Monday, 22 July 2013


Dear Blessed Saints of God,
           I would like to continue with this wonderful short scripture that I believe says so much.  Right now, I have been away because I had to take compassionate leave as my wife remains in the hospital and with my contract ending soon, I sit here taking the test of believing the best, along with the fact that my wife is still unsaved.  In the natural, it would seem far for me right now to believe the best, but I know from past difficult circumstances, God had a better plan and through it, I know it turned out to be the BEST when we let Him take over.  It may not be the best as the world would understand, because most of the time they measure success in the amount of accumulated material or money you have saved up in the bank, etc.  But in the end, it is like the Apostle Paul says: I count it (all worldly ambition) as loss in order to know Him (Jesus).  To know deep within that He is SO GOOD and His ways are the best, it may not be monetarily the best, but His ways are the BEST for our eternal well being which is far greater than all the world could ever offer.  It's like the song we sing in a verse that says: "I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold, I'd rather have Him than have riches untold.  I'd rather have Jesus than houses and lands, I'd rather be lead by His nail pierced hands".

          When we come to know our Lord as SO GOOD, I don't want you to take this by meaning allowing the term "Good" to be mediocrity.  In other words, on a scale from (Poor; Fair; Good; Very Good to Excellent) and we sing that song about God being SO GOOD, we need to see His GOODNESS as absolutely EXCELLENCE in every way.  If it helps more, maybe we need to say that He is EXCELLENT; AWESOME, etc.  We need to get this settled no matter what is happening in our lives.  I know many people are going through rough and very trying times that is most difficult.  As difficult as it is, we need to ask God to give us this revelation so that our true knowledge of Him is knowing He is EXCELLENT in every way.  We need to believe that when things are going bad for us (as the world would see it as most unfavorable), we NEED to BELIEVE that whatever we are going through, it is for our eternal best.  We need to know deep within that if we are going through trials, we need to believe that God is working something better for our eternal benefit.  Or perhaps, He is trying to get us to examine ourselves to see if there is any area of our lives that we need to deal with.  Many times, people who do go through great trials often times unknowingly & knowingly go against the counsel of His Word.  For instance, when God says that life and death are in the power of the tongue and we will eat the fruit thereof whether it be life or death (Prov 18:21), many people often don't live the life He wants to give us simply because we don't take the counsel of His Word serious enough.  If we do go through trials, we need to believe Gods very best for us for all eternity because He may be causing us to dig our heels in to withstand the storms of life we live through and become bold, determined and courageous which He often tells us to be.  By going through any circumstance, we need to be bold and courageous that NO MATTER WHAT, we are going to receive the BEST for ALL ETERNITY because we know He is EXCELLENT in all His Ways.
          Even at this present moment, when unfavorable situations come my way, I make a bold determination that "By His Grace, I refuse to ever doubt Your very best for me".  This is where we become more stronger and resilient to be able to become stronger and stronger in the Lord.  Whenever we see a desperate need for our family members, others or ourselves, we need to be more determined than ever to believe Gods Best for your finances, for your future, for your family and believe that when we can connect the truth of knowing His absolute Goodness and Excellencies, we will believe the best eternal inheritance He has prepared for us.  When you compare how the world would see as "Good" and favorable, it may be that a family has just won the lottery.  Many people will become jealous of this family who won the biggest prize ever.  But in reality, many of the family members who won multi-million dollar jackpot from a lottery have had their lives turned for the worse.  Therefore, we cannot judge our circumstances to determine Gods Absolute Goodness or not.  It is essential to make our minds up, which is what causes our relationship in God to become stronger than ever, and be ever so determined to always Believe the very best for you and the very best for one another simply because we Know in our heart the Truth that GOD truly is EXCELLENT in all His Ways.  In the end, when we have chosen to give all of our concerns and all of our situations to the Lord and be purposeful to live to give Him glory, we are going to see that His ways were in fact the best for our eternal glory (Rom 8:18).
Will you consider buying my books in support of HelpingCopeThroughHope mission work in Zambia?  You may go to my link below to observe.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director