Monday, 30 July 2012

You are Highly Valuable

Dearest Saints. 

          When I think of my past many years ago, I felt devastated at times not because of anything that I lost by any natural disasters or robbed of anything regarding any material possession.  But I felt devastated because I once believed that I was of no value to society.  I didn't ever see myself becoming anyone who would ever have any positive influence on anyone elses life.  As I see now, this is nothing but a lie from the pit of hell.  To me, this is the most devastating state anyone to be in, especially for Christians.  When I think back on some of those times, I realize that my greatest joy is not having the biggest home, drive the most expensive car or accumulating any material possessions.  My greatest joy is knowing that as a Christian, we have Gods help to be a rich blessing and be a positive influence to each other.  In fact, I would gladly give up so much to have a large ministry that builds up and edifies many Christians around the world and encourage one another to be all the God wants each of us to be.  To me, I can't think of anything better than knowing the truth of how God sees us as His most valuable source, to know that we can fulfill the greatest mandate in this entire world, just because we want to bless souls.  Most of the world today have yet to understand that no amount of money, possessions or popularity will ever give them joy and inner peace than having a personal relationship with God and being used by Him to be a rich blessing to one another. 

          Every time we read His Word, we need to be so encouraged because of what we mean to Him.  We need to understand that the Bible is His "life-line" for us to live the very best life not only in the eternal realm of glory, but during our life here on earth.  Jesus tells us that He did not just live to give us an abundant life to live in Heaven, but also during our time on earth (John 10:10).  I believe we need to see His Word in a greater dimension as ABSOLUTE TRUTH and know that any other philosophies that come from man, we should consider those to be utterly foolish if it doesn't agree with the wisdom of His Word.  We need to see our love for His Word to the point that anything else, we are to hate.  Just like David says in Psalm 119:127,128; He sees Gods Word far more precious than gold and the fact that he hates every wrong path, which is believing any other philosophy that does not line up with the Word of God.

          Therefore, when encourage others of what the Bible tells us, we need to stop thinking that this is some sort of "positive thinking" session or a bunch of ideas just to try to make us feel good.  If the Bible encourages us, this means it is absolute TRUTH and believing otherwise is utterly foolish!  Knowing this, I would like to encourage each of you of this absolute truth, that we are all highly valuable to God, to each other, to the Church and our society in whom God has placed us.  The chapter I like to mention is found in 1 Cor 12:12-27, where we are considered members of one body as Christ is the Head.  When you think like David said in Psalm 139:14, he knew how fearfully and wonderfully he was made, and so should we.  When you think about every part of the body that God created, there is no place that one part of the body can ever say..."I have no need of you" unless of course we are talking about sickness.  The eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you (1 Cor 12:21).  If it ever did, just think of what may happen when the eye starts to become dimmer and its vision is reduced!  Each member of the body is highly valuable to God and to each other in order for the body to be totally functional and be healthy.  Each one of us makes up a part of that body that the Lord has fearfully and wonderfully made.  Therefore, if we make up the body of Christ, we ALL have a very essential part in order for the Spiritual body to be healthy.  I like to make a comparison, that if a bunch of people always works behind the scenes and may never be noticed, they may feel like a tiny hair in the blood veins called capilleries, which is also unnoticeable to the naked eye.  Some people may compare themselves to this tiny part of our body and feel insignificant.  If you would consider this fact that if it weren't for these tiny hairs, the blood itself would not be able to flow upwards to the vital part of the body which is the heart.  He distinctly tells us in this chapter that He gives greater honor and richer endowments to the inferior parts (vs 24).  Therefore, no matter who you are, you are an essential and vital source to the body of Christ!!
          Therefore, if anyone feels insignifcant in the body, you need to STOP ever thinking this way and know that each one of us is Highly Valuable in order for the body of Christ to be healthy.  The ones who feel insignificant are the ones who are simply believing the lies of the enemy rather than believing what God is telling you.  No parts of the body can never do without another.  In other words, we need each other in order to be most effective in the body of Christ.  We can be most effective to be a rich blessing to God, to the Church, to one another and to our community when we believe His Word that tells us we are valuable.  We are all called to live to give God the glory (Isa 43:7).  That means, if we are called to give God the glory, then He has enabled each of us the ability to do so.  When you know the power and wisdom of God, you can know that He never makes a mistake and whatever He does through each of us, He always has a significant purpose.  Each of us individually are a wonderful unique person with a unique talent(s) that no one can carbon copy.  You may be that vessel God has prepared you for to meet the need of another individual.  Meeting the needs of a soul goes far beyond any other purpose in life.

          We need to know that we are each highly valuable to fulfill Gods purpose in order to be that healthy Body of Christ.  The God of this universe and the Creator of everything resides in each of us!  Shouldn't that make us believe that we are highly valuable?  Just think how the world could never afford to redeem a soul which could only be paid by the shed Blood of Christ.  So when Christ questions His Disciples, what should a man profit if he gains the whole world, yet loses his very soul (Matt 16:26)?  That means that we are more valuable to God than the entire economy of the world is to God.  Therefore, to believe you are not highly valuable is believing the lies of the enemy.  I challenge you to refute every lie from the enemy if you believe his lies.  Start thanking God for creating who you are and tell Him that you believe He created you for a wonderful purpose and believe He can use you mightily.  Do not give the enemy any satisfaction of ever robbing you with his deceptive lies.  May the blessings of the truth of His Word be reserved for you in His majestic Name.
Will you consider buying my books in support of HelpingCopeThroughHope mission work in Zambia?  You may go to my link below to observe.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

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