Monday 21 April 2014

The Best Place to Be

Dear Blessed Saints, I say this title because we are truly blessed just because He tells us who are His Children, those who received Him as our Lord and Saviour (Eph 1:3). But to the measure of being blessed to receive His love and encouraging word always depends on the portion that we believe, accept and receive it by faith for ourselves as a Child would. I often like reminiscing about (Matthew 18:1-4) where the Disciples asked Jesus who will be the greatest in the Kingdom of God? I always like Jesus's response to the many questions He received because His answers are often anything what the average person would expect to hear. This tells me that we can never rely on our own thinking, intellect or understanding. But that we need to become totally like a child and lean on Him to see what He has to say and realize (deep within) the wisdom and power of His Word is always much higher and far greater than our own thinking (Isa 55:8,9). To receive the most of His Word, we need to receive it humbly and believe it where Jesus puts emphasis in (vs 4) about the need ot being humble like a child. When you think of a child who has a wonderful relationship with his/her earthly father, what may concern alot of earthly fathers who have the task of fulfilling their parental responsibility, a child who has a loving relationship with his/her Dad never worries, but always believes their father will love them, protect them and always provide and care for them regardless of the circumstances going around. Whenever I am meditating on the Word of God, I always like to picture different scenarios in my mind and not just see His Word as just letters formed into a sentence and become a tool just to memorize. But when we can picture what Christ is saying, I find it brings greater emphasis, which is why I believe He wants to give us vision (Joel 2:28). For example, I like picturing a child who loves their earthly father sitting on his lap and enjoying a real close companionship and relationship of trust and love which no amount of intellect can compare. When I can envision this, I like to put myself in that same place and become as a little child like that. And when things don't go right or several challenges seem to be approaching, I like to picture myself sitting on Gods lap and see His arms extending around me. And then for myself, to see Him smiling and telling me that He loves me and wants me to have a heart of faith like this child to rest in Him and know He will always be faithful to provide for me, protect me, love me and promises to never leave me nor forsake me. If you would, I would ask you to please take a few minutes now and be still and picture yourself sitting on His lap and see His smile warm your heart. I find it is important to take these times to just be still and meditate because scriptures we often read just becomes another familiar passage where we may fail to receive its full impact on what He may need to show us. When I picture this for myself, I am at total peace. When you think of a child, they don't have a PHd, degree or any high academic accolades. A child who has a loving relationship with their earthly father will never debate with him with questions of "how, what, when, why", etc etc. God has given us adults a great mind, but we need to use this creative and sound mind (2 Tim 1:7) He has given us to always come in line with His Word and never rely on our mind/intellect to deviate what He wants to teach us according to His Word. When we deviate our way of thinking from His Word, we compromise and allow the enemy of our souls to rob us from ever receiving the fullness of the powerful wisdom of His Word. It's only His Word and no other Word that is considered that mighty Sword that defeats the enemy (Eph 6:17). Its only His Word which is the only one that is able to cut into our very fibre and marrow, rightly dividing what is truth and what is false or compromises the wisdom of His Word (2 Tim 1:15). It is only His Word that brings forth LIFE (John 6:63). So when the Lord tells us to become as a child, He is telling us to be like a child in our faith, hope and trust in Him and knowing that He loves us and is able to care for us. We need to refute ever questioning God about His integrity of why things happen the way they do, or ever think we don't ever need His help to resolve any issues we may have or even come to a place that we can ever handle anything on our own. To leave God out of our daily lives and full agendas is to place ourselves outside the safety zone of His love and care which we are always in desperate NEED of. To be most blessed as a Child, we need to ALWAYS ALWAYS be in a place where we totally rely and put our trust in Him. This is where He wants us to be and it is by far the best place for us to be in. So when we don't humble ourselves like we need to, I believe He is always compelled to cause a situation in our lives to be humbled which demonstrates His love towards us. I like picturing these next couple of verses in (John 13:23-25) after Jesus was telling His Disciples about one of them going to betray Him (vs 21). Jesus mentions in (vs 23-25) about John putting his head on Jesus breast as though he is interested in listening to the heart of Jesus. When scriptures describe His Word, I never want to question why segments are mentioned in the Bible or not. If this wasn't mentioned, it wouldn't be important...but it does mention about John laying his head of the chest of Jesus because He wants us to come to that place so we too can listen to His heart. When I think of it, I often realize how we can often overlook a portion of scriptures that we can fail to understand great emphasis to encourage our hearts that much more unless we take the time to meditate on scriptures. We always have to conclude that if it is in scripture, there is a reason for it and is very important because He tells us the His Word is LIFE (John 6:63). I am sure you can all agree that none of us would want to remove any portion of life of His Word from our own lives when we know and understand that His Word is in fact our LIFE LINE. Therefore, to me, if there is anything in life that is a challenge to you, I want to urge you and encourage you to stop trying to figure everything out and refuse to rely on your own understanding (Prov 3:5,6), and cast ALL of your cares to Him. Picture yourself laying your head on His breast and listen to His hearts plea for you and being like a child that sees Him smiling down at you and you can smile back to Him, knowing that He will care for you. For Christ to say that when a person truly becomes like a child who will be amongst the greatest in the Kingdom of God, I come to the conclusion that He is therefore most pleased with us when we can come to this place. I often repent before the Lord for ever failing to invite Him to help me out no matter how easy a situation seems. A humble and loving child ALWAYS relies on his/her Dad. When we can come to this place with our Father, we too can know He is well pleased with us and say that we have become as this blessed Child and be highly rewarded which He promises us. May the truth of His Word richly bless you. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer

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