Friday 7 November 2014

A Call for Justice - Part 2

Dear Blessed Saints, As a continuation of seeking true Justice from all the injustices we see around us or directed at us, I often have failed in the past of a more serious concern. And that is the question: Have I committed any injustice against Christ? If so, how? Few of the many possible circumstances I would like to reflect on are the ones I particularly had caused such as: a. Do I fail to put God first in my life and fail to see my need of Him for everything in my life? b. Have I failed to put my trust in Him by doubting His love, His faithfulness towards me and His pardon to receive His total forgiveness after I have repented by hanging on to guilt? (1 John 1:9) c. Have I failed to maintain a healthy reverential fear of Him? d. Have I become desensitized to some of His instructions by my heart to become calloused? God tells us that He was angry with His own who failed to maintain a reverential fear of Him (Jer 2:19). He was also angry with a nation who became so laxed by thinking we can now live on our own agendas by living with ease (Amos 6:1) by failing to understand that we are always at His Mercy & Grace every moment of our lives. Do we ever fail to take any quality time to consider the interest of others? (Phil 2:4). These are just some of the many many questions we can ask ourselves. I have heard it where someone had come to a Church service for the first time and no one acknowledged this person to just take a minute to share a smile or a warm handshake. All the great preaching that may have been mentioned will mean nothing if we don't demonstrate Christ to others which to me is a great injustice towards Him. There are multiple millions of other examples where we have caused our Lord injustice. This is by no means meant to be condemning. Otherwise, we do the bidding of the evil one himself. However, we need to be open and honest and reveal what may be concealed in our hearts so that we can be liberated and be healed which is what God wants to do for us (James 5:16). For myself, a person would have to write several large volumes of books just to list the injustices I have caused against the Lord. But thankfully, because of His love and mercy, none of us ever has to be a prisoner of the evil one by holding on to any guilt or shame. When God chose me (as an example), He knew what He was getting in to because He knows all that I will ever do. But yet, He still chose me and has now forgiven and forgotten all the wrong I have ever committed all because of His unlimited Grace and Mercy towards me. This is why none of us who are in Christ will ever be justified feeling condemned or hanging on to guilt. A Christian hanging on to guilt is an injustice against Him because we limit His Pardon and Grace for us that He paid in full. Our God is a God of Justice as much as He is Love. The foundation of His very Throne is built on Righteousness and Justice (Ps 89:14). The Justice He wants us to have is to be set free from every bondages because He tells us that He came to set captives free (Ps 146:7) of which I was one. He wants justice to help us become stronger in Him by believing His Word, that He(Jesus) is the perfection of God, that the Word (Jesus) is truly Faithful who wants only the very best for us. When He tells us to "Fear Not", this is true Justice that we do just that. Therefore, if we remain fearful and are full of worry, this is another form of injustice because it goes against His Word which is His perfect will. We are justified in Christ simply because we believe wholeheartedly of what He instructs to us in His Word (Gal 2:16). His Justice towards us is for us to believe and receive the fullness of His love, His faithfulness towards us, His protection for us, His constant provision to us, His utmost care for us. When we fail to see His Love, His Omnipotent Power, His Omnipresence of His promise never to leave or forsake us and His omni-sapience of unfathonable wisdom, we cause Him much injustice because we failed to believe the fullness of who He says He is and His perfect love towards us (John 6:29). He wants to turn every Injustice that we may have had towards Him and replace it with His Justice for us. It's like Him taking all of our sin(s) and replacing it with His Righteousness. Even though He tells us we are Justified in Him (Rom 5:1), we end up being prisoners instead when we fail to receive it by faith. As an example, even though God took the curse upon Himself when He chose to hang on a tree on our behalf, this doesn't become a reality for many when we fail to acknowledge this and receive it by faith. Many of Gods people will believe they remain cursed from their past when God Himself tells us the He already took the curse away from us and took it upon Himself when He hung on the cross in our place (Gal 3:13). Many often fail to realize that the One (Jesus) who resides in us is greater then he (satan) who is in the world (1 John 4:4). I want to encourage you that with Gods help, not allow us to cause any further injustice against Him by doubting and limiting His love, His goodness, His forgiveness towards us and utmost care & provision for us. Let's call out for Justice like He tells us to in Isaiah 59:4 and receive His total goodness for us in every way as His inheritors and believe Him to manifest His power to help us become stronger each day in the Lord. The Lord is ever so willing and faithful, are we willing and obedient? In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer

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