Saturday 2 June 2012

Developing God Confidence

Dearest Saints,
          When we fail to believe that His awesome power can work mightily through us individually, it is because we are still relying on our own strength and power to accomplish any task or mission we may be called to do, rather than relying on Him.  When we know how awesome He is and when we know how He can and is most willing to use the weaker vessels of the world (such as I), we should always have that confidence to do great things as His Children because it is His power working through us in the first place.  We need to realize the truth that He wants so much to use His power within us to be used to do the greatest mandate as His useful representatives or what I like to compare it as His Ambassadors.   We have to stop seeing what we can accomplish by our own strength and ability (which is by far very limited) and see how awesome He is able to empower us when we do the things out of love for God and for one another.  I find that we develop confidence in God when we reflect the words of David when He says how fearfully and wonderfully we are made in His image (Ps: 139:14).  To stop and consider the complexity of our anatomy in order to function the way we are capable of doing gives us a real appreciation of how we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made.  David didn't have all the facts like we do today with all the research man has revealed about the complexity of a human body.  Yet, He still attests to this many centuries ago about how wonderfully God had created him when we should do so that much more when we have much more evidence of how wonderfully a human body functions the way it does in its entirety.  I don't believe that anyone can ever know everything about a human body, mind, soul and spirit in their entire lifetime.  And yet, God created a human being with every cell, chromosome, muscles, sinews, bones, flesh having mind, soul and spirit in place perfectly within one day.  When we see how everything in the universe is set in place and know that all things are held by the power of His Word (Heb 1:3), we see how He is able to set and keep everything in its proper place who is a God of order.  It's amazing when I realize I have a hard time doing two or three things at once at the best of times! 
          When we factor human life, scientists explain that 41 factors are required to take place for a human life to be able to exist.  That is like comparing 1 to several trillions upon trillions (of which one trillion alone is counting 1 million, a million times).  It is an astronomical number which is the chance of any of us could ever exist just by chance or a cosmic explosion or other means other than an awesome creator which many people can foolishly consider!  Some of the factors include the perfect size of the earth that we inhabit, which allows us to weigh a reasonable amount.  Had we lived on a planet like Jupiter, with its large gravitational pull, a 100 pound person would weigh around 236 pounds.  So a normal 200 lb man would double that weight on Jupiter.
Life on Earth is possible because of a coincidental combination of factors:
  • The habitable zone: Earth is at the right distance from the Sun to have liquid water on its surface, and for the atmosphere to be at a reasonable temperature for life to occur. It also doesn't stray too far from the optimal distance, making the temperature stable.
  • Stable planet: we aren't inundated with lava every day. This gives life the chance to happen without being destroyed instantaneously.
  • Water: we have it. necessary for life, with the right amount of water that covers 70% of the globe.
  • Atmospheric composition: began with plenty of carbon oxides and simple organic compounds with very little free oxygen; an important atmosphere for biogenesis.
Here is a few to add:
  • Axial tilt. Our planet has a reasonable and more importantly quite stable tilt to it (around 23-24 degrees off axis). This lets the weather be relatively stable and thus becomes a candidate for life.
  • Composition of the planet and its atmosphere. We need water, carbon, hydrogen, oxides (like oxygen gas and ozone), carbon oxides, and nitrogen gas and more.
  • An iron core; our planet would be harmed by the suns radioactive rays without an iron core to protect us (mostly).
  • The planet continues to allow life to exist - while most planets would not follow this.
  • We need a moon that is about 1/3 the size of Earth to regulate our orbit.
  • Earth's path has to be a good ellipse around the sun.  As the earth is approx 93 million miles from the sun, we would not be able to inhabit the earth if we were a million miles closer or a million miles further away.
  • The earth remains perfectly in its orbital path every day and throughout every year, year after year,
  • Earth has to be the right size and not moving too fast and the remaining factors continue to create equal days/nights and seasons throughout the year, etc...etc
These are just a fraction of the 41 factors that allow life to exist in its many variations, from humans, to animals, insects, birds, marine life and all matters that are both visible and invisible to the eye in order to sustain life.
          When we think of these attributes, we need to see how awesome our God is, who is the same One who lives within us when we receive His dearly beloved Son to be our Lord.  For those who have not received Him, He desires to inhabit our lives with His Goodness and awesomeness and reveal His glory through His Children.  When we consider these factors and many others, how can we not have that reverential awe of Him.  No wonder God has a right to be angry with nations who do not have that reverential fear or awe of Him (Jer 2:19).  Therefore, I find it important just to meditate on these attributes.  To just stop and see the starry skies some night on a clear sky and know that the Heavens do declare His glory (Ps 19:1).  Meditating on how awesome He is to sustain and preserve life in its entirety should give us confidence in what He is able and willing to do when we see the reverential fear and awe we should have of Him.  When we learn to be still before Him, we can know that He is in fact an awesome God (Job 37:14; Psalm 46:10) which is a start of developing that strong God confidence we should have.

Be blessed to browse below websites.  God bless.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director

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