Wednesday 15 May 2013


Dear Blessed Saints of God,

          I was recently talking to a friend of mine who believes that a loving God would never send anyone to hell and eventually, believes that everyone will be justified and saved.  We do know that our God is a loving God, however, I would like to believe that everyone will be saved, but that is NOT what God says in His Word.  Even though we would like to believe this, we cannot afford to mis-interpret Gods Word when we choose our way of thinking through reasoning rather than believing what God says in His Word.  Satan who is considered a master deceiver was able to cause Eve to question Gods direct Word which caused mankinds downfall.  I find many people allow the same enemy to reason and question God "Why" simply because they don't understand why God does what He does.  They choose to believe their way of thinking over what God tells us.  We allow the enemy to fulfill his plan to rob, kill and destroy our lives when we do not choose the uncompromising Truth of Gods Word (John 10:10a).  God tells us in 2 Cor 10: 4, 5 (Amplified Version)  For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds,5[Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).

          Here, God tells us that satan causes us to try to reason by questioning God and choose to understand our way of thinking, even though God directly says otherwise.  When I look back on my life, one of the things I had to surrender (and often need to continue to surrender to things) is to surrender my opinion and excuses.  When I made excuses to harbour bitterness from my past, it always sounds justifiable because it made sense to me.  But Gods Wise Words of wisdom tells us otherwise.  We often allow the enemy for us to question God "It's just not fair"!!  Because I chose to justify my negative behavior, I alone became my own prisoner because I did not take God in His Word and chose instead to listen to the voice of "reasoning".  When we choose to do things other than Gods way or believe what He says, we are giving rulership and dominion to the enemy who is able to deceive.  When we go outside of Gods covering, we are stepping outside of the safety zone and we end up giving the enemy dominion over us.  When we do, we are no match to the devils schemes because we end up being separated out of Gods protective covering by not following the authority of His Word.  Many people today question God "Why is there so much violence in the schools" and blame God for these escalating violences.  I would tell them, because they kicked God out of the school in the first place.  It didn't make sense to society to follow God when they themselves could be their own "god" by choosing to do things their way, which gave the enemy dominion and cause these outbreaks of violence.

          When I had an opinion of certain events and I realized God said something else, we have to strip that ugly pride from us that is destroying alot of people today, we need to surrender to God and say "Lord, I was wrong and You are Right".  I choose to obey the powerful Truth of Your Word.  If I have any wrong opinion now about anything dear Lord, I ask You to show me and reveal to me of any errors and I choose to do things and believe Your Word only.  I like what Jesus tells His Disciples after they questioned the Lord "Who will be the greatest in the Kingdom of God"?  He took a child and told them "Whoever humbles himself like this child will be the greatest in the Kingdom of God" (Matt 18:1- 4).  If you notice, a child who loves his earthly father and knows his father loves him does not try to reason with his father, does not try to debate or question his fathers authority.  But, a child will listen and believe what his father tells him because he loves his father and knows his father loves him.  Jesus tells His Disciples in John 6:29 that our works is simply to believe in the One (Jesus) whom the Father has sent.  Therefore, it is not a matter of having any sizable ministry or simply accomplishing anything by works, but a matter of believing.  Good works is important because we are saved to do "good works".  But, I believe we will be able to do greater works when we first learn to become a child and have that simple child-like faith and learn to believe like a child, love like a Child and receive that love like a Child is able to receive.

          So when God says to love your enemies and bless them, we can not afford to manipulate His Word or think otherwise.  We alone will suffer great loss just because we chose our opinion and ended up listening to the deceptive lies of the enemy.  Just like Adam and Eve ended up giving dominion to the enemy when God initially intended them to have dominion over all the world and over all creatures of the earth (Gen 1:26).  Pride was the main cause that destroyed Lucifer (Isa 14:12-15) who is known as satan.   When we choose our way of thinking above what God clearly says in His Word, we are in comparison being like lucifer who wanted to set his throne above Gods Throne.  Comparatively, we choose our thoughts above Gods thoughts.  Our own thinking becomes our "god" when we choose it over what God clearly tells us in His Word which is the only Key that bring eternal life (John 6:68).  Believing anything else goes down another path that does not lead to eternal life.

          I have often prayed in the past to ask God to help me love what He loves and hate what He hates.  When we do, we choose to do what is right and what is eternally best for us because God alone does everything RIGHT.  He does not make a mistake.  Many of us may not say that, but when we question how things have worked out for us when it is unfavorable, we may be telling God He has made a mistake and we see ourselves justified by it.  We need to surrender and crucify these "questionable thoughts" and tell God, You are RIGHT.  When we question God to the point that He made a mistake or that "He doesn't understand", we have to BELIEVE He knows best.  When things have not worked out for us, can we truly tell God we have followed everything He tells us?  Maybe we have unconfessed sins?  When things always go bad, do we repent and learn to speak the Life of His Word to us or do we continue to speak words of death (Prov 18:21)?  He warns us that speaking negative words over our lives brings forth death.  Do we continue to harbour iniquity (Ps 66:18)?  When we fail to live the abundant life Jesus tells us that He gives, there is always a reason and maybe we have failed to be humble like a child and failed to surrender to His authority.  Sometimes, God in His wisdom has to allow us to go through more trials because we continue to have selfish ambitions that need to be crucified?  Or perhaps we cherish the love of this world greater than our love for God?  Prov 26:2 tells us that a curse does not come without a cause.  King David suffered much until he learned that confessing his sins before God released him from the weight of sins that was causing him to waste away (Ps 32:3-5).  Have we come before the Lord to confess our sins to Him and our faults one to another (James 5:16)?

          Friends, refuse to allow our minds to be exalted above Gods Word and realize by choosing your thoughts above the One who created everything who is Source of every life is utterly foolish.  I want to encourage you to ask God to reveal the riches of His knowledge and wisdom to you.  To love His Word and hate every wrong path.  Ask Him if there is any false compromising ways you are presently believing and ask Him to reveal the deeper truths to you.  Forget about the traditions of our ancestors and ask God (read Matt 15:6; Col 2:8) to reveal greater Truths of His Word.  When we ask, we need to believe He will bless us with revelation knowledge in a far greater way when we believe like a child.  Why would He refuse to reveal His Truth to us?  We may not have because we simply have failed to ask (James 4:3).  When we ask, do we have wrong motives?  Let us become like a Child in our love and faith in Him and be like King David who loved His Word to the point that he hated every wrong path (Ps 119: 127, 128), which is why I believe God tells of David that he was a man after Gods own heart.  When we become like a child, Jesus promises us that we will become amongst the greatest in the Kingdom of God (Matt 18:4).  Who in their right mind would not want to be amongst the greatest in the Kingdom of God where His Kingdom has no end?

Will you consider buying my books in support of HelpingCopeThroughHope mission work in Zambia?  You may go to my link below to observe.In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

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