Dearest Saints,
I would like you to know that no matter what, God can take the worst trials and suffering and make something beautiful out of it. It is like taking a lump of clay and making a beautiful china dish that has gone around the spinning wheel and through the fire several times. I don't want this to sound like another "religious or spiritual story", but in every case of anything I share, I truly want to be genuine by sharing my experience to help and encourage you. I can truly say this because my life was in total ruins about a decade ago and I often hoped to just die in peace. During that time, this is where I made a commitment and when I sought the Lord and became determined to live with purpose by learning from my past and blessing other peoples lives, it is amazing what He has done for me. With the rough trials and the deep dark valleys I have been through, I am now able to use the hope that I have been given by knowing the Love of God and to share the hope with others in their time of need. What He has done for one, He can do and will do for others. The question is: Will you receive Him as your Lord and personal Saviour? And will you believe He loves you more than anyone else could ever and wants to use you to make a difference in peoples lives? I can now testify this is true for me. When I chose to be all I can be with Gods help to bless lives, God is using me to heal and bless wounded souls and because He gave me such great hope and peace, I want to use this to give you the same.
I have seen ones who have gone through the greatest trials are the ones who have had the greatest impact to inspire many others that allows them to have hope. With the help of God, from the trials we have endured, we are able to comfort those with the comfort we ourselves have received (2 Cor 1:3 - 7). During the time of our trials, it does not seem pleasant at all, but when we see how we have become a blessing to others, I now strangely admit that I am glad I went through the trials, now that I know how much of a blessing it has helped many people. I am humbled to admit that God used myself and several others to help stop someone from contemplating to commit suicide. I know this because of an email response I once had from a lady who admitted she was considering taking her life that very night. Had I not gone through my past trials, I don't think I would have had the compassion to help this individual. Although I am greatful to be used by God, I don't take any credit, but give God the glory.
Therefore, trials are not to be an attitude where you say "I guess this is my lot in life" or any similar negative confession. The only time trials are simply a misfortune and have no value is when we fail to use our past trials to be a blessing to others in their time of need, and continue to dwell in that "woe is me" attitude. Again, I have known many times that those who have gone through many adversities are able to reach out and be a blessing and an inspiration to many others because of it. I now understand when (James 1:2 - 4) tells us to rejoice when we go through trials, because it is preparing us to be a special blessing to others if we choose to believe God can use this for His glorious purposes. When we refuse to give up and believe that God can use our past, regardless of how negative it may have been, this can be the greatest mandate of all humanity is to know how much of a blessing we can be to others because of what God has shaped us to be through trials and valleys. What He has done for many others, He is faithful to use you if you will choose to believe He can use you for His glorious purposes. One of the greatest tragedies in life is to realize how we have wasted our lives feeling sorry for ourselves and fail to be a blessing to many others whom God could have used. Don't let any of your past trials be in vain, but with the help of God, let it be a rich blessing and be a life giving example and an inspiration to many of those whom God can use to bless many others. Unless you ask God and believe Him to be able to use your past trials to bless many others, you will never know the value your life can bring hope to many others who may receive greater eternal blessings because of it. The hope that I now live is a real testimony of mine which is why I was able to write a book titled "Greatest Builder for Our Life", which I am so glad to share the hope, joy and inner peace that you can have also.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Welcome to my Blog site!! My desire for Christians is to see them be set free from the bondages of the enemy who often rob, kill and destroy Gods people. It is my greatest desire that Christians would be set free, to know their authority in Christ and be liberated by knowing His awesome love for you. I hope and believe this site will help you will be most blessed to be empowered by His Spirit to do exceedingly and abundantly for His Kingdom.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Mighty for God through Trials
Hi Dearest Saints.
In this ministry, it is always my greatest goal to see Christians be the best they can be and live the best for God and be the best for God and enter the eternal realm with greater gifts with greater rewards because of the life we lived on earth. I share the pain with so many people when they hurt and the pain is real and I find it a challenge to often encourage them NOT to GIVE UP and to hang in there, believe God no matter what. It is a real challenge sometimes to tell people to hang in there continually because I don't take what many people go through lightly and I do understand.
In this ministry, it is always my greatest goal to see Christians be the best they can be and live the best for God and be the best for God and enter the eternal realm with greater gifts with greater rewards because of the life we lived on earth. I share the pain with so many people when they hurt and the pain is real and I find it a challenge to often encourage them NOT to GIVE UP and to hang in there, believe God no matter what. It is a real challenge sometimes to tell people to hang in there continually because I don't take what many people go through lightly and I do understand.
I know the painful experiences from my life and it was tremendously hard to have a good attitude and be encouraged because I have been there that seemed endless at times. When I look back at it now, I don't think I can do what I do now if it weren't for the fact that I had not gone through so much trials in my past. I confess that it is easier to say it now when I have been through it and finally come out on the other side then to actually be going through trials, which I know many of you are perhaps going through right now. So when it seems that people can easily say: "You don't know what I am going through" or "You wouldn't understand the physical or emotional pain I am suffering through right now!" I want you to know that many of us who are called to encourage didn't get through life being spoon-fed or sit in a nest like the little eaglets in their soft cushion feathered down nest. Many of us went through horrific battles also which is why I believe many of us are able to share one anothers burdens effectively, which is why I have a passion to try to encourage and help whenever I can.
To be honest, there was a time in my life that I went through so much that I didn't care if I would see the next day of dawn. In fact, I would have been more at peace had I known I would not see the next light of day. I can only say by the Grace of God that that did not happen. When I look back at what I was before I went through trials until I came to this point in my life, I have become more bold in my faith, much more courageous and much more determined to be the Child God wants me to be. When we live in luxury or a life of ease, we end up not becoming that bold confident person that God wants us to be if we did not go through trials. We become so complacent which God Himself is angry at a nation when they became complacent (Zech 1:15). I have to tell you that I am amazed at what God has done for me through my life. I have been able to teach classrooms, provide direction to Senior personnel at work, be a positive influence to our organization and have a wonderful ministry to encourage many. However, if you knew me when I was younger, you wouldn't ever think I could ever accomplish anything close such as this. It's how God used my past trials to make me be the person He wanted me to be. I couldn't speak in front of 3 people without my knees knocking. I absolutely had no confidence or very little positive things to say. So anything I do, I give God all the credit. I can honestly say I would have remained that type of person to this day had I not gone through trials which would have been devastating.
The reason why I say these things is because when you may be going through trials, I really want to encourage you to become resilient and allow God to put that fiery spirit within you that says that "I am NOT going to GIVE UP" and that with His help, I am going to TRUST HIM to create in me to be a powerful witness to be used to be a positive role model of Christ to others. As I am still serving in the military, I think of a Soldier who fights day and night for our countries. Each one of them went through very intense training and often took them to their limits and beyond. I can tell you, none of them became a Soldier by going to summer camp!! When they went through hard training, this is what prepared them to be a strong fighting Soldier that we can all be proud of. When I see how God wants to prepare many of us to go to battle for Him, He always tells us to be Strong (Josh 1:6-9), be very courageous (Josh 23:6) and be bold with confidence in Him (Heb 10:35), we can use this time when we face trials to dig our heels in and refuse to give up. This is the time that I refused to stop believing that this time is not for nothing, but God is preparing me to become a mighty man of God for Him. He wants to prepare us because we do fight a spiritual battle and those who endure are often the ones who have gone through trials. Therefore, I know as we go through trials, I don't ever want anyone to think this is something strange happening, just like it mentions in (James 1:2-4). But I want to encourage you to make the most of this time to be resilient in your faith, believe God and tell Him so. Just like He says in His Word: "Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so" (Psalm 107:2), and tell Him that you believe He is doing a mighty work in you and declare to Him to mold me to be what You can make me be and boldy refuse to stop believing and trusting in You O Lord.
I know it is easier said than done, but I would rather encourage you to do the right thing now because I believe when we do and trust in Him, we will not have to go through the same trials over and over again. God can promote us because He can see that we are determined to live for Him. Remember, if the Isrealites could have just kept a good attitude and zipped their lips from grumbling against God and Moses, they would have made the trip through the wilderness in 11 days instead of 40 years! The thing I also want to encourage you is that when a person just decides not to believe or to give up, its not actually any harder to BELIEVE, but the rewards of simply believing is far greater that will never come with regret. What I like to remember is that if we can get through and endure to the end (with His help when we ask and believe), this momentary time of troubles that we are enduring in this present life will NEVER be COMPARED to the ETERNAL REALM that awaits us (Rom 8:18). Think of the regret many people will have when they decided to give up during this very short time on earth and end up forsaking the greater rewards in Heaven of which this loss is an extremely enormous fate.
I hope none of you EVER GIVE UP and my prayer is that whatever trials you may be going through, that you will allow God to make you become BOLD, CONFIDENT and Resilient that is going to cause the kingdom of darkness to tremble when they see you rise up as a mighty faithful prayer warrior of God. I like the following verse found in Matt 11:12 as follows:
And from the days of John the Baptist until the present time, the kingdom of heaven has endured violent assault, and violent men seize it by force [as a precious prize--a share in the heavenly kingdom is sought with most ardent zeal and intense exertion].
I believe these are the type of people God can use and He is preparing us through many trials to be that mighty force that He is pleased to use. I don't want anyone to go through trials and find it was all for nothing. But let it be for a wonderful purpose God can use you for when we make up our minds to NOT GIVE UP and be ever bold to refuse to doubt Him and His love for you. I hope this truly encourages you as I have seen how it has blessed me to be a blessing to others because of it. God wants to do the same for you and He will if you will dare to believe!!
Will you consider buying my books in support of HelpingCopeThroughHope mission work in Zambia? You may go to my link below to observe.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Monday, 3 September 2012
Do we really hate sin?
Dearest Saints,
God has been putting on my heart about whether or not we hate sin like we should? It's as though we say we hate sin, but yet, we will often find excuses to justify ungodly behaviour in many ways. Many Christians are angry at another Christian, or some will talk negatively about other Christians or maybe think more lowly about others, but yet, they will say they hate sin. We need to see sin the way God sees sin and see this as an absolute evil. God tells us who love Him to hate evil (Psalm 97:10).
I think the first thing we need to understand about sin is to see the unimaginable cost of which Jesus paid on our behalf. It cost Him leaving the Throne of Heaven to come down to earth in the form of man. Even the Bible tells us that He humbles Himself to come in to Heaven (Psalm 113:6). Think of how much more humbling it cost Him to come not only to earth, but to be a Servant to all! It may not be an accurate example, but I would like to compare it to ourselves to be willing to become like an ant, to eat dust and live in the dirt. To think that it cost Him to be bruised for our iniquity. For myself, to be bruised, it would take an awful hit to my body to be bruised. He was chastized many many times so we can have peace (continually mocked especially by the Religious group); He became poor in all ways so we could be rich in all ways. He was rejected by His own family members, His own home town, rejected by His own followers (Disciples) and humiliated and dispised by many for no reason. If that wasn't enough, He willingly received stinging whiplashes on our behalf so we can be healed. He was in so much agony that He sweated droplets of blood as He was greatly troubled. I can't imagine anyone going through that much pain and willingly accepted this punishment for all mankind, and yet to continue to have mercy towards the rebellious, mockers, scoffers and those who blaspheme His name to this date because He relents from bringing immediate calamity in to their lives! This is only part of the what the entire cost He paid simply because of sin.
When we think of sin, many people think of someone robbing a bank, committing fraud against one another or committing murder and/or living a lawless life and the like. Far too often, I think we as Christians excuse sin far too many times and don't realize that no matter what, sin is sin and regardless, it cost our dear Lord severely as we have just read. I think some of the sins many Christians overlook and justify themselves is because bitterness and unforgiveness (like one of many) towards one another is rampant within the Church when it is dispicable in the sight of God, which should also be dispicable in our sight. I heard it once where some Church members judged a lady who used to live in adultery and was addicted to drugs and alcohol years ago. Later in life, she had given her life to Christ and her godly life was very evident that proved she was a genuine Christian. Yet, many people still saw her from her old nature. The Pastor was aware of this and he stated to this congregation that they were not putting this woman on trial, what you are doing is putting the Blood of Jesus on trial! When we slander one another, we do the same to our Lord! We see gossip, slander, backbiting and division going on in the Church. Yet, sins like this is what it cost our dear Lord Jesus such pain, agony and tremendous suffering beyond our imagination!! Yet, we often excuse these types of sin. When we see what it cost our dear Lord, we should HATE EVERY SIN to the point that anything that represents any disobedience to the Lord, does not promote love, unity, peace and joy, we should find this dispicable that should be a stench to our nostrils and a deadly cancer to our bones. In other words, we should hate to ever allow unforgiveness and bitterness towards one another to the point where it is aborrent to our new nature. We should hate anything that violates the law of love regardless.
When I examine my life, I need to also consider other acts of omission to be detestable such as lukewarmness, being compromisers by failing to allow His Spirit to work powerfully through us, being complacent and doing very little to advance His Kingdom or fail to be active and purposely seek to be a blessing to one another. Often times, I think we as Christians easily overlook this and we should consider this not only sinful, but extremely detestable because of how this also cost dear Jesus such pain and agony. God tells us in Rev 3:16, that when we are lukewarm, He will spew us out of His mouth!! Talk about disgusting! This is why it should also disgust us about ever becoming lukewarm. God tells us that He was angry with nations who felt comfortable (at ease) and became complacent (Zech 1:15) by being inactive and allow His light to shine in the world around us.
I find what helps is that we need to be purposeful (by making up our minds in advance) to live to please God with the help of His Spirit. We need to be DETERMINED and boldly declare: "By His Grace" that we will live to advance His Kingdom for the sake of souls. When you read the Word that tells us that "We are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us" (Rom 8:37), I believe to be MORE THAN A CONQUEROR is to make up our mind beforehand that no matter what happens, we are not going to have a defeated mentality and will REFUSE to GIVE UP on trusting the Lord no matter what. When a person has their mind set and made up in advance, they are the ones who are able to stand when storms brew and continue to be committed to do what is right in the sight of God. Its sad to see how a very small percentage of people in this world make any commitment to do what is right.
We need to see that these "so-called sins" that we often overlook to be detestable and dispicable in order to refuse to allow any place in our lives because of the pain, agony and suffering it cost Jesus. We need to hate any form of slander and division and anything that hinders actions of Godly love because we have become complacent and failed to be committed. We need to hate our real enemy (satan and his demonic forces) and see him as our ONLY enemy who should be considered as DISPICABLE scum to the point that we REFUSE to ever FAIL to love the Lord and to love one another like Christ admonishes us to do. This should stop us ever seeing flesh and blood as our enemy. For we do not fight flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of present darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12). Friends, if we hate sin like we should, we should also hate to be complacent and fail to promote love like we should. To overcome evil, God tells us to be active by seeking to be a blessing one to another, by overcoming evil with good (Rom 12:21).
Christians desperately need to come together to fight for the cause of Christ by loving one another by fighting FOR one another (Gods will) instead of fighting against one another (devils will). By doing His will and trusting in Him, we can effectively fight against every agenda that satan entices us with. When we love God the way we should, we will equally hate every form of evil.
Will you consider buying my books in support of HelpingCopeThroughHope mission work in Zambia? You may go to my link below to observe.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
Will you consider buying my books in support of HelpingCopeThroughHope mission work in Zambia? You may go to my link below to observe.
In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director
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