Thursday, 24 December 2015


Dearest Saints, Hearing about love for many seems to be an unending and repetitive sermon. But the truth is that if the Church (Gods people) would embrace this Truth of His awesome love for you, we wouldn't have the problems within the Church like we currently have. Because of the time of Year we celebrate Christmas, receiving His love He offers to all of us through Christ Jesus is the real message of Christmas. It's sad that many of those outside the Church show Gods love often times more than those within the Church. Yes, it would be nice for people to love us, even to like us, but no matter what you do, many won't love you or like you. The Bible says that even though you may do good, many people will hate you because they hated Jesus first (John 15:19) and read Matt 10:22. Everyone should have loved Jesus back in the Biblical days, throughout history and should today love Him because of what He redeemed us from and the glorious free gift of eternal life He offers to all of us. This is by far a greater gift than any worldly gift, and yet it is free! But many today reject Him and even go so far to despise Him, mock Him, crucify Him and outright deny Him, even though He could not have done any more to show that exceeding love for us. Many would wonder why do many despise Him? I believe the biggest reasons are because people want to be their own "master of destiny" or they hate being convicted of sin and their actions that they think are good, God considers them evil which offends many (read John 7:7). People think they are "good enough", but we can never attain the right to eternal life by our "good works". Otherwise, there would be no need to Jesus to come in the flesh. Take a look at Cain, how He thought He could be justified by "good works" but God rejected his offer. Then, Cain did the unthinkable (Gen 4:8). Abel was the one who had the acceptable offer because it was sacrificial. It's a message for us to sacrifice our own ways and abilities and accept His offer of love to us instead. When you think of the Parents who love their Child. If the Parents have unconditional love for their child, but the child doesn't believe it or receive the unconditional love from his/her parents, whose fault is it? It's the child not learning to believe and receive this. Often times, we are at fault for not believing and receiving our Heavenly Fathers fullness of love for us. It's never a matter of Him not loving us, it's a matter of us not receiving the fullness of His love for us. Jesus had a special love for John, one of His Disciples. John always knew that God loved Him very much and that annoyed the others. We need to encourage each other to receive the fullness of Gods love for us. Like John, its not a matter of ever comparing ourselves to one another or say that God loves me more than the others because that is not true. Its a matter of the measure of Gods love we receive for ourselves. We can't get into the bad habit of comparing His love for us to others when we see how He blesses others, because He is often doing a greater work in us who think God doesn't bless us or love us. The truth is: God loves us fully and unconditionally, equally. The problem is that the majority fail to believe and receive this for themselves and lower Gods level of love for them like the rest of the world and fail to believe who He really is. Forget about what you have done in the past! Like the previous message I indicated, God sees what He wants to do for us and through us, He doesn't want to see us as we were, but what we can become through Him. So don't let the past dictate Gods love for you. We cannot afford to compare Gods LOVE to mankinds way of love. Gods love is far higher and far greater then any man could ever attain. If it would be helpful, smile at yourself in the mirror and say "God Loves Me". This will measure how much you believe the truth of His love for you. If you need to, keep doing this over and over again until it gets into you heart and this becomes natural to say this truth to yourself. Let's be like the Disciple John and be able to say like he did, that "GOD LOVES ME", despite who I am or what I have done. That's why He tells us to come to Him, just as we are (read Matt 11:28). Please email the undersigned should you wish to unsubscribe. God bless. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Sunday, 6 December 2015


Dearest Saints, I always like to share what the Lord teaches me so that each one would benefit. This is the only real reason why we should write so that others can be blessed from it. There's no point in doing this otherwise. The passage I have been thinking about often lately is found near the end of the book of John in Chap 21:20-22. In a nutshell, the Lord is telling Peter to not to be concerned about others (in this case about John), but to focus on following Him (Jesus) instead. This is a lesson that is good for myself lately and hopefully many others. When God teaches us anything, it is always beneficial spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally that liberates us from any sitation that tends to drag us down and bring any discouragement. When Jesus tells Peter to focus on following Him, this liberates Peter from having any worldly concerns that often brings no inner peace. When we often focus on anything that distracts us from following Him, it usually takes its negative toll on us. We end up fretting, being worried, being overly concerned where our energy is normally drained rather then being refreshed. Jesus admonishes us to be free from what normally weighs us down and liberates us that gives us Hope, Peace and Joy that only He is able to give us when we choose to follow Him. A good example is when I drive down any road and someone behind me wants to go way too fast, it's not normally because I drive slow, but the one behind me wants to drive faster then he/she should. Many times in the past, I could be frustrated with someone tail-gating me and I could drive faster to solve this problem, but I would see myself in the wrong by doing this just to try to satisfy others bad habits. I can find myself get frustrated when I continually look in my rear-view mirror and be concerned about what the guy behind me is doing, or I can resolve this by realizing that what any person does behind me is their problem and none of my concern. I just need to be focused on driving forward by doing the right thing. This is why the front window is normally much bigger and wider then the rear-view mirror all because we should be more focused on moving forward more then being concerned what is behind. If the majority of drivers look more in their rear-view mirror instead of looking forward, there would definitely be traffic chaos on all our roads and highways. This was a good illustration the Lord was giving me. We can allow ourselves to be so distracted that we fail to move forward in the direction we should be going by following the Lord. Therefore, not looking forward tends to get us off the right path. I find we can't often move forward and follow Him when we are concerned about our past, our present by what others may be thinking, saying or doing or being overly concerning about the outcome of others and be side-tracked and distracted. This is why when anyone gets in an accident and the one behind you hits the rear end of your vehicle, the person in the wrong is the one who is behind, not the one who is ahead. The person ahead is not responsible for anyone behind you. Therefore, this is a good illustration that it does no good looking back but to move forward by Following Him. Just like Lots wife chose to look back and look what happened to her! When others may be having any negative reaction towards you or perhaps they fail to do anything positive for you, this is what often happens when a person gets side-tracked and distracted. I have to come realize that if anyone wants to do anything negative or bring discouragement to myself, I can either focus on fretting over what they are doing or not doing and become overly concerned and distracted by looking towards "self" or I can choose not to care by what others do or don't do and decide to follow the Lord and choosing to do what is right instead. When the Lord tells us to follow Him and not be concerned by the actions of others because He wants to give us what is BEST FOR US always!! He knows that being concerned about others actions will only be draining and discouraging. Following Jesus is by far better because when we follow Him, we are truly encouraged that strengthens and builds us up. Following Him brings healing to all our situations, He removes us from taking any responsibility to "try" to make things right and He is the One who Makes ALL THINGS RIGHT. He always brings Right out of any wrong, but we have to give situations that we are not meant to handle over to Him and quit being concerned about the outcome of others. Only He brings the right amount of correction that is needed when we give any situation over to Him that liberates us from having to think we need to be responsible to make things right, when often-times, we just make things worse for ourselves and others. If we would give the Lord everything about any of our negative past over to Him, He can bring beauty out of our ashes. A great example is reading Isaiah 61:3 about what the Lord can do for us. You will notice after this verse how He strengthens His people who receives all the benefits when you read the remaining verses in this Chapter. But again, to fully benefit from the Lord, we have to give our situation over to Him and trust that He will bring the right amount of correction and bring greater blessings to your situation (Isa 61:7). It is good about being concerned for others for their well being, but being concerned about questioning God about how He is going to deal with the situation, like Peter did about John, or anything about what God is going to do about our past is not good. He has a better solution and He tells us, like He has been telling me "Leave the results to Me, but you (Rick) follow Me (Jesus)". Following Him brings healing in every situation into our lives, brings healthy growth in all areas of our lives, brings total restoration and liberates us by casting all our cares to Him because He cares for us. It also helps us to get rid of everything that would otherwise discourage us, stunt our spiritual growth and drain us of any energy. We are not to treat the Scriptures just as a history lesson, we need to understand that there is often a message for us today so we can learn to grow from what we read. Whatever you have that is causing you to fail in focusing to move forward in what the Lord wants to do in your life, ask Him to help you cast everything that distracts you from following Him and let Him lead you and "FOLLOW HIM" like He tells us all to do. Our job is not to be concerned about anything we cannot change, but to Follow Him by trusting Him to work everything out for us and work through us and follow Him to truly love others, forgiving others and trusting that He works out every situation. Following His teachings is always liberating and beneficial. Following another path is anything but. When we choose to follow the Lord, we will never have any regrets! In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Our Future Hope in God - Part 2

Dearest Saints, I would like to continue with the last message about seeing yourself as a product of the future by what God is able to do for you and through you. It's always a desire within me to bring the strength of having that Hope of God within you. I like to be reminded of Gideon when an Angel of the Lord came to Gideon and declared that he was a mighty man of fearless courage (Judges 6:12). In the natural, he should have been the last man to be called that as he was so fearful of the enemies and showed much cowardice towards an army that were coming against them. But God didn't see Gideon as he is, but saw him to what he could become when he chose to trust fully in the Lord. It reminds me about the greatest verse of Love, that if we have Gods love working in us, we will always believe the best for ourselves and others. If we fail in this, we have failed in fulfilling the greatest commandment (love) of all time which God has for us. I strongly believe that unless we believe the best for ourselves first, we can't expect to believe the best for others. We can't give out what we don't first learn to receive. When we look at this verse, often times, we will not believe the best for others because we often don't believe this for ourselves. Conditional love is based on past performances or present condition, it has nothing to do with any future Hope. When Gods Love Hopes for the best, it talks about the future. Remember that hope is not hope if it already has come to pass for who hopes in what has already taken place? But true Godly Hope will believe the best for others (1 Cor 13:7). Hoping the best for others relates to the future. This doesn't mean that we overlook their present condition to try and gently bring correction or much needed corrective action, but our attitude has to be to always believe and hope for the best regardless of what we have seen or see within a person. This means that we are always hopeful in the things we do not see in the natural. We are justified by faith (by trusting in Him) to always believe for better things to come in the future (Gal 3:11,24). Let's have that genuine hope within us that we will become like Christ all because of the work He wants to do and is willing to do in our lives. From receiving this for ourselves first, let's then encourage others that they can have that same hope within of becoming like Christ and be yielded to His Spirit to allow Him to do the work within each of us. This will help us to stop having this fickle worldly love as "conditional love" and instead, be able to continually develop that greater agape love that is "unconditional" all because we don't see others as they are, but as they can become through Christ. It's a liberation for myself to have that Hope knowing that He (God) is the One who is faithful that never stops short, but is so patient with me. He will complete the work He started within me a long time ago and continue to do so until He should return (Phil 1:6). Therefore, don't ever give up on the future Hope (believing for Gods best) for ourselves and for others simply because we can put our trust in the One who truly remains faithful. He doesn't have to do anything more to prove His love and faithfulness to us. He perfected that through His Son Jesus Christ when He walked this earth. I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]. Phil 1:6 In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Monday, 23 November 2015

Our Future Hope in God

Dearest Saints. I enjoy the hope that Gods Word gives us in every detail of our lives. It reminds me that the measure of Hope we have in Christ and His Word will determine how much we love and trust in His Word. Just like the sermon from our Pastor we had this morning about paying attention to God. It was putting the difference between us paying attention and God receiving our attention. This was a reminder to me that God only receives the measure of our attention to Him of what we allow to give Him. When we give our full attention to Him, He receives our full attention. When we give Him only a portion of our attention, He can only receive that same measure of the attention we give Him. He will never receive less from us then what we are willing to give Him. Also, He can never receive any more from us than what we allow ourselves to give Him. He always receives the fullest of measure of what we permit to give Him. When we praise Him, He receives it!! This also tells me also that when we pray without having iniquity within us (Ps 66:18) according to His will, we can know that He inhabits our prayers (read 1 John 5:14,15). This is why we need to have faith and believe He is doing that work within us that we don't presently see. We only see the past and present while He sees all including the future but only chooses to forget our repented sins of the past. One scripture I have been giving attention to alot lately is found in 1 John 3:2,3. It mentions that we are to have that hope of becoming like Him and by this, we purify ourselves just as He is pure. I only thought that we should have that "Hopeful Expectation" of becoming like Him. We definitely "should", but I think it goes further. It reminds me that when we look at ourselves, we need to see ourselves by allowing God to shape us and make us become who He wants us to become. Therefore, we CANNOT afford to ever believe that we are a product of our past, no matter what! We ARE NOT to even consider ourselves as a product of this present, WE ARE the product of the future by what God is able to do for us and through us. He tells us that we are to come to Him just as we ARE because He doesn't see us what we were or what we are, but who we can become. Therefore, He doesn't want us to see ourselves presently, but to become what He alone is able to do in us. He doesn't see our past, nor does He see our present, He sees us to what we can become through Him. We need to have that same mindset. Too many people are making the mistake by holding on to their past and believing that they are by what they have done. The enemy wants us to believe his lies that we are a product of our past and present, which is why he only reminds us of our past and present. The devil is only as powerful to the measure we listen and believe his lies. When Eve started to listen to him and believe him, this is what gave satan power over Adam and Eve. The enemy never had any power over Christ because He never gave into his deceptions. In 2 Cor 5:17, God tells us as His Children that we ARE NEW creatures in Christ, the old has passed away and He has made something new within us. Not looking at our past or at our present, but looking joyfully and expectantly towards the future will always give us Hope. Having that true Hope that God gives us is always looking into the future of that wonderful expectation. Gods term of hope is an event that is SURE to take place and never "may/may-not" or based on any wishful thinking. He tells us in Rom 8:24 For in this hope we were saved [by faith]. But hope [the object of] which is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he already sees? Therefore, in order for us to carry that Hope (expectant joyful future) of God within, we need to believe that the future with Christ is nothing less than Beautiful beyond measure and eternal beyond comprehension. To make the best of our future and for us to have that hope to ever become like Him like it says in 1 John 3:3, we have to stop looking at our past or present condition. We have to stop listening to the lies of the enemy whether it be through other reading material other then what the Word says, or what other people say about our past or present condition. It's what God says that matters. We have to stop making excuses by saying something like "I can't help it, it's just the way I am". We have to turn that around and verbally declare something like: "God continues doing that wonderful work within me because He loves me". Or, "He is preparing me to become as His wonderful Bride". We will never be able to have this Hopeful expectation by our own effort. He is telling us to have that expectation by allowing Him to do that work within us that only He can do. It's verbally confessing our need of Him in every area and every moment of our lives. It's knowing that by His Spirit, He alone is going to make us become like Jesus that only He can do. From what I was thinking earlier, I believe that our need of Him will largely determine whether we will take any credit for ourselves or give the credit to God after the fact! This tells me we have to be pre-determined by Gods Grace that we will not ever allow any pride to have any place in our lives! Success in anyones life can be the most deadliest place to be because it opens the door for pride much easier which is often a stronghold in many lives. Just like Nebedcanezzar, he had to go to the field of oxens to come to his senses and know that the success of anyone was only by Gods Grace in the first place. Jonah had to find this out in a belly of a large fish! I am grateful by His Grace that I don't have to see myself as I was, or as I am, but my hope is allowing Him to do that work that I now do have that hope in becoming like Christ. I wouldn't want to see myself otherwise and thank God He doesn't either. He wants us to put our hope of the future in His hands. I pray that you will have this wonderful Hope within you as you allow Him to do a work that only He can do to become like Him. The amount He is able to do within us will depend on the measure we are willing to humble ourselves to Him so He can do that perfect work within each of us. God bless. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Sunday, 18 October 2015

TRUST in His Love for You

It has been awhile with much to do between work, home duties for a spouse of mine that has very limited physical abilities. But we know that whatever God places before us, it is not wasted when we want to do the work of the Lord. I heard a testimony this morning at our service that a fellow had problems with the raccoons eating some corn from his field. He put his dog out on a leash and kept him near his dog house in the corn field for a time (how long...we don't know). But the dog kept all unwanted pests out from destroying his crop. He mentioned that sometimes God wants to keep us "tied-up" in His own way in order to have what He wants done for us in our lives. The dog didn't know he had a vital role being tied up while being vital to the masters use. So maybe He is setting us in our place of quiet time or keeping us "tied up" for a time so He can do His good work through us while we may be doing something vital, but not know it. Sometimes it is good that we don't understand everything that is going on, but we are called to Trust in Him. One of my favorite verses is in Prov 3:56 that tells us not to lean on our own understanding, but acknowledge Him in all our ways and we can trust Him that He will lead us and direct our path. When we do trust Him and believe Who He says He is, what He can do for us and through us and who we are in Him, we do the works that is required of us (John 6:28,29). Our works in God is first to simply believe in the One who is able to do the work in us before we actually do the work. God wants to put us in a place to let us know that what we "do" doesn't define us, but knowing Him and in the power of His Resurrection (Phil 3:10) and who we are in Him according to His Word. Gods Grace and Mercy are so rich in abundance, but many people don't benefit from His Goodness, His Grace and Mercy. Many people think they have to earn Gods love or think they are not worthy to receive anything good from God. There is no one on earth before, during this present time or ever will be "good enough" (other then Christ) who will ever deserve anything good from God. Even Christ Himself said to one of His Disciples "Why do you call me Good?, there is only One who is Good and that is God" (Mark 10:18). If Jesus said this, shouldn't we also say this that much more? This is why Gods Grace is so Good because we don't deserve it, but to humble ourselves to see our need to receive it is priceless. Don't ever think for one minute to fail to receive anything good from God just because you don't think you deserve it or think you are worthy of it or ever question God "Why"? His Goodness for us will always go beyond our understanding. I had one member believe that God is mad at them. For many who think this, God is not mad at you, but is gracious and wants to compel you to believe in His love, His Help, His Grace and His Mercy for you. We have to stop thinking God at our level. He wants us to depend on Him to receive His very best for us regardless of what we may have done in the past. That is why I can truly say that not only did He take the rubble from my life, but He truly has built and restored my life. One time in my life I didn't think I would ever measure up to anything or had any purpose in life. I was believing the lies of the enemy who is out to simply steal, kill and destroy lives (John 10:10a). Unfortunately, many peoples lives are likewise destroyed because these people believe the lies of the enemy and fail to believe the Grace, Mercy and Goodness of what God has for them. They fail to believe He is a Builder and Restorer of lives. I thank God I didn't remain believing satan, but knowing he is nothing but a liar and the truth is not in him at all (John 8:44). Don't ever get caught believing the lies of the enemy. Each of us has a wonderful and unique ministry as God tells us. We are ALL called to be ministers of the Good Word in one way or another (read Heb 5:12 and Isa 61:6). One of the Teachers I know mentioned one time that Her ministry at that one particular time was when she was making her kids bed. So the message is that ministers are not only on a platform, but we are All called to be ministers and we can be one to someone or to many depending on what God puts on your heart. There is always hope for each and everyone no matter what your past has been as long as are hope is in the One who is unfailing in His love for us (God through Jesus Christ). If God can create the universe and all that is in it from nothing, He can make something beautiful in our lives and from our lives if we will simply Believe He can and He will. When you believe and declare the truth of His love for you, you will like yourself much better in the light of His Word. You can be richer in all things (relationally, knowledge of the Truth of His Word, His Wisdom for you, greater understanding of His Word and be more effectively used by Him to do His good work) which is why He came to give us all in the first place (John 10:10b). In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders? (Exod 15:11)

Sunday, 21 June 2015


Dearest Saints, There is nothing like having that strong confidence in the One who loves us the most, Christ Himself. All too often, people relate others being strong in the natural by being physically stronger, or one who speaks more boldly and loudly then the others and don't back down in an argument. But this type of strength God talks about has nothing to do with any of that. I find all too often that a person who is vocally loud will often speak this way out of fear all because they have failed in putting their trust in confidence in the One whom we need to put our confidence in. They allow circumstances to agitate them all because they put themselves under circumstances instead of putting themselves under the loving hand of God. On the other hand, when a person who is often considered weak in the eyes of the world, I find that person is in fact the strongest because they are the ones who are able to remain at peace when turmoil or any unpleasant circumstances may be surrounding them. The strongest people I have met are the ones who have that inner peace within themselves. They have no fear of the circumstances that surrounds them all because they know the Lord loves them and will care for them when they learn to cast their cares to Him (1 Peter 5:7). Isa 30:15 mentions that being quiet before the Lord and having confidence (in the Lord) is a persons strength. People who are the strongest are at peace with God for several reasons: 1. They know without a shadow of doubt that God loves them and will care for them (Ps 100:5 and Ps 103:17); 2. God will take care of any injustices that they have been a product of no matter what (Isa 61:8; 2 Thess 1:6) because they will have Godly sorrow for others that brings forth life rather then having worldly sorrow that only brings forth death (2 Cor 7:10); 3. They know more about the truth of Gods greatness to care for them in every circumstance (1 Pet 5:7); 4. They have learned to trust in the One who has unlimited Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding rather then putting their trust in themselves or anyone else (Ps 34:8; Ps 40:4); 5. Because they know the love of God for them, they love the Word and delight themselves in the Lord by being so thankful to Him (Phil 4:6,7). They know He is true to His promises as long as they learn to follow Him. 6. They understand and come to appreciate Him so much because everything they have ever attained, every skill, ability they have within themselves and every good gift they have ever received is truly a gift from God in the first place (James 1:17); and 7. When they ask Him for every good gift that will bless Him, bless others, they know in their heart that He is true to His Word and will fulfill the promises that He will answer our petitions according to His Will and we can be confident of this (1 John 5:14,15). Even if He doesn't answer the way we want Him to, people who are strong in the Lord will always believe He has something better for them. Again, they don't rely on their understanding, they rely and put their trust in Him (Prov 3:5,6). When a Christian is strong, it's because they have all these attributes and they learn to put their confidence in the One who they know loves them the most by asking Him and relying on Him to impart every good gift that will benefit you so you can live to advance His Kingdom and give Him the glory. God inspired me to put the following note down and I am glad I have started to make it a habit of writing down any thoughts I believe God is giving me. The following is an excerpt: "If we are not attracted to Jesus like we should be, we don't know Him like we should. If we know Him and His love for you like we should, we will truly be attracted to Him". Do we truly know Him like we should? Having this confidence in Him is having that wonderful strength and inner peace that no money in the world could ever compare. When I think of what God says that in the beginning, it was totally dark and void (Gen 1:2) and everything we see before our eyes is because God spoke everything into existence (Genesis Chapter 1) and everything that man has created, God gave man the ability to do so (Exod 35:31-35). So when we think how everything that came into existence and is continually upheld, maintained, guided and propelled by His mighty Word of power (Heb 1:3), we should have that wonderful confidence in Him who truly is Awesome, God Himself. You can never expect a person who has any doubt or unbelief will ever have that inner peace and confidence that brings strength. The joy of the Lord will also fill our hearts that tells us is also our strength (Neh 8:10). With His help, let's invite Him to give us wisdom to benefit from His entire Word for us. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Sunday, 31 May 2015


When I think of how so many people put their hope in anything this world offers, it is always that "wishful hope" that says: "I hope this comes to pass or I hope this/that happens or doesn't happen". They are never certain all because they are putting their hope in circumstances that will never stand. Just like Jesus talks about people who build their houses upon the sand or on a rock. As long as people continue to build their lives upon the sand (anything other then putting their hope in Jesus), their only hope is relying on having favorable circumstances which will one day fail and come crashing down. I certainly do not want to live my life that way with the future of uncertainty because we cannot ever expect to stand by relying on circumstances. So many people who fail to put their Hope in Christ live this way with no inner peace. Without putting our Hope in Christ, be certain that it will end one day sooner or later. When we come to learn more about the Awesomeness of God, we don't have that feeble hope that carries within uncertainties. I can't tell you what a privilege it is to be able to carry around that inexpressible HOPE that is SURE and STEADFAST when we build our lives upon Christ, the One who has proven His love for us beyond measure. If you forget this, just go back to Calvary and ask Him to give you a real life vision of the Roman Soldiers pounding those large spikes through His hands and He still asks His Father to forgive them. No money and all the richness of this world cannot ever compare to be able to carry that inexpressible HOPE that we are so privileged to have in Christ all because of His love for us. When a family or community is strong, it is because they love one another, pray for one another and know they are truly connected together relationally united as a family being mindful and having concern one for another. We, as the Church are called to be that. When you read about the early Church in Acts, they were strong because they were united in love towards one another which is the will of God. If we intend on being strong, we also need to love one another, pray for one another, being mindful one to another and refuse to allow anything that would divide us or allow any opposition to what Gods will is for His Church. When God tells us to think of others more highly then ourselves (Phil 2:3), we kick pride out of our lives and give no place for that. Everything God teaches us is always meant to bring us together as a unified body who loves the Lord first and loves one another because we are in this together. When we choose to live for the Lord, we need to be intentional to refuse to allow any other doctrine to have its way into the body that violates the law of love, peace, unity that promotes putting self above the rest. When division, strife, factions are present, we have allowed the enemy to rule and trespass into the body when we should kick him out and give him no place. We should see everything that opposes His law of love is a violation directly against Him because of the unmatched price He paid by for the great suffering He did for us. Afterall, God tells us if we love Him, it is because we love one another and fulfill the law of love by believing the best for others and seeking the interest of others (Phil 2:4). When we don't love one another, we don't love Him (1 John 4:20). Not allowing Gods Word to rule in our lives is just as bad as committing sin when we fail to do what we know is right (James 4:17). Again, we need to see the cost of our sins each time the large spike is driven into His hands. I am feeling lead to be relentless more and more to take a stand in the One who I have come to know who loves me and declare victory for Gods Church to be united in love towards Him and one another. By putting our Hope and Trust in Him, we understand that we don't have to fight the enemy to win because Jesus already fought the battles on our behalf and won the victory (1 John 4:4). What we need to do to be strong in Him is put our relentless Faith and Hope in Him by standing upon His Word, knowing His love for us, knowing our identity as His loving Child, our present and eternal inheritance because of all He has accomplished for us. We also stand strong in Him when we faithfully pray one for another and by doing His will. With the help of His Spirit, let's be relentless to put our Hope and Trust in the One who holds the future and has won all the battles on our behalf. He wants us to totally rely on Him for all things in order that we can stand strong in Him, having built our houses (lives) upon that Rock (Jesus) that will always withstand every storm. He who endures to the end shall be saved (Matt 24:13). We are able to endure to the end when our Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and Righteousness. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Sunday, 10 May 2015

A Tribute to My Parents

Dearest Saints, I would like to specifically acknowledge one of our ten commandments especially at this time to honour our earthly Father and Mother. I wrote a poem in honour of their Anniversary celebration a few years ago and I continue to echo these words. Even though it is a poem and it may sound nice with rhythmic wording. But I want to emphasize that they are in fact words spoken in truth. It goes like this: To wonderful parents that any child would be so blessed. Dad laboured much each day for his family to provide, while Mom worked diligently at home cooking, cleaning and caring through every ebb and tide. Our house was much more than a nice place filled with treasure, it was filled with love, peace, hope, kindness, goodness and often-times with patience without measure. I am glad to be what I have become, not only the the Grace of God, but also the enduring faithfulness and love from Dad and Mom. Through your fine examples of tireless and selfless giving, I have learned to make the most out of living. One cannot have asked to be better blessed, than having wonderful parents that anyone could have ever confessed. An inspiration you should be, of love and commitment that the world should see. Thank you Dad & Mom for being there for me. I thank God for my Parents. I want to make this tribute by honouring my Parents, Fern & Louise Poulin who will be celebrating 66 years of a blessed marriage this coming week on 14 May 2015. It is an honour to say Happy & Blessed 66th Anniversary to them. It's neat to know their wedding date happened exactly a year after the re-birth of the nation of Israel. In the second paragraph that talks about having patience without measure, I can honestly say that when I see how they have been that way for me very often when I was growing up. I know many can't say the same for their parents due to past unfavourable circumstances, but I would like to encourage you to please honour your Parents not just for their sake, nor because they may or may not deserve it, but for your sakes so that it will be well with you in relationship to the eternal One who loves you the most and promises that a long and healthy and prosperous life that He gives all of us if we would honour them. We should want to put aside any of our differences from what we think to what He tells us and make a choice to choose what He tells to honour the Lord simply because of who He is and all He has done and continues to do for us. I can only say "Lord, that I trust You to help me honour You more and more each day" because I confess I can't do this on my own strength, but trust in Him which is where He wants us all to come to that place. I find it easier to love and forgive others when I see the greater enormous debt He forgave me from. And for those who have had terrific parents, tell them so and don't wait to recite your love and appreciation for them at the time of their eulogy. May we live a blessed life that is honouring especially to the Lord as we honour our parents and ask His Holy Spirit to help us live according to His divine and perfect will. We owe it to Him who gave up so much more then we could ever imagine for each of us. Exod 20:12 "Honour your Father and Mother so that you may live long in the land that your Lord gives you". Be forever blessed by Him, in Him and for Him. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


Dearest Saints, I just arrived back from attending my Mother-in-laws funeral this past week and have noticed a poem in the funeral parlour I have always liked. It definitely gives us something to think about. There is a wonderful poem written by Linda Ellis in 1996 and is copyrighted that is titled "The Dash". So I won't copy and paste for that purpose, but I would like to put this in my words as the Lord leads because when we think of something small like a dash, it is so significant that it determines everyone's eternal destiny of how we lived during that time within that "dash". When we read someone's obituary we notice the date of their Birth and date of their death and then there is a dash in between. When someone gives a eulogy of the deceased, they don't talk about the day they were born, nor talk about the day they passed away. But all is said about each member during the dash in between those dates. When a person looks at a dash, one would think about the short time they have spent on earth, even if they live to be 100 or more, it is still such a very very short time compared to eternity. A dash on one's tombstone may easily just be overlooked entirely. I like to ask myself a question and hope each of you will do the same. What would people say about us during the time that is represented in that dash between Birth and death? Have we lived our lives selfishly, only kept within our small little group, seldom gave any acknowledgement to the Lord for Who He is, trying to live a good life by our own standards? Or did we trust and rely on Him to live to give Him the glory and be a rich blessing and encouragement to one another? One thing is for certain, that all the worldly ambitions one may have and all the accumulations one could ever try to attain, or just trying to live a "good life" is not going to matter during that "dash" unless we allowed Christ to truly be Lord of our lives, inviting Him in and have that daily, increasing rich relationship to see our need of His Lordship over our lives. When we don't ask Christ to help us be the person we are meant to be, we labour in vain and our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isa 64:6) because it is only His Goodness that we allow to work through us. The greatest achievement I would like my life to be said of me is for someone to say that I lived unselfishly and wanted to live for the Lord by living for others, giving to others, being an inspiration to others to be the best they can be and encourage one another to get the most of Gods Word working to empower them to do good. Even for the Christians, I feel it is a dying shame that we don't share that love outwardly by staying safely within our little group and fail to let His Word have its fullness to work in us and through us by living just within our little corner of small friends. Christ spent much of His time with many outsiders and we are told to be imitators of Christ (Eph 5:1). So that means to live as He did. If we will humble ourselves and ask God to help us use our God given talents to be a rich blessing and encouragement to others, that small dash between birth and death will mean so much more. God has given everyone talents and we need to ask Him to reveal all of our talents and help us use our talents to be a rich blessing to others to advance His Kingdom and not be like that wicked servant who hid his talent (Matt 25:18-30). So don't waste any talent or think you have none when He has given all of us talents to use. This is when that small dash means so much because it will determine our eternal destiny. May we ask God to truly bless us to receive all He suffered to give us and be all we can be for His glory. Our lives are lived most successfully when we humble ourselves enough to always choose His ways over our ways and always relying solely on Him. Then others who may recite our eulogy will be able to tell others the hope that was within us that will continue to have that positive impact on others, even though the time will come when we may not be around to tell them ourselves. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Sunday, 26 April 2015


Dearest Saints, When we talk about Blessings and Curses, I sense that many Believers often get sidetracked. The world would tell someone that when favorable situations happens to anyone, they consider it a blessing. And when unfavorable circumstances happen that are most unwelcoming, many consider these circumstances a curse. In a nutshell, I would like to define blessings as any situation (whether favorable or unfavorable) that is able to effectively deal with the heart and turn ones heart towards the Lord, or commit their heart by drawing closer to the Lord then before. When negative circumstances occur, if it turns our heart and affections towards God, it is equally a blessing. I like to consider alot of these circumstances as a "hidden blessing" all because it doesn't make sense to the world. During trials, the result of something that seems anything but a blessing is something that we may not want, but may very well need. Because in the end, the type of relationship we have with God is what is going to count and often times, it takes trials to draw our hearts away from the affections of this world and turn our heart to where it needs to be (to God). However, I believe that when good fortune comes to many people, including Christians and they don't bother to give the time of day to give God thanks, this becomes more of a "hidden curse" because of the accountability by failing to give Him thanks and remaining indifferent, which I consider sins of omission (failing to do what is right), which is sin before God (James 4:17). For Christians, if their heart remains complacent and their is no positive change through any good fortune that has come about, I believe it will be far worse for Gods people to remain unthankful with no change of heart to draw closer to God because these are the times we should be encouraged and bring hope to others through our testimony and praises. Complacency should have NO place in any Christians lives. Someone who continues to go through trials or any unfortunate set of circumstances while drawing closer in relationship to God is far better off then anyone who seemingly has everything going for them but has no desire for God or desire to draw closer to God. This is what I often call a "hidden curse" because most people don't understand the end result or the accountability each one will need to give. Therefore, we cannot afford to get ourselves trapped into assuming that blessings only come by favorable circumstances and curses are anything else but! Some of the roughest valleys of my life resulted in richer blessings then any other times because it drew my heart away from having any worldly affections and worldly ambitions that often got in the way with having the right relationship with God. My trials helped me to understand what is really important in life. I know for a fact that had I got what I wanted out of life, I would have remained complacent or indifferent towards the things of God which would have been anything but a blessing. When you read Luke 16:19-25, tells His Disciples about the rich man and Lazarus (the Beggar). A time came that they were going to give an account of their lives. The rich man was sent to Hades (a place of torment) and Lazarus was safe in Paradise (Abrahams bosom). The rich man cried out in agony for mercy being tormented in flames. Abraham mentions to this rich man that he had his reward by eating scrumptuously and living lavishly and while Lazarus was living as a beggar. To the world, the rich man would be considered most blessed and Lazarus would be considered accursed. I would dare say that the rich man would have been glad to turn back the time and trade places with Lazarus who ended up being by far more blessed then the rich man in all his comfortable life. So how can anyone who sees the end say that the rich man was more blessed? The main point I want to emphasize is that no matter what we may be going through, WE CAN NOT AFFORD LOSE HOPE by simply determining our circumstances whether it be favorable or unfavorable. The question we need to ask ourselves is: "Is our heart being drawn closer and closer towards Him"? This is why when we pray for others, we can't just pray that the storms would be diverted, or just pray for physical, emotional or relational needs. We need to pray the prayers that matter most. That peoples hearts would turn to God and those whose hearts are turned to God, draw even closer to have a deeper and closer relationship with Him than before. I would rather no prayers be answered for anyone if it is not going to draw the heart closer to God because that is what is going to count in the end. Like God tells us: "I would that we would all prosper AND walk in divine health, just as our soul FIRST PROSPERS" (3 John 2). Therefore, it is more important to God for the condition of our heart then to simply have our prayers answered the way we would want them answered. God cuts the bad branches off to get rid of all ungodly affections and ungodly ambitions from our lives. However, He not only cuts the bad branches, but also prunes good branches so that a person who may be bearing fruit, will bear more and better, more excellent fruit (John 15:2). Therefore, it is imperative that we put our Trust in an "all-wise" and "all-loving" God who knows how to bring us through the right circumstances to bring out the best in us and for us. We just have to make a decision to cooperate with Him. When we invite Him to help us turn our heart (our love) towards Him more and more, this is really what it means to be most blessed. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Enter Into His Throne Room

Dearest Saints, I want to share something special that God gave me a thought. It should always be a delight to hunger for a revelatory Word from God because it encourages us and strengthens us in Him. When we receive knowledge of a Word, it becomes a "knowing" in our minds. But to receive a revelation is to receive it with a "greater understanding" that is heart changing which is powerful. As I was watching a program and taking time to meditate on what was being preached, God gave me a neat revelation I want to share. Whenever we come to prayer, let's not just envision us being down here and our Heavenly Father sitting on His Throne multi-millions of miles away, even though we know our prayers are heard in Heaven and is being collected in golden bowls of incense (Rev 5:8). But when we come to Him in prayer, let's envision ourselves literally entering into His Throne Room in Heaven and falling down to worship Him in His presence in Heaven, praising Him and then giving Him our petitions, just like Isaiah was before the Lord in Isaiah 6. For He tells us in Eph 2:6 that we ARE already raised up with Him and are seated with Him in Heavenly places (and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the Heavenly places in Christ Jesus Eph 2:6). Notice He doesn't say "we will", but as His Children, we are already raised up with Him and are already seated with Him in Heavenly places. And He also tells us to draw near to Gods Throne boldly & confidently so we can obtain His Grace & Mercy in our time of need (Heb 4:16). So that means we should literally see ourselves entering into the Holy of Holies (in Heaven) and kneeling right in His presence as He sits on His Throne in Heaven rather then just seeing ourselves here and God "up there"! I believe this encourages our heart to know we can come right before Him and we can just be in awe of His presence. I also thought that when we do see ourselves approaching His Throne before our faces, we need to remove everything that hinders us from receiving this fully from Him simply by giving Him all our broken-ness and receiving His fullness of love for us, His Goodness and Divine favor He so much wants to bestow upon us. Anything that has negatively happened to us in the past, God is the One who always brings correction to those who oppose His commands and those who deal treacherously with His Children and we have that divine favor that no matter how bad our past has been, we can receive DOUBLE BLESSINGS (Isa 61:7 and Zech 9:12b)that far exceeds any trouble we have ever received. Let us allow Him to teach us to give Him all of our fragments and anticipate as we wait with that indescribable Hope of what He wills for you and wants to do for you and through you (Zech 9:12a). I also just received a thought that we "need" to first give Him all our broken fragments if we expect Him to use them to make a beautiful vessel as His chosen Ones. But He cannot use our fragments to fix them on our behalf if we don't learn to give it to Him in the first place. When we do, He can take every broken pieces from our lives and make it something far more beautiful then we can ever imagine. Let's see ourselves literally entering into His Throne Room (seated with Him in Heavenly places) and give Him "ALL" of our fragments (every circumstances you have suffered injustice, any wrong-doing for no reason or other fragments He reveals to You to give to Him) and expect Him to prepare a beautiful work for you, to you and through you to be His Adorned & Blessed Vessel that will move us to Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23) and in the beauty of holiness (Ps 96:9). We can receive this when we truly believe Jesus paid our ransom in full on our behalf!! In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Friday, 17 April 2015

Compromising is NOT an Option - Part 1

Dearest Saints of the Most High, I always want to share what has been a concern for me and what God deals with me to share with you. Because we should know that anytime God deals anything with us, it's because He wants to help us become more mature and be stronger in Him in order to become more like Christ. And when He teaches us, we need to STOP just keeping what we learn within ourselves and START helping others and teach others what God teaches us about. This is what Discipling is all about. We should "want" to help others when we know all the help we have been given. He tells us that when we freely receive from Him, we are to freely give (to others) Matt 10:8. What better gift can we give to others then to share with them what God is doing for each of us in our lives? Just recently, I have been thinking of how many times we may compromise God in our walk with Him. This compromising God takes in many variations. A good definition of being a compromiser of God is reducing Him to our level of thinking or understanding. We do this often by simply limiting of who He really is, limiting His great love for us, limiting His ability to care for us and so on. I think one of the reasons why we compromise who God is and His will for us is because we think too highly of ourselves and our abilities! I have to admit I have fallen into that trap more times then I care to admit. When we don't give His Word the "Highest Value" to live our life and seeking the highest wisdom that only comes from above, we are robbed by the enemy from ever living the abundant life that He tells us He wants to give us (John 10:10b). When we compromise, we are fulfilling the enemy's plan by allowing him to rob us of receiving Gods best for us. The enemy comes only to rob, kill and destroy (John 10:10a). But, Jesus has come to give us life and life in abundance (John 10:10b). We can only receive abundance of His peace and joy when we choose to follow the wisdom of His Word over our way of thinking and our own understanding. One of the main culprits of being a compromiser is limiting Gods total Sovereignty. When I talk about His Sovereignty, I am talking about His Omnipresence (He is everywhere at all times); His Omnipotence (He is "All-Powerful",able to do all things; His Omniscience (He is "All-Knowing" of everything created and for future events) and He is Omnisapient, (who is All-Wise) because He knows what is best for us by far more then anyone of us can ever think. We compromise when we know in our spirit (when God talks to us) to do one thing, but we make excuses to do otherwise. When we meditate on His Sovereignty, we need to just come to the conclusion that He is AWESOME and far beyond our own intellect and our own understanding!! Proverbs 3:5,6 is one of my favorite verses that tells us that we are not to lean on our own understanding, but to Trust in Him in All our ways! And He promises by doing that, that He will make our paths straight. If God is to be our God, that means WE NEED TO CHOOSE HIS WAYS REGARDLESS! One of the Brothers was having a disagreement with me about God's Foreknowledge. Just because this man couldn't understand how God can know future events when it has not yet happened? We need to come to that place to have the "Child-like Faith" and confess "I may not understand, but I trust You Lord". How was it that all the prophecies were written before Christ fulfilled each one of them? In Jer 1:5, He tells us that He foreknew each of us before we were ever born. Like I mentioned one time before, we have to STOP limiting God of who He is just because we don't understand. We have to come to the place that God is far greater then our limited thinking. This is one of the issues that we have to STOP COMPROMISING by limiting who He is. I like what I heard one time when someone said: "If we could always figure out God, then He wouldn't be God in the first place, we wouldn't have that reverential fear of Him like we need to have and He wouldn't be worthy of our worship of Him. How can we expect to have any "Awe" or "Reverential Fear" of Him if we always brought Him down to our limited thinking and understanding of Him? Another area I find many of us who have compromised God is His love and care for us. Many times in my past, I questioned God "Why God Why"? Just because I didn't understand why I had to go through what I had gone through. Now that I look back, I can now see what He was up to. We often "get-it" after we have gone through, but our God sees before-hand of what we need. Which is why we need to STOP COMPROMISING His Wisdom for our lives and STOP COMPROMISING Who He is and what His Word tells us. It wasn't until I started doing what the Word tells me to do before I started seeing real victory taking place in my life. I didn't have any victory before all because I now realize I failed to Use the Word like He tells us to. We also often compromise Him simply by following the traditions of our fore-fathers rather then being lead by His Spirit. This is why Jesus mentioned to His Disciples and warned them about forsaking God just by following the "traditions of Men" (Matt 15:6; Mark 7:8-13; Col 2:8). If it were never a problem, it wouldn't be mentioned in the Word. Anytime anything is in the Word, it's because man has a problem with it and God needs to reveal these things to us to help us. Regardless of what our fore-fathers did, we need to seek Gods Spirit to direct us. Maybe our fore-fathers did what was right and excellent, but God admonishes us to continue improving and striving to do more and do greater. He even tells us that we would do greater things than He did because He is going to the Father (John 14:12). I can't imagine how we can do greater things than what He did, but that's what He says. We just have to believe what He says regardless of what we think, which is what justifies us before Him. We are justified in Him simply because we believe Him (Gal 2:16). We cannot afford to doubt or have unbelief of His Word which is what happens when we compromise the instruction of His Word which is our "Life-Line". I would like to continue on with this again because alot can be said about compromising God and His Word for our very lives. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Wednesday, 8 April 2015


Blessed Saints, In continuing dealing with covetousness, I want to emphasize that when we desire for God to help us meet our needs, that is what we should do to go before the Throne of Grace. We should never feel guilty of going to God and seeking Him to meet our needs or petition Him to help bless us further in order to bless others more. I want to say to many of you who don't live in the affluent countries that are in great need of items that you desire to have. I so appreciate your petitions for God to meet your needs and not your "greeds". When I visited Zambia back in 2006, I admire those who are without (like a mode of any transportation) whom walked mile after mile after mile to carry groceries home, carry buckets of water or even just to go to an afternoon Bible Study service out in the middle of the country miles away from the closest town. When I was a passenger with a dear Pastoral couple from Zambia while driving to a Wednesday afternoon service, many people would be walking over to that service that was still at least 8 miles away, walking on foot. God only knows how many miles they have trekked already at that point. They could have very well complained, but didn't. Ironically, I hear more people complain who have more then they need in their abundance then those who have very little and yet are thankful to what little they do have. When I talk about the term covetous, this is when it is a definite problem and needs to be dealt with when those of us who already have an abundance beyond our needs and we continue to remain dis-satisfied by coveting more and more. Dealing mostly with being covetous is failing to see the difference between our "wants" to our "needs". One of the things that often identify having a problem with covetousness is being unthankful for what we already have. Again, this is someone who sees the glass half empty and fails to see the same glass half full by thanking God for what we have. When we are thankless, we do the exact opposite of His Good and Perfect will for us. I always have said that to silence a complainer, they need to live under the conditions of many who live in poverty for awhile and really experience how they live. Just like the prodigal son had to find out the hard way and realize what he did have at home by having lost all. It often takes "going through" tough times to really appreciate what we do have. For many of those who have dealt with being covetous (like myself in the past), it takes circumstances of adversity to put our priorities into perspective. Going through adversity often helps us to make that pivotal decision to finally say "I give up Lord...You take over". That's often what the Lord wants to see is a surrendered heart to Him which is honestly the best place to be for the Lord to use His people. It took the prodigal Son to eat from the same pen as the pigs before he came to his senses to return to his fathers home (Luke 15:16,17). It took Nebuchadnezzar eating grass with the wild oxen and be outside his palace long enough for his nails to grow long before he came to his senses (Dan 4:33,34). I can't imagine how it took 7 years for this king to live under these harsh conditions before he came to his senses. Will it take that long for us to finally "get it"? It takes many of us to become frusterated with being so pre-occupied with our own agendas to realize that everything we work for or long for just to accumulate or gain "more toys", a bigger home, more furnishings (beyond what we really need) is futile and meaningless. It often takes a person to become "sick and tired" to make the necessary changes in life that finally pulls out the weeds that choke our relationship with Christ. Just as one of the parables of the seeds Christ talks to His Disciples about (Matt 13:7,22). Many people often remain frusterated because they keep fighting against their conscience of what God is trying to tell them rather then surrendering to His will for their lives. When the Israelites complained to God and Moses because they were tired of manna from Heaven and they wanted to eat meat. So God gave them what they wanted, but they got to the point that they were up to their nostrils in meat and finally made them sick (Num 11:20). Sometimes God needs to make us sick of things that will turn our hearts to seek His will and turn away from covetousness. The times when we are often frusterated or going through adversity is normally when a person evaluates the importance or purpose in his/her own life. These circumstances is what is necessary to cause a person to focus on the end result and question themselves: What it is we want to accomplish? What is the purpose to all of my labours and ambitions? If we are frusterated, are we focusing our ambitions and accomplishments in life more then having a rich relationship with God? As for myself from what I have learned through trials, I looked at the end result of what I want to accomplish in life, it made me question my priorities and my relationship with God. If circumstances remained at ease, I would not have the relationship with God today like I am blessed to have. When a person gets comfortable in their circumstances, God can't do much. It takes a hungry and surrendered heart for God to see His power working through you. Christ talks about a servant who was compared to someone who is covetous, yet this servant had more then enough to be content. This particular man had all he needed, but wasn't satisfied. He wanted more. He wanted to build bigger barns and just to be satisfied by eating and drinking to be merry, just so he could live a life of ease (Luke 12:16-21). When that is our goal, we need to ask further...then what? There was no mention about having any concern about the things of God. Then Christ tells His Disciples by saying about this man: "You fool, your soul is going to be required of you this night". This mans labour was all in vain and he lost everything simply because he was rich towards the ambitions of this world, but not rich in relationship with God. When we will take the time to evaluate our lives, our ambitions, we need to ask ourselves: Where am I placing my priority in life? What is the purpose in all of this? It took adversity and frusteration in my life to become sober about this and because of it, my decision to follow God was an easy decision because I realized the vanity of being ambitious when I failed to put God first in my life. Therefore, we need to stop fighting against adversities in our life because it may be just what we need to help us focus on what is really important. God may be calling some of you out of this bondage of covetousness to discover its worthlessness. If you haven't read Ecclessiates, I would highly recommend it and see where you may fit in all of this. It only comes when we put God first in our lives and make it our lifes priority to seek to serve Him and allow Him to govern our lives as our Lord and personal Saviour that rewards man with that joy unspeakable and inner peace that the world cannot ever satisfy. Coveting the things of this world will never satisfy ones soul. A person who labours for the things of this world will one day realize all was done in vanity which will end up having nothing but regret. On the other hand, God promises that those who labour for the Lord will never be in vain (1 Cor 15 58) and will never come with any regret. God only helps those who invite Him to do so. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Sunday, 29 March 2015


Dearest Saints When I stop and consider the things that are taking place around each of us, it is amazing how so many people are trapped in a snare called "Covetousness". I believe, like many of us who long for His return can identify that we are living in the days that Christ is coming soon and we need to be prepared. Just like what was mentioned in the previous series about the wise virgins who were prepared and those of whom were totally unprepared. In order for many of Gods people to be ready, we need to continue to see our need for the Holy Spirit to help us strip off everything that is contrary to Gods will which includes being covetous (Col 3:5). Also, a couple of series ago, I mentioned where Jesus tells a parable about the Wedding that is taking place and an individual was found by the Master by not wearing the wedding garments. I believe covetousness is like wearing a garment that is not fit to be present at the wedding feast Jesus mentioned about. When a person remains covetous, they are not being properly clothed with Christ like we need to be. Jesus spoke harshly about casting out this individual who was not wearing the proper garments and he suffered greatly because of it. Being covetous is being dis-satisfied with what the Lord generously provides. When a person will just stop and consider all that the Lord provides for all of us to enjoy in this world and all that He has ever suffered so we can have and be so blessed, no wonder it angers Him for anyone of us to remain covetous. Covetous is like telling God: "Lord, all You ever did for me and all You ever have provided for me is not enough, I want You to do more for me"!! It becomes all about the "me" syndrome that this world is infatuated with. I can't imagine how much that must burden Him. In Numbers Chapter 11, the anger of the Lord was ready to destroy the people who complained (vs 33, 34) all because they were ever so dis-satisfied with what the Lord was providing them daily. Again, their constant whining and complaining burdened God and Moses. Moses pleaded with God who relented from immediately destroying these peoople, but promised that these complainers would never enter the Promised Land (Num 14:23). God relented because Moses was concerned about Gods reputation and what the other nations would have a negative report against God (Num 14:13-16). The complainers were concerned about themselves while Moses was more concerned about God. People being covetous puts a great burden on other people who are involved in their lives. No matter how many hours a family member works to earn a living to put more then enough food on the table, to put all the clothes on ones back, to wear comfortable shoes, have a vehicle to commute to wherever they want to go, to sleep in a warm bed, to provide a roof over their heads and many more things to enjoy, is never enough for someone who remains covetous. This is a real tragedy for many family members who are burdened by loved ones who remain so covetous that they continue to always focus on what they don't have rather then being thankful for what we do have. This is one of the signs of the end of the age of people being unthankful (remaining covetous) 2 Tim 3:2. I have seen families who have so little material possessions and be totally satisfied, while those who have so much are never satisfied. This is why being covetous for the things of this world WILL NEVER SATISFY no matter what. This compares to someone who sees the glass half full (someone who is positive and thankful to what they have) and someone else with the same glass sees it as being half empty (they are unthankful and only look at what they do not have). For those of you who are parents, just think when you do everything you possibly can for your children and they never appreciate all you ever do for them, it's the same with when we are covetous and complain to God. Ecclessiastes is an excellent read. This entire book reveals how Solomon who was considered the wealthiest man on earth realized that having all the money, material possessions to try to satisfy the eyes and having all the entertainment was nothing but vanity without having a relationship with God. When goods increase, they who eat them increase also. And what gain is there to their owner except to see them with his eyes (Eccl 5:11)? There is a great cost to many peoples lives and those who are closely related to them when covetousness is a real factor that only negatively affects those we love and are close to. A cost that often comes at a far greater price then one can ever imagine. When we stop to consider and we give time to read and study the book of Ecclesiates, we need to ask ourselves: "Am I truly satisfied with what the Lord has blessed me with, or do I complain to God and remain unthankful? Have our "wants" now become our "needs"? What we have survived without in the past now seems to be a "need" to many, which is nothing but a trap of being covetous. The Israelites who remained wandering through the desert for 40 years what should have only taken 11 days was their portion all because they complained and were not satisfied with all the Lord has done for them (Num 14:28-34). In Luke 2:25-27, a man named Simeon who was considered a righteous man before God. He received a revelation from the Holy Spirit that he would be able to see the Messiah before he departed. He was in the temple when Joseph & Mary brought in their infant Jesus. When Simeon held Him in his arms and just saw the face of Jesus, He was overjoyed and declared that "Now that I have seen salvation with my eyes, your Servant is ready to depart (Luke 2:27-30). It only took just looking to the face of Christ that brough total satisfaction to him. This is an indication that when we seek the face of God like Simeon did (longing to have that wonderful relationship with Him), this is the only thing that truly satisfies ones soul. All the wealth and entertainment of this world will never satisfy like having that wonderful relationship with God. It's a tremendous liberation and freedom to know that those of us who long to continue to have that rich relationship with Him can be so satisfied with so little of this world and we can enjoy having the Peace of God and Peace with God that the world craves for can never have. Having a rich relationship with Christ is having Godliness and contentment that has far greater gain (1 Tim 6:6). I would like to continue on to identify of how covetousness has been the result of so many and how we can be delivered from the bondages thereof. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Saturday, 7 March 2015


Dearest Saints, In talking with other Christians, I have found that the parable of the 10 Virgins seems to be more controversial than others. If any doctrine, (no matter how trivial it may seem) is in the Word, there is a need to study it (2 Tim 3:15-17). Out of the 10 Virgins, five were found to be wise and five were foolish (Matt 25:2). For myself, when we think about Virgins in a physical sense, it refers to someone who is untouched and is clean, pure and undefiled. In comparison, for someone to be compared to a virgin in a spiritual sense, it only makes sense that those of us who have renounced living a life of sin, to accept and receive the finished and complete work of Christ by asking Him to become our Lord and personal Saviour (Romans 10: 9,10), those are the only ones who are Virgins because it is only by the Blood of Jesus that we are Redeemed (made clean). Those who don't bother to receive Him don't have the benefit of His completed work for them. You can't ever expect anyone who has never invited Christ and never accepted Christ's completed work that only He could ever accomplish on our behalf ever be considered a virgin in the text the He explains to His Disciples. Therefore, when He talks about the ten Virgins, this refers only to the Believers and does not include any unbelievers. Therefore, when Christ explains this parable to His Disciples, He tells them that out of all Believers, there are many that are wise and equally many who are foolish (un-wise). The difference between those who are wise and those who are not wise was the fact that half of them had additional oil in their flasks and the others had only very little oil. The lamp and the Light that emanates from the Lamp signifies Christ who is the reflection of God the Father (John 8:12). He is the Word (John 1:1,14) that is a Lamp unto our feet and a Light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). Notice that all Ten Virgins each had a lamp (which is Christ). However, the lamp does no good or serves no purpose if we don't have oil to help light the lamp. The Oil signifies the Holy Spirit who is the One who empowers us, who gives us knowledge and revelation of revealing Christ to us and enables us to be whom God calls us to be. Again, just because you are carrying a lamp, doesn't mean the lamp works because we fail to have enough oil to keep it lit. In comparison to a car, you can have it just sitting in the garage, but it does no good or serves no purpose if you don't have fuel or oil to make the vehicle go anywhere. For myself, the Bible (Gods inspired Word) are His direct instructions for Believers and not Unbelievers. The reason why I say it is not for unbelievers is that no matter how many times they read the Bible, it does them no good if they never accept the finished work that only Christ Himself could complete on our behalf. A person who remains an unbeliever will never benefit or have any eternal reward just by trying to read His Word. Christ tells us that His Word is Spirit and life (John 6:63). And when those who are spiritually dead (not Born-again), His Word remains spiritually unclear (1 Cor 2:14). How can a person expect someone who is spiritually dead to understand anything that is Spirit/Life? That is why Gods Spirit sent Philip to preach the Word to the Ethiopian Eunuch when he was reading about Isaiah. After Philip asked the Eunuch if he understood what he was reading, the Eunuch replied: How can I understand when I need someone to help preach and explain the book of the prophecy of Isaiah to me (Acts 8:30,31)? It took this man of God who was a Believer to help explain the truth about the Word so that the Eunuch was able to understand it and later be Baptized (vs 35). So when God instructs us in His Word about the dangers of forsaking His will and the consequences of not carrying enough oil, He is speaking to Believers. Even though God's Spirit lives within us (2 Tim 1:14), we are admonished to "hold fast"(vs 13) and "Guard ourselves" (vs 14). God tells us that we can quench the Spirit (1 Thess 5:19). Even though He resides within the Believer, we can grieve the Spirit and cause His Spirit within us to dry up when we fail to hold fast, fail to guard ourselves and fail to love His Word and become desensitized. If it were not possible for the Believer to quench the Spirit, why would God have mentioned it in His Word? Christ tells the Disciples in (Luke 11:11-13) about a child asking an earthly father for a loaf of bread, will he give him a stone; or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion (vs 12)? If then you who are evil know how to give good gifts, how much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him (vs 13). Are we faithfully asking/entrusting Him to keep us filled with His Spirit? What is stopping some people from just simply asking God to be filled with the Spirit? Just like unbelief is a deterrent for Christ to do anything (Matt 13:58), if we don't acknowledge our need and delight of His Spirit to empower us, give us wisdom, revelation and acknowledge our desperate need of Him in all things, are we like those who are foolish that may be carrying around very little (if not, no oil at all)? After all, Christ sent His Spirit to do the work that we so desperately need because He went to be with His Father (John 16:10-15). So everything that we are benefitting from having knowledge of Him, His Word and having any power to do anything spiritually beneficial comes from His Spirit. It's not by any might or any power, but only by Gods Spirit (Zech 4:6). So why not acknowledge our need of His Spirit and allow Him to fill us with overflowing so we can be ready like the five Virgins who were the only Believers to be ready when the Bride-Groom should come? Our God is a relational God and even though there is nothing He cannot do, He will not push His agenda on us. And if we fail to constantly acknowledge His need, His presence and our desire for the power of His Spirit to work through us and enable us, His Spirit will only complete the measure that we permit Him to do for us and through us. Therefore, let's not quench the Holy Spirit like the Word warns us that we may possibly do. Like the 5 foolish Virgins (Believers), it was too late for them because they are outside knocking on the door and they were not permitted to enter in (Matt 25:11,12). This to me is a signal that many Believers are not going to be ready because they dried up the Oil of the Spirit within them by quenching the Spirit that was an indication of not having enough oil and failing to continually acknowledge our need of His Spirit. Let's be counted as one of the 5 wise Virgins who were ready by asking the Spirit of God to be filled with the Spirit, to help us, and acknowledge our need of His sweet presence in every way. We desperately need the working power and presence of His Spirit to work mightily within us and through us if we ever expect to be ready at His soon coming. The Light of Christ does no good and the lamp serves no purpose if we don't carry the fullness of the Oil of the Spirit within us. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Friday, 20 February 2015


The teachings of Christ is so awesome that it goes beyond any human logic which is why we need to be determined to seek the rich wisdom of His Life-Giving Word to receive it only by faith and refuse to simply rely on our own understanding (Prov 3:5,6). We need to be asking Him to reveal the deeper meaning of His Word every time we look to read and study His Word because it is the only eternal life-line that our souls require. I realize how His Word is proven over and over again, when we take more time to seek His Word, He reveals the in-depth riches of what He is saying. Prov 14:6 tells us that knowledge comes easily to the discerning (those who will take the time to study and meditate on His Word). One of the parables Jesus was talking about is the Pearl of Great Price (Matt 13:45). When I think of what He is trying to tell us, Christ talks about being that "Pearl of Great Price". In this parable, a wise person understands that having a deeper relationship with Him is far more valuable than any tangible material things or relying on our own intuition. This person even goes to the point of choosing to replace everything that interferes with their relationship with God, taking every thought and/or belief that goes against Gods Word and chooses to obtain the heart relationship with Him instead. When a convinced sinner sees Christ as the gracious Saviour and invites Him to be his/her own Lord of their lives, everything else becomes worthless in order to have this rich relationship with Christ. They understand that a real relationship with Jesus is priceless to the point that everything else is worthless. Even to the point of getting rid of everything just to have that wonderful rich relationship with Christ (selling everything he has just to get that Pearl of Great Price). Another parable I always like talks about the Wedding Banquet (Matt 22:2-13). Again, even though I knew about this parable, this doesn't mean I fully understood it. Like anything He teaches, God reveals a deeper truth to His teaching when we will take the time to seek, just like seeking treasures and finding the Pearl of Great Price that was hidden in a field. Therefore, to find any hidden treasures, it takes time. Prov 2:1-7 is also a great passage that talks about gaining this valuable insight about taking time to seek Gods hidden treasures of His wisdom by having that reverential fear of Him. There is a lot more to the parable of the Wedding Banquet when I think about it more and more. The banquet He invites us to reveals first that what He offers to us is by far the BEST. When you think of a banquet, it is a type of formal event that has the best of everything (ie: silverware, cutlery, fine linen, finest crystal and the best choices of the abundance of prepared foods imaginable). Going to a cafeteria, lunchroom or having a buffet will never compare to having that feast that only a banquet offers. I like the fact that when He talks about giving a Banquet, this is an indication that He always only offers us THE VERY BEST that far exceeds any other type of event. This is comparing that what He offers (Banquet) will always far exceed what the world could/would ever offer to any of us. The sad reality I find is that many Christians remain a "cafeteria style" christian by only picking and choosing what they want to hear while not fully surrendering to His will and His way. The only way we can ever experience by enjoying that Banquet the Lord offers us is fully choosing Him and feasting on His Word, receiving what He tells us and choosing to live how He tells us to live above all else. When I go further to read about a person who goes into the banquet without wearing the wedding garment, Jesus mentions to His Disciples that this person is cast out where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt 22:11-13). I thought this was harsh and didn't quite understand this particular verse and why He would mention this. Again, I believe that many verses may not be clearly understood when we just skim over them and fail to take any time seeking Him to gain further understanding. When I thought of this more and more, I believe He is telling us that in order to be wearing the proper Wedding Garment, it is about putting on Christ (just like a garment). In Romans 13:14, He tells us to put on Christ (Wedding Garment) and make no provision for the flesh, which I believe means to say (that seeks to satisfy self at the expense of having a richer relationship with Him). We are told to strip off the old nature and put on Christ in its place, which again means to ask His help to remove every form of character that fails to represent Him favourably in our lives. Before we put on the nature of Christ, I believe we have to first of all strip off the old nature. I believe we often try to put on Christ without stripping off our old nature in the first place which doesn't work (Eph 4:22,23; Col 3:9). It's like sweeping dirt under a rug instead of getting rid of the dirt in the first place. God sees those who have put on Christ (wearing that wedding garment) and those who have not put on Christ. Just like when the Master notices the one person who is not wearing the Wedding Garment. When I think of this, it seems that this may be an indication that a person who thinks he/she will be invited to the Wedding Banquet will realize later that he/she is not welcome because they failed to live for Christ by being True Representatives for Him. God Himself knows who truly belongs to Him or not and those who try to enter in the banquet will be found out by the Master (God). Don't be caught thinking that a person is automatically invited to the Gods Wedding banquet and realize when its too late that He will cast you out from attending this time of celebration. If this was never the case, why would He have indicated this portion as part of His parable? This may be an indication that many Christians may not be properly prepared by not wearing that Wedding Garment. We are reminded in 2 Peter 1:10 to be certain that our calling and election is sure. Therefore, we are not to take our place as Christians for granted. The title of my Blog is called "Hope in God". But having this true hope in Him only comes to those who truly put Him first in their lives and live as though He is the "life-line to our very souls". No one can expect to receive the Hope of His promises if we are not going to allow Him to truly be our Lord in the first place. May we be that Bride that is prepared to receive that coming Bride-Groom (Jesus) so we will be welcomed into the great day celebrating with Him in that Wedding Banquet that He talks about (read Matt 25:1-10 about the 5 wise virgins who were ready). We cannot be fully prepared without His help. He will help us if we will only ask His help in the first place and for Him to help prepare our hearts to meet Him when He should return which many of us believe this is the generation that will experience His soon coming. He never forces His agenda on anyone, He only waits to those who ask and invite His help. Have you asked Him to help you be continually be prepared so you can attend His Wedding Banquet? Will He notice you wearing Christ (the Wedding Garments) or not? Let's have that Hope in God by inviting Him to help us be all we can to be Representatives of His Goodness and be fully clothed with Him. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer

Saturday, 7 February 2015

KINGDOM of GOD - Parable of Leaven

Blessed Children of the Most High, I like to continue going through each parable that Christ likens to the Kingdom of God. I find this series interesting that Dr/Pastor Ralph Wilson has put together. I like to share some thoughts again I believe the Lord is putting on my heart (as I always like to acknowledge Gods goodness and never take any credit for anything He inspires me or leads me to do in the first place). It's amazing that God can give one sentence and we can make it an entire message to give Hope and meaning to what He is saying. An example is we read in Matt 13:33 He talks about the Kingdom of God is likened to mixing the dough until it was all leavened. This leavening agent is like a yeast that causes raw dough to rise. In the Old Testament, God often told the Isrealites to refrain from eating anything leavened (Exod 12:14-20) which was a form of sin and hypocrisy (1 Cor 5:6-8; Matt 16:5-12). In the Old Testament, it was a sign of keeping the law that was written. In the New Testament, Christ talks about the leaven as not necessarily keeping the law by doing, but keeping the commandments and His doctrine within our hearts instead because we now live under Grace. In Matt 16:5-12, Jesus talks to His Disciples about being aware of the yeast of the Pharisees. They thought He was talking about actual bread when Christ is actually talking about the false teachings of the Pharisees (vs 12) because they felt righteous by keeping the Law rather then believing Christ. Christ often confused the Pharisees. As one example of many, He taught them that it was better to do good then to just follow a bunch of rules and regulations, like saving a donkey from the well on the sabbath day (Luke 14:5). The Pharisees thought they were justified by keeping the law while forsaking what was really important. The yeast of the Pharisees were much different from the Yeast of Gods Word. The parable about the Kingdom of God being like dough that was mixed and leavened, I like to think of this as a symbol and sign for the important of Unity and Doctrine. In order for the mixture to be leavened, it has to mix together with the Yeast of following Gods teaching (not the yeast of anyone elses teaching). This reminds me that when we make up the Church, we need to mix with one another and be of one mindset (Phil 2:2) because we follow Christ and not just some form of doctrine because Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life (John 14:6) and there is no other way that we can ever inherit eternal life. Also in this simple parable, this tells me that when we don't mix and we keep to our separate little groups, we don't allow the Yeast of Gods teaching to work properly for the Church in order to rise. When you bake a bread, you need to mix all ingredients thoroughly and add the yeast in order for the dough to rise to its fullness in order to have its best effect. Otherwise your dough will remain stagnant if the ingredients are not well mixed. Therefore, this is telling me that we need to mix with one another and come to the place and understanding that "WE NEED EACH OTHER" and see our need for each other to be of one mind by only allowing the Yeast of Gods Word be our Doctrine which is how the Church is able to grow (rise). Just like the ingredients that don't mix or allow the yeast to have its full effect, you can't expect to enjoy the freshness of eating bread the way we like to eat fresh bread. It's the same as this parable tells us. When we don't mix well (not being unified with one another by following what God teaches us), and not allowing the fullness of Gods Word (His Yeast) within us, we cannot expect the Church to grow either. Like I mentioned, it's amazing that God can say so much in one sentence. I believe I only scraped the surface of the full meaning of this short parable and I am certain there is much more to say about this. Understand this, that Christ speaks in parables so that those who have a heart after Him and will spend time seeking Him and His leading are the only ones who grasp the true meaning of the parables. It has to do with our heart towards Him and not being an intellect (read Matt 13:10-17). The ones who don't allow Him to have any place in their hearts don't ever receive the richness of His wisdom and knowledge for them. Allow God by asking Him to move your heart to reverently fear Him to keep His commandments (Eccl 12:13). When we do, He promises to reveal the secrets and richness of His Kingdom to you when your heart is right towards Him (Matt 13:11; Mark 4:11; Luke 8:10). I welcome any further comments you may have concerning this. God bless to All. Richard Poulin Answers2Prayer Ministry Encourager

Sunday, 1 February 2015

The Kingdom of God - Part 2

Dearest Saints, As a continuation of what I started a couple of topics ago, I continue to think alot about the Kingdom of God and all the parables Jesus talks about that is likened unto the Kingdom of God. I do encourage any feedback you may have because I don't confess to have all the answers, but I like to share what I believe God is telling me. I am eager to share this because He talks so much about what the Kingdom of God is about. And knowing that when He talks so much about any subject (including this particular one), it is something we need to pay close attention to and not take lightly. When we read in Matthew 13, some of the parables He likens the Kingdom of God include: a. Seed that fell on different kinds of soils (vs 4-8) which He further explains in vs 19-23; b. Parable of the wheat and darnel (vs 24-30), which is further explained to the Disciples in (vs 36-41); c. Parable of the Mustard seed (vs 31-32); d. Parable of the leaven dough (vs 33); e. Treasure buried in a field (vs 44); f. Search for precious pearl (vs 45,46); and g. Parable of the dragnet (vs 47-52). There are also some found in Chap 25 that talks about the 5 foolish virgins and 5 wise virgins (Matt 25:1-12), using talents (vs 14-30) and the parable concerning being invited to His banquet (Matt 22:2-13). I find when I study certain scriptures long enough, I get excited about knowing how He is so faithful to reveal insights when we will take time to seek. He proves His Word to tell us that when we seek, we are able to find what we are searching for (Matt 7:7). In a nutshell, when Christ talks about the Kingdom of God from all the parables, I believe He talks about a great separation from those who are committed to following Him and those who choose not to. God is quite clear telling about the results of the rewards of being Children of God and the destructive results of those who forsake Him and choose not to follow Him. The first parable about the seed falling on different soils are well explained, so I won't go into detail. But I like to explain further about the wheat and tares. For those who are in the farming business, you know all about this. The wheat is a useful grain that stands in a field straight up (compared to those who look up to God who set their eyes and heart upon Him). The wheat is compared to His Children. On the other hand, the darnel (children of the evil one) are the ones whose heads are bent over and looking down (which is another form of those whose love, cares and affections are on this world) who doesn't bother to look up to God when they should. The wheat are His Children who look up to God and are useful for the Kingdom which is the grain that feeds and nourishes peoples physical needs. The darnel is a weed that is anything but useful. This is compared to those who are useful for Gods use (grains of wheat) and those who are of no use to God when we choose not to follow Him. God cannot use anyone who is not willing to allow Him to be Lord of their lives. How can anyone be useful for His purposes when we don't allow Him to be Lord of our lives or submit our heart before Him in the first place? God even warns His own people who look back by setting their cares and affections on this world are not fit for His Kingdom (Luke 9:62). He needs our whole heart. An interesting point is when Christ talks in a parable about the Servants who were eager to pull up the darnel right away to burn them. Christ tells them not to pull them up because we may also pull up the wheat at the same time (vs 28-30). In other words, we need to learn to live together, but remain distinctly different from those who God sees as darnels (children of the wicked one) (vs 38). By pulling up the darnel, God was concerned about the well being of His own children who may have also been pulled up when He doesn't want that to happen. This also tells me that God uses the ungodly to keep us sharpened and prove our faith in Him when we deal with those who are considered wicked. How can we prove our love and faithfulness to Him when we want to always live the life of ease and be of no use to reach the lost? This tells me also that there is a danger when we only want to live in our little "Christian Groups", being totally separate from the world when we should influence them instead. Christ Himself says to the Pharisees when they scorned Him by associating Himself with sinners all because they kept themselves separate from sinners. He tells the Pharisees that it was important for Him to associate with sinners because they are the ones who He compares to them who are sick are the ones who need a Doctor, not those who are well (talking in a spiritual means) Matt 9:10-13. The Pharisees only hung within their own kind which meant they were of little use of having any positive influence on outsiders at all, which we are admonished to do. We need to be useful from what we learn about Christianity to bring this out of the Church walls and not just benefit our own selves. How can we influence those who are outside who need to be drawn into the Kingdom of God when we are only going to hang around those in our little Christian Groups? God is looking for those who will labour for the cause of souls and be useful, just like the wheat is most useful that benefits all (Matt 9:37). Christ tells us that the separation comes when He sends the angels to gather (vs 41) that will separate the darnel (children of the evil one) from the wheat (children of God). This also tells us that it is up to Him to send the angels to gather and separate, not for us to try and do (like the Servants wanted to do) simply because we would have made a mess and destroyed some of the wheat in the meantime. One of the things that separates the chaff from the darnel and the grains of wheat is that when the wind comes, the chaff that is useless is blown away and the grains that are useful are able to withstand the wind and falls into the grainery for further use. Notice that calmness doesn't separate the two as does when the winds blow. When storms come, this is often when you will notice the difference between those who are not of God and those who remain strong in Him. Too many people don't take His Word literally and think that He will save everyone just because He is a God of love. Our Bible does not say that. God is not only love above ALL else, but He is also a God who is Just and tells us plainly the Truth because He is love. It's because of His love for us that He often warns us with His Truth. So when He says there is going to be a distinct separation of those who are going to be thrown into the fire and those who are in right standing shine forth like the sun (vs 42,43), He means this. It may not be the nicest message, but it is the Truth because this is what He says. I love each of you enough that I am willing to receive any opposition about this just because it is based on Truth because it is in His Word. So when Christ talks about His Kingdom and for us to be fit for His Kingdom, lets invite Him to be Lord of our lives and allow Him to have ALL of Our HEART and not just part of us. Be encouraged to ask Him to make us as wheat by totally looking up to Him and setting our affections on Him and the things concerning His Kingdom. Just like wheat is the one that is nourishing in a physical sense, we whom are truly His Children will be able to equally nourish others (admonishing, teaching, being an encourager) that benefits others by being useful for Him, His use and to advance His Kingdom. To be most useful is to humble ourselves before Him, choosing to believe Him regardless of what we think and by allowing Him to rule our heart. I would like to continue further about the other parables and be fit for the Kingdom of God. I encourage anyone to share your comments anytime. May this be a rich blessing to all. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Ministry Encourager Answers2Prayer