Thursday, 5 January 2012

Standing for Justice - Gods Way

Dearest Saints,
I sense more and more that a great injustice is coming against Gods people through mis-understanding. Often times, when we become offended we are giving the devil access in to our situation that allows him to control over many areas of our lives. The devil and his angels can only be effective to work against us to the measure we allow him. We are told not to give him a foothold or an entry way in to our lives or any of our situations, which means that he cannot have any access unless we allow him access (Eph 4:27). I have come across lately that people are allowing themselves to become easily offended when we should be standing our ground against the enemy who is infiltrating his ways in to many Christians lives when we shouldn't allow him to. One area I see taking place is when we separate ourselves from other Christians because we have allowed ourselves to become offended. We need to stand against the real enemy (satan) because he will do whatever he can to bring strife, division, factions, separation between Gods people, when we shouldn't allow him the power to do so in the first place. It's just like that wolf that wants to separate a sheep from the rest to make his final attack. When we see ourselves becoming detached, we need to not only be promoters of love, unity, peace, but at the same time, we need to stand strong against the enemy not to allow strife, factions or division to come between us by coming to Him in prayer and interceding one for another. Christ tells the Disciples that a kingdom cannot stand when it is divided (Matt 12:25) and the enemy often weakens the Church when we are not vigilant to pray for unity. We need to know who the enemy is and stop seeing everyone else as our enemy and join forces in love, prayer, unity for Gods power to move through His people and pray against injustice (all that goes against Gods Word and His will). Afterall, this is Gods will, which should also be our will. The injustice I often see not only affects ourselves, but affects the body of Christ and ultimately, it is an injustice against Christ Himself when we forsake aggressively being a Peacemaker. Some instances of injustice that comes against Gods people and against Christ is when we fail to encourage each other (Heb 3:13), when we fail to pray one for another when we see a Brother or Sister in need. God forbid that I should fail to pray one for another. We also fail when we are not strong to take courage in the Lord when He often tells us to be strong because we know His love for us.
When Moses sent out the 12 spies to spy against the land of the enemies of God, only Joshua and Caleb had that fearless courage to come against the enemy not because they were strong in themselves, but they had the confidence that the Lord was with them because they knew how much God loved them and they knew who they were in Christ. God saved Joshua and Caleb because they were the ones who wholly followed the Lord because of it (Num 32:12). We need to have more Joshuas and Calebs today in our Churches, that sees the work of the enemy and have that bold confidence in the Lord to come against and defeat the enemy in our midst who often comes against us. When we see negativity or separation coming between Brothers and Sisters, we cannot afford to become offended which only allows the enemy to have dominion in our midst, but we need to recognize this spiritual thief that tries to come against Gods people by standing in the gap by boldly praying Gods will to be done, which promotes love, peace and unity that protects and brings deliverance. When I see how the enemy destroys families, we need to cry out for Gods Justice to prevail. The injustice is when we see family divisions taking place and we fail to cry out to God for His Justice (Love, mercy, peace, unity) and boldly declare this because I believe He paid every price to give us victory in every area of our lives. Although my wife is still unsaved, I see her as a victim of the real enemy who continues to blind her. As God was revealing to me, I need to declare His Justice for my wife so she will no longer be a victim of the enemy and come to know Christ personally and live the blessed life that Jesus suffered so that we may have. In Isa 59:4, God tells us that none calls out to Him for Justice or pleads for His Truth to prevail. I know Justice will eventually prevail because God tells us in Isa 89:14 that the foundation of His Throne is Justice and Judgement, Mercy and Truth goes before His face. When I look at my past, I feel God has received injustice from myself when I have allowed the enemy to have dominion because I failed to stand in the gap and call out for His Justice (to pray one for another, to fight for my family and to do my part to allow God to fight our enemy). So rather than coming against our spouse, Brother, Sister or others, we need to call out to God for His Justice to prevail so that they will receive the blessings of God and not be a victim of the real enemy, satan. Gods Justice ALWAYS promotes love, peace, unity and prosperity in every area of our lives. A great injustice is when we do not believe or doubt that His blessings is for us or doubt that He will help us. This is a great injustice against our Lord because of the tremendous price He paid so we can live a life in victory (2 Cor 2:14) and in abundance (John 10:10b). I asked God to give me courage and boldness, having confidence in Him (Heb 4:16; Heb 10:35; Prov 28:1) to help me stand in the gap for one another when we need to do that and refuse to allow any offense to come upon me. We cannot stand in the gap for each other when we allow ourselves to be offended in any way. We need to say like Jesus did to tell satan who worked through Peter and say to him: Get thee behind me satan, for you are an offense to God. I believe we can add our family and Church members to that sentence. Even though he spoke to Peter, he directed His rebuke to the real enemy, satan. I believe allowing ourselves to be offended is a weapon for our enemy to be used effectively that weakens the power of God in our lives and within our Church. When people have said bad things against me, I ask God to remove any offense from me and start praying for that individual because God tells us in Proverbs 19:11 that it is to our glory that we overlook all offenses, because we are aware of who the real enemy is. Instead of the devil becoming a great enemy against us, we can become a greater enemy against him when we submit to Gods will and do what He would require us to do.
Standing against injustice Gods way is not coming against one another, but against the real enemy one for another when we desperately need to do this more than ever.

Be blessed to browse my updated blog and both websites. God bless.

In the Matchless Name of Jesus
Associate Director