Sunday 11 January 2015


Blessed Saints of the Most High, Just like the prayer of Jesus taught His Disciples, He glorified God the Father first. I would like to start by just glorifying Him because I find the Lord so amazing the more I spend quiet time with Him by just meditating on Him and His word more and more. The doors He opens and how He tells us that He uses the weak and foolish to shame the wise (1 Cor 1:20-25) is mind boggling. Just like the last article I wrote about having courage and knowing "How" to develop courage with His help, I would now like to share "How" we can be zealous for God. Again, we know what the Word says about having zeal for God, but many people have a hard time to make it work out for them. So again, I would like very much to share what I believe the Lord has (and continues) taught me and to share so all of us can make the most of His Word and His will work for our benefit. Several decades ago, when I believed I had no purpose in life or didn't feel I had any value to contribute to, I had absolutely no energy or zeal to do anything meaningful and just felt lifeless as though I was just existing all because I felt I had no value. I am so thankful now that I am totally on the other side of this spectrum from the way I believed and felt. When I now have the energy and passion that I did not have for some time in the past, I realize now that what gives me energy, passion and zeal to do anything is knowing we are valued and are valuable and not just considered a number. Therefore, I would like to emphasize some very important truths to each one. If any of you feel like you are not valuable, you need to refute and repent of listening and believing this lie that comes from the enemy before you do anything else simply because those of you who doubt you are not valuable to Him are not listening to the Truth of Gods Word for you. One of the most encouraging portions of scripture I have always liked can be read in 1 Cor 12:12-27. It compares the spiritual body to the physical body and how we need each other. The eye doesn't say to the hand, I have not need of you (vs 21). I especially like vs 22-24 that talks about the parts that seem ignoble or less important, God gives special honour to these parts of the body. When we receive Christ, WE ARE THAT BODY that is joined together and works together by being valuable collectively to each other for His sake. Again, it all comes down to knowing God, not just knowing about Him. When we know God, we will KNOW He does everything for a wonderful divine purpose, and WE ARE PART OF HIS DIVINE PURPOSE. If we know God, we will know the truth that none of us are here by any accident. He formed us in the womb in whom we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Job 10:10; 31:15; Psalm 139:13-15; Isa 44:2,24; Isa 49:5 and Jer 1:5) and each one of us is living in the present for a divine purpose and NOT just to simply exist. None of us were created just to exist or purposed to just live for this present world, but we were created for a far greater purpose He has set for each of us. The greatest mandate in all of existence from past, present and future will never exceed Gods mandate and purpose which He created us for. When we realize how awesome He is and how He controls, directs events and does everything for a purpose, you will realized He considers each of you highly valuable. You and I are HIGHLY VALUABLE to Him. He would not have created any of you if He didn't have a wonderful purpose to have you here in this present age in the first place. This is something we need to believe in our heart that we are HIGHLY VALUABLE TO HIM and He wants to use each of us to fulfill the greatest mandate ever purposed in life itself. This is something we need to get from our head to our heart. The reason why many don't fulfill this is simply because many don't believe this for themselves. No wonder Jesus answers His Disciples in John 6:29 that the works for us is to simply BELIEVE in the One (Jesus) whom the Father has sent. So we need to believe Him, believe who He is and that we are part of His wonderful plan. If we don't get this revelation into our heart, we can/will never accomplish what God has set us apart to do. When I received this revelation of how He loves me and values me, He brought brought life, purpose and value to my dead situation. This can be life-changing to you as it has to me if you will just BELIEVE. As always, for your benefit, I would like to encourage you to see His creation from His eyes and how He wanted to create each of you for this purpose at this moment in History for what we believe the greatest event will soon take place. And we are part of the greatest mandate in a time I think is the greatest event that is about to come which is His second coming. We have to get this truth (Revelation) into our heart and say that: "God loves me and I am highly valuable to Him. And by His Grace, I will submit to Him to fulfill the greatest mandate He has planned for me". He tells us in Isaiah 43:7 that He created all mankind to glorify Him. Therefore, we are valuable to Him to fulfill this purpose He created us to do in life. Believing otherwise is being deceived of the one who is out to rob us (John 10:10a) from being the people of God who suffered and died for us to become. After I have lived under the devils deception for many years, I have determined by the Grace of God (His help for me first and foremost), that I am NOT giving satan the satisfaction of ever robbing me from Gods very best for me or ever rob me of the wonderful destiny God has for myself and for each one of you. When I realize how valuable I am to Him, I have that zeal and passion He has given me to do exceedingly than I had ever expected. I can't thank Him enough for giving me this revelation and I hope it is a true revelation that will give you real Hope and knowing He wants to use you and give you a bright future (Jer 29:11). When you know this Truth (as one of many), He tells us that the Truth sets us free (John 8:32). Don't ever accept living in bondage to the lies of the enemy, receive this truth and be all you can be for Him who loves you and values you more then you can ever think or imagine. What more does He have to prove His love and how He values to us when He took our place on the Cross and gave His life for us? In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

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