Friday, 23 January 2015


Good Day Dearest Saints, Most of the time, I love to encourage so people are empowered to know that there is HOPE for each one by sharing my life and the Hope He has given me. But aside from just encouraging, I feel I need to Challenge each one including myself, and I sense that this time to challenge each one is NOW. Occasionally, I hear familiar statements that are either encouraging, thought-provoking or messages to challenge us. One of my favorite sayings I often hear is "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care"! The greatest sermons of all time is not necessarily preached behind the pulpit, its demonstrating Christ to others from what we have read in scriptures or heard from preachers and are living it out. It's not enough to hear a sermon and just go home and do nothing with what we have read or heard. We need to share what we know. I have to admit, for myself, I feel I am educated more then my obedience which is a big OUCH for me. So this is equally intended for myself, if not, more so. When I think about that initial statement, I have to ask myself: What action(s) am I portraying to show that I care for one another? What type of action(s) am I failing to portray that demonstrates my lack of caring one for another? Are there any actions I am doing that show my lack of care for one another? People are most encouraged to do what is right when they know that there is someone who truly cares. It is not going to matter how many sermons he/she hears in church or sermons watched on TV, it is going to count when they know that there is someone who cares for them. I often think it's the little things that really count and also the little gestures we show and perhaps fail to show that speaks volumes. Just like the sins of remission and sins of omission. The sins of remission is when someone commits a sin by committing a sinful action, and the sin of omission is failing to do what we know to do what is right, but don't it (James 4:17). Both are equally sinful which is what lead Christ to the Cross in the first place who took those huge spikes in our place. When someone spends time to encourage, does anyone even acknowledge for one moment and appreciate what others may be doing? I often question why it seems hard for people to say a simple "Thank You" or just to say how we appreciate them. Why is it hard for people to do that? Like I said, I am going to be challenging about this. I like the fact that the Apostle Paul says to various Churches "I thank God for each of you by keeping the faith" (1 Cor 1:4-9). He not only appreciated each one, but acknowledge God first and foremost by thanking Him. This tells me that appreciating one another goes hand in hand with thanking God. Appreciating one another encourages one another and we are told to encourage each other while it is called TODAY so we won't be hardened by sins deceitfulness (Heb 3:13). Paul started to entreat the Corinthian Church in the following verses. But again, he always starts and ends by encouraging them and thanking God for them. Therefore, I want to now say that I appreciate all the Pastors that put in hours and hours of prayer time and study notes to preach an anointed message to benefit and equip the hearers. I appreciate all those who evangelize to share the gospel and be used of God to draw people to Christ. I appreciate a lot of those in missionary work around the world showing the love of Christ by meeting physical and spiritual needs to others. Especially in parts of the world that don't live in a comfortable society that we North Americans are often accompanied by. I appreciate those of you who spend hours in quiet time studying and praying and interceding one for another. I love to encourage people. But often times, like myself...we need to be challenged and admonish each one to "Get out of our comfort zone". God tells us in His Word that iron sharpens iron (Prov 27:17). If we truly appreciate one another, do we ever just give a call to one another just to see how they are doing? Do we ever just email someone whom you know is hurting and let them know you are thinking and praying for them? When we see someone alone in a crowd, do we go out of our way to share a warm smile, a handshake and spend a little time with them? These are a lot of very small gestures to tell others that WE CARE. It breaks my heart when I hear about outsiders coming into Church and hearing a sermon but not greeted by anyone to just acknowledge their presence. The sad part about it is that it only takes very little effort to do these kind gestures. Even amongst the crowds, Jesus always acknowledged people. I like the story about how Christ noticed Zacchaeus who was sitting in a tree and gave special attention to him while he was alone in the tree (Luke 19:3-5). We are told to be imitators of Christ (Eph 1:5) and as Paul imitated Christ, so should we. The scriptures tell us to be DOERs of the Word and not just HEARERs where it describes a man who is only a hearer of the Word and looks in a mirror and then walking away forgetting what he looks like (James 1:23,24). God tells us that not everyone who calls Me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom, but those who DO the WILL of My Father (Matt 7:21). If people would understand that the amount of our love for the Lord goes hand in hand with how we treat the least of the Brethren (Matt 25:40). I not only challenge each one, this is also a challenge for me like every message I put together to go beyond what we normally do and demonstrate Christ more. I spend hours upon hours to put together these messages as a way of telling each one that I do this because "I DO CARE" and want each of you to be most blessed because of it. I want to be able to share the experience of my life to others because of the HOPE God has truly given me to really live. When we care about God, care about being Representatives of Him and Agents of Light for Him in this dark world, we will care about one another. The amount of love we have for God is the amount of love we have for one another. Too many people in Churches sing and say they love God, but is often questionable about loving others. The sign of the cross not only goes Up and Down, but across to one another. I put this challenge out to you (and myself) to truly demonstrate to one another that others can say of us "I SEE THAT YOU DO CARE". I put this challenge out all because I do it out of love and concern for each one and because "I DO CARE". Do you care? In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ (Gal 3:27)

Tuesday, 20 January 2015


Dear Blessed Saints, I have had this desire to learn in a much deeper way to obtain a greater understanding of what it means to "Seek ye first His Kingdom and His Righteousness"(Matt 6:33). This particular passage encompasses something vital that offers an enormous promise to those who fulfill this requirement. For one thing, it doesn't say that some things will be added to you or "may be added to you". But declares "ALL" things "SHALL" be added unto you. The Word "all" doesn't leave anything out that would exclude anything being good and eternally profitable to us. The Word "shall" puts a definitive emphasis that what He promises is going to take place, Regardless! When Gods Word often says "shall" when making promises to us, this makes me realize that we need to respond equally by having that same strong confidence in God that will put great emphasis on our part that BELIEVES HIM, no matter what. So when we pray, we need to KNOW He hears our prayers and will answer them (1 John 5:14,15) when we pray according to His will and make no room for doubt or being double-minded (James 1:6-8). Therefore, I became interested in finding out more about what it really means to seek His Kingdom First. Christ likens His Kingdom to a lot of parables He talks about. He talks about the wheat and the tares growing together and then being separated (Matt 13:24-30). He talks about selling all and a person buying a valuable field with a "Pearl of Great Price" (Matt 13:45,46). Another one is talking about a small mustard seed that causes a large tree to form and being a shelter for many birds (Matt 13:31,32), along with other parables when you read Matt Chapter 13 as one of the primary chapters that talks about His Kingdom principles. Presently, I am taking a course session on this Title from Dr Ralph Wilson who has a great teaching tool on this subject. The main points I would like to bring out about seeking His Kingdom first (I believe) has to do with Humility and Love. I like comparing His parable of the mustard seed that is very small in size, but grows into a large tree. It's like comparing to ourselves that the more we decrease (by not relying on ourselves) and trusting entirely on God. Without having true humility, we fail to see our depravity and our need of God who alone is able to do what only He can do. No man can change a heart, only God can. When God commands us to do something, He also reminds us that without Him, we can do nothing (or accomplish nothing that has any eternal value) John 15:5. Therefore, this is why it is paramount to enquire of Him as your absolute Source of help to create in you a right heart (Ps 51:10). One of the scriptures that jumps out at me is (Matt 22:37-39) where God explains to a lawyer/teacher of the law that we are to love the Lord with All of our Heart, All of our soul and All of our Mind. Then, we are to love one another as He loves us. This is what fulfills all the law and prophets (vs 40). Therefore, I find that seeking His Kingdom First goes hand in hand to have humility to allow Him to change our heart so we can love Him with "Our All" and to put Him First in our lives. When we humble ourselves to ask Him to give us that heart of love for Him (Ask and you shall receive), He will give you this ability to do just that. Seek by spending time to come to Know Him and you will receive and understand (Seek and you shall find). Knocking on the door is like that parable of the persistent fellow who wanted 3 loaves of bread from his friend at midnight because his family was hungry and got it only because he persisted (Luke 11:5-8). So when we come "knocking" (be persistent) while being hopeful and this is when the door of opportunity opens (Knock and the door shall be open to you). Secondly, seeking His Righteousness is believing Him of Who He says He is. We are told that we are declared Righteous simply because we believe (Rom 4:3,5). Jesus tells His Disciples that our "works" is simply to believe in the One (Jesus) whom the Father has sent (John 6:29). Therefore, His Righteousness is His Truth and we need to believe Him to know He is truly Righteous. If we don't believe He is Righteous, then how can you expect to become Righteous when Righteousness only comes from Him in the first place? (Rom 4:24) The third portion of this scripture is His Promise to us when we do seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness. He promises that "All these things shall be added unto you". This is a wonderful and powerful promise. This promise tells me that when we humble ourselves for His help to seek FIRST His Kingdom and Righteousness, He promises to fulfill and meet every one of our needs. You will notice the preceding verses (Matt 6:31,32) tells us not to worry because He knows what we need. Therefore, He is telling us that when we have concerns and needs to be met, we need to seek His Kingdom First and His Righteousness rather then "trying" to do and stop relying by becoming your own resource. I like to put it this way: When we seek His Kingdom and Righteousness first, everything that concerns us will fall into place. That's His promise to us. Therefore, when we really want to seek His Kingdom first, let's humble ourselves (knowing our depravity without Him) and ask Him to give us a heart of Love for Him and His Righteousness (by believing He is who He is and what the Bible says completely about Him). Having a heart for Him fulfills everything, including seeking His Kingdom first because this is a reminder that Jesus told the lawyer that this fulfills ALL the law and prophets (Matt 22:37-39). In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Sunday, 11 January 2015


Blessed Saints of the Most High, Just like the prayer of Jesus taught His Disciples, He glorified God the Father first. I would like to start by just glorifying Him because I find the Lord so amazing the more I spend quiet time with Him by just meditating on Him and His word more and more. The doors He opens and how He tells us that He uses the weak and foolish to shame the wise (1 Cor 1:20-25) is mind boggling. Just like the last article I wrote about having courage and knowing "How" to develop courage with His help, I would now like to share "How" we can be zealous for God. Again, we know what the Word says about having zeal for God, but many people have a hard time to make it work out for them. So again, I would like very much to share what I believe the Lord has (and continues) taught me and to share so all of us can make the most of His Word and His will work for our benefit. Several decades ago, when I believed I had no purpose in life or didn't feel I had any value to contribute to, I had absolutely no energy or zeal to do anything meaningful and just felt lifeless as though I was just existing all because I felt I had no value. I am so thankful now that I am totally on the other side of this spectrum from the way I believed and felt. When I now have the energy and passion that I did not have for some time in the past, I realize now that what gives me energy, passion and zeal to do anything is knowing we are valued and are valuable and not just considered a number. Therefore, I would like to emphasize some very important truths to each one. If any of you feel like you are not valuable, you need to refute and repent of listening and believing this lie that comes from the enemy before you do anything else simply because those of you who doubt you are not valuable to Him are not listening to the Truth of Gods Word for you. One of the most encouraging portions of scripture I have always liked can be read in 1 Cor 12:12-27. It compares the spiritual body to the physical body and how we need each other. The eye doesn't say to the hand, I have not need of you (vs 21). I especially like vs 22-24 that talks about the parts that seem ignoble or less important, God gives special honour to these parts of the body. When we receive Christ, WE ARE THAT BODY that is joined together and works together by being valuable collectively to each other for His sake. Again, it all comes down to knowing God, not just knowing about Him. When we know God, we will KNOW He does everything for a wonderful divine purpose, and WE ARE PART OF HIS DIVINE PURPOSE. If we know God, we will know the truth that none of us are here by any accident. He formed us in the womb in whom we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Job 10:10; 31:15; Psalm 139:13-15; Isa 44:2,24; Isa 49:5 and Jer 1:5) and each one of us is living in the present for a divine purpose and NOT just to simply exist. None of us were created just to exist or purposed to just live for this present world, but we were created for a far greater purpose He has set for each of us. The greatest mandate in all of existence from past, present and future will never exceed Gods mandate and purpose which He created us for. When we realize how awesome He is and how He controls, directs events and does everything for a purpose, you will realized He considers each of you highly valuable. You and I are HIGHLY VALUABLE to Him. He would not have created any of you if He didn't have a wonderful purpose to have you here in this present age in the first place. This is something we need to believe in our heart that we are HIGHLY VALUABLE TO HIM and He wants to use each of us to fulfill the greatest mandate ever purposed in life itself. This is something we need to get from our head to our heart. The reason why many don't fulfill this is simply because many don't believe this for themselves. No wonder Jesus answers His Disciples in John 6:29 that the works for us is to simply BELIEVE in the One (Jesus) whom the Father has sent. So we need to believe Him, believe who He is and that we are part of His wonderful plan. If we don't get this revelation into our heart, we can/will never accomplish what God has set us apart to do. When I received this revelation of how He loves me and values me, He brought brought life, purpose and value to my dead situation. This can be life-changing to you as it has to me if you will just BELIEVE. As always, for your benefit, I would like to encourage you to see His creation from His eyes and how He wanted to create each of you for this purpose at this moment in History for what we believe the greatest event will soon take place. And we are part of the greatest mandate in a time I think is the greatest event that is about to come which is His second coming. We have to get this truth (Revelation) into our heart and say that: "God loves me and I am highly valuable to Him. And by His Grace, I will submit to Him to fulfill the greatest mandate He has planned for me". He tells us in Isaiah 43:7 that He created all mankind to glorify Him. Therefore, we are valuable to Him to fulfill this purpose He created us to do in life. Believing otherwise is being deceived of the one who is out to rob us (John 10:10a) from being the people of God who suffered and died for us to become. After I have lived under the devils deception for many years, I have determined by the Grace of God (His help for me first and foremost), that I am NOT giving satan the satisfaction of ever robbing me from Gods very best for me or ever rob me of the wonderful destiny God has for myself and for each one of you. When I realize how valuable I am to Him, I have that zeal and passion He has given me to do exceedingly than I had ever expected. I can't thank Him enough for giving me this revelation and I hope it is a true revelation that will give you real Hope and knowing He wants to use you and give you a bright future (Jer 29:11). When you know this Truth (as one of many), He tells us that the Truth sets us free (John 8:32). Don't ever accept living in bondage to the lies of the enemy, receive this truth and be all you can be for Him who loves you and values you more then you can ever think or imagine. What more does He have to prove His love and how He values to us when He took our place on the Cross and gave His life for us? In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Thursday, 8 January 2015


I am always amazed that the more I know God, I realize how little I know. Have we only scratched the surface of the awesomeness of Gods wisdom and knowledge? My answer would be a resounding YES. When we spend quiet time with God and seek His face, ask Him questions and give thought to His direction, He reveals so much insight to those who will spend time to seek His wisdom. For one thing, I understand when reading His Word that He is most pleased when we have that courage by having that strong confidence in God. He is direct at telling us that He is not pleased if we shrink back in fear (Heb 10:38). He even tells us that people who are cowards will not enter the Kingdom of God (Rev 21:8). If you read this verse in the Amplified Version, it really hits hard about the repercussions of being a coward (being fearful). It strikes me to notice that the word "coward" tops the list in amongst other characteristics such as adulterers, people who are contemptible, murderers, lewdness and those who practice magic arts will have their place in the lake of fire. Just like in items we purchase at the store, the most amount of any ingredients are listed at the top and this particular word is listed at the top. Therefore, I find it very needful to take heed to this. I did not understand in the past "why" this would be. After thinking on this, I believe it's because people who have a form of cowardice, don't end up believing His loving trust for them in which He takes great offence to this. Although we often know what the Word says, I believe many times alot of people don't know the "How to" method of obtaining this reality. So I would like to put it in simple terms to help each one be able to use the tools to develop that strong God-confident courage within us that is pleasing to God. First, we have to believe that having courage is not only pleasing to Him, but we need to know that He takes great offence to His Children shrinking back in fear, like I just mentioned in the previous paragraph. Secondly, if we will take time to KNOW HIM so we can believe Who He really is, we will walk and live by having strong confidence and being courageous in Him. We can't truthfully say we KNOW HIM when we live in fear. It's simply a matter of CHOOSING to believe Him. It has nothing to do with any natural ability or human strength. Otherwise, we are relying on our own ability which will also fail. Therefore, it has nothing to do with any anyone's natural ability, but has to do with making choices. Choose to BELIEVE HIM (Who He really is; What He can do by simply looking at what He has already done and His un-matched loving character towards us). If we believe He is ever so present with us, we will never have to fear because we are confident and believe He is always with us. "Thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because Thou art with me"(Psalm 23:4). Whatever we are going through, we can choose to BELIEVE His love, His goodness and His care for us. And if we happen to be going through situations that may not be favourable, we can still choose to believe He is preparing us to be the type of people He can equip us to be by going through whatever type of circumstances we may need to go through. What more does He have to prove His love for us when you see the life of humility, sorrows, pain, suffering right to His last breath He took for us? How can we not receive or believe His love for us when we take the time to consider what He has done? For alot of people, we simply have to stop making excuses and choose to believe in His love and care for you no matter what. Having that strength and courage of Christ within is so precious and priceless. Just the fact that we choose to simply BELIEVE HIM is so simple which many don't understand because we make it more complicated then necessary. I like what it says in Rom 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the Power of God working unto salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jews, then for the Gentiles". Notice that when it mentions not being ashamed and having the Power of God working within anyone. But it only works in those who BELIEVE. Just simply choosing to believe Him empowers us and gives us courage. This is primarily the reason why people remain fearful, doubtful remain fretful is because they don't believe Gods love and care for them. We forget who God is when we continue to worry, being fretful, fearful and doubting about situations that comes our way. Being concerned about what we don't understand is one thing, but it is another issue when we fail to remember the One whom we should know and/or choose not to believe. People who choose not to believe are destroyed (read John 3:18b). I see time and time again the people who choose not to believe or deny Gods love and care for themselves are the ones who never have any joy or peace within. What more does God have to do for us to prove His love and care for us when we look at the life of Christ Jesus Himself and what He accomplished for us? To find practical ways of fanning this flame of courage within us, we need to speak this assurance and make an example of confessions to Him such as: "I Trust You dear Lord because of Your great love for me". I find when I say this to myself over several times with a smile on my face (putting action to what I believe), I can feel an overwhelming sense of His peace within me that is priceless. I enjoy seeing a vision of that spirit of fear running away from me when I believe and know His love and presence is always with me. Paul says in Phil 3:10, when we know Him (His love and care for us), we will have that Resurrection Power of Jesus working within us. We have confidence and courage in the Lord because we KNOW HIM and not just know about Him. I believe the amount of courage we have from trusting in the Lord goes hand in hand of how much we choose to believe in Him. You will never develop courage when you fail to believe. It all comes down to this: CHOOSE to either believe Him, His love, His care for you that will give you His Peace, His Strength and courage to move forward by being confident in God, or choose not to believe and remain fearful and continue to live in doubt and worry that will never bring true peace. Be blessed and Choose life (Him) so that you and your descendants may live (Deut 30:19). In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Friday, 2 January 2015


Dearest Saints, First I want to give each one of you Gods richest blessings and His strength to work within you and through you ever so much more in 2015 and be molded to be a strong Advocate for the Lord then ever before. But knowingly, it often takes a person to go through "the wilderness" of life to get to "The Promised Land" where we all want to get to. We all want the blessings, but in order to be disciplined and become that strong Man/Woman of God that we would all like to be, we have to understand that we need to go through circumstances that we may not like to go through during any particular time in life. It may not be what we want, but God knows it's often what we need in order to reap greater eternal benefits. When you read Matt 20:20-22, it mentions that the Mother of Zebedees Children came to Jesus with her two children and asked Him if each one of her sons can sit on either side of God in His Kingdom. Jesus replied back and said to her: You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink and be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized? In other words, many people want to be blessed and have a place of honor, have a big ministry or fulfill other high ambitions in life, but are they willing to put up with alot of "unfavorable situations" or go through many valleys to do what they would like to do? Are they willing to drink out of the same cup that Jesus drank out of to be able to do what He did? Many of the people who have great and powerful ministries are the ones who learned much as they went through alot of testings, trials and valleys. It has often cost friends that weren't really friends in the first place. It may mean opposition when people say to you: "You can't do this/that". It may be times of feeling lonely and there is no one but just you and God. I may not like what God has to say at times, but am thankful He is honest because He doesn't tell us that He will spare us from storms, but tells us that we will go through many trials to enter into the Kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). However, He does promise never to leave us, even through the storms of life. Just like when He was in the boat crossing the Sea of Galilee with the other Disciples and He was there with them through the storm. God doesn't just want anyone to go through storms or valleys for no purpose, but the reality is that these are the times/places that make a person stronger by having gone through them. God Himself understands all about trials because He went through greater trials than anyone will ever go through. One of my many trials was dealing with people who often tried to discourage me, which has caused me to fight back with the Power of Gods help to get me through as I held my ground and believed He would strengthen me through those times. Now strangely enough, I find myself to be an Encourager to many people world-wide. Maybe it's because I know the pain of being discouraged and want to encourage many of you in the Lord and to tell you there is Hope when we put our trust in Him. In one instance of dealing with many discouragements, I was told by one of my Supervisors that I would never be able to do the job in an isolated military community and be an effective Warehouse/Retail Manager. I felt drained of all energy just hearing those negative words. I thank God that I was able to fight back and rise up in the power of Gods might to break those chains that the enemy (satan) tried to make me a prisoner of. I had to rely on God and learn to fight back by boldly declaring the Word and getting to know the God whom we serve. Having opposition has taught me to use His Word boldly, courageously and to fight back by having that Victory mentality He tells us in Rom 8:36-37 and Isa 54:17. I can tell you that I would not have developed a bold God-confident spirit within me had I not had to face these challenges and learn to fight back with the Word of God. I know often times that people want whatever storms in life to veer away off track so they don't come our way (whether it is physical storms, relational storms, spiritual storms, "financially-Challenging" storms), etc. However, we need to see them as an opportunity to rely on the Power of God to see us through. Many times, God will have to put people through storms all because many refuse to put their Trust in Him which is where He wants to end up placing each of us for our own benefit. After seeing what God has brought me through, I would not dare want to live a day without the Lord taking full control of my life. In fact, it scares me to leave God out of any part of my life. It's an amazing liberation to trust in God and see how He moves in the lives of many who have come to that place and learned to put their total trust in Him. Again, if we want to be that Bold, dynamic man/woman of God to rise up in His power to be His Representative, are we willing to drink out of the same cup as others have in order to do the type of work they are are doing? Going through "financially challenging" storms may be far better than winning the lottery. It caused me to have my chains broken from that strong spirit called "covetous" which often keeps many of Gods children in bondage. But to be released from this bondage, it often takes people going through challenging times. I have always liked Robin Williams as an Actor. But unfortunately, ended his life by committing suicide. So what did all his $50 Million dollar estate he left with his family end up doing for him? Putting our hopes and affections on the things of this world rather then on God and His Kingdom are temporal and are eventually going to come to a drastic end. Going through trials is a "necessary evil" because this is where people are challenged to examine their heart and motives and make those life altering decisions to decide to Trust in the Lord that will be better for us in the end. Do our hearts still long for Egypt (worldly ambitions, world riches, worldly cares, etc)? These are the times God has transformed my thinking and made me realize that I was putting all my cares and ambitions into something that was only temporal that will not last. Having gone through trials, I no longer have those worldly ambitions by caring to have what the neighbours have or compete to have the latest and most up-to-date gadgets. My heart is now set on things above and living for the Lord. But again, I had to go through trials and valleys to be released from bondages and get to where I am at. I want to encourage each of you to be purposeful in your heart in advance to make a decision that You are going to trust in Him. This is that hedge of protection by preparing our hearts and mind in the first place. Just like Jesus was always prepared in advance by being prayed up before He went into ministry who faced many oppositions. Therefore, don't just simply ask God to spare you from trials/storms, but ASK and BELIEVE our loving God to help You trust in Him to whatever He brings your way in life and ask Him to help you cooperate with Him to become that mighty Man/Woman of God who can be most useful for the advancement of His Kingdom which is the only Kingdom that will last forever. Why put your energies, heart, ambitions and time into something that will never last? With His help, put your energies and ambitions to serve Him and increase the work of His Kingdom. He tells us to set our affections on things above, not on things of this world (Col 3:2) because He wants us to cooperate and be recipients of what is eternally best for us (Read 1 Cor 3:10-15 and 1 Cor 9:24,25). Let's declare to put our Trust in the One who KNOWS what is BEST and He KNOWS what we need to go through. We know what we want, but often do not know what we need, but HE KNOWS what we NEED. The more we resist His leading and fail to put our full trust in Him, we may have to do a journey through the wilderness longer then expected. It took the Israelites 40 years to do an 11 day journey. In Gods economy, as long as we resist from surrendering our lives and wills to Him, we are likely go through more trials and testings until we learn to come to the place of surrendering to His will. I would like each one to pray that God inspired prayer in Eph 3:16-19 so that whatever we have to go through, BY HIS GRACE, we are going to cooperate with Him and be better off eternally because of it. Make a declaration: That by Your Grace Dear Lord, 2015 is going to be a year of surrendering to God and allowing His power to move through our lives like never before. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders? (Exod 15:11)