Sunday, 18 October 2015

TRUST in His Love for You

It has been awhile with much to do between work, home duties for a spouse of mine that has very limited physical abilities. But we know that whatever God places before us, it is not wasted when we want to do the work of the Lord. I heard a testimony this morning at our service that a fellow had problems with the raccoons eating some corn from his field. He put his dog out on a leash and kept him near his dog house in the corn field for a time (how long...we don't know). But the dog kept all unwanted pests out from destroying his crop. He mentioned that sometimes God wants to keep us "tied-up" in His own way in order to have what He wants done for us in our lives. The dog didn't know he had a vital role being tied up while being vital to the masters use. So maybe He is setting us in our place of quiet time or keeping us "tied up" for a time so He can do His good work through us while we may be doing something vital, but not know it. Sometimes it is good that we don't understand everything that is going on, but we are called to Trust in Him. One of my favorite verses is in Prov 3:56 that tells us not to lean on our own understanding, but acknowledge Him in all our ways and we can trust Him that He will lead us and direct our path. When we do trust Him and believe Who He says He is, what He can do for us and through us and who we are in Him, we do the works that is required of us (John 6:28,29). Our works in God is first to simply believe in the One who is able to do the work in us before we actually do the work. God wants to put us in a place to let us know that what we "do" doesn't define us, but knowing Him and in the power of His Resurrection (Phil 3:10) and who we are in Him according to His Word. Gods Grace and Mercy are so rich in abundance, but many people don't benefit from His Goodness, His Grace and Mercy. Many people think they have to earn Gods love or think they are not worthy to receive anything good from God. There is no one on earth before, during this present time or ever will be "good enough" (other then Christ) who will ever deserve anything good from God. Even Christ Himself said to one of His Disciples "Why do you call me Good?, there is only One who is Good and that is God" (Mark 10:18). If Jesus said this, shouldn't we also say this that much more? This is why Gods Grace is so Good because we don't deserve it, but to humble ourselves to see our need to receive it is priceless. Don't ever think for one minute to fail to receive anything good from God just because you don't think you deserve it or think you are worthy of it or ever question God "Why"? His Goodness for us will always go beyond our understanding. I had one member believe that God is mad at them. For many who think this, God is not mad at you, but is gracious and wants to compel you to believe in His love, His Help, His Grace and His Mercy for you. We have to stop thinking God at our level. He wants us to depend on Him to receive His very best for us regardless of what we may have done in the past. That is why I can truly say that not only did He take the rubble from my life, but He truly has built and restored my life. One time in my life I didn't think I would ever measure up to anything or had any purpose in life. I was believing the lies of the enemy who is out to simply steal, kill and destroy lives (John 10:10a). Unfortunately, many peoples lives are likewise destroyed because these people believe the lies of the enemy and fail to believe the Grace, Mercy and Goodness of what God has for them. They fail to believe He is a Builder and Restorer of lives. I thank God I didn't remain believing satan, but knowing he is nothing but a liar and the truth is not in him at all (John 8:44). Don't ever get caught believing the lies of the enemy. Each of us has a wonderful and unique ministry as God tells us. We are ALL called to be ministers of the Good Word in one way or another (read Heb 5:12 and Isa 61:6). One of the Teachers I know mentioned one time that Her ministry at that one particular time was when she was making her kids bed. So the message is that ministers are not only on a platform, but we are All called to be ministers and we can be one to someone or to many depending on what God puts on your heart. There is always hope for each and everyone no matter what your past has been as long as are hope is in the One who is unfailing in His love for us (God through Jesus Christ). If God can create the universe and all that is in it from nothing, He can make something beautiful in our lives and from our lives if we will simply Believe He can and He will. When you believe and declare the truth of His love for you, you will like yourself much better in the light of His Word. You can be richer in all things (relationally, knowledge of the Truth of His Word, His Wisdom for you, greater understanding of His Word and be more effectively used by Him to do His good work) which is why He came to give us all in the first place (John 10:10b). In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders? (Exod 15:11)