Saturday, 25 October 2014


Dearest Saints I realize I added a few more names to my list and hope you don't mind. It's always my desire through these teachings that WE, as the Church would grow stronger and be encouraged in the Lord so that through Him, we can fulfill a wonderful purpose in life by giving Him the glory, which is why we were created for in the first place (Isa 43:7). When we look at the world and where we are, I can only thank God for His Grace and Mercy for myself and should likewise be for each one of us. As I was meditating alot about Gods Grace just this past week, I had to repent because often times, I know I have limited my need for His Grace and Mercy. When I take the time with God and think of my past and if I am honest, I can't even fathom the Grace He had/has towards me. When I was often rebellious, His abundant Grace saw my need and delivered me from what could have become very destructive for all eternity for me. When I meditate on just this alone, I get nervous about ever limiting Gods Grace and Mercy towards me and so should we. In fact, when we think about people who are being brainwashed to go overseas to join a training camp to fight as part of a terrorist group, who is to say that it could not have included any one of us if it weren't for the Grace of God in the first place? I find there are at least two things that causes us to limit His Grace and Mercy. The first one is that we fail to take time to know God the way we should. He tells us in Hebrews 4:16 that we are to come boldly to His Throne of Grace so we can first of all obtain His Grace and Mercy for us in our time of need. The reason why many people fail to come boldly to His Throne of Grace is because they fail to see the rich measure of His merciful ways to forgive us when we do repent. What we do is we feel justified hanging on to guilt and shame instead which deters us from coming boldly to His Throne of Grace. We fail to see His rich abundant love for us. When you truly love someone, do you not come to them with a sense of confidence to be able to approach them? If that is the case, we should be able to approach Him that much more because of His greater Love, Grace and Mercy towards us. The second major reason I find is when we don't see our need of His Grace and Mercy to the measure we need to understand. In other words, when we compare ourselves to one another and we start to look down on them and think to ourselves, "I would never do that", we fail to realize that it is only His Grace and Mercy towards us that we don't do the unthinkable. This is when we think we are "good enough". I posted a short notice on facebook that says: If we think we are ever "good enough", we have immediately robbed Gods Grace, Mercy and Goodness towards us. If it weren't for His Grace, Mercy and lovingkindess towards us in the first place, we wouldn't be where we are today with Him. When I think more on this, I have to realize that if it weren't for His Grace and Mercy, I would still be living rebelliously towards Him and possibly being a blasphemer that would tell people to denounce His Name or removing anything that had anything to do with God. If it isn't for His Grace & Mercy, I could still turn my back on the Lord by the time I am finished typing this message and be like those 70 Disciples who once followed Him and decided to turn away (John 6:60-66) because they thought His teaching was too hard. I looked briefly at a book years ago that was titled "Farewell to God". This was someone who was once a faithful follower of God and has since turned his back on him and has now published this book to promote people to with-draw from God. And definitely, if it weren't for His Grace and Mercy alone, I could have done the same thing. I wouldn't be able to do what I do because I don't dare take any credit. In fact, it scares me to ever take credit for myself that robs Gods infinite goodness towards me. When you think that many will fall from the faith as it mentions in (1 Tim 4:1) and give heed to seducing spirits, I know it will only be by His Grace that I should not be counted as one of them. I find it very dangerous for Gods people to ever think we are immune to refrain from doing evil or any dispicable act by turning our backs and rebel against Him. Don't ever think we are "good enough" that we would never choose to turn back or rebel otherwise, we do in fact rob God of His Great Love, Grace, Mercy and Goodness towards us that fails to see our desperate need of His Grace and Mercy we need every moment of our lives. If we want to know the Truth, we are desperate people who are ALWAYS in NEED of HIS GRACE & MERCY to keep us from doing evil that also helps to strength us in Him to move forward. He reminds us in (1 Cor 10:12) Therefore let anyone who thinks he stands [who feels sure that he has a steadfast mind and is standing firm], take heed lest he fall [into sin] Amplified Version. When we realize this, we will be forever thankful to Him to the measure we should. Let's not use His Grace as a license to live any way we want to live and use His Grace, but when we do need it, lets receive this rich wonderful resource He has in store for each of us that is richer then all the worlds resources, yet it is free. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Dear Blessed Saints, I always find it interesting how Gods ways are much different than what man would normally choose. When God tells us to choose wisdom & understanding over gold and silver, I can tell you that it doesn't sit well with the majority of people in this world (Read Job 28:17 & Prov 16:16). When we think of these two different substances, one is a tangible item (gold/silver/precious jewels of which you can see and touch) and the other is intangible (something you cannot physically see). Just thinking about this now, God tells us that what is seen is only temporal, but what is unseen is eternal (2 cor 4:18). He encourages us to reach higher, by setting our heart to grab hold of what is eternal which is far more important then grasping for something so temporal. So when God tells us to choose one thing over the other, its always because it is beneficial to us for all eternity rather then just being satisfied for a brief moment in existence at the expense of our eternal destiny. Choosing gold only satisfies now, while wisdom is beneficial for all eternity. Another thing about choosing between gold and wisdom is that gold represents ones heart that is selfish and only self-seeking. Why else would anyone choose something like gold if it isn't primarily to satisfy "self". Gold is a representative of looking after one person; "self" and putting "self" above the interests of others. How shallow is life when people tend to live this way! When I think of people who are more selfish then others, I witness time and time again that they are the ones who are most dis-satisfied in life. No wonder God in His wisdom tells us that it is more blessed to give then to receive (Acts 20:35). This is that blessed Word that tells us also that by losing our life (living for self), this is when we actually find that life is worth living (read Matt 10:39). When we choose wisdom (which God tells us to), we choose to invest in our lives to the betterment of others (Phil 2:4). Choosing wisdom is a person who focuses on their eternal destiny and the eternal benefit of others rather then fixating all their hopes on the present. Having wisdom and sharing this wisdom is awesome because no money or education can ever buy wisdom. It's a matter of having a humble heart and a right spirit before God (Ps 51:10). I like to compare someone who would choose gold is like a gambler (who chooses self, but hopes to get away with it). A person who would rather have wisdom is like an investor who sees the long term benefits to bless peoples lives and sets their affections on things above rather than things of this world (Col 3:1-3). Wisdom values people more then all the money in this world. Gold values benefiting self no matter what the expense may be to others. Just look what happened to Judas Iscariot! It will be certain that a gambler will one day lose when it may be too late to turn. Having true Godly wisdom is far richer then all the gold of this world because Gold satisfies one person..."self" while having true Godly wisdom satisfies many needy souls and values other people that changes lives. Can you imagine if Christ chose gold over wisdom by choosing to attain riches more then caring for you? Also, if every preacher and teacher of the Word decided to choose gold over wisdom, we would never receive that "life-giving" word/message(s) we so desperately need that encourages us all because everyone would be seeking their own interest at the expense of many people in need. For myself, I am only very greatful that God changed my heart over the years concerning this. This is why we cannot afford to lean and rely on our own understanding. We need to absolutely TRUST in GOD instead (Prov 3:5,6) and seriously take heed to His counsel. When people don't get wisdom from God, it is often because they don't humble themselves enough to ask Him to give us wisdom (James 4:2,3). If gold is identified separately from wisdom, then we can conclude that asking for "gold" (the treasures of this world) is not wise at all. He tells us He gives wisdom liberally to those who ASK (James 1:5). When we think of Godly wisdom that truly is far greater than all the gold "riches of this world", lets humble ourselves enough to repent having chosen our ways in the past and ask God for wisdom and believe He does give liberally to those who ask and believe. Seek to be wise and you will see the treasures of having Godly wisdom by speaking life and healing to ones soul is priceless because you cannot put a price on a soul. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer

Monday, 13 October 2014

THANK YOU - 100th Edition

Dearest Saints, I want to take this time to express how greatful I am to God to say that this is the 100th edition of my list of messages over the past 3 and a half years. I marvel at what He has done through someone like myself because I didn't ever saw myself being able to do anything let alone to bring many messages to encourage many broken hearts and tell them that there really is HOPE for you. I am serious when I say: "if God can use me to do what I do, just think how much greater He can use each of you". I believe God uses me only because I see myself truly as a NOBODY. When I see what the Lord has brought me through, I can't help but be passionate about helping others to see the power of God move in their lives. Whatever you have gone through or may be going through now, if you will receive His Love for you and boldly (having that strong confidence in Him) learn to trust Him (by getting to really know Him in a great way), He will use your past to fulfill the greatest mandate in many peoples lives. He created each of us "ON PURPOSE" for His Divine purpose, which far exceeds any of mans purposes or ambitions in this world. I am passionate to help you be like His Word mentions "Let the weak say I am strong (in Him)" Joel 3:10 and be Spirit filled mighty men and women of God. As the narrative of my Blog indicates, I am want so much to help people who feel like they are a prisoner of some sort in their lives, and admonish you that God can set you free. To know your authority in Him (Luke 10:19) and be liberated by knowing God in a deeper way whom we serve and have that revelation knowledge of how much He loves you and is able to help you and how He wants to use you. If you or anyone is going through any trials or needs encouragement, I ask you to please go to my Blogsite. On the side bar, each year since 2011 indicates titles that I have put together from the experiences I have gone through. To have the greatest testimony of being an encourager, it all begins with sharing our real life story as a testimony and together with the Blood of the Lamb (of the finished work of the Lord Jesus), The Bible tells us that our accuser (satan) has been overcome simply because we have shared our real life experiences (read Revelation 12:11). Every topic I discussed is based from my life experience of what I had gone through and what God has taught me that is now far more valuable then I have ever imagined. When I think of what He has done for me and through me, I understand much more how He truly is longsuffering with what He has had to put up with me over the years. No wonder God tells us that it is far more precious and of greater value to seek wisdom and understanding more than gold or silver (Prov 16:16). I truly hope you will take advantage to going over the many titles to see if you or someone you know could continue to benefit from. There is nothing like investing in ones soul (very life) and seeing how God can change and transform people to become bold and confident which is being Christ-like! We are told to become imitators of Christ (Eph 5:1), which means if Christ was bold and confident, so should we. This is what it is all about. It's very unfortunate when you find a beautifully covered Bible in the homes of many people that never is opened or read, but just sits on tables like some ornament. This "Word of life" literally becomes lifeless when people don't bother to take time to read & study it. I don't want this to happen where my topics that testify what God has done in my life cannot be used to continue to be a blessing when it could, but isn't shared or re-read when it could be most valuable to a soul in need. Link to my Blog is as follows: I want to also take this time in this milestone to acknowledge some people who were extremely instrumental to help me put this together. I want to acknowledge Pastor Grant Freake, from my former church at Evangel Pentecost Church in Quebec City who initially suggested I consider starting a Blog. I would like to also acknowledge a Youth Pastor of mine (Pastor Dusty Crozier) from my local church at Roblin Wesleyan Church located in Roblin, Ontario who has helped me tremendously to get started as I knew nothing about setting up or doing Blogs back in the Spring of 2011 when I started this site. Your help was indeed tremendous. Indirectly, I want to also thank Rob Chaffart who is the President & founder of Answers2Prayer ministries which I have been a part of since 2000, which I include a link below my signature block. He has truly been a blessing to help me over the years pray for and be part of a prayer team that has gathered names to send these messages worldwide. I just wish I had known sooner, I may have gathered over a couple thousand names over the years whom the Lord used me to help send out prayers to others in need and be able to reach more people to help and benefit more and more. I also want to thank those of you who have often encouraged me to continue on. Being encouraged by you really does strengthen me. No wonder the Bible admonishes us to "encourage one another while it is still called Today" Heb 3:13. I am of course mostly greatful to God for using me in ways I could never imagine. I truly hope each of you are blessed in Him, strengthened in Him and will continue to carry the torch to let you know He can do amazing things for you if you will simply step out and believe Him to use you to minister to others that you never thought possible. Ministers are not just those who stand behind a pulpit, because He calls each of us to be ministers of Christ in the first place (Isa 61:6). I hope to continue to be a blessing to each of you and by His Grace, lets allow Him to use each of you mightily and refuse to live a mediocre; average; passive & lukewarm type life and ask Him to help you to fan the flame within (2 Tim 1:6), be on fire for Him and share what He has done for you. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer

Sunday, 12 October 2014


Blessed Saints of the Most High, After I read the Word, there are times I ponder questions that cause me to receive wonderful revelation and understanding that He encourages us to seek and obtain. We may often know the truth of His Word about "what". But often times, we may not be able to answer the questions about "How" or "Why" unless we take the time to ponder and search for His answers further. One of the scriptures I remember reading the first part of the verse in 2 Cor 5:14 tells us that the Love of God compels us. But my question is; Why is it that many people aren't compelled by the Lord? When we stop to ponder His Word and ask the Lord, it is those times that He reveals the deeper meaning and understanding of His Word. When we take time to look further into this, if we are questioning why is it that many people aren't compelled by His Love, is it because of His lack of love for the these certain individuals? We can be safe to answer that with an emphatic "Not at all". Therefore, the problem is never about God withholding from us. On the contrary, many times, Gods people don't learn to receive the fullness of His love for them. It's like the message I gave a few years back talking about the woman who was known to the Pharisees as a wicked sinner whom he was condemning (Read Luke 7:36-47). Jesus replied back to tell them that she demonstrated the kind of love that no one else at that table did towards Him. He goes on further to tell them, when we love little, its because we have been forgiven little (vs 47). If we receive much forgiveness, we love much. Again, is it because God chooses to forgive different levels to people that they love much or love little? Again, the answer is NO. It all has to do with the measure that people receive from God which determines whether they love alot or love very little. It had nothing to do with the fact that she sinned greater than anyone else, because we all equally sinned greatly before our God. But she learned to receive His forgiveness for her in full measure which gave her the strength to love much. His love compelled her to do what she did simply because she learned to receive the full measure of His love and pardon for her. Going over some of these scriptures, it all comes down to asking ourselves: "How much of the measure of His forgiveness, His Grace, His Mercy and above all...His love am I receiving from Him? This is what gives us strength to propel forward in the things of God when we receive His love in full. He never with-holds anything good from those who walk uprightly before Him (Psalm 84:11). All too often, we withhold receiving His full pardon for us which is why we aren't compelled to be able to move forward. We need to be aware of any form of "false humility" which is nothing but that stinkin pride that is the same spirit that lucifer (one of the former highest angels) had which is why God hurled him out of Heaven forever (Isa 14:12-15). False humility will say that "I don't deserve Gods Grace and Mercy". When has anyone of us ever deserved it? This is why it is considered His Gift to us. It will never stop being be considered His Gift because no one deserves His Grace or Mercy ever. When we fail to receive the full pardon of Gods Grace, Mercy and love for us, we have allowed the enemy to rob us from having His Joy and Peace that strengthens us. And only we are responsible for being robbed because of our false humility of ever receiving the fullness of His Love, Grace and Pardon for our many sins we all have committed. Therefore, when He tells us that His love compels us, this is the strength we receive from Him that propels us forward. When a person receives very little love or no love, do you ever notice how lifeless a person becomes? This should never be the case for us Christians. I must say that what gives me strength to continue doing His work has nothing to do with my determination. But when I have that Revelation Knowledge (deep within my spirit) of His immeasurable love He has for myself, this is His inner strength within me that compels me to move forward. Consider when a man is so much in love with his Bride and he sees her in danger. He becomes strong in a moment in time and will chase after any danger that threatens her and won't give any consideration about himself because of the great love they have for each other. Therefore, when we learn to receive that immeasureable love from the Lord that will allow us to exchange our love and affection back to Him, we will receive that supernatural strength that carries us through any circumstances we face. And like that man who loves his Bride, we will stand strong to fight the good fight of faith and fight for what Christ has accomplished for each of us. We will be strengthened to fight for one another and fight against every injustice that ever violates His Good and Perfect will that He forever accomplished for each of us. Receiving His love for us really does compel us to be able to propel forward. Let's receive His love for us to the "Full Measure" so we will be compelled to do exceedingly and be His faithful Representive because we learn to receive His immeasurable love towards us. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer For Christ's love compels us, since we have reached this conclusion: if One died for all, then all died (2 Cor 5:14)

Sunday, 5 October 2014


Dearest Blessed Saints For many, I know it is often difficult to work long hours, day after day, week after week, year after year and it appears that you are not being rewarded or ever recognized for all that you do. I want to encourage the hearts that what God says, when you do your work as unto the Lord, "Your labour for God is never in vain"(1 Cor 15:58; Phil 2:16). Many may say to me that "You don't know what it is like", or "It's easy for you to say"! So, just to give you comfort, I pass on these words not from a point of just theory, but practical experience. I continue to serve in the military and of course have rank structure within that organization. In my position, I have been at this same rank for over 24 years without a promotion and have seen many others be promoted time and time again, even though I work just as hard and at the same time, feel that I am often more qualified. Therefore, I feel qualified to encourage many of you to not give up hope by seeking to be rewarded by man. Having just said about being qualified, it reminds me that when many have gone through trials and have overcome our trials or any injustices by that matter, and we remain trusting in Him, this becomes a powerful qualification to help others in their time of need because these are the people who truly understand. The reason why Christ understands is because He Himself went through more trials then we ever will which makes Him most qualified to help us in our time of need. And yet, because of His Great Faithfulness, God the Father has exalted Him on HIGH! When you have laboured and have failed to ever be recognized or rewarded, I want to encourage you to NOT ever be discouraged. Jesus explains to His Disciples that when men do good deeds to be rewarded from man, he will have his reward at that time, but will fail to receive his/her eternal reward from God all because they have already received their reward from men by their applause (Matt 6:1,2). Maybe God is telling people like us that though He sees and knows we labour as unto Him and we maintain a good attitude and continue having the integrity to continue being faithful no matter what. If we don't give up, we will receive far greater rewards that will come directly from Father God. I believe God makes all things RIGHT when we have been wronged. If we maintain a good heart and believe He will take care of everything, He promises that we will receive DOUBLE blessings for every trouble (Isa 61:7). Again, to receive this double blessings we need to be at Peace which He has already given us (John 14:27) and leave all the results to Him, always faithfully maintain a good attitude and be intentional to ever refrain from grumbling or complaining. Remember how harshly God dealth with the Isrealites when they grumbled and complained against God and Moses (Num 14:27-29). Therefore, I encourage each of you and myself to continue to labour as unto the Lord with a good attitude, regardless if we ever get rewarded by man or not "Just because it's the right thing to do" and we don't do these "good works" out of any selfish ambition. Don't allow yourself to be robbed of the rich eternal blessings God has in store for you simply because you sought mens applause or mans reward just to get a mere moment of satisfaction. Gods reward is eternal (forever). Mans reward only lasts but for a brief moment in time. God is so faithful and He sees your faithfulness and integrity with the work you do (as unto the Lord) and He sees/knows your heart. As long as we labour as unto the Lord (not unto man) and keep a good attitude, God ALWAYS rewards faithfulness. He is looking for people who are faithful (Prov 20:6 and Luke 18:8). With His help, let's be FAITHFUL unto the One(Jesus) who is ALWAYS FAITHFUL and TRUE towards us. Let's remain faithful to receive greater rewards He mentions in 1 Cor 3:11-15. In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer