Saturday, 21 May 2011

Being Set Free

Good Day Dear Saints. 

As I watched abit of Its a New Day, Christian program, I liked a comment and an explanation of what the guests talked about, when comparing a person who is cleansed and set free.  When God cleanses us, He also sets us free.  Many Christians believe that they have been cleansed, but fail to believe they have been set free because of the guilt and condemnation they hold on to or simply believe they continue to be a product of their past.  I compare some of the stories I hear people say when they have gone to Alcoholics Anonymous.  I have talked to almost everyone who has been a member of the AA, believe they are still alcoholics, even though they have not had a drink for 20 years or more.  They may have been cleansed by not having anything to drink in those past two decades, but unfortunately, they still believe the old adage (lies and tricks of the enemy) that they are still considered alcoholics, even though some now may have become Christians.  Many christians have this same mentality of being a prisoner because they continue to feel condemned after they have repented and compare themselves to what they used to be.  For the Christians, this is believing the lies of the enemy who tries to make you believe we are still a prisoner of what we once were.  We need to believe that Gods Grace and Mercy goes beyond what or how we "think" or "feel".  We will never be justified by harbouring excessive sorrow which leads to condemnation or thinking lowly of ourselves.  We are justified when our sorrow turns to repentance because we choose to believe we have been totally forgiven, cleansed and set free because of what Jesus has accomplished on our behalf.  We are justified simply because we believe what the Word says in 2 Cor 5:17:  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  Gods ability always goes beyond what we ever think or feel.  When we first believe we are forgiven and set free, His promises to us will always be manifested (Mark 11:24).  Thank God He not only cleanses us, but sets us totally free and we don't have to go around with excess baggage of being weighed down by holding on to guilt and condemnation.  The ones who are blessed with this freedom in Christ are those who believe this, for they shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set them free (John 8:32).  When Christians don't believe this, they remain a prisoner of the lies of the devil and his angels.  I am so glad God has taken my ugly and wretched sinful past, cleansed me and has set me free.  He has done that regardless, but we need to believe it and receive it for ourselves by speaking His wonderful promises that He has truly set us free.  Because of His wonderful pardoning Grace, I am no longer a product of my past, but a new creature in Christ.  For the Christians, I hope you believe and receive the fullness and pardon of His love and Grace for you, for He has given you His nature and He no longer sees us from our past, nor should we allow ourselves to believe we are a product of our past. Whom the Son sets free is truly free indeed (John 8:36).   

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Finding Hope with God

I have a wonderful testimony I like to share about what God has done in my life.  When I was down, He truly lifted me up.  In the past, when I lived each day with no joy or peace, I now am here to tell you I have never had such joy or peace now that I chose to live Gods way and knowing how much He loves me.  The hope, joy and peace He now gives me, I know He wants to do for you!