Saturday 13 October 2012

Restoring Deep Soul Wounds - Part 1

Good Day Dear Saints

     I would like to open up a series to deal with the deepest inner recesses of our being which is dealing with soul wounds.  In order for us to have real victory over any area of our lives, we always need to get to the root causes of why we act or react to situations in a negative way and realize that this may be caused from some negative circumstances dating back from recently to many years ago.  Like myself, I truly believe that the reason why many people do not react favorably in many circumstances is not because of the actual circumstance itself, but because of having scarred or wounded souls deep within which many have not properly dealt with because they may be ashamed and are trying to cover it up, which does not eliminate the source of the problem.  These wounds that are deep within our soul are often caused by trauma, negative circumstances, negative words spoken against us, being harrassed, bullied, rejected or betrayed of confidence by others and many other situations alike that could have negatively affected ones life.

     Many people try to cover up these wounds, but often times, the scars remain deep within simply because we have never dealt with them as God would want us to.  An example is like when a person has been told by another person who may have had negative influence over them, that you cannot amount to anything in life. So the person who has been told this becomes a perfectionist who may do well and accomplish alot in life.  This person may think that he/she has victory over this wound, but in the meantime, this person remains a perfectionist and the result of this compulsive behaviour has its negative effect simply because these negative words once spoken to them gave them a wound deep within their soul.  So they try everything to counteract this by being busy, being a perfectionist and valuing themselves of what they accomplish in life.  I often find that the root causes of maintaining these soul wounds is that we hold and harbour offences and we try to overcome them as part of our "defence" by defending our rights or reputation that will never erase these offences that causes soul wounds that many continue to carry deep within them.  It's like sweeping dirt under a carpet or spraying air freshener without getting rid of the garbage causing the stench in the first place.

     The question some may wonder is how do I know if I am carrying these wounds within my soul?  I believe if you dwell on, or have recurring thoughts about a certain negative situation you were involved in, or you find yourself reacting negatively to any normal circumstances, or maybe your mind tends to wander off, chances are that you may have deep soul wounds which the Lord wants to help you.  Sometimes, we need to get to a quiet place and think about what we have been thinking about.  As it may sound funny, we really need to do this.  When I think of reacting negatively when God tells us that we need to bear fruit from being patient as an example, we may find ourselves often very impatient when we have to wait in line at the bank, grocery store longer than we care to, or at slow moving traffic.  It could even be a result of one having to deal with pornography because of a deep rooted issue from a wound that remains in ones soul.  When we take the time to reflect on areas of our lives that do not promote bearing fruit Gal 5:22 (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control), are we finding out that we are not bearing fruit as effectively as we could be or should be?  The example of the person who is always busy trying to be a perfectionist from the result of harbouring festering negative words spoken against him/her is not the result of allowing God to help heal their wound deep within their soul.  God never tells us to be "busy", but admonishes us to be "fruitful".  Alot of people today are busy, but are doing nothing or they are accomplishing very little to advance the kingdom of God.  They may be busy, but failing to do what matters to God or have very little relationship with Him.  When we harbour bitterness by being offended and hanging on to it, this is one of the major issues that has caused many Christians to walk around with penetrating wounds in their soul that often is a real hinderance from moving forward with the Lord, having any postive impact towards others as we should be doing or having any quality time in the sweet presence of God.  People often have isolated themselves from others which is a major issue of allowing themselves by being offended.  When the enemy can isolate a member, this is where the wolf likes to make its most effective attacks because of their vulnerability of isolating oneself from others.
     When we hang on by being offended by others unfavorable actions towards us, this not only negatively affects our spiritual well being, but is often a major cause of emotional stress that often leads to high blood pressure, tensions and major causes of physical ailments.  God never intended man to carry this burden of the results of being offended, because man isn't meant to carry such burdens.  God tells us to cast all our cares upon Him for He does care for each of you (1 Pet 5:7), He loves you and wants to help you.  Have we tied His hands to help us?  This is why we need to consider that any time we have remained offended is a sin against God.  This is why this goes against what God tells us in His Word.  When a person develops a root of bitterness, it often is a result of harbouring offence which is again, a major cause of having our souls wounded deep within.  It has often been said that people who are hurt within themselves (by carrying an offended spirit within them) often hurt others because of it.  And if we do things to hurt others, do you suppose God is pleased with us, even though the other person may be the initial instigator?  In the end, it is not going to matter what people do to us, but how we reacted and whether we have sought the Lord to help heal us deep within.  We are not going to be responsible for a persons actions, but we will be responsible for our action and how we reacted to any given situation.
     When God was dealing with me about soul wounds, the first thing we need to do is to write down any negative experiences that you feel you have been dwelling on.  Or if you find yourself being more impatient than you know you should, or not being able to show kindness and doing good as we are called to do, this is when we need to ask the Lord to reveal anything from our past that is the root issue causing ourselves to act a certain way that does not bear fruit.  What situation have we harboured on from our past that may be causing us to act ungodly?  This may take a bit of time, but is well worth the time invested to heal our wounded soul and for our soul to be fully restored so it can be said of us that it is well with our soul.  Whenever we want to be healed, we need to have every negative root in our lives to be pulled out, just like weeds in a yard.  Before you throw grass seeds on the ground, you want to get rid of the weeds first.  Then you will be able to throw grass seeds down and attend to these seeds by watering them over and over for a period of time and fertilizing those seeds to make it strong and healthy.  I would like to share how to go about dealing with the root issue and see so many people set free and become strong and healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally.  The parable about the one who sows tares amongst the wheat is the result of the enemy (satan).  To me, this is when we try to cover up our wounds, but don't deal with them as God would have us, which is the result that we have allowed the enemy to sow "tares" in to our lives that disrupt the good harvest that the wheat is considered to be.  I would like to finish off here and continue this session.  This will allow many people who need to take the time to write down any past experiences and to bring them before the Lord.  
     When we deal with this first step to write down any past experiences, it is utmost important to have the mindset and say this to yourself audibly.... that God loves me, He cares for me, He is interested in me and wants to reveal His passionate help to not only heal, but restore me to total divine health like He tells me in His Word which is His will in 3 John 2.  We will never know the power of His help, His goodness and mercy for us if we never needed help from Him in the first place.  God wants us to experience the joy of not only being healed, but fully restored because of His excellent  Grace and Mercy towards us.   

Will you consider buying my books in support of HelpingCopeThroughHope mission work in Zambia?  You may go to my link below to observe.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

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