Wednesday 17 September 2014

Our Utmost for His Highest

Dear Mighty Saints of God, Through this ministry, it is always my greatest desire to bring out the very best in each one of you as long as I submit to the Lord and allow Him to use me. I know for most of you and myself, He always wants to do more through us as His Blessed Anointed vessels so we can be our utmost for His Highest. This is proof of the fact that He says that He is always willing and is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more then we can ask or think (Eph 3:20). The sad reality is that often, we aren't allowing His best to work through us because of doubt and unbelief. I can't think of a better calling then to know we have truly reached out to be a great encourager and a blessing to one another. You cannot put a price on any one soul. For Christ Himself tells us that "what does it profit a man when he should gain the whole world and yet, lose his soul" (Matt 16:26). It's encouraging to know that each of us has the power of God within us to be that rich blessing who can have a powerful positive impact on other peoples lives. I want you to know that each of you are a unique and blessed vessel whom God created you to be. You are uniquely qualified to be that special person that people may need that can positively alter their lives and eternal destiny for the better. I don't care about what you may or may not have done in the past because when all of us have sinned greatly and we have repented, God has forgiven us of our debt of sins and WILL NOT bring them back to remembrance. Just as His mercies are NEW EVERY MORNING (Lamentations 3:22,23), so each of you can also have a new fresh start and a new beginning. By doing so, you need to strip off hanging on to any guilt so you can allow His glorious excellencies to work through you. I can't stress enough that it is imperitive that we believe like a child and refuse to ever talk yourself out of reasoning why God can't or won't use you. Adults are good at reasoning themselves out of Gods best for them when a child simply believes. The enemy is nothing but a deceiver to try to refrain you from moving forward when God encourages us to ARISE and allow His mighty power to work effectively through you (Psalm 68:35). Each of us can fulfill that greatest mandate in all the world and be His Special Anointed Vessel that will bring encouragement and words of Hope (Lamentations 3:24) to many and be a rich blessing that can change the course in peoples lives. There is nothing that encourages me more then to know that many people are being blessed to share the Hope He has given to us who have invited Him to be our Lord. I know many of you have gone through such horrific events in life. However, I believe that when we go through the greatest trials and endure them by refusing to give up and hang on to the hope we have in Christ (by keeping focused on the eternal hope of glory that awaits us - Rom 8:18), this is often the greatest avenue for us to be highly qualified for His use and become dangerous to the real enemy. When the enemy would like to keep people down from their past trials, I want to encourage you to see yourself as His blessed vessel who is continually preparing you to use your past to be a rich blessing to others. He wants us to cooperate to fulfill His greatest calling on your life by being determined and believe with His help, you will live to enrich many lives and make a powerful positive impact on the lives of many needy people. If we want to give our real enemy (satan) a black eye and frusterate his ways, ask God to put that zeal in you and believe that no matter how bad your past may have been, that He will use your past for His glory if you will simply dare to believe. We are His wonderful, unique anointed vessels. By His Grace, lets believe Him to use our past to fulfill the greatest mandate of all by empowering others with the hope of Christ. We are all qualified to fulfill the greatest mandate He has for us because greater is He (Jesus) who resides in us than he (satan) who resides in the world (1 John 4:4). In order to receive His best to be our best to make a positive impact on peoples lives, I believe this comes when we will give God all the glory and refuse to ever rob Him of that. Let's ask and believe Him that by His Grace, we will be mightily used as His Anointed and Special vessel and be our utmost for His Highest, having a positive impact in many peoples lives. Praying to the Father in Jesus Name, that by Your Grace dear Lord, this world will be a much better place because we are allowing You to work fully through us to fulfill our calling while being placed on earth at this time. We are living in the best time to do the greatest work He is preparing for us to do. God qualifies each of us, but He is simply asking: Are we willing? In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders? (Exod 15:11)

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