the undersigned should you wish to unsubscribe from my Blogs In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer