Tuesday, 20 May 2014

His Blessings Exceeds Every Injustice

Dear Blessed Saints, I know many of us deal alot with injustices. God tells us that those of us who would dare to follow Him and make a positive difference in the lives of others are going to be persecuted one way or another (2 Tim 3:12). God never promised that we would not have trouble, but He does always promise that He will see us through and we will be stronger in Him and better fit for His use to fulfill His purpose. However, this only comes to pass to those who choose to trust in Him and allow Him to have His way in all of our circumstances. We can allow this to take place when we understand a few principles found in His Word. I always want to bring what is real out in the open so those who need to can deal with these and other issues while being able to share His Word of encouragement that is able to heal every broken heart based on the Truth of Gods Word. The God whom we serve loves both Justice and Mercy (Ps 89:14). When we talk about Gods Justice, we may tend to often think only of punishment and chastizement. But that is not completely true. His Justice is bringing every wrong act and making it RIGHT by bringing the right amount of correction people require that is going to lead them to true repentance. However, I don't believe God often brings the right amount of correction to many not because of His doing, but simply because we have failed our part to pray for those who persecute us like He tells us to and/or we fail to hand every situation that caused us suffering from injustices over to Him because we hang on and harbour bitterness and have a spirit of revenge instead. When we do, we don't allow God to do what only He is able to do to bring RIGHT out of every wrong. When He sees His Children being mocked or unjustly treated, He is displeased with those who cause trouble and it is like He takes it personally because when they come against His Children, they come against the Apple of His Eye (Deut 31:10; Ps 17:8; Prov 7:2 and Zech 2:8). When you consider the story of Elisha who was mocked by 42 of older adolescents who were of accountable age, God sent two bears to attack these perpetrators who mocked Elisha (man of God) in 2 Kings 2:23,24. God was displeased with Miriam who came against Moses (Gods anointed) and God pronounced leprosy on her until Moses prayed for her (Numbers 12). This is why when we decide to pray for those who come against us, healing and correction takes place. Just like God forgave Jobs friends when God had Job pray for them (Job 42:8). God wants to bring the right amount of correction to those who need it, but He needs us to cooperate with Him in order for Him to do what only He can do. I would like to encourage you that in order to allow God to heal your past and have victory over feeling victimized from past injustices, here are a couple of main points I believe is essential to overcome having that victim mentality: a. God tells us that when we are troubled by those who oppose us and come against us, it is only Righteous for God to trouble them (2 Thess 1:6); b. God promises that vengeance belongs to Him (Rom 12:19) which means we need to give every thing that concerns us over to Him. God alone will always require an account. God is even going to require an account of every idle and/or blasphemous word(s) that have ever been spoken against Him and His Children (Matt 12:36) when they ever fail to eventually come to a place of repentance; c. We need to know that the real enemy we fight against are spirits of wickedness in high places, not flesh and blood (Eph 6:12); d. When we understand the accountability of our physical enemies, we dare not wish them eternal punishment because God initially only reserved this horrible eternal place of hell fire and brimstone for the devil and his angels (Matt 25:41). When we have the mind of Christ, we too will be like-minded and "will" that no one would perish either. When we see how God is going to deal with those who continue to rebel, oppose His commandments to love one another who cause strife, division and factions, we need to have that Godly sorrow that says like Jesus did on the Cross and Stephen did as he was being stoned. They both said: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". They were able to say this when they understood that their oppressors were a victim of the real enemy (satan and his demonic spirits) because our enemies fail to see any accountability they will face. When David understood the end of those who opposed him, his bitterness turned into Godly sorrow (Ps 73:17). Instead of feeling like a victim, he saw his oppressors as the real victim and was able to do what only a Child of God can do when lead by His Spirit and that is to pray for our enemies. When we choose to do things Gods way, the rewards and blessings He promises us will far exceed all the troubles we will ever experience in this world (Read Romans 8:18). I like reading Isaiah Chapter 61 (in particular, verse 7) where He tells us that He will give us double blessings for every shame and dishonor we have ever received. Also, in verse 3, when we do things His Way, we can give Him our ashes to receive His beauty; give Him our mourning, He gives us the Oil of Joy. When we cast our burdens to Him, we will be filled with praise and instead of having a failing spirit that weighs us down, He will replace that by seeing ourselves as trees of His Righteousness. Again, in order for us to ever benefit of receiving the fullness of these double blessings He tells us, there is always a condition on our part to willingly and obediently (having the right heart and spirit) do surrender our will to His will. Injustice is real and is more of a problem with many Children of God far more than it should be. We need to make a concerted choice to do Gods will and hand every injustice and every grudges we have held on from our past and give all of them over to Him and totally trust Him. Our inheritance of His present and eternal blessings will far exceed every injustices we have already encountered or ever will encounter. If there is anyone who continues to hold any grudges from any past injustices, please give all of them over to God. Otherwise, you will find out that you have caused yourself the greatest injustice of all simply because of being disobedient by refusing to give any and/or all negative situations over to Him. How can we receive His Peace He tells us He has given us (John 14:27) when we continue to hang on to our past injustices by holding on to grudges? One thing I sense God telling me is that when we want to live the victorious life in Him and through Him, we can't afford to have that defeated "victim" mentality. Surrendering your will to His divine will...will always result in living the abundant life of bearing much fruit which is the result of receiving and radiating His Joy, His Peace, His Kindness, His Goodness towards Him, others and ourselves. One of my favorite verses I often recite is: "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us". Romans 8:18 (Amplified Version). We need to take the advice of Paul and stop dwelling at our past injustices and be encouraged and do yourself justice to look ahead and press forward. And when we do, we will receive that crown of eternal life (1 Cor 9:24,25) that is far more glorious than any earthly prize one could ever receive. Now, please ask yourself, is it really worth holding on to grudges of any past injustices by forsaking such rich eternal blessings He has in store for us? Instead of your [former] shame you shall have a twofold recompense; instead of dishonor and reproach [your people] shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double [what they had forfeited]; everlasting joy shall be theirs.8 For I the Lord love justice; (Isa 61:7; 8a) In the Matchless Name of Jesus Richard Associate Director Answers2Prayer http://sites.google.com/site/greatestbuilderforourlife http://www.answers2prayer.org/